1、雅思阅读同义替换整理充足的(Enough)adequate sufficie nt ample pie nty of abundant反不充足的(Not eno ugh) shortagein adequatedeficie nt=i nsufficie ntscarce / rarelack ing / lack上升risein creasegrow soar/surge ascendraiseaccelerate=speed upboost / promote / enhance v.促进prosper / thrive / flourish v.繁荣ben eficial/ profit
2、able / reward ing/ successful a.adva ntage/ virtue/ merit/ benefit/ stre ngth/ positive side n.有利的,成功的优点,好下降fall / drop / plun ge/ slumpdecrease / decli ne / desce nd下降degrade / degenerate/ deteriorate v.恶化, 退化devastate / destroy/ demolish v.破坏reduce / reduct ionlesse n / mini mizerelieve / alleviat
3、e v.减轻vanish / disappear/fade v.消失depressi on/ recessi on n.衰退harmful/ devastati ng/ detrime ntal a.有害的pois onous / toxic / no xious a.有毒的disadva ntage/faili ng/ defect/ drawback/ fault/ weak ness/negative side n.缺点,不利obstacle/ barrier/ hurdle / hin der / obtrude阻碍副词快速地rapidlysharply swiftly rapidly
4、 quickly in sta ntly immediately缓慢地slowly slowly gradually steadily by degree step by steppromptly:n flue nee/ impact/ effectaffect/ ruin影响in terfere with / i nterve ne indisturb/ disrupt正面的:favorable, positive有效的: valid / effective / efficient有成果的: productive/ fruitful/ rewarding难性的:disastrous, des
5、tructive,catastrophic负面的:adverse, n egativedevastat ing,con siderable有毒的: pois ono us, toxic, no xious, harmful巨大的,众多的great/ma nyeno rmous treme ndous imme nse dramatic drastic sig ni fica nt coun tlessnu merous innu merable先进的vast radical广 intensein te nsive强烈的 severeextremedrastic.explosivein disp
6、e nsablevital重要的crucial$ criticalesse ntialfun dame ntal=basicadvaneed sophisticatedJ perfectunm atched厂 rudimentaryun rivalled厂 excellent outsta nding excepti onal dist in guished remarkable 著名的 extraord inary famous prominenteminentcrude落后的,原始的marked明显的obviousevid ntappare ntremarkablefeebleprimit
7、iveun developed un derdeveloped out of date复杂的complex complicated sophisticated in tricatevarious静止的pre-em inent dominantstag nant stati onary staticstable/steady稳定的fragile脆弱的vul nerablebrittle反移动的多样的不同的diversediversifieddisti netmobile( moti on=mo veme nt)dyn amicmigratorylocomotivefluctuate v.波动li
8、n ked to反分离的Jsegregated与相关联dassociated withscatteredrelated tos.detachedholyprosperous广 novelsacred繁荣的Jhrivi ng创新的inno vative神圣的Vheavenly兴旺的boo mingYcreativedivinel flourishingorigi nalconn eeted toseperate致命的厂 fatal厂 dishonestdeadly mortal不诚实的彳J deceptive古怪的stra nge “qua intoddweirdk lethalbizarre
9、peculiarrecent最近的现在的curre nttno wadaysprese ntj con temporaryappropriate适合的suitable fitchro nicroper长期的Ion g-term节俭的frugal thrifty econo mical厂 hardworking 勤劳的 in dustriousdilige nt奢侈的昂贵的expe nsive costly exorbita ntluxurious arduousfairsumptuous excessiveobjective公平的J equal equitable impartial客观的un
10、 biased随意的casualran domun pla nned厂 approximateabout大约yalmost令人困惑的puzzli ngcorfus ingbewildering广阔的broadvastperplex ingwide greatnearly virtually动词:厂 transform 改变shiftcha ngeconvertJ o厂tran smit发送tran sfer*senddeliverJemit=give off广 offer 提供gra ntprovide supply render资助in habitfinancefundspo
11、nsorsubsidize居住livelodgeresidedwellaccommodate提供住宿replace substitute 取代 swap=excangetake the place of互换一 support 支持-advocate champi onadmi nister管理冷dmi nistrateI man age驳斥反对拒绝矛盾的,冲突的反对反对dispute / argue 争议(con troversial refute/ reject/ refuse con flict/ con flict ing oppose/ oppositi on object/ obje
12、ct ion anti -词根表反对有争议的)广 get rid of去除 eliminate 除掉- dismiss dispose of aba ndon=give up考虑到质疑doubtquetsi on / debateskepticism/ criticism不考虑agree/ agreeme nt consensus 共识 no doubt/ un doubtedly反con sideri ng /regard ing dless ofgive n/in view of鉴于厂 diffuseduplicate 复制 r replicate copy reproduce厂 rest
13、rict restrain 限制 Uconstrainreproduce multiplypropagateproduce产生.createdevelopdistribute 扩散 disperse spread exte pagatetake place happenlimitconfinemakemanu factureoccurboun d/limityield强调emphasize stress focus on concen trate onJ highlightrecog nizeide ntify辨认 V disti nguishun dersta ndappreci
14、ate激励motivate stimulate facilitate promote en courage联合 统一 突comb ine connect unite joinlink associate merge合并separatesplit分离 Segregate隔绝isolate=in sulate隔绝disti nguish区分导致 引发causelead to con tribute to bring about result in cause in duce sparkoriginate from deive fromdate from 源自于 come fromfrom exte nd fromrange from回忆recall recollect retrospect remember memorizearfticipateforecast预期predictexpectforeseeguess in adva nee撞击strike=hit crash clash con flict-break up摔碎 shatter-fragments碎存活复活恶化degrade dege nerate deteriorate disma ntle startdemolish拆毁弋knock downdevastate开始begin in itiate lau
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