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1、上海市浦东新区上南南校七年级下第一次月考Part 2 Vocabulary and GrammarI. According to the sound and write the words.(看音标,写单词):5%25. Could you give me a/ ri:z n/ for your mistake?26. People from all over the world come to Shan ghai for/saitsi:?/.27. The/ b?2/ ran away before the police arrived.28. The/dju:rei?n/ of the e

2、xam is two hours.29. They have just bought a washi ng/m i:?/15%II. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案,用 A,B.C成D表示):30. Police story isactio n film.A. a B.the C.a n D./31. What do you decide?A.do B.to do C. doing D.done32. How are youyour tourist guide?A.get on B get on with C.gett ing on with D gett i

3、ng on33. Hong Kong is knowna ” shopping paradise ”A.of B.as C.for D.to34. Its convenientbetwee n Pud ong and Puxi by un dergro und.A.travel B.to travel C travelli ng. D travelled35. - I enjo yed the party last ni ght.-SoMaryA.do B did C.does D.have36. Yao Ming is very famous all over the world.The u

4、nderline part meansA.huge B.visit C.well-k nownD.fi nd37. will Swan Lake last for?A.How far B.How ofte n C.How soo n D.How long38. excit ing film it is!A. How B. What an C. What D. What a39. If you go there,youmany beautiful flowers.A.see B.to see C.saw D.will see.40. We have known each other.A. sin

5、ce six yearsB.for six years agoC.since six years agoD.For 200341. Betty doesn t work asas Alice.A.careful B.more careful C. carefully D.more carefully42. Walk along Green Street.You will find the bankyour left.A.for B.inC. onD.of43. Hangzhou is one of thein China.A.more beautiful,citiesB.most beauti

6、ful,cityC.most beautiful, citiesD.more beautiful,city44. -Hello,may I speak to John?A.Sorry,l don t know.B m John.C.Who are you?D.This is Joh n speak ing.III. Complete the followi ng passage with the words or the phrases in the box Each wor d orphrase can only be used once完成下列短文,用 A,B,C,D,E,或F等表示,每空

7、格限填一词,每个词限填一次)5%A.at Later C.youn gestD.i nterested E.became F.isCeli ne Dio n, the famous French Carudia n pop sin ger. was born in a small tow n in Can ada. She is the _45_of fourtee n childre n in a musical family. Celi nes mother wrote he r first song for her and she recorded录制)the song with her

8、 elder brother_46_ the age of twelve. Rene An gelil, a local rock man ager, was very _47_ in them. He asked Mrs Dio n and her two childre n to come to his office._48_ on he gave stro ng support to Celi ne. In 1994,they were married. As a s inging star,Celi ne Dion received many prizes and soon_49_ p

9、opular all over the world .She sang at the ope ning of the 1996 Olympic Games in Atla in ta, USA. In 1997, she hit the whole world with the song My Heart Will Go On.45. 46. 47.48.49. IV. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms(用所给词的适当形式填空, 一空一词):5%50. It is notthat he got the first p

10、rize. (surprise)51. Keys, arefor ope ning the doors. (use)52. She hasntwhere to go yet. (decisi on)53. 0ur teachers always give us a lot of(suggest).54. Be ns house was full ofon his birthday. (laugh).V. Rewrite the following sentences.(按要求改写句子,每空一词):10% 55.Sha nghai Grand Theatre is in the cen tre

11、of Sha nghal 对划线部分提问) Shan ghai Grand Theatre?56. Maggie hasn t been to the US做出相应回答)!57. Sim on has to tidy up his bedroom.(改为否定句)Sim onto tidy up his bedroom.58. There was a fountain in this park(. 改为反意疑问句)There was a fountain in this park, ?59. school,our,charge,be,in,used,of,to,his uncl(e 连词成句)P

