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1、2015 学年度松江区初中毕业生学业模拟考试英语试卷(满分 150 分,完卷时间 100 分钟)2016.04part 1listening (第一部分 听力)i. listening comprehension (听力理解)(共 30 分) b. listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8 分)7. a) coffeeb) teac) juiced) water8. a) by car.b) by plane.c

2、) by bus.d) by ship.9. a) 10 yuan.b) 9 yuan.c) 90 yuan.d) 100 yuan.10. a) in the library.b) in the department store.c) in the classroom.d) in the restaurant.11. a) this wednesday.b) this saturday. c) next monday.d) next sunday.12. a) because tom is ill at home.b) because tom didnt call back.c) becau

3、se tom didnt go to school.d) because tom didnt do his homework.13. a) the hotel is really great.b) the hotel offers good service.c) the service in the hotel is really poor.d) customers cant get anything from the hotel.14. a) he got injured.b) he visited japan.c) he sold plane tickets.d) he wrote a b

4、ook about japan.c. listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“t”表示,不符合的用“f”表示) (7 分)15. jack booked into a hotel in new york on his business trip.16. he was not satisfied with the food served in the hotel at all.17. when he returned to t

5、he hotel on the second day, he found his room empty.18. jack asked for the hotel service of packing his suitcase because he was leaving.19. jack was very angry when he found everything packed in the suitcase was in a mess.20. jack asked to see the manage most probably to complain about the service i

6、n the hotel.d. listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10 分)21. on christmas eve the hardens got a special call which lasted only.22. the hardens were, so they started a special telephone service.23. runaway children can call “ alice and well” and leave24. with

7、 the answering machines, nobody can speak to the child or make himfor their parents.25. the hardensthe childrens words and connect the given address.part 2phonetics,vocabulary and grammar (第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)ii. choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)(共 20 分)26. which of the following underlined parts is diff

8、erent in pronunciation from others?a. he is an excellent cook in the hotel.b. please have a look at the blackboard.c. he is really good at spoken english.d. the food price is going up every year.27. it is our tradition to respectold and care for young children.a. ab. anc.thed. /28. you will find tha

9、t everything is beginning to come to lifespring. a.inb. onc.byd. at29. its amazing that my opinion on the problem is similarmy teachers.a. forb.withc. ofd. to30. a serious car accident happened to him andof his legs were badly hurt.a. allb. bothc. either d. neither31. toms mother walked asas possibl

10、e so that her son could keep up.a. safelyb. carefullyc. slowlyd. quickly32. mrs. li suggested we practice singing either after schoolat the weekend.a. butb. orc. andd. nor33. the earth was so seriously pollutedwe must take action to save the planet.a. asb. thatc. sod. before34. jack eats a lot and n

11、ever takes exercise. he isof us three.a. fatb. fatterc. fattestd. the fattest35. was able to escape from the build when the earthquake hit the area.a. nobodyb. everybodyc. somebody d. anybody36. jack is consideringhis flat into a big house at the moment.a. to changeb. changedc. changed. changing37.

12、his parents encouraged little jerryto play the violin at a young age.a. to learnb. learnc. learnedd. learning38. the sportsman suddenlydown while he was running the 1500 meter race.a. would fallb. fellc. was falling d. had fallen39. mrs. wang told me that our new neighborinto this house next friday.

13、a. movesb. will move c. had moved d. would move40. great progressin studying the new medicine for cancer recently.a. will be madeb. is madec. has been maded. was made41. some animalschange their skin colors to fit into the environment.a. canb. mustc. shalld. need42. ladies and gentleman, pleaseon th

14、e life vest before boarding the ship.a. putb. putsc. to put d. putting43do you think of the film “ kung fu panda” youve just seen?- it is funny.a. howb. whatc. whyd. who 44.would you mind passing me the salt?-.a.no, thanks.b. dont worry. i will help you.c. not at all. here you are.d. yes, please. 45

15、.my car was badly damaged in the accident.-.a.its a pleasure.b. how terrible!c. congratulations!d. thats a good idea!iii. complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. each one can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每次只能填一词) 8 分anger is a kind of feeling. many things can

16、make you angry. when your teacher gives you too much 46 , when your team loses an important game, when a friend borrows your favorite thing and then breaks it, you may get really angry.your body will 47 tell you when you are angry. for example, you breathe faster, yourfaceturns 48 , and you may want

