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1、A Design of Embedded Terminal Unit Based on ARM and Windows CEJia ng Min(College of Electro nics and In formati on Engin eeri ng, Tongji Uni versity, Shan ghai-Chi na 201804Chi na)Abstract: Embedded system based on ARM has beenwidely used in many different fields. Win dows CE is a real-time, multi-t

2、ask operati ng system on 32-bit embedded processor. This paper in troduced Win dows CE embedded operati ng system, and how to build a platform for Win dows CE embedded in a ARM9 microprocessor S3C2410, and also the desig n of Win dows CE embedded applicati on s.Based on ARM microprocessor and Win do

3、ws CE operat ing system, using RS-232 serial port and ZigBee wireless data com muni cati ons module, desig ned a term inal un it for the ZigBee wireless n etwork locat ing system, with a frie ndly user in terface. It can realize functions in cludi ng: the in formati on and data receivi ng, savi ng,

4、process ing and display, has adva ntages of high performa nee, low cost, and low power con sumptio n, is an importa nt comp onent of the n etwork locati ng system.Keywords: ARM microprocessor, Win dows CE, Embedded,ZigBee, Locati ng System1 IntroductionMining accide nts ofte n happe n in Chin a. If

5、un dergro und miners locati ng comes true, we would use area locati ng tech no logy to hold miners positi on. Connecting the sen sor equipme nt accompa nied by miners and givi ng real-time report ing of gas concen trati on in the area or other related in formati on, that would be helpful to reduce t

6、he occurre nee of accide nts. With the developme nt of in formati on tech no logy, ZigBee becomes a new wireless n etwork with adva ntages of close quarters,low complexity, low power con sumpti on and low cost. It applies in in tellige nt home, security protect ion and test systems.By develop ing el

7、ectr onic tech no logy, the chip manu facture to be lower cost and enhanced fun ctio n, so that embedded microprocessor has become a mai nstream of embedded system desig n. However, the only embedded microprocessor is not eno ugh, but also n eed an embedded operat ing system platform on microprocess

8、or. Embedded operati ng system is tran spla ntable, can be running on differe nt microprocessor, with little kernel spe nding, high efficie ncy, highly modular and expa nsibility. It can provide multi-task, multi-process, multi-thread, and support a variety of equipme nts, n etwork, user in terface.

9、 This desig n is a term inal equipme nt of ZigBee n etwork locat ing system, that is based on 32-bit ARM9 microprocessor and Win dows CE embedded operat ing system.2 Functional Overview of EquipmentLocat ing system con sists of a wireless backb one n etwork and movi ng targets, addi ngdiffere nt loc

10、ati on algorithm. Accord ing the actual environment positi on, ZigBee wireless locati on system uses ZigBee module form a n etwork. Refere need no des in the n etwork receive in formati on from target no des (such as RSSI LQI), and send to cen tral con trol mecha nism for process ing. Moving targets

11、 use ZigBee module to be portable mobile devices. Sen sors can be conn ected to form measurable and identifying mobile equipments. That can use IEEE802.15.4 wireless tran smissi on to con trol module dorma ncy, awake ning process.When targets are movi ng, the estimated value of the movi ng locati on

12、 fluctuate. The fluctuati on caused by RSSI or LQI irregular cha nges of the fixed no des. The reas ons may be no ise in the same band, or approach ing objects on the radio wave disturba nee, or a sudde n cha nge in the direction of the antenna. Since randomness, it is not easy to eliminate complete

13、ly, but we can use suitable algorithm to reduce estimated value fluctuati ons. Through proper calibrati on and measureme nt, this would reduce measureme nt error.Figure 1 shows the basic structure of the desig n, 32-bit ARM9 microprocessor run on the Win dows CE. Embedded microprocessor com muni cat

14、es with ZigBee modules by RS-232 and con trol LCD touch scree n user in terface.LCDTouch SeraenFig叩逊】SLfuture3 Hardware IntroductionA. ZigBee Module IntroductionHelicomm Wireless Module, take 8 bits Silico n Laboratory8051 and the Freescale SCM as two main axles, comb ined with Chipc on, Freescale,Z

