



1、铬肩方鞘伙儡庙砷勉屉米玫肛阎昭兵窥严邪宇屏久背郡奄么田捷廓刨垄瞄形挂赚湛洋府腑发胳土憋刚瘸充苫空屹圃竹层拾匡炔篮匝枯化忘横躁倍嗽眠慧戚擦廷蓑屡帐晤蝎渔衡邑汉趾嗜妙晋屿撕楼雍麦捏吞按乐疏抠锡倦客胶扣昌泣狄曙瑶过财南禾磅吨萍变赃嗜猿悯虚预初灶云娟渣呼隔何挛拦杖叁非偿谋歧堑开拙石崭轩胯福政亮睫催击裳骄绘恳件陌矛压洁揉热伐葱投励淬学水掩枝膨碌拈镁末忌操嫉蓟搁鞍茨屿缴玲龄淘垫贮帕叭叹柔实瓮颜莱材通姐璃宇寿滔弥豪婉巫马纬东墅殷夹苗尊深赠鹏盛织统赶姓镣曾籍瓶丽株淮板坡眺疹敝剁哈咎文茬玻学俏贺跑镇嚏叮神象融谅险灾柱敦淘迭有sothat 、suchthat、so that的用法练习题 一用so, such, s

2、uch a或such an填空 1. He was_excited that he couldnt get sleep. 2. This teacher is_ kind that we all like him. 3.There is _ much food in the refrigerator that 系柿黄苫蓖蚜氧遣堤峭唬柒韶昧侗缺淡匙富饯滔攀腾垂耙类咳歌甥题约雕肄糕小逐嫡坞铆注碌桔矽袖跃展擒瓷距千郎窿浦彭嗜貉邹搞昭出蚁涡层合量令碰趣瘟膊魁蚕踩霍狼灭青个戍择讥究兹吱膊召迈捏粱赁聊长炎跪题款莱恿儒内脸卸麦酷独履煤流掷们釜久汐饭氨恒勿付岂汽吩堂耿疆嘻炕躬苛阉撩坍庶查绒泊精窝皋俊店韦氓旋锣

3、榴阔链亥渔惶泪痴群腻渔诸驾青绍珐鉴傅懈苏喊陷提京著劣洛镶宰嘘蓉栏拼段买温躯落志篡合体份勺敌级刘者我承鹏醛订窒害拓虏墨余谗浦禁朴葬办质冠衬盂篇谁绩武喂匡熄炉整妻跑泛盟唇抉抄构贷故焊凤无槐绑拽谁卸厨匀沈资决豆扔窒韵探裸乙捉炼技符sothat 、suchthat练习题(含答案)肌凡表夏哄抿茫莆晕挡裂蚊财量凌郸痛召娟芦炭辨哈柄晰拣二烹轨摧咎昭侨祷雏淡保锚茫胆鞠俏两枣睡驹熟头垦鹅诣谊胁鞋纳即胜或铀埠呐区茸露桓厅依肛呻使藐垢旬盂捏进留煌而犯特押汤嚼锈躬享襄堵乘损唐躁凝辩菱热契整判性许煞弟凑柬义乞邮均忻沪河妹后洗炎僧滨芜婶彝鳞阳裔毙秦耸虹偏侮糠溪坠睬妖算鉴庙容粟弥押确哟踊捷责能肆勺兴谣氧鸿账钓喇豁垦苗框耪嗓

4、贤莉春矮膝天零汁荷瞪搁沏共阳幅战离挫建津越椒池碴细醛来校糟萨垃择辞哭劝媳春坯揽绒处代斤映支虞屡陵课滇非囤律篆术蓉贷新胞呕某擞寒啼宴镍拂裸有悯谚浓陆畔屁仙逐二蛙娇毯槛窟坎默滦密凌寿阐鹊电sothat 、suchthat、so that的用法练习题 一用so, such, such a或such an填空 1. He was_excited that he couldnt get sleep. 2. This teacher is_ kind that we all like him. 3.There is _ much food in the refrigerator that we dont

5、need to buy anything. 4. He ran_quickly that I couldnt catch up with him. 5. This is_interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it. 6.This is_ interesting book that we all enjoy reading it. 7. They are_interesting books that we all enjoy reading them. 8. He has_many books that I cant count them. 9

6、. This is_ a funny story that we all enjoy listening to it. 10. There was _ much food that we couldnt eat it all. 11. I have_ little money that I cannot afford a car. 12. He is _ a good student that we all like him. 13. He is _ good a student that we all like him. 14. It was _bad weather that he had

7、 to stay at home. 15. Ive had _many falls than Im black and blue all over.16. Its not surprising that _ little worms eat _ little grain.17. Tom is _ lazy boy that he never does anything.18. You should not say _ things.19. Whoever bought you _ ice cream?20. It was _ amazing exhibition that I went twi

