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1、Unit 2,Revision,School life,Oxford English 8A,1.为我的表妹买饼干 2.英式英语/美式英语 3.选择科目学习 4.学习外语有趣 5.和某人讨论电影在课堂上 6.给我提供帮助 /给某人提供某物 7.混合学校,8.比平时结束得更早 9.每周打两次棒球 10.为什么不做某事 11.在一周接近结束时 12.学生的数量是20个。 13.他花时间下象棋 14.休息两周 15.我的日常生活,16.快速浏览问题 17.坚持学法语 18.有时间运动 19.做某事开心 20.我理想的学校 21.进行去某地的学校之旅 22.做完某事,1.为我的表妹买饼干 2.英式英语/

2、美式英语 3.选择科目学习 4.学习外语有趣 5.和某人讨论电影 6.给我提供帮助 /给某人提供某物 7.混合学校,buy biscuits for my cousin,British English/American,choose subjects to study,Learning foreign languages is fun,discuss a movie with sb. in class,offer me help,offer sb. sth./offer sth to sb,a mixed school,8.比平时结束得更早 9.每周打两次棒球 10.为什么不做某事 11.在一

3、周接近结束时 12.学生的数量是20个。 13.他花时间下象棋 14.休息两周 15.我的日常生活,end earlier than usual play baseball twice a week why not do sth/ why dont you do sth near the end of a week,The number of the students is 20,He spends time playing chess. It takes him time to play chess,have two weeks off,my daily life,16.快速浏览问题 17.

4、坚持学法语 18.有时间运动 19.做某事开心 20.我理想的学校 21.进行去某地的学校之旅 22.做完某事,look through the questions quickly keep on studying French have time to do sports have a good time doing sth my ideal school go on a school trip to sp finish doing sth,1.too 多用于口语,用于句末,前面常有逗号隔开;若在句中,前后均有逗号。 also较为正式,只用于句中,通常接近动词,不用于句末。 as well

5、多用于口语中,只用于句末。 以上三个“也“均不用于否定句中, 否定句中用either,用too, also, as well, either填空: (1)He likes drawing _. (2)He _ likes drawing. (3)She is teacher, _. (4)Sandy is not a worker, _. (5)They want to read all their friends books _,as well,too,either,also,as well,2.be able to ,can,could,1.She _ sing many English

6、songs. 2._ you ride a bike when you were seven years old ? 3.If you go out at night ,you _ see thousands of stars,can /is able to,Could,will be able to,1.can/could 用于表示能力,有“能,会,能够”的意思 只有现在时和过去时两种形式。其他时态要用 be able to 来表达,结束,末端,end,在最后,in the end,at last,finally,在的最后,at the end of,在这个月底,at the end of

7、this month,在街道的尽头,at the end of the street,在上学期快结束的时候,near the end of last term,数字,数目,number,你的电话号码是多少,Whats your telephone number ,我们班的学生数是,The number of students is 50 in our class,许多的学生正在植树,A number of students are planting trees,1.你知道如何做饭吗? 2.我每周上一次驾驶课。 3.她每天花好多时间练习说英语。 4.在冬天,我们总是愉快地滑雪,Do you kn

8、ow how to cook,I have driving lessons once a week,She spends a lot of time practicing speaking English,In winter, we always have a great time skiing,5.我的好友在任何时候都会倾听我的问题。 6. 我累了,你能开车送我回家吗? 8.他是我的偶像,因为他会说很多种外语,My buddy will listen to my problems any time,Im tired. Could you drive me home,He is my hero

9、 because he can speak many foreign languages,1.用more than, fewer than, less than完成句子: (1)Simon的桔子比sandy少。 Simon has _ oranges _ Sandy,fewer than,4) 他早饭吃的比我少。 He eats _ food _ I for breakfast,less than,morethan之间可以加可数名词的复数 或者不可数名词。 fewerthan 之间加可数名词的复数形式. lessthan 之间加不可数名词,Translation,汤姆学的科目比彼得多,Tom

10、studies more subjects than Peter,2.我们加入的俱乐部比汤姆和汉克少,We join fewer clubs than Tom and Hank,3.我妹妹空闲时间比我少,My sister has less free time than I,4.我校的教师比你校的多,There are more teachers in my school than in yours,5.Lucy 比Tom 有钱,Lucy has more money than Tom,6.Lily 的花比Millie 的花少,Lily has fewer flowers than Milli

11、e,7. Sandy喝的牛奶比Simon少,Sandy drinks less milk than Simon,8.Millie 的朋友比Daniel多,Millie has more friends than Daniel,1. 昨天Amy得了最高分. 2. Simon得分最少. 3. 我的钱最多. 4. 他的水最少,Amy got/scored _ points,Simon gets/scores _ points,I have _ money,He has _ water,the most,the fewest,the most,the least,2.用the most , the f

12、ewest, the least完成句子,2.the most, the fewest, the least 分别是many/much, few, little的最高级. the most 表示“最, 最多”后面可以加可数或不可数名词; the fewest 后面加可数名词的复数形式, 表示“最少”; the least表示“最少”, 后面跟上不可数名词,3.用the same as 和 be different from完成句子: 1.Simons jacket is _ Johns. 2. Daniel的制服和Simon的相同, 但是与John的不同. Daniels uniform is

13、 _ Simons, but _ Johns. (中考指导,is different from,the same as,the same as,3. Nancy的时间表和John的时间表不一样。 Nancys timetable is _ Johns timetable. 4. 她的发型和她妈妈的一样。 Her hair style is _ _ her mothers,the same as,different from,当我们说某一物品恰好像另外一物品时, 我们用the same as. 当我们说某一物品不像另一物品时,我们用be different from,Translation,1.

14、她的包和我的一模一样,Her bag is the same as mine,2.我的裤子和Lucy 的一模一样,My trousers are the same as Lucys,3.他和我们讲一样的语言,He speaks the same language as we do,4.我买了一本和你一样的书,I bought the same book as you did,5.他的学校生活和我们的学校生活不一样,His school life is different from our school life,His school life is not the same as our sc

15、hool life,6.他和他弟弟的脾气不同,He is quite different from his brother in temper,7.Lily的凳子和的Lucy的凳子一样大,Lucys desk is the same size as Lucys desk,适当形式填空 1.Mo Yan is famous for his writing, his books are _(real) interesting. 2.The birds can _(easy) catch the fish for food. 3.Students are very_, they are dancin

16、g _at the party. (happy) 4.Read every sentence_. The more_ you are, the fewer mistakes youll make. (careful) 5.John loves baseball and he practices _ every time, he is a _ boy. (hard) 6.Tomorrow morning we have to get up _ to catch the _ bus. (early,really,easily,happy,happily,carefully,careful,hard,hard,early,early,7.Millie sings _ and she wants to be a singer. (good) 8.Be _! Put on your coat_, we are late. (quick) 9. We should keep_ (quiet) when we have a meeting. 10. It is


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