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1、Unit 10,Lesson,39,Your Money,How much pocket money do you get,from your parents each month,Lesson 3,Your Money,What things do you like to,spend money on ,1,2,3,4,5,There are some,people who live in,poor conditions,Do you know,In some areas, the natural environment,is badly destroyed,Do you know,Why

2、do people plant trees,the Yellow River,The yellow River,The water is not clear, why,Do you know,soil erosion,The soil is too poor to grow crops,Do you know,What can prevent soil,erosion,plant trees,Do you know,What can you do with 5 Yuan,How about buying a tree instead,Your 5 Yuan can have so much,e

3、ffect,Read the text,Yes,When less is more,Read the newspaper article quickly and,find the words that mean the following,Fast-reading,1,about,2,plants such as wheat, rice or fruit,grown by farmers,3,being worn away by water, wind,or sand,4,unable to understand something,5,opinion,6,have something ins

4、ide,7,the top part of the earth in which,plants grow,8,take something away from a place,approximately,crops,erosion,puzzled,view,contain,soil,remove,Read the article carefully,and find out the main idea for,each paragraph,Careful-reading,c. Everybody plays an important role in,stopping Yellow River

5、erosion,a,A success of a tree-planting,programme in Inner Mongolia,b. You can use 5 yuan to buy a tree and,create a green future,e. The removal of sand is the main cause of,Yellow River erosion,d. It is a huge job to control Yellow River,erosion,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,Read to learn,4,Rea

6、d the newspaper article,again and answer the,questions,Careful-reading,1. Which river is being talked,about in the text,The Yellow River,What s the problem with Yellow River,1. Every year, about,_ billion tons of sand,flows into the Yellow,River,2. Over time, _,_,_ , which,has caused serious,_,1.6,e

7、rosion,of soil has been,removed,a lot,2. In which area has soil erosion almost,destroyed farming land,Shanxi Province,3. What can people do to,help stop soil erosion,plant trees,green future,3.Planting trees,4. Why does the writer say 5,Yuan is important,With 5 yuan, you can buy,a tree to stop erosi

8、on,5. Which example is given to show that 5,Yuan can help to develop a local economy,The Jiuchengong Valley in Inner Mongolia,Voice your opinion,Talk about the local,environment you live in,What can you and your,friends do to improve it,Post-reading,Complete the sentences with the correct,form of th

9、e words in the box,remove, approximately,erosion, balance, puzzle,importance, contain, economy,Approximately,erosion,importance,contains,1,_ 10,000 people took part in the,tree-planting exercise,2,Many farming areas in Shaanxi Province are,affected by soil _,3,Farmers know the _ of stopping erosion,

10、4,This cup _ water but that one is empty,5,I feel _ why Ken wears black all the time,6,Farming plays an important role in the countrys,_,7,Its important to keep a _ between,making and spending money,8,Please _ your dirty shoes from the,bathroom,economy,puzzles,balance,remove,Grammar : Infinitives,动词

11、不定式,Structure,结构,to + verb,Parts of speech,句子成份,1,subject,主语,2,predicative,表语,3,object,宾语,4,object of the phrase verb,介词短语的宾语,5,object complement,宾语补足语,6,attributive,定语,7,adverbial,状语,1. It is useful to know how to drive,To know how to drive is useful,to know how to drive,2. The best way to learn a

12、foreign,language,is to make friends with a,foreigner,3. I need to attend the meeting,to make friends with a,foreigner,to attend the meeting,to learn a foreign,主语,定语,表语,宾语,Grammar,4. I didnt expect Mary to invite me,to her birthday party,5. She listens to news every day,so as to find out whats going,

13、on,to invite me,find out whats going on,6. I was disappointed to hear the,news,to hear the news,宾语补足语,目的状语,原因状语,to,We use the infinitive with question,words (verb + question word +to do,after certain verbs,8. Have you decided what to,wear to the interview,7. Could you tell me how to get,how to get,t

14、o the airport,what to,10. I know who to turn to for help,when Im in trouble,11. Nobody told me where to buy,who to turn to for help,where to buy,the ticket,9. I felt embarrassed when she,started shouting. I didnt know,whether to stay or not, so I just,stood there,whether to stay,or not,The negative

15、form of the infinitive,is,not to do,1. She seemed not to notice me,2. We turned down the music,in order not to disturb the,neighbors,not to notice,in order not to disturb,not,放在不定式前面,Practice,1,据说他们工作得很努力,2,她结婚的那天刚好下雨,3,你真好,帮助我,4,你想在一天内完成这工作是不可能的,5,何时动身尚未决定,It is said /Someone says they are,working

