1、 学科分类号 0502 本科学生毕业论文(设计)题目(中文):英语双关语的语用功能及修辞效果 (英文): The Pragmatic Functions and Rhetorical Effects of English Puns 姓 名 学 号 院 (系) 湖南科技学院外国语言文学系 专业、年级 英语专业2007级 指导教师 2011年 5 月 15 日The Pragmatic Functions and Rhetorical Effects of English PunsbyWu Hongxia supervisedbyProfessor Liu LameisubmittedtoThe
2、Foreign Languages DepartmentIn partial fulfillment of the requirementfor the degree ofBachelor of Artsin the subject ofEnglish RhetoricHuman University of Science and EngineeringYongzhouMay,2011Contents摘要.iiiAbstract.iv Introduction.11 Introduction of Pun.2 1.1 The definition of pun.21.2 The three e
3、lements of puns.3 1.2.1 Double context4 1.2.2 Hinge.5 1.2.3 Trigger.61.3 The classification of puns.7 1.3.1 Homophony pun.7 1.3.2 Homograph pun.9 1.3.3 Grammar pun.10 1.3.4 Extended pun.122 The pragmatic functions of puns.142.1 The usage of puns in word games and riddles.142.2 The usage of puns in h
4、umor and jokes.15 2.3 The usage of puns in advertising.172.4 The usage of puns in literature.193 Words Characteristics of Puns223.1 The words of indicating body parts .223.2 The words of indicating everyday items.23 3.3The words of describing behavior characteristics, psychological states.234 Rhetor
5、ical Effects of Puns.254.1 Puns are vivid and persuasive.254.2 Puns can increase ironic effect.264.3 Puns are humorous and witty, which can intensify the language force.274.4 Puns are quick-witted, which can make atmosphere not so serious.28Conclusion.30Bibliography.31Acknowledgements摘 要双关语是用一个词表达两层
6、不同的含义,是人们喜闻乐见的语言修辞手段,它使语言风趣诙谐,是构成幽默的主要方式。它不仅能使语言简练、丰富、一箭双雕,而且可喻指很多道理。 双关语具有多重功能的修辞效果,它借助语言的特点和文化背景, 大大增强了语言感染力和生动性,也可以使文字富有讽刺的效果。本文从双关语的构成出发,拓展到构成双关语的词的特征,透析它的语用功能和修辞效果,对激发读者的阅读兴趣,陶冶读者的思想情操,培养读者的鉴赏能力和审美能力有一定的借鉴意义。关键词: 双关语; 修辞效果; 语用功能AbstractPun uses a word to convey two different meanings, is a ling
7、uistic rhetoric loved by people, it makes language full of wit and humor, is an ingenious technique in language using. It can not only make the language succinct, rich, and kill two birds with one stone, but also explain many truths. English pun bears multi-function rhetorical effects, which makes t
8、he language more vivid, humorous, ironic and implicit with the help of its characteristics and cultural background. This paper bases on the constitution on of puns, expands into words characteristics of puns, and then reflects its pragmatic function and rhetorical effect. This paper can stimulate th
9、e readers interest in the reading, and edify the readers moral sentiments, which have a certain significance to improve readers esthetic ability and appreciation levels. Key Words: Puns, Rhetorical effects, Pragmatic functionIntroductionPun, a common expression in rhetoric, consciously uses a word o
10、r the same sentence to convey two different meanings in the context, which expresses the fact of deepening meaning of double articles and enable the words have a specified implication. As a common figure of speech, pun has a long history in English language, and is widely used in literature. The key
11、 to the pun is its expressive humor, which often makes the articles sound vivid just by using several words.The meaning of pun often makes the language thought-provoking. The puns are often used to portray peoples inner feelings and display rich meaning of the context. This figure of speech just use
12、s language subtly to initiate readers to understand the double meaning of the sentence, to appreciate the context meaning and to experience the terrific sound of puns from one aspect to another, from outer to inner.The paper is divided into four parts. The first part gives definition and constitutio
13、n of puns, the second part states pragmatic functions of puns, the third part reveals words characteristics of puns, and the last part describes rhetorical effects of puns, which is designed to inspire readers reading interest, cultivate readers appreciating ability and aesthetic ability.1Introducti
14、on of Pun1.1 The definition of punIn English, pun is also called “paronomasia” or “play on words”. Pun is a figure of speech used very frequently in English. Over the past 20 years, people have discussed puns thoroughly but up to now there is still no consensus over the definition of the English pun
15、 in academic circles. In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English pun is “an amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or of words with the same sound but different meanings.”Pun is defined in Websters New World Dictionary as “the humorous use of a word or words which are formed or so
16、und alike but have different meanings, in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible applications; a play on words.”Pun, as British poet and dramatist John Dryden said, is “to torture one poor word ten thousand ways.” It is employed in a certain context to express two meanings, one is surf
17、ace meaning, the other is referential meaning. Meanwhile, Princeton encyclopedia of poetry &poetics defines pun: a figure of speech depending upon a similarity of sound & a disparity of meaning. This definition is just words by words to explicate the pun, indicating what kinds of puns belong to, and
18、 pointing that it just relies on the same sound and the different meanings of the vocabularies to come into the figure.However, the Oxford English dictionary has its own opinion about pun: the use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two
19、 or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect. Its definition expresses the fact that puns depend on the same or similar phony of the words even the same word and different meaning to meet a certain effect to make the puns come into b
20、eing.Through comparison of the above definitions, I find all of them agree that (1) pun is a wise or humorous use of words or phrases (2) the word or phrase which forms a pun suggests two or more of its meanings or the meaning of another word or phrase similar in sound or some extended or distorted
21、meanings by association with its pronunciation or graphic form. Therefore, understanding and using pun properly will benefit the English learners a lot.1.2 The three elements of punsAny language has a certain condition, and pun is not an exception. According to American famous professor Archibald A.
