Lesson 107教学设计示例_第1页
Lesson 107教学设计示例_第2页
Lesson 107教学设计示例_第3页




1、lesson 107教学设计示例特征码标签:特征码lesson 107教学设计示例一、教学目标1知识目标(1)掌握词汇:get to, exercise, shopping, garden, over, do some reading(2)继续学习一般现在时。2能力目标能够用一般现在时描述自己某一天的生活、学习情况。3情感目标教育学生要早起早睡,上学不迟到,不早退。二、教学过程step 1 revision1 revise what time do you usually have breakfast / lunch / supper? what do you often / sometime

2、s do on sunday? and other questions from the previous lesson. add questions using the new words get ready for bed, wash, etc.2 revise ex. 1 in the wb lesson 106.step 2 presentation1 say stand up, please. lets do morning exercises. do a few jumping jacks (跳跃). have the students also do jumping jacks

3、and count in english for everyone they do, 1, 2, 3, etc. say ok, what are we doing? morning exercises! have students repeat, morning exercises. ask again, what are we doing? students answer, morning exercises! have the students sit down. write morning exercises on the bb and have the students write

4、this phrase in their notebooks.2 repeat lesson 106, step 5, but have the students work with a different partner. ask several different students from the last lesson to share with the class their partners schedule. make sure they are using she/he properly.step 3 look, ask and answersb page 53, part 1

5、. teach go swimming / shopping / boating/skating, do the cleaning/cooking/washing, etc. in pairs have the students ask and answer the questions about mrs morison.step 4 read1 sb page 53, part 2. before reading, have the students cover the text and just talk about the title. ask what do you think thi

6、s reading is about? write down the answers on the bb.2 students read through the passage silently. they may not use their dictionaries! see if the students understand the meaning of garden and over. if they did not, explain these words to them, but first let the students guess. teach get to school a

7、nd get home.3 speech cassette lesson 107. play the tape and let the students listen and repeat. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.4 choose three students to read the passage aloud. each student should read one paragraph.step 5 look and answersb page 53, part 3. assign this as homewor

8、k. students should write down their answers in their exercise books.do ex. 2 of wb lesson 107.step 6 write a short passage about your daysb page 53, part 4*. have the students write a short paragraph about their day, using “jims day” as a model. then have the students switch their papers with their

9、partner. have each student read and correct their partners paper. tell the students that it often takes a writer 3 or more times to rewrite something to make it perfect. good writers usually have other people read their writing to help them make it good. this will lower the students anxiety about ha

10、ving their partner read what they wrote. have the students hand in their work. choose some of the best to put on the wall of the classroom.step 7 workbooksb page 133, wb lesson 107. exx. 1 and 3 should be done orally in class. then write down the answers. if possible, get the students to think up more pairs of opposites


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