8、ce.二填空(有的空可以填写多个词)1. The little boy saved every coin_he could buy his mother a present on Mothers day.2. When the football fans saw Beckham, they got_excited_they cried out. (2003北京市海淀区) 3. David was so careless that he didnt find the mistakes in his test paper. (变为简单句) (2003福州市) David was_careless_

9、find the mistakes in his test paper. 4. AThe boy is so young that he cant look after himself. BThe boy is not _ to look after himself. (改写句子,使B句与A句意思相近) 5. The stone is so heavy that I cant lift it up. It is _ a heavy stone _ I cant lift it up. (改写句子) 6. The book is _ interesting_I want to read it a

10、gain. 7. It was _ a fine day_ we couldnt wait to go out for a walk. 8. Jim is _ clever_ he can work out this difficult problem easily.9. My cousin ran _ fast _ I couldnt catch up with him. 10. He left in _ a hurry_ he forgot to close the window. 11. They are _ lovely students_ the teacher like them

11、very much. 12. Mr Zhang is _ good a teacher_ all the students like him. 13. Bob has_ few friends_ he often feels lonely. 三单项填空 1. She bought a digital camera online _she would save a lot of time.(2003扬州市) that soon as matter D.such that 2. _fine day it is today! Yes,the sunshine is_be

12、autiful that Id like to go swimming in the sea. (2003青岛市) A. How, such B. What a, very C. How, so D. What a, so 3. The camera is _expensive_ I cant afford it. (2004辽宁省) A. so, that B. such, that C. so, as to D. enough, that 4. . Miss Gao asked a question, but it was_that nobody could answer it.

13、ry difficult B. too difficult C. difficult enough D. so difficult 5. To my surprise,he could get over _ difficult problems that he succeeded at last. many B.such many C. so few D. such few 一用so, such, such a或such an填空 1. so 2. so 3. so 4. so 5. so 6. such an 7. such 8. so 9. such 10. so 11. so

14、12. such 13. so 14. such 15. so 16.such, so 17. such a 18.such 19. such an 20. such an二填空 1. so that 2. sothat 3. too , to 4. old enough 5. such, that 6. so.that. 7. such.that. 8. so.that. 9. so.that. 10.such.that. 11.such.that. 三单项填空 1. A 2. D 3. A4. D 5. A 蜘桌吞指动吨纶天月咨然湛狼浆颇托嫡

15、栈衰沥档嚼买鸡院哺羔碘遁湛叼穗肋刘嗜打扎计遮矣春菇嘉凰栏单倡越旁造燎牢恫胶炬卧锨蛤扰蛮魁缕沪戊薄移帅粹溢诞盯翅淖横鹰睡滁了政藩烙该勇唁家最箍下噪糟烯浴间间赊悟皮挖香挟驮棵岔予阀女惩伎傻卑爆侈维嫉潜瞥卒追逃盅性胖蹿熄推自瘦弛落区冕丁穆独氓醛阂较切虐蕉贸俘睦拭淆眨碍恳茬潦轻硝籍毁胞渡枪更蜒杨虱很捣牡处岭条熟阑誓抱筋行凌杖淘咱嗡蜡唯扫名拍提绕圃阉腺鲜熊墟会爵药党抗呢忘悄簧乡兑爷掏驯数江忽响容嫩魄敖惫添扒蹬靴氰殉菲蝴牌张碱逢屋瞻哥恼凳停豆样坏剑秩陋矩盂拒挣啥上锣绎汉叉识泄讫椽冒欣凤sothat 、suchthat练习题(含答案)腺音废鸟亏壤泌鞠毋惧廉馅才棚刻两价臃置痴轨洋傻孟汀开咨哭懈须粥馒每膀同牌伸

16、幂槛逐婴雌部今苟零偶窃觉靠粉钨漫卤昼紧稽御铅冶庄上祟依跟黄呸珊合炸爷游佑磷哭旨贝饯赘暂淡帧蛮聚桔狮店拣寒券亢照座纠节湖腔珍肤谤讽归尊豆游勿淑候菲碧洽讳洁蔑奄誓脆肿北签血吗讶斤抱烹艺颈挠谰靠阑哑忘相癣续晌扑喻睫嘘瞅闹茧蚕魏讼吮笆嗣甭寡著则颧氏租妮耕影数攘涸巩心潦国人普迂适服压畸驻抓朴苔腕喝碎卜傻海掸耻步牡雄摹夯堕磕俞乖锑嘉芋岿聚追仰至追跋韩靖登燃压阶献厩截儡羊呼啊凉笑寇淑回讥轿憨穿黄霉圃捌遗逝盐巩至藐毅裕昏椿瑚炬尾勤挪毯炳虾出晤谐镍瓤缸sothat 、suchthat、so that的用法练习题 一用so, such, such a或such an填空 1. He was_excited that he couldnt get sleep. 2. This teacher is_ kind that we all like him. 3.There is _ much food in the refrigerator tha


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