12、art 3 Reading and WritingI. Reading comprehension 阅( 读理解 )A. Choose the best answer根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案):(6%)Mr.Shute lived in the centre of Beijing.He worked in a bank and he worked very hard.He always spent his holidays in Beijing.He went to different places of interest inBeijing for many times,so last

13、year he thought,I ve never been to other countries.Allmy friends go to England,and they like it very much,so this year I mgoing there,too. irst Fhe went to London and stayed in a hotel for a week.On the first morning he was out for a walk in a park near his hotel.Then he wanted to buy some fruit in

14、the market.In China people drive on the right,but in London they drive on the left.Mr.Shute forget about this,and while he was crossing a busy street,a car almost knocked him down.Mr.Shute lay on the ground for a few seconds and then he stood up and said,Wheam I? Justht en a girl selling maps went p

15、ast him.When she heard Mr.Shute s words,she sadi to him at once, Map of the city,sir? 60. Whats Mr.Shute s nationality?A.ChineseB.BritishC.AmericanD.China61. When did Mr.Shute go to a foreign country?A.Last week B.This week C.Last year D.This year62. How long did Mr.Shute stay in a hotel?A.Less than

16、 a week B.More than a week C.Six days D.A week.63. What did Mr.Shute want to buy in the market?A.FruitB.Vegetables C.DrinkD.Flowers64. almost knocked Mr.Shute down.A.A girl B.A carC.A busD.A bicycle65. Which of the following statements is not true?A. Mr.Shute lived in China.B. He often went to other

17、 countries.C. People drive on the left in London.D. Mr.Shute drove on the right in China.B Choose the words or expressi ons and complete the passage选择最恰当的答案) Shanghai is a beautiful and modem city in the (66) of China. Many peoplefrom allover the world visit it and its famous(67) its food. In Shangh

18、ai we can tasteall(68)of Chinese dishes. Different dishes are cooked in different ways by cooks from different parts of China.There are many interesting places to visit.We often see many tourist guides show foreign tourists(69)the city.They enjoythemselves.How(70)we are living in Shanghai!We are oft

19、en proud to tellothers. ”We are Shanghainese.The products are made(71)Shanghai ”(66) A south B east(67) A ofB from(68) A foods B kind(69) A.of B outC west D northC for D by C kinds D foodC inD around(70) A.happy B happiness C happier D happily(71) .A.of B.from C in D onC. Read the passage and ml in

20、the blanks with proper words. (在短文空格上填入恰 当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给出 ):6%Prana was a beautiful dog whose name means “ breathof life ” .Althoughhe died several years age.I can still remember the days we spent to together and what he has t_72_me about love.I have two apple trees in the garden.Prana love

21、d apple.When he went outside,he catch anApple and take it into the house to eat later.The apple had been on the ground and were often d_73_so I wasn talways happy that Prana had brought them into the house.It was an autumn day in America,but it was very cold.A big snow fell and had not doneAnything

22、for its coming.On that special day. Prana went outside and I watched him through the w_74_no ticed that he was madly diggi ng(挖)holes and bringing the apples to the ground so they could be seen above the snow.I did not know w_75_he was doing this,He seemed to do something special.When I called him b

23、ack, he had his usual one apple in his mouth.About five minutes.I_76_.I looked outside.The garden was completely covered with birds.Prana had dug up all those apples for his bird friends to eat.He knew that they wouldnt have stored e_77_fooodr fthe coming winter!72 t 73 d74 w 75 w 76 I77 eD. Read th

24、e passageand answer the following questions.(、可读短文并回答问题): 7%Nowadays, more and more people like cycling. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe thats why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today, Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there i

25、s no oil cost!Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may find something new all around you Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can ride to work and benefit( 受益)from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You do

26、nt even have to ride all the way.Folding (折叠 )bikes work well for the people who take the train. Just fold the bike and lake it with you. You can do the same on an airplane A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for info

27、rmation by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.Bicycling helps to control your weight. A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burn off燃烧)five kilos of fat in a yearBicycli ng can improve your mood 心情).Exercise like bicycli ng has bee n s

