lesson 6 Diving “Dream team”教学设计_第1页
lesson 6 Diving “Dream team”教学设计_第2页
lesson 6 Diving “Dream team”教学设计_第3页
lesson 6 Diving “Dream team”教学设计_第4页




1、lesson 6 Diving “Dream team”教学设计 本课为冀教版英语教材Unit 1 lesson 6 Diving “Dream team”的内容。我把这节课的重点定为let the students learn something about Fu Mingxia 。Get the students to read the passage and learn some useful expression in this lesson 。由于在前几课我们已经了解了奥运会的基本情况,学生也讨论了许多关于中国体育的话题,对于一些体育明星非常的感兴趣了解了他们的情况,所以在这一课我们

2、继续来讨论我们中国的明星队伍“Diving team”。 本节课由呈现运动图片来引入,让学生猜测图中人物。再列出图中人物的在奥运会上的表现,让学生讨论和交流。教师在学生使用英语交流中提醒他们对时态的关注。呈现出尽量完整的英语句子,再附之以练习。为了让学生对本节课的重点内容达到熟练的程度及增强学习的趣味性,我又设计了“传话”和“我是小记者”两项活动。“传话”这一活动旨在口头的操练本单元的语法间接引语;“我是小记者”则是进行听和写的练习来巩固此语法知识。最后,由学生再次归纳直接引语变间接引语时的时态的变化。T: Boys and girls. Lets play a game. OK?Ss: OK

3、. T: The game is called “Tell me what he/she said.”A student says a sentence to someone; the listener tells us what he/she said.Model: A: I am sad. B: he said he was sad.(在B同学回答完,教师将句子投影到屏幕上,让其他同学判断B同学转述的是否正确)T: You can write down your sentences first. (Wait 2 minutes for writing) S1: I am writing.

4、S2: He said that he is writing. T: Is she right? Ss: No. T: who can help her? (教师温和的询问) Ss: He said that he was writing. (教师发现虽然在前面操练的效果不错,但在进行口头练习时,错误的频率还是很高,部分较差的学生似乎跟不上. 于是我先让学生把句子投影到屏幕上,在把句子读给大家听,让所有的学生有思考的时间)S3: (show the sentence on the screen) I will visit Beijing.S4: she said that she would

5、visit Beijing. S5:(show the sentence) I went to Xuanwu Lake last week. S6: She said that she had gone to Xuanwu Lake last week. (时间状语的变形并不是笔者今天所教内容,指出错误是必然的,但该如何解释,这是我设计时未考虑的,因而我只是把正确的表述教给学生)T:Pay attention to the adverbials of time last week. We should change it into “the week before“Tmorrow I will

6、 tell you the reason.”(在八对学生做完此练习后,我让全班同学集体把这五个间接引语的句子大声朗读一遍,再次巩固直接引语改间接引语的时态变化。)T: lets say these sentences together. T and Ss: He said that he was sad. He said that he was writing. She said that she would visit Beijing. She said that she had gone to Xuanwu Lake the week before.新课的教授:Step 1:Review

7、Check the homework exercises Let the students answer the following questions: Did danny have an interesting day at school that day ? Who came to Dannys school? Can you say somwthing about Jeff Jhonson ?Step 2:Lead in Show the following sentences on the screen 。get the student to read aloud and under

8、stand them She is a very famous in diving she is from Hubei ,when she is only 12,she becamethe youngest world champion ever,this time some students will say :she is Fu Mingxia ,now teacher can ask some question:1、Is there a “dream team ”in basketball?2、Who is the best-known members of chinas Olympic

9、 diving team?Step 3: Skimming Let the student skim the text and ask then to find out how many “dream team ”there are in the world ,and where is the Fu Mingxia information is in the text Step 4: Scanning Play the audiotape 。ask students to follow the tape and pay attentionto the pronuncition of each

10、now words 。then divide the student into smallgroup 。try to get detail information and then do some exercises。Step 5: Dealing with the language points四 教学反思:我认为,英语教学的目的主要是培养学生掌握并运用英语的能力,英语教学应该为学生创设他们喜闻乐见的合适的情境,给予他们充分的时间和空间,让他们成为学习的主人。作为一名英语教师,首先应该激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,增强学生的记忆效率,以达到最终的教学目的。如果一味地采用传统的英语教学方法讲授语言规则,让学生脱离语言环境去做大量机械、枯燥乏味的知识训练,学生学习兴趣当然不高。因而,在本堂课的中,我设计了两个活动,让学生在情景中练习间接引语,增强学习的兴趣,锻炼了口语表达能力。 在活动的开展过程中,我发现活动的效能远不如自己所期望的那样。例如, 在活动伊始,我过高的估计学生的听的能力。大多数学生无法在头脑中对直接引语进行转变,有的甚至对原话复


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