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1、Unit 3,Life in the future,Using language,I Have Seen Amazing Things,What is the passage mainly about? The passage is mainly about the writers_ _ to a _ station in the _ century and the _ of the 31st century on the space station,first,visit,space,31st,inventions,Difficult Words and Expressions,an eno

2、rmous round plate (1) imitate vt. (2) the pull of the earths gravity (2) the most up-to-date inventions (3) the latest forms of communication(5-6) thoughtpad(7) the metal band (8) limitation n. (10,一个巨大的圆盘 模仿 地球重心的引力 最前沿的发明 最新的通讯方式 思想仪 金属带 局限性;限制,9. metal ribbons (14) 10. is disposed of (18) 11. the

3、 principles of ecology(18) 12. greedy adj.(19) 13. several grades of useful material (19-20) 14.“fertilizer” for the field(20,金属带子 被处理掉;被抛弃 生态学原理 贪心的;贪婪的; 几种有用的物质 庄稼地的肥料,Fast reading,1.What was the writers first visit? And how did it work ? 2.How many areas has the guide introduced to them? what are

4、 they,Whats the writers first visit ? And how did it work ,His first visit was to a space station,considered the most modern space,Described as an enormous round plate,it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earths gravity,V.pp 短语作attribute,V.pp短语作方式状语,他首先参观的是一个太空站,这个站被认为是太空中最现代化的地方。太空站像

5、一个巨大的圆盘,在太空中缓慢地旋转,以仿照出地球重心的引力,2.How many areas has the guide introduced to them? what are they? Three areas Communication The environment area manufacturing,Amazing stop 1,The exhibition of communication,1.Name of the machine 2. How to use it,Thought pad,Place the metal band over head . Clear mind P

6、ress the sending button Think message Send to receivers,thought pad,advantages disadvantages,1.quick 2.efficient 3.environmentally friendly,if the user does not think his or her message clearly , an unclear message may be sent,Amazing stop 2,environment area,a waste machine,Waste disposal in the 21s

7、t century,People used to collect waste in dustbins. Then the rubbish was sent to buried or burned,a waste machine,Waste disposal in the 31st century,A giant machine swallows all the waste available and the rubbish is turned into several grades of useful materials,a waste machine,1. dispose all the w

8、aste 2. turn rubbish into several grades of useful material 3. nothing is waste, and everything is recycled,Advantages,Amazing stop 3,manufacturing,manufacturing robots,advantages,disadvantages,1. no waste 2. no pollution 3. no environmental damage,the companies have to train their representatives t

9、o live and work in space settlements to monitor the robots and the production,v. 监视;监控,While I was observing them , the path moved us on,While observing them , the path moved us on,在状语从句中,只有从句的主语与主句的主语一致,才能省略状语从句的主语+be,若从句主语与主句主语不一致,必须用完整的状语从句来表达,就在我还在观察时,传送带向前移动了,language points,While watching TV, _ . the doorbell ring . the door opened . we heard the doorbell rang . we heard the doorbell ring,1. Inside was an exhibition of the most u


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