16、hard,They are said to,be working hard,It happened to,be raining on the day she,got married,It is very kind of you,to help me,It is impossible for you,to finish the work,in one day,When to start,has not been decided,动词不定式不带,to,的特殊情况,1,在介词,but, except, besides ,than,前若有,实义动词,do,时,1)What do you like to

17、 do besides,swim,2)He could,did nothing except/but,wait,3)He did nothing else than,laugh,4)I could hardly do less than,lie,in bed,5)I did no more than,finish,the work,动词不定式不带,to,的特殊情况,2,表示“只好”的,but,之后,can,t,could not but, can,t / could not,help but , can,t choose but,1)It,s raining hard. I can,t hel

18、p but,stay,at home,2)We could not but,sweep,at our,bad luck,3)I can,t choose but,finish,the work,动词不定式不带,to,的特殊情况,3,不定式的主动语态代替被动语态,1,当不定式与最近的名,代词有动宾关系,且与,句中另一名词有主谓关系时,a)He has nothing,to eat,( He eats,nothing.,b)I,ll give you a book,to read,( You read a,book.,c,Please lend me a pen,to write with,I w

19、rite with a pen.,动词不定式不带,to,的特殊情况,3,不定式的主动语态代替被动语态,2,当不定式在“主语,表语”结构中作状语,且句中主,语是这个不定式的逻辑宾语时,a) This text is easy,to recite,( recite the,text,b) The washing,machines is expensive,to,buy,buy the washing,machine,1,amuse,v.) = cause to laugh,cause to spend time,pleasantly,使发笑;使快乐;打发,消磨(时光,amusing,adj.,am

20、used,adj.,amusement,n.) (c.n.,消遣,娱乐活动,u.c.n.,欢乐,快乐,发笑,我以集邮为乐,I find,amusement,in collecting stamps,这个城市的娱乐活动不多,There are not many,amusement,s,in this,city,2,do with,deal with,处理,对付,人们打算怎样处理污染,How,do people plan to,deal with,pollution,What,do people plan to,do with,pollution,deal,是不及物动词,后面加介词,with,才能

21、接宾语,do,是及物动词,后面可以直接接宾语,所以在特殊疑问句中,do with,与,what,连用,deal,with,与,how,连用,do with,利用,忍受,需要,3,appeal to sb,make sb pleased,attract sb,v.,使喜欢,吸引,投合(心意、兴趣,你喜欢这个主意吗,Does this idea,appeal to,you,卡通对年幼的儿童尤其有吸引力,The cartoon especially,appeals to,young,children,appeal,n.,strong request for something,attraction,

22、呼吁;吸引力,The cartoon is a special,appeal,to young,children,人们正在呼吁为在地震中失去家园的人提供帮助,An,appeal,is being made for help for those,who lost their homes in the earthquake,appeal for / to sb to do sth,呼吁某人做某事,appealing,adj.,attractive, charming,causing sb to feel pity,4,to be exact,exactly speaking,确切,地说,to te

23、ll the truth,说实话,to be honest,老实说,generally speaking = to be general,通常来说,一般来说,frankly speaking = to be frank,坦白说,5,contain,v.,1,含有,装有,载有,海水含有盐分,Sea water,contains,salt,盘子里装有各种各样的水果,The plate,contains,a variety of fruits,2,容纳,折合,这瓶子的容量是,2,加仑,This bottle,contains,two gallons,一英尺等于,12,英寸,A foot,contai

24、ns,12 inches,contain,与,include,的,区别,contain,多指一个“容器”中包含别的事物,它的主语和宾语通常不是同一种事物,宾语处在主,语的包容之中,如,His composition,contains no mistakes,include,包括”,指事物的集体中含有不同的种类,它的主语和宾语通常是一样的事物,只是宾语是属,于主语范围内的,如,13 people died in the,accident, including a famous singer,6,balance,n.,平衡,keep a balance,between,A and B,keep /

25、 lose ones balance,保持,失,去平衡,in balance,处于平衡之中,out of balance,失去平衡,7,remove,v.,移开,挪走,请把桌上的花瓶拿开,Please,remove,the vase from the,table,remove,是从原处移走,移到别处,move,只是移动,不一定从原处,8,agree with,同意,与,相一致,相符合,9,point of view,观点,opinion,意见,主张,idea,主意、想法,view,看法、见解,10,if so,如果这样,so,代替前面的内容,I,hope,guess,think,believe,so,11,sb


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