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1、青云学校九年级上册英语学科导学案第1课时ClassNameUn it 1 How do you study for a test?(1)( P2-3)课型语法和对话Howdo you study for a test? 及其回答How do you study for a test?其回答,口语交际活动主备人习目标陈艳飞审核人赖飒,汤飞平,杨子娟,张丽利学习笔记:1. Words & phrases : aloud, pronunciation, vocabulary, flashcard, listen to tapes, ask the teacher for help, practice

2、 my pronunciation, study for a test, make flashcards, practice con versati ons with frien ds, watch En glish-la nguage videos2. Key senten ces: 1). How do you study for a test?By work ing with a group.2). It s too hard to understand the voices.3). It improves my speaking skills .二自主学习方案:(预习与交流)1. 拼读

3、并熟记P2, P3中单词.2. 预习检测:根据句意和提示完成句子。1). We study by reading (大声地)2). If you (练习)swimming more often, you will become a goodplayer.3). You can watch English movies to (提高)your listening skills.4). What is the (发音)of the word“ text” ?三、教师导入:1. Lead-i nT:-How do you get to school?S1: -I get to school by b

4、ike.T:-How do you study for an En glish test?S2: -I ofte n read the textbook.T:We can also say, I study for an English test by reading the textbook. ”2. 图片教学新词组及句型。四、合作探究:1. 完成 P2 1a.2. Liste n to the tape and fin ish:1b2a2b3. Lan guage Poin ts:1) . How do you study for an En glish test?I study for

5、an En glish test by readi ng the textbook.by doing sth.当你询问或告诉别人怎样做某事时,常用此形式表示“通过方式、方法” 或“借助某种手段”。五、 展示提升:Pair Work运用本节课所学语言现象及重点句型编写对话,询问和回答学习英语的方法。Model: A: -How do you study for an En glish test?B: -I study by making flashcards.A: -Have you ever studied with a group?B: -Yes, I have. I ve learned

6、a lot that way.六、训练巩固:按要求完成下列各句:1) . We should read En glish a every morning.2) . I don t think having c with friends is helpful.3) . You should speak more to improve your p.4) . Lear ning a foreig n Ian guage n eeds a lot of p.5) .你是怎样为数学考试而学习的?Howyoutest?6) .我是通过向同学请教而学习的.I studythe classmateshelp

7、.7) . She learns these words by making vocabulary lists.(画线部分提问 )?七、作业布置1 .朗读并翻译 P3 Grammar Focus里的句子,直到能背诵默写。2.口头复述1b和2a, 2b .八、教学后记(老师写备课笔记,学生写学习心得:收获、疑惑)青云学校九年级上册英语学科导学案第2课时ClassName课题Un it 1 How do you study for a test? (2)( P4)课型阅读和对 话重点How do you learn English best?难 点Complete the chart accord

8、ing to thearticle+ 夂 AS帯后 A肠册7乙弋 卫 4-Z.P+E!北帛切一、岀学习目标MW八决和勿S 杓,W1. Words & phrases: specific, memorize, grammar, differently, frustrate,frustrating, quickly, add, the best way to do sth. , more specific suggestions, help a little, find watching movies frustrating, end up speaking, have conversations

9、 with, improve her En glish2. Key senten ces: 1). The best way to lear n new words was by readi ng En glish magaz in es.2) . She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.3) . Joining the En glish club at school was the best way to improve her En glish.二自主学习方案:(预习与交流)1. 拼读并熟记P

10、4中单词,扫清阅读障碍。2. Read 3a loudly.3. 预习检测:Say True or False .1) . Lillian doesn t like studying grammar.2) . Wei Ming thinks watch ing En glish movies is a bad way because people speak too quickly.3) . As for Liu Chang, having conversations with friends is helpful.三.教师导入:T: In our class some students ar

11、e good at English. Who can tell us the best ways you lear n En glish?S1:S2:学习笔记:At last, the teacher should add some importa nt phrases in 3a.四、合作探究:1). Free talk: T: Boys and girls, so far, we have learned about some good ways to learn En glish. Do you want to know more ways to lear n En glish?Ss:

12、Yes.T: OK. Now let learn an article “How do you learn best?”2). P4 3a. Read an d tran slate in groups.朗读并翻译。3). P4 3a. Group Work 完成表格。五、展示提升:P4. 3b. Pair WorkStude nt A in terview Stude nt B about lear ning En glish.Model: A:Im doing a survey about lear ning En glish. Can I ask you somequesti ons?B

13、: Sure.A: Great! What your name?B: Wei Mi ng.A: How do you lear n En glish, Ming?B:I lear n En glish byA: And what do you think is the best way to lear n En glish?B:I think is the best way.六、训练巩固:按要求完成下列句子:1). My friend Martin finds watching English movies frustrating because the peoplespeak too qui

14、ckly.(画线部分提问)your frie nd Marti nwatch ing movies frustrati ng?2). Today, we are going to.( 谈论学习英语的最好办法).3). Do you often (大声朗读)to practice pronun ciation?七、作业布置1. 朗读并翻译3a.2. 熟记3a里的重要词组及句子。八、教学后记(老师写备课笔记,学生写学习心得:收获、疑惑)青云学校九年级上册英语学科导学案第3课时ClassNameUnit 1 How do you study for a test? (3)(P5 , P7)课型听力和

15、口 语表达训Challenges of learning English难 点and soluti ons练 听懂听力材料并能完成好听力任务一、备令习目标艳飞审核人赖飒,汤飞平,杨子娟,一张丽利学习笔记:1. Words & phrases: pronounce, spoken, slowly, mistake, challenge, solution, comma, soft, essay, make mistakes in grammar, spoken English, get much writing practice, practice speak ing En glish, sou