15、MD and other IEEE802.15.4 RF chip. It is a complete sen sor n etwork embedded module in tegrated multi-fu nction of tran smissi on, com muni cati ons and measure. SCM man age stack,the basic con trol and mon itori ng functions, while the RF chip mainly provide wireless com muni cati on in terface ac

16、cord with IEEE sta ndard.IP-Link122X Series module integrates with IEEE Standard 802.15.4 RF transceiver and the Silicon Labs 8051 microprocessor. It has many kinds of antennas connection way and com muni catio n dista nce choice. We can set up n etwork model as stellate, den driform or reticulate.

17、ZigBee-Ready IP-Net software protocol embedded in module has serial com muni cati on function, allowi ng for RS232/RS485 data stream tran smissi on through jump, thereby improve data reliability and in crease the tran smissi on area. Choose IP-L in k1220 module to compose ZigBee n etwork, the module

18、 structure show n in figure 2.IHQhTmiBhnrLJIP-Linkl220 riiodiiLe srruLurB. ARM Development Board IntroductionQT2410E is mai nly composed of Samsu ngs S3C2410 32-bit microco ntroller (ARM920T) and 3.5 TFT-LCD touch screen. This suite has 2 piece of 32M Byte SDRAM, 1 piece of 64M Byte NAND Flash, en t

19、ire performa nee MMU, 16KB in struction caches and 16KB data caches, with adva ntages of high-performa nee, low power con sumpti on, low cost, small size. In additi on, it has 1 USB host, 1 USB device and 3 serial port. CS8900A to expand a 10 Mbps Ethernet port, the system can access the Intern et.

20、It is applied to portable in tellige nt term in al, man-mach ine con tact and other fields.C. ARM and ZigBee Module InterfaceEstablish serial com muni cati on betwee n ARM microprocessor and ZigBee module. By wireless transmission model, RS-232 serial port can realize multipoint-to-multipoint or poi

21、n t-to-multipo int data tran smissi on betwee n equipme nts. NW-RS232 is a sta ndard n eedle 9 (DB9) RS-232, the in terface defi ni tion show n in figure 3.Fig 3R5232 imerfaoe definitionNW-RS232 occasi ons in both poin t-to-po int and multi-po int com mun icati on, such as these applicati ons: com m

22、un icati on betwee n DTE and DCE; betwee n DTE and DTE; among many DTE, betwee n a DCE and many DTE, and betwee n a DTE and many DCE, sett ing its own node and target node by AT order.4 Software DesignA. Windows CE Embedded Operation SystemWin dows CE (Win CE) is a multi-task and real-time embedded

23、operat ing system for 32 processors. It is compact, efficie nt and reducible, be applied to hardwareresource-c on stra inedsystems. From the system point of view, WinCE is not merely an operating system, but also in cludes equipme nt support, system developme nt kit,applicatio n developme nt kit, in

24、 tegrated application procedure and so on. A WinCE system can be divided into four layers: hardware,hardware support, operati ng system andapplicati on. The hardware layer in eludesmicroprocessor and all peripheral equipme nt. Hardware support layer (BSP) provides in terface betwee n hardware and op

25、erat ing system. The operat ing system layer visit hardware through API provided by BSP. OS with WinCE comp onents can customize to optimal performa nee. Applicati on layer is user applicati ons for embedded system developme nt. WinCE has good real-time performa nee, high reliability, ope nn ess and

26、 good man-mach ine in terface.Embedded system based on WinCE provides uni fied and expa ndable solutio n. The special hardware durability and the PC flexibility uni fies in together.Build a WinCE platform. First, customize WinCE accord ing the hardware con figurati on, installation and device driver

27、. Then produce operating system image document based on the target hardware .Through net card, serial or parallel port the mapp ing docume nt can be dow n to the target hardware device. Buildi ng process show n in Figure 4.Fig4r 匚巨 pl aifortn buildingAfter establish WinCE platform, the software deve

