



1、Teachi ng Pla nName: HuqingSchool: Shen gli Primary SchoolTitleNSE Book 8 Module 1 Un it 1 Dont touch the machines, please!1. Getstudentsto grasp imperativesentence“ Wear !”Dont! ”Aims2. Encourage the students interest to learn English.3. Encourage the students to cooperate with each other, help eac

2、h other and lear n from each other.1. Help students grasp the 4-skill words:machine、sir、anything 、waitpotato、glasses、2. Help students grasp the key sentences:FocusDon t touch the machines, please !Wear the glasses , please !And don t touch anything!3. Enable students to use the drills fluently and c

3、orrectly.Aidssome cards, tape recorder , stickersect.Teacher s ActivityStudents ActivityRe-preparati onI.Warm ing up and Revisi on1、Answer the questions.1、Greetings.2、Sing a song. How are you?1、The students look and What day is it today?say. What s the weather like today ?2、Yes, please. What do you

4、do on the weeke nd ?3、Read the title.2、Si ng a song1、Open theirbooks,II.Leadi ng-i nlisten to the tape1、Show some pictures of machinescarefully.and2、Try tounderstandpotatoes .the meaning .Teach ingTeach the two words.3、Listen and draw.Process2、I can use the machine to make4、Answerthemashedpotato.Wou

5、ld you like to seequesti I mash the potato?5、The students listen3、How to make“ crisps ”,todayand repeat.let s learn Module 1 Unit 1.6、The students say theIII.Liste ning&Read ingkey words and senten cesActivitiesin differe nt ways.1、Ask the students open their7、The students finishbooks, look

6、at page 2 ,then play thetheir Activity book 2 and 3.2、Play the tape, make students1、Thestudentsunderstand the meaning of the text.practise in groups.3、 Play the tape , ask students2、Act it out.underline“ don t ” and some new(The best group will getwords.a prize.)4、Give them some question

7、s:3、The students take What does this mach ine do?turnsCan they touch the machines?Why?toreadthe Can they have a bag of crisps?Why?senten ces and the5、Play the tape.other pers on point6、 Practisethe difficultyto the picture.senten ces .4、The students say the7、Listening test.sentences as quickly asIV.

8、Further Developme ntpossible.1、Give them 2 minutes to practise5、Finish the Activitythe text in on page 3,exercise2、Check the students.3、Ask them look at Exercise 3,the nwork with a part ner.4、Check the students.5、Have a test.V.Homework1、Copy the new words 4 times.2、Recite the text.3、Prev

9、iew the next unit.3.FeedBackTeachi ng Pla nSchool: Shen gli Primary SchoolName: HuqingTitleNSE Book 8 Module 1 Unit 2Aimsi. Through this less on, get the stude nts to grasp imperative senten ce:“Don t !”“Wear!”ii. Enable the students to use imperative sentence fluently and correctly.iii. En able the

10、 stude nts to cooperate with each other.iiii.Cultivate the stude nts to have a good habit of lear ning En glish.Focusi. Key point:1 Key words:“duck, grass, silenee” .2Key sentences: “ Don t feed the duck! Wear your hat! Silenee! ”ii. Difficult point: How to use imperative sentence fluently and corre

11、ctly.AidsCards TapeTeach ing ProcessTeacher s ActivityI.Warm ing up and Revisi on1. Greeti ngs.2. Play a game:What s missing?Preparesome cards:playballgames, wear these glasses, wash your han ds,jump,run,sing,Students Activity1. Say Hello to theteacher .2. Guess and say the words and phrases.1.A nsw

12、er freely.ThinkovertheseRe-preparatio nwrite,sleep,touch the machi nequestions and find outII.Leadi ng-i nthean swers1.T:What do duck eat?(show the cardhurriedly.“duck”)I.Liste n,point andT: Can we feed the ducks in the park?repeat, the n find theCan we touch the mach in es?an swers.Can we talk or w

13、rite in the book in2.Readthesethe library?words.(one by one, twoT:Let s look at Unit 2 and find outby two,row by row)the an swers.3.Say them and do theIII.Liste ning & Read ing Activitiesacti on s.(playthe1. Play the 4.Liste n to the tapequestio ns,show the key words:

14、duck,and repeat.grass, sile nee.1.S1,S2:Don t feedAttention:Compare the sound of grassthe ducks.and glassS1,S2:Feedthe3.Show the key senten ces:ducks.“ Don t feed the duck! Wear your2.Liste n,po intandhat! Sile nee!”write.4.Play the tape.(twice)3. Do AB M1 U2.IV.Further Developme nt4.Listen and do theI.Have a race in pairs:“Changeacti on correctly.game5.Liste n and say. ThenExample:T:Feed the ducks.T:Don t feed the


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