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1、come from be from易错点:助动词与be动词混用考查方式:疑问句式1. -_ Lucy from the USA? -No, she _ come from the USA. She comes from the UK. A. Does ;doesnt B. Does ;isnt C. Is ; doesnt D. Is ; isnt15. Where_ Tom and Mike_ from? A. do; come B. is; come C. does; come D. are; comehow long how many how much how often2. -_ do

2、es your brother watch TV? -_ Every Saturday and Sunday. A. How many B. How often C. How much D. How long“说”辨析4. We can use QQ to_ with each other on the Internet. A. tell B. speak C. say D. talktake bring 5. Remember to_ your homework to school tomorrow. A have B. bring C. take D. buy情态动词6. - Could

3、I use your dictionary? - Yes, you_. A. can B. could C. need D. should花费7. - Does the computer_ you lots of money? - Yes. Its more than 10,000 yuan. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. buy时间介词1. We often have a party_ January 1st. A. on the evening in B. on the evening of C. in the evening of D. in the evenin

4、g in2. My family always _ a party_ the evening of 31st October. A. have; in B. has; in C. has; on D. have; onIt takes sb. some time to do sth. 1. It takes him twenty minutes_ the museum. A. takes a bus B. to take a bus to C. by bus D. by bus to8. Is it time _ TV now? A. for watch B. to watch C. watc

5、h D. watching连词 and but or I have no pencils _ pens, but my classmate Jill has some. A.and B.but C.or D.with What does he look like? What is he like? How does he look? How is he?1. -_?-Hes very well. Thank you.A. What does the man like B. How does he play the gameC. How is your father D. What is you

6、r father20. -_ does Li Ming look? -He looks_. A. What; like a player B. How; strong C. What; a player D. How; like strong 冠词7 There is _f in the word from . It makes _/f/ sound.A a,an B a,a C an,a D an,an1. Look _left first when you cross the road.A.atB.不填C.after D.to1. My brother likes to play_ vol

7、leyball before_ lunch. A. /; the B. the; the C. the; / D. /; /1. I have_ notebook and two pens in my bag. _notebook is for you. A. a; A B. the; The C. the; A D. a; The形容词与副词11 There was a _ _snow last night, and it is snowing _now . A heavy, heavily B heavy, heavy C heavily, heavily D heavily, heavy

8、 Look happy look happily atwith 用法1. _Sunday morning, Li Hua goes to visit the museum _a big garden in front.A.In;withB.On; hasC.In; hasD.On;with5.Lucy with Kitty _good at English. We often help them _their English.A. is; withB. arent; forC. arent; with D.isnt; with11. _do you often play with? My go

9、od friend Mary.A. WhatB.WhoseC.WhoD.How2. Do you know_ girl_ glasses? A. the; with B. a; in C. the; in D. a; with名词及其所有格1.They are _ profiles.A. Millie and DanielsB.Millies and DanielsC. Millies and DanielD.Millie and Daniel2. Millie is twelve _ (岁数)old years 3. My _ (爱好)are football and volleyball

10、hobbies 4. It is good for our eyes to do eye_ (操) exercises5. There are a lot of books in our school_ library 6. One of the_(理由)is the bad weather. reasons 7. Nie Haisheng and Zhang Xiaoguang are our_(英雄)in China. heroes8. - Do we need to buy some vegetables? - Yes. Lets buy some_. A. potatos and ca

11、rrots B. cakes and apples C. tomatoes and carrots D. noodles and peanutsfar away from1. Her mother works in a hospital _her home. A. far away fromB.nextC.in frontD.near to2. My home isnt far_ my school, so I often walk to school. A. for B. in C. away D. frompractise1. Does _English every day help a

12、lot? Of course.A. practising speakingB.practise speakC. practise speakingD.practising to speakhope的用法hope to do sth.hope sb(主格) + .want sb(宾格) to do sth 1. Mr Wu hopes _will have the drawing lessons tomorrow.Oh, dear. I wanted _to help me do the cleaning.A. Amy and me; she andherB.Amy and I; you and

13、sheC. Amy and me; her andyouD.Amy and I; you andhersome any 1. May I have _Coke? Sure.A. someB.anyC.a lotD.manygood well1. These boys are _football players. They all play football_.A. good; wellB.good; goodC. well; goodD.well; well2Tom is a _dancerHe dances very_ Agood;good Bwell;well Cgood;well Dwe