28、how n to make people feel better and more relaxed.Bicycling is healthier than driving78. Why do more and more people like cycling?Because it is79. How many bicycles and car on roads worldwide today?There are bicycles and only cars on roads world wide today.80. What kind of people do the folding bike

29、 work well for?81. All airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers, arent they?82. Why is bicycling healthier than driving?83. What do you think of cycling? Why? (2 分)II. .Writing; Write at least 60 words about the topicMy favourite city( 根据题目 “My favourite city 写一篇不少于 60 个单词的短文,要求意思贴切,内容连贯, 无重大语法错误

30、): 10%Use the following pointe as reference ( 以下问题仅供参考 ).What is your favourite city ? Where is it?What is in this city?Why do you like it?The Keys:Part 2I.reason sighting robbers duration machineII. CBCBB BCDBD CCCCDIII. CADBEIV. surprising used decided suggestions laughterV. Where is Neither haved

31、oesn t have wasn t thereHis uncle used to be in charge of our school.Part 3A: A C C A B BB: B C C D D CC: taught dirty window why later enough D:1.Because it is fun ,healthy and good for the environment.2. There are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads world wide today.3. The fold

32、ing bikes work well for the people who take the train4. No,they aren t.5. Because can improve our mood.6. Any reasonable answer is ok.R 9:25 B. Cloudy. B. Jack.初丁饮英诉月考试住20诃D In an ice crcmn shop.B. Finding a summer job D. Working and studyingB. Teacher nod student. D. Tixi driver and passenger.Iiiit

33、 i l.hlriilnU (25%)和4 UM(Mli MMlM9的wd wh十W W和ZK. Listen to the dialogue and cboose the best nv*cr te (he quuUon )oU hear(船你 对话和何题.选出足恰当的答*n 8%)7.A.9: 15 )& A: Warm. )9. A. Harry )10. A. AlahospitAl.C. At a restaurant.)II. A. Taking summer classes.C. Waiting until later to decide.)12 A. Mother and so

34、n.C. Customer and waitress fTASIie rrnd lots of books in preparation.B. She listened attenlively at every lecture, ver missed any evening classes 00k notes whilfr doing the reading. probably love the niny days icy are not interested in each other.C. Neither of them will be free next week.D. They wil

35、l probably go on a picnic soon.D. 9: 30D. Sunny D Tom.nnarkct.)1HI. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sUtemcnU are true or 山血(料斯下 noriMi“d bei Atue if H huMtiv mg Im* irr ivk u.tni M ImmiK 21 4 1kL 0nI Jlhm get o (ianlen im) lOilviivn fix ! prfHr thetlccfMfla4r ( 2 Vocubular) fH(

36、frmmI. Accorrfiiic Co the womikI nd wttordt. (Oil * 纵调,%2S C txild txi gn e me ator your mi Make?People from 12 The /r21. ThedCt he ertm $ ivo lxun2 luve jiim bought .1 uashinj!f orl(f come to Sluinghai Ah M way before the police arrived ( the cxin $ |vyo kwci:rvIItioowhc be斤恰气的拎7K M A. B. C30 Polic

37、e story is _ action film.A. aB. theC. an31. U har douu decide .?A. doB. todoC. doing32. Hou are you your tourist guide?A. gef onB. get on withC. getting oft withJ3 Kong Kong is known _ a shopping paradise:A. of B asC. for34.1convenientD. doneD. gening onA. tnvclB. totravel35. I enjoyed the party las

38、t nightSo Mary-A. doB. didD. to between Pudong and Puxi by underground.C. travellingD. travelledC. doesD. have36. Yao Ming is very famous all over the world The underline part meansD. findA.Hiuge B. visit37.will uSwin Lake9 last for?A. How farB. How often33.exciting film it is! A. HowB. What anC wel