22、 Hills view, a pun is usually based on this three conditions: double context, the hinge( the word used as a pun), and a trigger(the elements which make the pun possible). 1.2.1 Double contextDouble context means that the double meanings of pun exist in double contexts. The existence of the dual cont
23、ext is the important condition of the establishment of pun which can not exist independently. The double context is able to provide the environmental opportunities of the use of pun. Thus the pun is really formed. This can be illustrated by the following examples:(1) Theres never been a better time.
24、 (Ad for Watch)This is a watch ad. “time” is the most frequent word in watch advertisement. Here, “time” means that “there will not be more accurate time than this time”. The deep meaning is that “there is no longer better time than this time”. The exchange between two contexts and two meanings inst
25、antly come up with the new interpretation. That is “if you can wear this type of watch, you may always have a better time.” This ad has played with a function of pun.(2) Why are lawyers all uneasy sleepers? Because they lie first on one side, and then on the other, and remain wide awake all the time
26、. In this example, “lie” not only means “not truth or false” but also means “recumbency”. The first meaning is why lawyers are all uneasy sleepers because the lawyers turn from one side to the other side without stopping, and the other meaning conveys the fact that when lawyers file the lawsuit for
27、someone, they have to tell a lie to each side and keep a clear attitude to avoid the lies being found out. The author presents a clever and euphemistic criticism through a pun, and makes a relentless attack for the lawyers bad behavior.1.2.2 Hinge Hinge is the most important element of pun, due to t
28、he basic constitution of pun. The so-called hinge is the word pun itself such as homophone or homonym which is able to play the role as pun. Its language feature is to make the different contexts together. Moreover, there is a process of translation to convert it between the two meanings. If this tr
29、anslation fails, the hinge will die out.This can be illustrated by the first example. The hinge word “time” itself has a double meaning. The first meaning is “accurate time”. Another meaning is “better time”. It makes two different contexts together.Another example as following:We must all hang toge
30、ther, or we shall all hang separately.This is a famous motto said by Franklin, a famous politician, during the Civil War. In this sentence, the double context is the current situation and the future threat; the verb “ hang” is the hinge, because the first “hang ” means “cling for support, hold fast”
31、, and “ hang together” means “be united”, the other “hang” means “to suspend a person, usually by the neck, as from a gallows, until he is dead”. The key to whether the country can be independent and the nation will exist or not is being united; otherwise the future threat may become reality. This i
32、s the background, which is the trigger of the pun.1.2.3 TriggerTrigger is the key factor in the using of pun. It is the motivation or social background of making pun, that is to say, trigger is formed before the speakers actual speech act. The trigger is usually regarded as an implicit context. Pun
33、is able to solve the semantic ambiguity that sometimes can not be explained because the value of trigger is ambiguity. It can increase the infinite charm in language. Therefore, advertisers make the most use of puns. Puns are accepted and appreciated by consumers. Among these three conditions, “Doub
34、le Context” is an objective precondition of pun. “Trigger” is the inducing element of the emergence of pun. And the “Hinge” makes context and semantic together. We can see that puns are the conscious speech acts in order to achieve the effects of expected expression.Now lets see an example: “My fait
35、h is gone!” cried he, after one stupefied moment.-Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown.In this pun ,one context is his wife Faith is seriously ill, and her life is on the verge of the death ,the other is her husband, Goodman Brown, blindly believes in God, counting on sincerely pray to rescue hi
36、s wife. The hinge is his wife Faith died, because the God doesnt manifest a spirit. So the Goodman shouted the depressed puns in despair after waking. So in this pun, Faith is the puns trigger, that is to say, his wife died and his faith to the God also has gone away.1.3 Classification of punsThe pu
37、ns are divided into four types and they are homophony pun, homograph pun, grammar pun, extended pun.1.3.1 Homophony punHomophony pun is made by the language materials, which are the same sound of the words or the nearly same pronunciation but different in meaning. In English, there are a lot of word
38、s with the same sound but different in meanings, which provide an opportunity for puns. For example:(1) “Mine is a long and sad tale!” said the mouse, turning the Alice and sighing. “Its a long tail, certainly”, said Alice, looking down with wonder at the mouses tail, but why do you call it sad? -Le