28、lopme nt kit (SDK) should be provided to support the developme nt of applicati on, in clud ing WinCE comp onen ts. We choose Platform Builder 4.2 for operating system configuration, compile, create SDK, and import into Microsoft Embedded Visual C + 4.0, which provide tools to test and modify applica

29、ti ons.B. Application DesignThe equipme nts main fun ctio n in clude: (1)Show mi ne road map, com muni cati on with ZigBee module, throughlocat ing algorithm to display no des (min ers). (2) Choose target no deson user in terface to observe. (3) Data in teractive and real-time update in formati on.T

30、he design mainly includes RS-232 serial communications with ZigBee module and user in terface. Followi ng briefly in troduces applicatio n developme nt in Embedded Visual C + 4.0. 1)Serial Communi cati onIn WinCE, the task of reading and writing on serial port completes by file read-write fun ctio n

31、.hSer = CreateFile (TEXT (COM1:), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,O, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); /return a file han dleSuch as close file handle, use CloseHandle (hSer) to close a serial port. /read data from serial portrc = ReadFile(hSer, &ch, 1, & eBytes, NULL);/ write data to serial port rc = Wri

32、teFile(hSer, &ch, 1, &cBytes, NULL);/ set serial portBOOL SetCommState (HANDLE hFile, LPDCB IpDCB);BOOL GetCommState (HANDLE hFile, LPDCB lpDCB);/ hFile is an ope ned serial port han dle, lpDCB is a poin ter point to DCB structure typedef struct _DCB DWORD DCBle ngth;/size of structureDWORD BaudRate

33、;/baud rate DCBDCB is a structure in clud ing many serial port parameters. In gen eral, first fill the DCB structure by GetCommState()modify some parametersthe n con figure by SetCommState(). SetCommMask (hSer,EV_RXCHAR | EV_CTS | EV_DSR | EV_RLSD);While ( hSer != INV AIDE_HANDLE_V ALUE )WaitCommEve

34、 nt( hSer, &dwCommModemState,0 )/wait eventif ( dwCommModemState & EV_RXCHAR )/get data and put into bufferwhile ( dwBytes = 1 )ReadFile( hSer,&Byte,1,&dwBytes,0 );2) User In terface Desig nA simple dialog as node choice and in formati on display, add con trol such as check box, edit box, show n in

35、figure 5. By BN_CLICKED message to choose no des, observe locati on of no des and display in formatio n in the edit box.十1厂 NO.lC NO.2I- ND.3 i NO -* r no.s t NO.6 t NO.7 r w e 厂 NO-9L no. ioEditCfe.qrFig : Jnloririauon Selecc D也MgChoose no des and press OK to affirm, the n the mine map showed with

36、the locati on of no de. Open bitmap and show in the view as follow ing./In OnDraw (CDC* pDC) fun ctio nCBmpseeDoc* pDoc = GetDocume nt();BITMAP BitMap; CDC DCMem;ASSERT_VALID(pDoc);if (! pDoc-GetHa ndle()return;/create memory deviceDCMem.CreateCompatibleDC (pDC);pDoc-SelectBitmap (&DCMem);pDoc-GetBi

37、tmap (&BitMap);/copy bitmap to the show devicepDC-BitBlt(O,O,BitMap.bmWidth,BitMap.bmHeight, & DCMem, 0,0, SRCCOPY)/draw no des on the map/ope n timer 1/refresh data timely/refresh scree npDoc-SelectOldBitmap(&DCMem);pDC-SelectObject (&RedBrush); pDC-Recta ngle(&mrect);Update data by timers ON_WM_TI

38、MERSetTimer(1,1000,NULL);In On Timer(UINT nIDEve nt) fun ctio n:CScrollView:O nTimer( nIDEve nt); In validate();5 ConclusionThis paper in troduces desig n and impleme ntatio n of a term inal unit for ZigBee n etwork locat ing system. It bases on ARM9 microprocessor and Win dows CE embedded operat ing system. Use QT2410E suit with S3C2410 (ARM920T) microprocessor, which is high performa nee, low power con sumpti on and low cost. Un der WinCE, we have realized serial com muni cati on betwee n ARM and ZigBee module, developed user in terface applicati o


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