17、 to break something or hit someone, but sometimes, you hide your anger. for example, you may hide it in your heart. the problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may 49 .actually, its not 50 to hide your anger, and its normal ( 正 常 的 )for you to get angry sometimes. as s

18、oon as you find your problems, you may try to relax. when you get angry, you can talk about it with 51 , such as your parents and teachers. after doing that,youll find those bad feelings start to 52 . here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: count from 1 to 100; give someo

19、ne a hug (拥抱); go for a bike ride; think about good things, etc.remember that when you are angry, how you 53 can make everything better or worse.dont let your anger control you.iv. complete the sentence with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子) 8 分54. you will find variousavai

20、lable in the school library.(book)55. during the outing, all the students enjoyedin the happy valley.(them) 56.today is tomsbirthday. he is now a grade two student. (nine)57.electricity is invisible and dangerous. you must bewith it.(care) 58.your ideas soundsbetter than jerrys. i like it very much

21、.(good) 59.our goal is topeoples lives through communications .(rich) 60.the sun is gold and shiny. it seemsto rain today .(possible) 61.my brother has made ato go abroad for further studies. (decide)vii. rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子,每空格限填一词)共 14 分62. they talked about

22、their plan for an hour on the phone. (改为一般疑问句) talk about their plan for an hour on the phone ?63. it took uncle bob about two hours to finish the half marathon in songjiang. (对划线部分提问) did it take uncle bob to finish the half marathon in songjiang ?64. betty likes the dress with red spots more than

23、the one with stripes. (保持句意基本相同) bettythe dress with red spotsthe one with stripes.65. the words on the screen are small. nobody can see them clearly. (合并为一句) the words on the screen arefor anybody to see clearly.66. john really didnt know how he could connect his runaway son. (改为简单句) john really di

24、dnt knowconnect his runaway son.67. jenny takes her dog to the pet store to have a bath every saturday. (改为被动语态) jennys dogto the pet store to have a bath every saturday.68. take, a number of, after school, extra classes, students (连词成句)part 3 reading and writing (第三部分读写)vi. reading comprehension (阅

25、读理解):a. choose the answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)besides the spelling of the word, there are, clearly, many differences between americans and british humor.there is a common belief in the u.k. that americans dont understand irony(讽刺). this is of course not true. but what is true is that americans dont use

26、it all the time. irony may show up in americans comedies(喜剧),but people there dont use it as much as the british do in daily life.however, irony is common in british culture. it actually runs in the blood of the british people,. they use it as much as prepositions(介词) in everyday conversation, as a

27、way of playing with their friends and laughing at their enemies, as well as themselves. this may sometimes make people unhappy if the listeners are not used to it.things are quite different in america. after americans use irony, they will clearly say that they are “only kidding”. they feel the need

28、to make a joke clearer so that it will not make other people uncomfortable.humor is tied so much to culture. american jokes are more clear and forward, a bit like americans themselves. british jokes, on the other hand, are more subtle and usually with a hidden meaning.this may result from the fact t

29、hat british culture is more reserved(矜持的)than american culture. however, we still find that certain american comedies have made huge success in british and vice versa(反之亦然). therefore, although there are differences between both comic styles, there is stillan appreciation(欣赏)and understanding of the

30、 others sense of humor.69. american people usebritish people in daily life.a) as much irony asb) less irony thanc) an little irony asd) more irony than70. when talking in everyday life, british people use irony toa)make friends with othersb) fight with their enemies c)laugh at themselvesd) make othe

31、r people unhappy71. americans willafter using irony in a jole.a) make another jokeb) say they are just kiddingc) make their kids laughd) show they are uncomfortable72. the underline word “subtle” in the passage probably meansa) 明 白的b) 保 守的c) 直 接的d) 难以捉摸的73. according to the passage, which of the fol

32、lowing statements is true?a) there is usually a dark hidden meaning in american jokes.b) british comedies have not made any success in america yet.c) american and british people understand each others sense of humor.d)americans dont use irony in their daily life because they dont understand it.74. t

33、he best title for the passage is “vs(与比较)”a) american humor,british humorb) american people,british peoplec) american culture,british cultured) american word spelling,british word spellingb. choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文 ) 12 分for a period of month some ti

