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1、英语六年级下册导学案年级六年级时间 单元M 4 U 1主备人 课 型新授课时1课 题The balloons are flying away.审核人学习目标Knowledge and skills:Talking about ongoing events Who can help me? Sorry, I cant. Im making Damings birthday card.Vocabulary: balloon, stairs, messProcess and method:Present continuous tense; model can for abilityMoral obj

2、ect: be friendly to others ,obey the rules.重点难点Present continuous tense; model can for ability Who can help me? Sorry, I cant. Im making Damings birthday card.card, careful, balloon, fly away教法情境教学法,谈话交流法,TPR学法小组合作法课前准备cards, pictures, Tape-recorder.学 习 过 程二次备课学 案导 案预习过程1.用“ ”划出课文中带ing的单词。2.结合上下文理解所

3、划出的生词的汉语意思。教师让两名学生做动作“打篮球、踢足球、打乒乓球、做早操”边做动作,边问What is she /he doing?小组实行抢答。第二遍听录音,边听边读出黑板上的生词,个别难词应该反复跟读,掌握准确的发音、个别学生读不准的或是较难的词教师要适当领读。如careful balloon falling一【Warming up】1. Sing an English song: We wish you a happy Christmas.2. Review words: supermarket, party, birthday, bag, oranges二【Show out aim

4、s】aims:Talking about ongoing events Who can help me? Sorry, I cant. Im making Damings birthday card.Important points:Present continuous tense; model can for ability 三【Presentation】1. Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look at the picture carefully. 2. Play the cassette and circl

5、e the new words.3. Play the cassette and ask some questions.4. Teach the new words in different ways.5. Play the cassette again and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat.6. Practice in groups and act out the dialogue四【Group work】合作探究(1)小组内解决刚才自己找到的不懂的地方。(2)讨论如何用句型Who can help me 向别人寻

6、求帮助,且给寻求帮助的人以回答。(3)讨论一下P15 Activity 3的图片,并在小组内相互交流。五【Practice】1.带着问题听课文,听完课文后学生回答问题。2.再听录音,学生跟读课文。3.小组内互助读课文,最后尝试分角色表演课文。六【Promote】1. Finish activity 3.2. Play a game: card-birthday card-a birthday- making a birthday card- Im making a birthday card.七【Expend】(1)Fly away与fall down的区别。(2)现在进行时句子的结构:主语+

7、be+动词的ing。8 【Homework】1. Read the text in role.2. Finish task 5.预习目标1.大声的朗读课文,了解课文的大体意思。2.找出课文中的现在分词,了解其所表达的意义。1. Tell the children that in our daily life, we may come across various difficulties.2. Today we are going to learn how to do. 阅读课文,小组讨论并回答下列问题:(1)Where is Simons mum? (2)What is she doing

8、? (3)Can Simon help his mum? (4)What is he doing? (5)Who can help Simons mum? (6)What are happening?Activity3 让学生登台表演。教师及时纠错。师生共同评价。板书设计 Unit 1 The balloons are flying away.Who can help me? Sorry, I cant. Im making Damings birthday card.card, careful, balloon, fly away课后反思 本节课的内容为六年级英语第八册第四模块第一单元,在备课的过程中,我对教材进行了一定的加工,根据学生的实际生活,扩展了教材的内容。除了教授课文中的重点单词、句型以外,还让学生自主创设情境,操练所学过的语言文化知识。但是我对课堂的整体设计不够严密,整个课堂并未出现我所期待的亮点,今后我要今后我会在在教材拓展方面多下功夫,多收集素材,多多训练学生敢说,爱说的表达能力。 前置性作业:Module fourUnit one The balloons are flying away.一 Listen and read.2 写出


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