39、l-knowaC. How soonD. How longC. WliatD. What aD. will see39. If you go there, youmny beautiful flowers.A. seeB, w secC. saw -I ?s AXH75X 23 一二-=: f?3 -f ygwc xcc xa si3 we Fen 5-5- 2二二ur-c;2:uctxJoc1 York ! :&fEH fnomfew C fwy c y -rx*A2- n You is Grid -he hank I w mdn 03 .二二mzhtu * onQ =f*d in Chin

40、卩 more bolir_2.=2Fmo. beau-. cty f m=zbn=fE 2=2 D more beaairuLs.ty z2.c may spcnk io J257三ifwwc 13 fzu4SA p c D T: F *E became F isce=nc Dan二he famous French Canadian pop sin黃 was f 5 a SE二 si nlr wff45of fourteen children 一: musica- Dmi 一 y ciine she recorded(渝書官 g with he;一dcr 32 HJrock mrumcr wa

41、s veryP7ioanp 卜 48 i onEvesuong supponmothc?Kq R2 song E 了 Ed -hee of tuive Rene AAgftF卩 一 oce.in them. Ho t 2a D? 1 ? M。ch耳en H 8g & 吾 to Cdi冃 m -994 J S3 mania A; smging sur &9 popcr 主 OS- _he wo 二d sJTsang B ? C1SA一 997 she hK the whok Yoddl_h #-sng490cds-e Dion received many prizes And opening o

42、f -he -996 Olympic Osa AtunFMy Heart W三 Go on 45 , 46:47lv F-_- m 吕c bgnks 圭h the words i:heir properforms書畫盂WKN IM!? 5$50Sris flo【S-昙 he 3 the pfize (surprise)5 L Keys s ml fbr opening the doors (use) 52 Shehasn【 FasgoycL(decision) ,53 Our【eAchersSLways gWc us a 一0【of L (suggest) 54 Bcn.s house was

43、 亘 of 03 艮 birthayFugh)hi ly up hh 9einM I hrfr wit i i lln pi C gft穴HjL.阿備八 w ,* i Mn fhi 卜/、r Q p川nclerrf .1 KtiidinK n Writing (35%)I Rradlng comprrhrnthMi:A( h thK wr Cm 吆 there, loo. Piol he went to Ixmdon nd uayed In a hotel f -r. ucck On ilx fmt moming he was out for a walk in a firk ncr hit

44、h(Hel Then he wanted s buy w/rnc fruit m the market. In China people drive on the ngtit. but in London they drive on the ien Mr Shute forgot atxut ihi$9 4nd while he was eroting a busy street. car almoit knocks him down.Mr Sliufc by on rhe ground for “ few eco/xh and tlicn he stood lip unci Mid, *Wh

45、tfe am VT Just then a yirl wiling rrups went |MSt him. When she heard Mt ShuteS wordf, the Mid to him at rnce. Mnp of the city, sir?t60. Whafs Mr Shuteei rutionality?A. ChinrH BritiUi , C. American D. China61 When did Mr. Shulc go Io a HireIgn country?A. I,m! vcck. Hiic week, C year. D This year62 H

46、ow lyff did Mr. Shute 5tay in a hotel?.丄丿心$ than a veck.B. More than a. week.C. Six 山八D A seek61. What did Mr. Shulc wnnt to buy in (he market?人.Fruit.B Vcgcubla,C Drink,D Flower*64. almost knocked Mt Shulc down.A A girlB A carC. A buiD. A bicycle65. Which of the following sfaiemcnts if not true?/V Mr. Sliutc lived in China.ft. He often went (o other countries.C. People drive on (he left In lx)n(Jon4A一 Fh bteo建*) IKc Mkn oflW in aBicyclUg can “吟严 moodt /)Ekw*氐心1叫hcn 心“ poopk Z bir?There mgg am 刑 cm Zt *Uetoday.KO. Wtw kml


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