14、ll;good3. His English is very_, but he cant sing English songs very_. A. good; good B well; good C. good; well D. well; wellopen close1. We can see only one of the doors_. A. are opened B. is closed C. is close D. are closed穿衣服1. You look cool_a white shirt and a pair of jeansAwear Bin Chave Dare in

15、be 与 do 混用1. _ your mother good at cooking?一Yes,but my father _cook well.A. Does; doesnt B. Is; isnt C. Do; dont D. Is; doesnt 2. -Who wants to borrow a bike_ you? -Amy_. A. from; is B. to; does C: with; is D. from; does3. -Is your name Kitty? -Yes, _. A. I am B. it is C. she is D. shes It is time t

16、o do sth.1. Is it time _? Its seven oclock.A. wake he upB. to wake her upC. to wake up herD. wake him up2. 你哥哥每天骑自行车去学校要花1小时吗? Docs it take your brother an hour to go to school by bike?3. 他每天花半小时看报纸。He spends half an hour reading newspapers every day.a lot 与 a lot of1. If your computer doesnt work,

17、go to Mr Li for help. He knows _ computers.A. a lot ofB. manyC. a lot aboutD. lots of2. There are_ things to do at weekends. A. many B. lot of C. a lot D. much3. He likes computer very much. He knows_ the computer. A. a lot B. a lot about C. a lot of D. much4 _ (许多)of the workers in this factory are

18、 women Many频率副词1. -English is_ too difficult for me. I cant learn it well. -Dont give up. Nothing is difficult if you work hard.A. seldom B. never C. always D. sometimes2. -_ does your friend dance? Never. She dislikes it A. How much B. How long C. How often D. How3. Amy thinks moon cakes are too sw

19、eet. She_ eats them A. often B. always C. usually D. seldom“看”辨析1. -Does your father often_ newspapers (报纸) after supper? -Sometimes, He usually_ TV. A. looks at; sees B. read; watches C. reads; watch D. look at; sees2Does your father _newspapers every evening7 Yeshe does Awatch B1ook Cread Dseelet

20、sb. do sth.1. Lets _good friends Ato be Bbeing Care Dbe2. Let us_ (be) good friends and help each other. be 情景对话1. Our library is bright and b6autiful _? Will you show us around? _. Lets go.A. Really; OhB.Pardon; Of courseC. Pardon; SureD.Really; Sure2. 一Ill go for a picnic tomorrow with my parents.

21、 _.A. Bad luckB.Thats all rightC. Have a good timeD.Thats right3. Open the window please, Mike. _? I cant hear what you said.A. WhatB. PardonC. ReallyD. All right8一Mr Wu looks very young,right? 一Yes,I think_ so10一Can you_me how to go to the art room, please? tell 一Certainly! This way,please高频词汇1. Ca

22、n you see any_ (新式的)cars in the street? modern2. Both of them are in the_(读书) Club. Reading3. He likes _ (生物)best because he likes studying animals. Biology 4. I like history but dislike_(生物) biology 5. Is swimming one of your_ (业余爱好)? hobbies 6. -Your city is very_ There re many tall buildings here

23、. modern -So let me show you around.7. May is a_(苗条的)girl . slim 8. Shall we meet at the school gate at a_(一刻钟)past two tomorrow afternoon? quarter 9. We will have a_(野餐)in the park this weekend. picnic 10.-Are you a_ of the dancing club? member -No, Im not. But Im in the singing club. 11. -Shall we

24、 go to the_ this afternoon? museum -Good idea! There are many old and good things for people to see.each every 1. They _ (每一个)have a notebook in their bag. Eachelse other1. Who_ (其他)will go to the park with you? elsego doing do some doing1. Do you and your father go_ (swim) every summer? swimming 动词

25、搭配1. He needs_ (clean) the bedroom by himself once a week. to clean 2She likes_ (聊天)with her friends chatting3. If we are not good at something,we need to_ (练习)it more practice14. She likes drinking a cup of coffee before_. A. to work B. works C. working D. work三单式1. _ your brother often_ (chat) wit

