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1、.2016年二级起点第二学期口语考试题 Task I. picture description1.the picture descerptioned a discisson between apandadanadog the panda said to the dog bengbeng you shouldnot be too fond of play all the day andyouneedtoacquiresomeskills or you may cantdo nothing but the dogg saidl kllkdfkklfjlklhldaydream, be too fo

2、nd of play, acquire some skills, be good at2.fox, crow, meat, vanity(虚荣), cheat3.goldfish, goldfish bowl, sea, success, give up, 4.college graduates, look for jobs, ask for pity5.summer holiday, pupil, the violin, writing brush, a big schoolbag6.the purpose of study, power, money7.wealth, civilizati

3、on, generations, efforts8.the new generation, American milk, worship and have blind faith in foreign , tourist area, be littered with garbage10.stumps of trees, the relic of a forest, a tree, a wall, ticket price1. Every ethnic group has a way of determining or expressing membership. O

4、vert factors used to demonstrate or denote group membership are called ethnic boundary markers. Ethnic boundary markers are important not only to identify the members to one another, but also to demonstrate identity to and distinctiveness from nonmembers. Because they serve to distinguish members fo

5、rm all other groups, a single boundary marker seldom is sufficient.2. Luckily, large-scale commercial incidents, while dramatic, make up only a fraction of the nations total food-poisoning cases each year. Most cases arise from one persons error in a small setting and affect just a few victims. Some

6、 people have come to accept a yearly bout or two of intestinal illness as inevitable, but in truth, these illnesses can and should be prevented. To prevent them, consumers need to learn how to select, prepare, and store food safely.3. A wide variety of cultural traits, clothing, house types, persona

7、l adornment, food, technology, economic activities, or general lifestyle may also serve as ethnic boundary marker. Over the past 100 years, a rapid homogenization of world material culture, food habits, and technology has erased many of the more overt cultural markers. Today, you do not have to be M

8、exican to enjoy tacos, Italian to eat pizza, or Japanese to have sushi for lunch. Cultural traits remain, however, the most important, diverse, and complex category of ethnic boundary markers.4. Such conflict as more common in the modern world than most of us realize. To understand the magnitude of

9、potential magnitude of this problem, one need only realize that the world is divided into less than 200 countries and between 3,000 and 5,000 distinct ethnic nationalities. As a result, the populations of most countries encompass a number of distinct nationalities. China officially recognizes 56 dis

10、tinct nationalities. Some estimates are as high as 300 ethic nationalities in Indonesia.5. The term affluenza combines two words: affluence and influenza. According to anti-consumer and environmental rights organizations, the high consumption lifestyles of affluence cause people to be less happy eve

11、n though they are acquiring more “things”. The major negative effect on the environment is that overconsumption is depleting the worlds natural resources, anti-consumer groups argue.6. Within any country, such as our own, are rich people happier? In poor countries, such as Bangladesh and India, bein

12、g relatively well off does make for somewhat greater well-being. Psychologically as well as materially, it is much better to be high caste than low caste. We humans need food, rest warmth, and social contact. But in affluent countries, where nearly everyone can afford lifes necessities, increasing a

13、ffluence matters surprisingly little.7. In selecting what stories to cover, what music to play, what films to produce and distribute, what are to sponsor and display, and what books to publish, the mass media define what is important and what issues are worthy of public consideration. The persons an

14、d groups who make these decisions have enormous cultural and political power. Controlling and influence the mass media is therefore a central feature of the culture war.8. Coal produces extremely high heat for a short period of time. Dishes cooked using coal ideally feature foods cut into small piec

15、es and quickly stir-fired. Although many of the reasons for the development of these cultural food practices are changing, people still rely on parts of them. Home chefs in India and China are both increasingly likely to use microwave ovens to heat up pre-made foods but still favor curries and diced

16、 vegetables and meat respectively.9. In the past two decades, millions of Americans have begun to change their ideas about the “naturalness” of sex roles. Traditional discriminations are coming to be perceived as irrational system that threatens women with lifelong inferiority and waste potential an

17、d restricts men to the role of always being competitive, aggressive, and emotionally insensitive. What will the future be like? Predicting the precise direction that sex-role stereotypes will take is difficult.10. The norm worldwide has been mostly toward patriarchal societies, that is, societies ru

18、led by men in which men are deferred to as the principal decision makers in both the family and in society as a whole. In patriarchal societies men take the best jobs, are the breadwinners and control the finance, are treated with the greatest respect, and have the greatest access to education. 11. We adapt by recalibrating our “adaptation levels”the neutral points at which sounds seem neither loud or soft, lights neither bright nor dim, experiences neither pleasant nor unpleasant. Here in Michigan on a winters day, 60 degrees would feel warm, but not when we are adapted to summers


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