PEP BOOK 7 课堂短剧Cindy’s trip_第1页
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PEP BOOK 7 课堂短剧Cindy’s trip_第4页




1、PEP BOOK 7 课堂短剧Cindys trip说明:本短剧根据PEP Book Seven Unit One Part B Lets Talk 的教学内容改编而成,主要操练句型:How can I go there? You can go by 角色:C-Cindy (rabbit) B-Bird F-Fish G-Girl道具:小兔、小鸟、鱼儿头饰和大海的图片(Cindy is a little rabbit. She lives in a beautiful forest. One day ,she wants to go to the sea. )C:(兴高采烈,一蹦一跳)On f

2、oot, on foot, go to the see. Oh ,wheres my way?(沮丧无助地哭着) What can I do ? wu wu( A bird comes.)D: Can I help you, little rabbit?C: Oh, I m going to the sea , but now I cant find my way. D: (安慰小兔)Dont worry, rabbit . I can go with you . .C: Thank you.How can I go there? You can fly , but I cant .D:(小鸟

3、望了望天空说) Let me see. You can go by plane.C: Great.(Cindy and bird get to the seaside . They have a good time . A fish comes.)F: Hello , rabbit .Nice to meet you.C: Nice to meet you , too.F: Do you want to play in the sea? Its interesting.C: Really? But I cant swim. How can I go there?F: You can go by

4、 ship.C: Ok, lets go.( Cindy meets lots of friends in the sea. She is very happy. Later she arrives a city. She meets .)A wolf and A Bird说明:本短剧根据PEP Book Seven Unit Two Part A Lets Talk 的教学内容改编而成,主要操练句型:How can I get to ? Go straight , and turn left/right at角色:W-Wolf B-Bird道具: 大灰狼和小鸟头饰(A wolf is hun

5、gry,它想如果有一只兔子吃,该多好啊。于是,它在森林里寻找兔子。 它看见一只小鸟在树上唱歌。)W:(假装很友善地) Dear bird, where is the rabbits house?B:(警觉地) What are you going to do ?W: (装出一副慈祥的面孔)Oh, tomorrow is her birthday, Im going to give her a present.B: Really? Whats for your present?W:(跺跺闪闪) Its a secret.(小鸟想狼肯定在说谎,大灰狼做不出好事情,看我怎么惩罚你)B: Its ki

6、nd of you. W:(假装虔诚) How can I get to her house?B: (一本正经地说)Go straight , and turn left/right at a big tree, you can see a wood house , its rabbits house.W: Thank you ,bird.(一转身,狼就露出一副得意忘形的样子)W: Hah, poor rabbit, Ill eat you .W:(自言自语) Go straight , and turn left/.at a big tree. Look, a wood house,the

7、rabbits house.(狼猛地撞开了门,却发现里面住着一位猎人。最后)A little fox说明:本短剧根据PEP Book Seven Unit Three Part A Lets Talk 的教学内容改编而成,主要操练句型: What are you going to do? Im going to角色: MF-Mother Fox; LF-Little fox; R-Rabbit; B-bird 道具: 狐狸、兔子和小鸟头饰(Scene 1)MF: My dear son. Tomorrow is Saturday.What are you going to do?LF: I a

8、m going to have some meat. MF: Good idea.(Secen 2)LF(哼着小调,傲慢地走着,他看见一只兔子,献媚地说): what are you going to do,my little rabbit?R: Im going to visit my grandparents.LF: Its a good idea.R: What are you going to do, fox?LF (凶相毕露):HaI am going to eat you.R(受惊地):Oh. No.(飞快地蹿到了别处)(Scene 3)(LF很沮丧,突然他看见一只鸟儿停在树上,他

9、又使出了坏主意。)LF: Miss bird , youre so beautiful. What are you going to do?B: Im going to look for the food. What about you?LF: Me too. Lets go together. Please stand on my head.(结尾可以自由发挥)Look for Mr Black说明:本短剧根据PEP Book Seven Unit Four Part B Lets Talk 的教学内容改编而成,主要操练句型:Does he ? Yes, he does. /No, he d

10、oesnt.角色:p-policeman M-Mrs Black L-Xiao Lin道具: 手机、警帽(一天,Mrs Black 向警方报案Mr Black失踪了,警察对此展开了调查,他在询问Mrs Black一些情况。)P: Im sorry to hear that. Mrs Black. Can I ask you some questions.M: (伤心地)Sure.P: Does Mr black go to work in the morning? M: Yes, he does. /No,he doesnt . He goes to work in P: Does he go

11、 to work by car?M: Yes, he does. /No,he doesnt . He goes to work byP: Does he go to work alone?M: Yes, he does. /No,he doesnt .He goes to work with his assistant(助手), Xiao Lin.P: Oh, I see. Dont worry ,Madam. I can help you.(警察马上与Xiao Lin取得了电话联系.)L:(电话铃响) Hello,this is Xiao Lin.P: Hi,Xiao Lin .This

12、is Police Satation. Can I ask you some questions?L: (紧张地问)Sure,Whats the matter?P: Does Mr Black goes to work today?L: Yes, he does.P: Does he go to work with you?L: Yes, he does.P: Where is he now?L : He is tired. He is sleeping in the office.P: Oh, I know. Thats all. Thank you ,bye.L: Bye-bye.Whos

13、e father is great?说明:本短剧根据PEP Book Seven Unit Five Part B Lets Talk 的教学内容改编而成,主要操练句型:What does do? Where does he work? How does he go to work?角色:T-Tom J-John M-Miss Yang (teacher)道具:两个书包, 一副眼镜,讲义夹(One morning, Tom and John 在上学路上.)T: Hi,John,What does your father do?J: My father is great. He is a bos

14、s. He has a big company. T: (嘲笑) Your father .great.hah hah My father is really great.J: (不服气的样子) What does your father do?T: He is a TV reporter . He works in J: My father goes to work by car. Does he go to work by car?T: Of course .J: My father has a lot of money, he is great.T: My father has a lo

15、t of fans , he is great.(They 在校门口吵架, Miss Yang comes .)M: Whats the matter?J: My father is a boss, he is great.T: My father is a TV reporter , he is great.M: Really? Tom and John ,I think they are both great. But who are your fathers ?J&T:(吱吱唔唔)He is .M: Who are they?J: Im sorry. Miss Yang .T: Me t

16、oo. Im sorry.M: What does your father do?T&J: He is a worker/driver.M: Where does he works?T&J: He works in a factory/FHTV.M: How does he go to work?T&J: He goes to work by bus/bike.M: Ok, kids. All jobs are useful. And you must be honest.Plant flowers说明:本短剧根据PEP Book Seven Unit Six的教学内容改编而成,适合课后复习教

17、学。角色:G-girl F-flower(seed,sprout) S-sun W-windC-cloud (rain)道具: 种子幼苗花、太阳 、风和云的头饰(Its spring. May is playing in the garden. She wants to plant some flowers in it.)G: (She puts a seed in the soil.) Seed, seed , come on!F: Im cold. I need sunshinesG: OK.(Run to the sun.)G: Grandpa Sun Can you give my s

18、eed some sunshines?S: No problem. (The sun shines.)F: How warm! I can grow! I can grow!( It becomes sprout.)G: Thank you. Grandpa Sun Sprout,sprout, can you grow now?F: Oh, Im thirsty now. I want some water.G: Water? Oh, sorry , there is no water now. What should I do?W:(Grandma wind hears that and she says to May) Little girl , Dont


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