39、wis Carroll: Alices adventures in wonderlandIn this dialogue, “tale” and “tail” have the same sound, and what the mouse said is “tale” while Alice mistakes “tale” as “tail”, so the story is a tragedy that it is sorrowful. However, because of the word “tail”, the story is processed the shape of a tai
40、l, then it comes to the humorous effects.(2)“Make your every hello a real good-buy”.In this advertisement, “buy” provokes consumers association of “bye” and “good-buy” stirs up the association of “good-bye”. When people make a call, they usually begin with a “hello” and end with a “good-bye”. If eve
41、ry call is smooth from the “hello” to the “good-bye”, this telephone is a real “good-buy”. The maker of the advertisement intends to attract consumers attention and make sure that the purchase of their telephone is a good and worthwhile deal.(3) -Waiter, theres a hair in my soup. -So sorry, sir. Did
42、 you order it without?In this dialogue, the customer means a human hair or an animal hair in the soup, and he complains about the hygienic condition of the restaurant. “hair” sounds like “hare”, it means an animal cooked as ordered food. So the waiter is being humorous to ease away the complaint.1.3
43、.2 Homograph punHomograph pun refers to a type of puns, which is relevant to the words of similar spelling but different in meaning and the words of several meanings used in a certain context. For example: (1)To English will I steal and there Ill steal.-Shakespeare Henry VIn this example, the word “
44、steal” appears two times, but the meanings are different. The first “steal” means “to move secretly and quietly” while the second “steal” means “to take what belongs to someone else without any right to it”. However, because of the different meanings, it scripts a thief with ugly soul. That is why S
45、hakespeare regarded pun as the militants, because one word is used to show two occasions, which is very economical.(2) The judge noticed a disturbance in the back of the courtroom. “Whats going on there?” he noticed.“Ive lost my jacket and Im trying to find it” replied a young teenager. “Son” smiled
46、 the judge, “people often lose whole suit here without all that fuss.”In this example, “suit” has two meanings : one is clothing ,the other is law suit .In this humorous story ,the lawyer uses the two meanings of the word “suit “ subtly in order to trick with the surprised young man.(3)The professor
47、 tapped on his desk and shouted, “Gentleman, order!”The entire class yelled, “Beer! “This joke mainly relies on the double meanings of the word “order”. the professor said “order” to the students in the class aiming at wishing students to keep the discipline ,which the students distort the professor
48、s meaning and interpret “order ” as “ order food and drinks”, so they maturely answer to the professor with “ beer” .All of these create the actively atmosphere in the class. 1.3.3 Grammar punGrammar pun is that pun is produced by the grammar features. This is to use ellipsis, expansion, transferred
49、 meaning between singular form and plural form, transferred meaning between parts of speech, change of structures, change of idioms, and substitute to make puns, etc. For example: (1) A: Which lager can claim to be truly German ? B: This can.This is the advertisement of Lager brand beer. In the sent
50、ence “can” not only be modal verb, means “able”, but also as a noun, means “beverage can”. As the word pun “can”, to make advertisement produce strong humorous effect, leaving a deep impression on the readers. (2) Waiter: Did you have a good meal? How did you find the lamb?Customer: Quite by acciden
51、t, I moved the carrots and found it.In this dialogue, “find something” is the composite object structure, the waiters original intention is “mutton taste like”, but the customer deliberately understands “find something” as a single object structure, answer into: “its really happened, I removed the c
52、arrot and discovered it. Let people can not help laughing.(3) Soccer Kicks off with Violence.This is the title of the “Times” report of a football game. English idioms “kick off” means “play football”, but add the adverbial prepositional phrases “with violence”, this “kick” not only “kick the ball”,
53、 but also “kick the player”. Put these two meanings in one headline, it is refined.1.3.4 Extended punExtended pun means using some language phenomenon (such as word formation, pronunciation, etc.) to stir up imagination, spot to play, appropriate extension, appropriate tampering, thereby achieving s
54、ome humorous results. The extended pun is often used in riddles and brainteasers. For example:(1) A: Which is the longest word in English? B: Smiles, because there is a“mile”between the first letter“s”and the last letter“s”.In this dialogue, the author resolves the “smiles” into s-mile-s, so there i
55、s a mile between the first letter “s” and the last letter “s”. and make it more interesting.(2) A: what kind of dog doesnt bite or bark?B: Hot dog.In this dialogue, “hot dog” contains the word “dog” by chance. The author uses this language phenomenon skillfully, and make it more humorous.(3) What weather do mice most dislike?When its raining cats and dogs.rain cats and dogs is an idiom, which means it rains quite heavily. If we just think about this idioms literal meaning by words, it is logica
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