26、h his online friend through QQ? Does;chat 2. Jim _ (not study) French in his free time. doesnt study 3After school,Daniel usually_(玩)with his friends plays 4. What does he like doing at weekends?He loves reading books and he often _ books from the library. borrows 5. My-mother always_(叫醒)me up at 6:

27、00 every morning. wakes 句型转换1Tom is in Class 8Im in Class 8,too.(改成同义句) Tom and I_ _.Were in the_ _.2He usually does sports in the playground after school.(对画线部分提问) _ _ he usually in the playground after school?3Its October 5th today.(对画线部分提问) _ the_ today?4Our first lesson begins at 7:30.(对画线部分提问)

28、_ _ _ your first lesson_?5She goes to the Reading club once a week.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ she_ to the Reading Club?6. She spends(花费) two hours on her homework every day. (改成同义句) It_ her two hours_ _ her homework every day. 1. are classmates, same class 2. What does, do 3. Whats, date 4. What time does, beg

29、in 5. How often does, go 6. takes, to do1Sometimes we take a bus to school.(同义句转换) Sometimes we_ to school_ bus.2She is free on Sundays.(同义句转换) She _ _on Sundays.3Kitty is making a model plane with her brother.(对画线部分提问) _ _Kitty _with her brother?4Eddie goes to sleep after breakfast.(改为一般疑问句) _ Eddi

30、e _to sleep after breakfast?5There is a library at the school.(改为复数句) _ some _at the school.1. go; by 2.isnt busy 3.What is; doing 4. Does; go 5Therere; libraries翻译句子考点1 hope1. 我希望我所有的梦想变成现实。 I hope air my dreams will come true.2.我们大家都希望你能梦想成真。 We all hope that your dream can come true.考点2 Thank you

31、 for doing sth谢谢你带领我们参观你们的教学大楼。Thank you for showing us around your teaching building. 考点3 show你能带我们参观你的学校吗?Can you show us around your school?考点4 be good at 他擅长打排球,是排球队的一员。He is good at playing volleyball and is a member of the volleyball team我的双胞胎姐姐擅长跳舞。My twin sister is good at dancing考点5 固定短语考点

32、6 频率副词Mike经常在早晨和他的妈妈做运动吗? Does Mike often do sports with his mother in the morning?她很少运动,看上去很虚弱。She seldom exercises and looks weak.他经常观看世界杯足球比赛。 He often watches the World Cup football games考点 7 固定短语他们帮助我为比赛做好准备。They help me get ready for the match,你可以从学校图书馆里借到各种各样的书。You can borrow all kinds of boo

33、ks from the school library.在午餐期间,我们经常坐在树下,互相聊天。We often sit under the tree and chat with each other at lunchtime你为什么经常呆在家里?Why do you often stay at home?老师教他们地理。 The teacher teaches them Geography. 我们都喜欢在午餐时间和朋友聊天。All of us enjoy chatting with friends at lunchtime. 书面表达1. 根据下表提示发挥想象以“My Friend”为题写一篇

34、80100词左右的短文。注意:1词数80100;开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2.短文需包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当加以细节发挥,使其连贯、通顺;3.文中不得出现真实的人名、学校等相关信息。My FriendAmy is my good friends. _My FriendAmy is my good friend. She is 14 years old. She comes from Beijing, but now she lives in Suzhou. She studies in Yangguan Middle School. She is in Class 8,Grade

35、 7. She is slim and has short hair. She has a lot of hobbies, like playing football and reading books. She likes them because they are great fun. But she doesnt like playing computer games. Her favourite subjects are Math and English. She wants to be a doctor.Amy is a lovely girl I hope her dream co

36、mes true.2. 请你根据下面的要点,写一篇介绍你最好的朋友的文章。 1名叫李明,十三岁,来自苏州,现在和父母住在无锡。 2带着眼镜,喜欢看书,家里有各种各样的书。 3喜欢语文和英语,不喜欢足球。 4他住得离学校很远,每天花半小时乘公交车去学校。 5他想要成为一名作家( writer)。我希望(自由发挥一句) Li Ming is my hest friend. Hes 13. He comes from Suzhou and lives in Wuxi with his parents now. He wears glasses and likes reading books. Therere all kinds of books at home. He likes Chinese and English and dislikes football. He


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