16、nd like a fun way, jo in an En glish Ian guage club, look up, make up, won a prize, the importa nee of En glish2. Key sentences 1). Why dont you join an English Ianguage club to practice speak ing En glish?2) . I don have a part ner to practice En glish with.3) . Im havi ng trouble lear ning En glis

17、h.4) . Ano ther thing that he found very difficult was En glish grammar.5) . En glish is ofte n used in scie nee.6) . Xu Zheng won a prize for his essay about the importa nee of En glish.二自主学习方案:(预习与交流)1. 拼读并熟记P5, P7中单词,扫清听力障碍。2. 朗读 完成P5 1a ,并翻译。3. 预习检测:根据句意和提示完成句子。1) . Huang Min (speak) English is

18、much better than mine.2) . Who can(pronounce) this word? .3) . What is the(solve) to your trouble?4) . Jeff ofte n(make) mistakes, so his teacher does n like him.5) . Tractors go very more(slow), but can carry many thin gs.三、教师导入:T: En glish is very importa nt and popular, so we must lear n En glish

19、 well. Some of you think lear ning En glish can be difficult. What thi ngs are difficult for you?四、合作探究:1. Liste n to the tape and fini sh:2a2b五、展示提升:1. P7 Self Check 1. Fill in each blank with the correct word given. Change the form of the word if n ecessary. The n make your own sentences with each

20、 word.2. P7 Self Check 2. T: Xu Zheng won a prize for his essay about the importa nee ofEn glish. Later, a reporter from the school magaz ine in terviewed him. Now please use the reporters no tes to write an article about Xu Zheng.六、训练巩固:按要求完成句子:1) .I don t have a partner练习英语).2) . The hardest thing

21、 for me is to understand( 口语).3) .你最好找一位笔友进行大量的写。You (better find a pen pal towriting.七、作业布置1. 熟记P5, P7重要词组和句子。2. 口头复述 P5. 2a, 2b .八、教学后记(老师写备课笔记,学生写学习心得:收获、疑惑)青云学校九年级上册英语学科导学案第4课时ClassName课题Un it 1 How do you study for a test?(4)(P6)课型阅读与写作重点理解短文以及写作难点理解短文以及写作一王备人习目标陈艳飞申核人赖飒,汤飞平,杨子娟,张丽利学习笔记.1. Word

22、s & phrases : realize, matter, afraid, complete, secret, learner, term, impress, trouble, fast, later on, be afraid to, laugh at, take notes, first of all, it doesn matter2. Key sentences: 1). To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldn tunderstand every word.2) . I was afraid to speak in cla

23、ss, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me.3) . She had trouble mak ing complete sentence.二、自主学习方案:(预习与交流)1. 拼读并熟记P6中单词,扫清阅读障碍。2. 预习检测:根据句意和提示完成句子。1) . Is this a (完整的)list?2) . I (意识到)what he meant.3) . How old are you?Its a (秘密).4) . I was iby her story.5) . They had a lot of trouble (ge

24、t) to the top of the mountain.6) . Most girls are afraid(go) out at ni ght.三、教师导入:T: We have known lots of good ways to learn English. Do you want to know more? Today we will learn an article How I learned to learn English? ” Now let read the article and then read the statements about the article. W

25、rite T” or F”.四、合作探究:1. Read 3a and tran slate.2. P6 3a. Write “T” or “F” .3. Finish 3b. T: We have lear ned the article. We have lear ned about more ways to learn English. Now we need to write a letter telling a friend how to become a better Ian guage lear ner.4. Language Points:1) . first of all首先

26、、第一 ”常用于句首,强调事情的重要性。2) . to begin with一开始、第一 ”常用来列举原因。3) . be afraid to do sth.不敢/害怕做某事4) . make sentences 造句5) . decide (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事五、展示提升:P6. 4 Group WorkAsk five classmates about lear ning En glish. Take no tes . Then tell the class about their an swers.1) . What isn easy about learn

27、ing English?2) . What do you do about this?3) . What is your favorite way to lear n more En glish?六、训练巩固:1. I think reading English stories is very useful, too.( 改否定句)Ithink readi ng stories is very useful, .2. Tom把钱丢了,也不敢(把此事)告诉他母亲。Tom lost money and he washis motherit.3. 加入英语俱乐部是提高英语口语的最佳方法。It the

28、 best wayyour spoken EnglishEnglishclub.4. 老师讲得太快,学生们根本听不懂。The teacher spoke so that the students understand him5. 他在学习英语语法方面存在问题。HeEn glish grammar.七、作业布置1. 口头复述 3a.八、教学后记(老师写备课笔记,学生写学习心得:收获、疑惑)青云学校九年级上册英语学科导学案第5课时ClassName课题Unit 1 How do you study for a test?(5)(P8-9)课型阅读重点阅读文早难点理解文章主备丛冃丄陈艳飞审核人赖飒,

29、汤飞平,杨子娟,张丽利一、学习目标1. Words & phrases : uni ess, duty, easily, in flue nee, frien dship, lose, developme nt,face, soldier, unimportant, regard, solve, disagreement, deal, try one best, break off,deal with, regard as, be angry with sb./at (about) sth. , go by2. Key senten ces:1) . How do we deal with o

30、ur problems?2) . And uni ess we deal with our problems, we can easily become un happy.3) . Time goes by, and good frien dships may be lost.二、自主学习方案:(预习与交流)1. 拼读并熟记P8-9中单词,扫清阅读障碍。2. 速读短文,回答下列问题。1) . How many ways are men tio ned in the read ing?2) . What are they?3. 阅读 P8-9,完成 1b on Page 8 and 3a on Page 9.4. 阅读 P8-9,完成 3c on Page 9.三、教师导入:T:In our life we all have some problems. If we don deal with our problems, wecan easily become un happy. It can also in flue nee our live


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