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1、induce (n-doos, -dyoos)tr.v. induced, inducing, induces1. To lead or move, as to a course of action, by influence or persuasion. See Synonyms at persuade.2. To bring about or stimulate the occurrence of; cause: a drug used to induce labor.3. To infer by inductive reasoning.4. Physicsa. To produce (a

2、n electric current or a magnetic charge) by induction.b. To produce (radioactivity, for example) artificially by bombardment of a substance with neutrons, gamma rays, and other particles.5. Biochemistry To initiate or increase the production of (an enzyme or other protein) at the level of genetic tr

3、anscription.6. Genetics To cause an increase in the transcription of the RNA of (a gene).verb1. cause,produce,create,begin,effect,lead to,occasion,generate,provoke,motivate,set off,bring about,give rise to,precipitate,incite,instigate,engender,set in motion an economic crisis induced by high oil pri

4、cescause stop,prevent,curb,suppress,restrain,hinder2.persuade,encourage,influence,get,move,press,draw,convince,urge,prompt,sway,entice,coax,incite,impel,talksomeoneinto,prevail upon,actuate I would do anything to induce them to stay.persuade stop,prevent,discourage,deter,dissuaderadical (rd-kl)adj.1

5、. Arising from or going to a root or source; basic: proposed a radical solution to the problem.2. Departing markedly from the usual or customary; extreme: radical opinions on education.3. Favoring or effecting fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices, conditions, or institutions: ra

6、dical political views.4. Linguistics Of or being a root: a radical form.5. Botany Arising from the root or its crown: radical leaves.6. Slang Excellent; wonderful.n.1. One who advocates fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices, conditions, or institutions: radicals seeking to overth

7、row the social order.2. Mathematics The root of a quantity as indicated by the radical sign.3. Symbol R An atom or a group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron.4. Linguistics See root1.adjective1.extreme,complete,entire,sweeping,violent,severe,extensive,wide-ranging,excessive,thorough,drasti

8、c,rigorous,far-reaching,draconian periods of radical change2.revolutionary,reforming,extreme,militant,progressive,left-wing,extremist,reformist,fanatical political tension between radical and conservative politicians3.fundamental,natural,basic,essential,native,constitutional,organic,profound,innate,

9、deep-seated,thoroughgoing,hard-wired the radical differences between themfundamental minor,token,trivial,superficial,insignificantnoun1.extremist,revolutionary,militant,reformer,fanatic,left-winger,zealot,revisionist a former left-wing radical who was involved with the civil rights movementextremist

10、 conservative,moderate,reactionaryaccommodation (-km-dshn)1.accommodation - making or becoming suitable; adjusting to circumstancesadjustment,fittingreadjustment2.accommodation - a settlement of differences; they reached an accommodation with Japan3.accommodation - in the theories of Jean Piaget: th

11、e modification of internal representations in order to accommodate a changing knowledge of reality4.accommodation - living quarters provided for public convenience; overnight accommodations are available5.accommodation - the act of providing something (lodging or seat or food) to meet a neednoun1.ho

12、using,homes,houses,board,quartering,quarters,shelter,sheltering,lodging(s),dwellings The government is to provide accommodation for 3000 homeless people.2.space,places,seats,room Some trains carry bicycles, but accommodation is restricted.3.adaptation,change,settlement,compromise,composition,adjustm

13、ent,transformation,reconciliation,compliance,modification,alteration,conformity,makeover Religions have to make accommodations with larger political structures.anticipate (n-ts-pt)v.tr.1. To feel or realize beforehand; foresee: hadnt anticipated the crowds at the zoo.2. To look forward to, especiall

14、y with pleasure; expect: anticipated a pleasant hike in the country.3. To deal with beforehand; act so as to mitigate, nullify, or prevent: anticipated the storm by boarding up the windows. See Synonyms at expect.4. To cause to happen in advance; accelerate.5. To use in advance, as income not yet av

15、ailable.6. To pay (a debt) before it is r.To think, speak, or write about a matter in advance.anticipatable adj.anticipator n.anticipatory (-p-tr, -tr) adj.verb1.expect,predict,forecast,prepare for,look for,hopefor,envisage,foresee,bank on,apprehend,foretell,thinklikely,count upon We could

16、not have anticipated the result of our campaigning.2. await,look forward to, count the hours until We are all eagerly anticipating the next match.3. pre-empt,intercept,forestall,second-guess, beat (someone) to it Youve anticipated my next question.Usage Note: Some people hold that anticipate is impr

17、operly used as a simple synonym for expect; they would restrict its use to situations in which advance action is taken either to forestall (anticipate her opponents next move) or to fulfill (anticipate my desires). In earlier surveys, however, a majority of the Usage Panel accepted the use of antici

18、pate to mean to feel or to realize beforehand and to look forward to. The word unanticipated, however, is not established as a synonym for unexpected. Thus 77 percent of the Usage Panel rejected the sentence They always set aside a little extra food for unanticipated guests, inasmuch as guests for w