34、me ago i became a vegetarian(素食者). some people wont eat meat because they think it is cruel to animals, or they care about their healthy. my reason is a little 75 : it is love.i simply wanted to remember my grandmothr by not eating meat. my grandmother spent a large part of her life as a vegetarian,

35、 and some of my happiest childhood memories in thailand were about sharing a 76 with her.in fact,as a child, i learned how to value(珍惜)food not from dishes my mother often cooked, 77 from the simple dinner my grandmother prepared. often, dinner with grandma would come with interesting stories she ha

36、d known from her childhood.grandma passed away more than ten years ago.now i am an adult living in san francisco,and grandmas vegetarian suppers and stories have become a distant past. but one morning, i suddenly thought that i could 78 hear the sound of my grandmathers voice because she had left me

37、 forever. so i decided to become a vegetarian for a month.in a city famous for its dining experience ,this was 79 . i refused several dinner parties for fear of offending ( 冒 犯 ) the hosts.i stopped walking by restaurants where the smell of good cooking would be in the air.my best friend wondered if

38、 there was something wrong with me.now, i 80 her way. i invited friends who wanted to taste vegetarian food. and as we ate,i told them stories i had know as a child.75.a.differentb.clearc.simple d.natural 76.a.houseb.bookc.filmd.meal 77.a.and b.orc.butd.nor78.a.all overb.once again c.in time d.no lo

39、nger 79.a.difficult b.easyc.stranged.amazing 80.a.askedb.followedc.believedd.leftc. read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给);14 分with so many things going on in your life and the pressure (压力) of work and society, you may start thinking it is not

40、 wise at all to start a hobby. but the reason that stops you from getting into a hobby is the s reason why you should surely take up a hobby.hobbies can r pressure. there is nothing wrong with focusing on your job. after all, it is your way of making money. h , when you focus on work too much, you m

41、ay forget about other aspects(方面) of your life. that is when things start to go wrong. what you have to think about is this: even the richest people are not pleased with money or material things a . we all need a space where we can become ourselves, without any pressure.hobbies can help recover( 恢 复

42、 ) not only your p energy but also your emotional energy. and that will be shown in all aspects of your life. although you can relax by sleeping or doing nothing, a hobby has a different relaxing effect. doing nothing can relax your tied body, but it is no solution to a tired m . that is the big dif

43、ference between the two.a hobby is a great way to spend time on your enjoyment. but if you are thinking that a hobby is all about being quiet, then you are wrong. in fact, hobbies can also be h to your social skills. hobbies can even help to expand (扩展) your network, and that can become an advantage

44、 to your job.d. answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) 12 分encouragement is necessary for humans to develop and work hard. it is like a force that helps people keep going. here is a story of a simple note of praise. this note helped many people understand the importance of giving praise to other people

45、.robert brooks is a psycholigist(心理学家)now. he remembers the time when he was just a young man. he was in training to be a psychologist. he had to give a speech in front of a large group of people. and, he was very nervous. he did not like speaking in front of people. and, his speech was very importa

46、nt.robert gave his speech. he did a good job. but, he did not have the chance to hear what other people thought. later that same day robert looked into his mail box and found a small note there. the note simply said, “you did a great job today, robert.” robert was very surprised and happy to see the

47、 note. it made him feel very good. and, robert believes that that small note helped him through therest of his training. he felt like he was able to do a good job.now, as a psychologist, he teaches the importance of giving praise to other people. he tells them the story of the simple note that he re

48、ceived. and he tells them that the words on the note had power. those words helped him to continue doing a good job. one day, a businessman, who listened to robert, decided to take roberts ideas to heart. he decided to take roberts ideas to heart.the more that this businessman encouraged his workers

49、, the happier they were. the atmosphere in his business changed. people enjoyed working. they began to encourage each other too. the businessman said, “people seemed happier. but,most important of all, a greater spirit of team work developed.” the businessman added.88. robert brooks liked speaking i

50、n front of people when he was young, didnt he?89. how did robert feel when he had to give a speech in front of people?90. where did robert find the note of praise after the speech?91. what did robert think the note gave him?92. when did the businessman begin to encourage and praise his workers?93. what changes took place in the company after the workers were encouraged? (give at least three chang


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