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1、Revision,The Past Tense 一般过去时,chant,Free talk,guess,tense,ex,Lets make it,刘家店中心小学 王艳杰,A:What do you usually / often do on the weekend? B: I usually / often. A: How was your last weekend ? B: It was , thank you . A: What did you do ? B: I . A: Did you do anything else ? B: Yes, I,Free Talk,have had,s

2、tay stayed,read read,see saw,sleep slept,ride rode,yesterday,hurt hurt,Lets chant,Am, is, was, I was happy. Do, does, did, I did my homework. Go, goes, went, I went to Hainan. Read, read , read, I read a book. See, see, saw, I saw a film. Eat, eat, ate, I ate fresh food. Have, has, had, I had a cold

3、. Sleep, sleep, slept, I slept all day,have had,stay stayed,read read,see saw,sleep slept,ride rode,yester day,写出下列动词的过去式,help,call,prepare,love,worry,study,stop,skip,is,are,do,go,say,see,get,feel,have,helped,called,loved,prepared,studied,worried,stopped,skipped,was,were,did,went,said,saw,got,felt,h

4、ad,一般过去时,一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或状态,常与,yesterday,the day before yesterday,last year,two months ago,in 2000,just now,this morning,等表示过去的时间状语连用;动词要用过去式形式,last months,动词过去式变化规则,1,eg. workworked finishfinished listen-listened,2. _,eg. likeliked livelived phone-phoned,3._,eg. studystudied carrycarried try-tried,4

5、._,eg. stopstopped skipskipped shop-shopped,5._,eg. amwas gowent getgot,动词词尾直接加-ed,以不发音e结尾,动词词尾加-d,以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,把y变成i再加-ed,不规则动词,重读闭音节动词,双写词尾字母再加-ed,Time machine,时光机,now,past,yesterday,I met four friends yesterday,Listen and judge,F,T,F,T,now,past,last weekend,Labour Day holiday,Where did you go las

6、t Labour Day holiday,问出行交通方式,问所做事情,问出行时间,问人物,A:Where did you go last weekend? B: I went to . A: How did you go there? B: I went there by. A: What did you do? B: I . What about you? Where did you go last weekend? A: I went to,Pair work,now,past,last month,I met Zhang Peng,He told me something about h

7、im,last, cleaning, watched, played, washed, visited, cleaned , playing, wash, clean, watch, play) On the weekend, I can _ TV. I often_ the room. Now Im _ the room. But weekend, I my grandparents Saturday morning. We _ TV together. Sunday morning, I _ clothes and _ the room. In the afternoon, I _ foo

8、tball with my friends. Im going to basketball next weekend,Read and write,选词填空,1,2,4,3,5,7,6,9,8,watch,watched,last,clean,cleaning,cleaned,played,play,washed,now,past,two months ago,We went back to school. We learned some knowledge(知识)and method(方法,连词成句,1、there how you did go (?) _ 2、you go did Turp

9、an to (?) _ 3、with did who you go (?) _ 4、by plane there went we (.) _ 5、summer holiday your was how (?) _,How did you go there,Did you go to Tuepan,Who did you go with,We went there by plane,How was your summer holiday,now,past,Winter Holiday,I was _ last winter holiday. I went to _. I felt (feel 感

10、觉)_,回忆归去,Last winter holiday,写一写在寒假里你都做了什么事情? 不少于5句话,Write an article,Hi, I am Zhang Peng. I had a happy holiday last winter. I went to Hainan. I went to Hainan with my mother. I went to Hainan by plane. I went swimming in the sea. I took many pictures there. I ate good food. Its very delicious. We

11、had a goodtime there,Last winter Holiday,地点,人,交通工具,3件以上做过的事情,now,past,feture 未来,展望未来,Your summer holiday,想一想在即将到来的暑假你有什么打算,Go on a trip,阿根廷-巴西边境的伊瓜苏瀑布,埃及金字塔,澳大利亚大堡礁,加拿大 落基山脉,印度的泰姬陵,中国 长城,约旦 佩特拉,秘鲁 马丘比丘,江西婺源油菜花,南非开普敦,大别山的野菊花,埃及金字塔,澳大利亚大堡礁,加拿大 落基山脉,印度的泰姬陵,中国 长城,约旦 佩特拉,秘鲁 马丘比丘,江西婺源油菜花,南非开普敦,When you travel, please to be a Civilized Tourist,当你出游时,请做一个文明的游客,Homework


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