19、hom advance provision has been made cannot be said to be unanticipated, though they may very well be unexpected.bulk (blk)n.1. Size, mass, or volume, especially when very large.2. a. A distinct mass or portion of matter, especially a large one: the dark bulk of buildings against the sky.b. The body

20、of a human, especially when large or muscular.3. The major portion or greater part: The great bulk of necessary work can never be anything but painful (Bertrand Russell).4. See fiber.5. Thickness of paper or cardboard in relation to weight.6. A ships cargo.v. bulked, bulking, r.1. To be or

21、 appear to be massive in terms of size, volume, or importance; loom: Safety considerations bulked large during development of the new spacecraft.2. To grow or increase in size or importance.3. To cohere or form a mass: Certain paper bulks well.v.tr.1. To cause to swell or expand.2. To cause to coher

22、e or form a mass.adj.Being large in mass, quantity, or volume: a bulk buy; a bulk mailing.Phrasal Verb: bulk upTo gain weight by gaining muscle: dietary supplements that helped the weightlifters bulk up.Idiom: in bulk1. Unpackaged; loose.2. In large numbers, amounts, or volume.noun1.size,volume,dime

23、nsions,magnitude,substance,vastness,amplitude,immensity,bigness,largeness,massiveness the shadowy bulk of an ancient barn2.size,weight,mass,heaviness,poundage,portliness Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.3.majority,mass,most,body,quantity,bestpart,majorpart,betterpart,generality,preponde

24、rance,mainpart,plurality, nearly all, greater number The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea.Bulk large Propaganda bulks large in their plans.Usage:The use of a plural noun after bulk, as in sense 3, although common, is considered by some to be incorrect and should be avoided. This u

25、sage is most commonly encountered, according to the Bank of English, when referring to funds and profits: the bulk of our profits stem from the sale of beer. The synonyms majority and most would work better in this context.device (d-vs)Noun1.device - an instrumentality invented for a particular purp

26、ose; the device is small enough to wear on your wrist; a device intended to conserve water2.device - something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect3.device - any clever maneuver; he would stoop to any device to win a point; it was a great sales gimmick; a cheap promotions gimm

27、ick for greedy businessmengimmick,twist4.device - any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery)5.device - an emblematic design (especially in heraldry); he was recognized by the device on his shieldleave one to ones own devicesleave one to ones own resourcesnoun1. gadget,machine,tool,instrumen

28、t,implement,invention,appliance,apparatus,gimmick,utensil,contraption,widget (informal),contrivance,waldo, This device can measure minute quantities of matter.2. ploy,scheme,strategy,plan,design,project,shift,trick,manoeuvre,stunt,dodge,expedient,ruse,artifice,gambit,stratagem,wile His actions are o

29、bviously a device to buy time.recondite (rkn-dt, r-kndt)adj.1. Not easily understood; abstruse. See Synonyms at ambiguous.2. Concerned with or treating something abstruse or obscure: recondite scholarship.3. Concealed; hidden.reconditely adv.reconditeness n.1.difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible

30、 to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge; the professors lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them; a deep metaphysical theory; some recondite problem in historiographyadjective obscure,involved,difficult,deep,dark,secret,hidden,mysterious,concealed,profound,mystical,esoteri

31、c,occult,arcane,abstruse,cabbalistic Her poems are recondite in subject matter.simple,straightforward,exotericmedium (md-m)Noun1.medium - a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information2.medium - the surrounding environment; fish require an aqueous medium3.medium - an intervening

32、 substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication4.medium - (bacteriology) a nutrient substance (solid or liquid) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms5.medium - a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter6.medium - (biology) a substance in which specimens are preser

33、ved or displayed7.medium - an intervening substance through which something is achieved; the dissolving medium is called a solvent8.medium - a state that is intermediate between extremes; a middle position; a happy medium9.medium - someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dea

34、d; he consulted several mediums10.medium - (usually plural) transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public11.medium - an occupation for which you are especially well suited; in law he found his true metierAdj.1.medium - around the middle of a scale of evaluation; an orange of average size;

35、 intermediate capacity; medium bombers2.medium - (meat) cooked until there is just a little pink meat insidestrike a happy mediumandhit a happy medium; find a happy mediumto find a compromise position; to arrive at a position halfway between two unacceptable extremes.Usage Note: The etymologically p

36、lural form media is often used as a singular to refer to a particular means of communication, as in The Internet is the most exciting new media since television. Many people regard this usage as incorrect, preferring medium in such contexts.People also use media with the definite article as a collec

37、tive term to refer not to the forms of communication themselves so much as the communities and institutions behind them. In this sense, the media means something like the press. Like other collective nouns, it may take a singular or plural verb depending on the intended meaning. If the point is to e

38、mphasize the multifaceted nature of the press, a plural verb may be more appropriate: The media have covered the trial in a variety of formats. Frequently, however, media stands as a singular noun for the aggregate of journalists and broadcasters: The media has not shown much interest in covering the trial. This development of a singular media parallels that of more established words such as data and agenda, which a


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