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1、江苏省苏、锡、常、镇四市2011届高三调研测试(一)英 语第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。21. _ there is going to be a policy change _ of those things is going to change. A. Unless; few B. Until; few C. Unless; none D. Until; none22. As workers and as citizens, we need to be able to think beyond our own self-inter

2、est and _ what is right under the circumstances. A. doing B. to do C. have done D. done23. Jeremy, who _ on his food, looked up at the mention of the word cash. A. has been concentrating B. has concentrated C. had been concentrating D. had concentrated24. Some people create jobs, foster excitement a

3、nd basically make the system work. They see possibilities _ others see only problems. A. that B. what C. which D. where25. _ our foreign policy, we now have multiple threats, very few of which involve the traditional battles of the past. A. In honour of B. In terms of C. In the form of D. In defence

4、 of26. It was only as I got older _ I got more curious about my background. A. that B. than C. then D. when27. - You _ have bothered doing the washing-up. - Thats OK, No problem. A. wouldnt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. couldnt28. - Why are you _ your things? - Well, the fact is, Ive decided to leave, A.

5、 picking up B. packing up C. putting up D. taking up29. Golf is rapidly becoming more popular. Near some towns and cities new courses are being built in _. A. what is farmland B. what farmland is C. what farmland was D. what was farmland30. _, I can see that those terrible events shaped me into the

6、person I am today. A. Having looked back B. Looking back C. Being looking back D. To be looking back31. - Students should try to do a little studying every evening throughout the term, rather than study all night during the week before the exam. - Exactly. _.A. Practice makes perfect B. The early bi

7、rd catches the worm C. Slow but sure wins the race D. Delays are dangerous32. - We found the steps up to the plane door in Charlottetown were so steep that we found it very difficult. - Sorry about that. We will work out _ way to get passengers onto the planes very soon. A. a better B. the better C.

8、 a best D. the best33. - I dont think its _ to the ceiling very securely. - Dont worry. It wont A. fixing; drop B. fixed; drop C. fixing; be dropped D. fixed; be dropped34. Mistakes will happen. Accept _ and learn from A. it; them B. them; it C. it; it D. them; them35. - I wont be in for dinner toni

9、ght. - Well, _ youd told mc earlier. A. I hope B. I wish C. I forgot D. I remember第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。A serious car crash leads one woman to rediscover her faith in human kindness.In March last year, the car I was driving was 36 in a serious crash with another car on a cou

10、ntry road. I soon 37 myself at the centre of a frenzy of activity, surrounded by paramedics, police, rescuers and members of the local community. An enormous can opener was used to 38 me out of my wrecked car and 39 an ambulance.Over the next eight hours, l was transported to hospital, dragged up, X

11、-rayed and diagnosed (诊断) with a broken neck. Knowing that Id 40 death by a fraction of a second sustained me throughout the long wait in the emergency ward and 41 me to deal with the visible distress of my hospital visitors.Only after Id convinced the last friend to 42 could I direct my energies in

12、wards Flitting in and out of my line of vision during my hospital 43 was the Red Cross lady, a gentle 44 in white who, from time to time, popped her head in to 45 cups of tea. After the visitors had gone, she ventured further into my cubicle to 46 that I was all riot.I found myself 47 her everything

13、; about the shock of the 48 , my feats for my family as a result of my injuries - about my whole life. While I 49 for an ambulance to transport me to another hospital, she stood by my trolley and 50 my hand as I off-loaded all the emotion Id stoically withheld (强忍着的) from my family. She 51 , quiet a

14、nd non-judgmental.Even now, the 52 that I have her contact details provides me with great 53 . I look forward to a day in the not-too-distant future when my guardian angel and I can meet again, in 54 circumstances.In times of crisis, faith can sustain us: for mc, my faith in human nature, reawakened

15、 by the 55 of a stranger, has helped ease my journey back to recovery.36. A. caught B. trapped C. lost D. involved37. A. imagined B. found C. devoted D. dreamed38. A. push B. force C. get D. turn39. A. into B. onto C. off D. on40. A. survived B. met C. beat D. feared41. A. advised B. forced C. order

16、ed D. helped42. A. assist B. leave C. participate D. come43. A. stay B. visit C. operation D. appointment44. A. patient B. performance C. presence D. physician45. A. make B. offer C. drink D. take46. A. claim B. consult C. conclude D. check47. A. presenting B. showing C. giving D. telling48. A. acci

17、dent B. incident C. event D. occasion49. A. hoped B. prepared C. waited D. watched50. A. held B. lent C. moved D. waved51. A. puzzled B. doubted C. stopped D. listened52. A. knowledge B. belief C. power D. privilege53. A. progress B. pride C. surprise D. comfort54. A. unforeseen B. happier C. strang

18、e D. extreme55. A. sympathy B. strength C. kindness D. donation第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。AWhile travelling to Newcastle in the UK to visit relatives, I arrived in London to find my plane transfer north to Newcastle had been cancelled due to deteriorating weather conditions.The

19、airline was helpful - offering me a choice between a night in a hotel or a six-hour bus fide to my destination. With no indication as to whether a flight to Newcastle would happen in the next two days, I chose the bus ride.I stored all my baggage in the luggage compartment of the bus, thinking I wou

20、ld not need anything on the journey.The young lady sitting beside me could see how tired I was and asked me if anyone would be meeting me on my arrival.I realised that t had left my cell phone in my bag and had no way to contact my relatives. They would be waiting for me at the airport about five ho

21、urs before the bus got to Newcastle, not knowing what had happened. Without hesitation, the young lady offered me the use of her cell phone.When the bus made a rest stop, she asked me if I was getting out. I replied that I wouldnt as I still had sandals on, and bare feet werent ideal for the cold we

22、ather, When she got back on, shed bought me some tea and a packet of sweets to eat.When we eventually arrived in Newcastle, the woman checked that someone was there to meet me. I asked her to wait a moment while I got my purse to repay her, but when I looked up she had gore. I was unable to even ver

23、bally thank her.56. We learn from the passage that _.A. the author had little money to buy the air ticket from London to NewcastleB. the author probably flew to London from a warm placeC. the authors relatives missed meeting her in LondonD. the authors cell phone wasnt functioning in Britain57. Whic

24、h of the following information is of great importance to the authors relatives?A. Why the flight was called off.B. Why the flight was delayed.C. Where the author was put up.D. When the author would arrive.58. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. British people always suffer from terrible weather

25、in winter. B. British people are usually helpful.C. The author was kind of careless. D. The author was grateful to the airline.BAccurately forecasting the weather is a very hard thing to do. There are many parts of weather dynamics-the study of how water and air in motion cause weather patterns-to c

26、onsider. Even the best forecast can be changed by a small weather disturbance halfway around the world. Todays forecast use complex computer models, weather instruments, and detailed analyses of daily observations to predict the weather. However, it hasnt always been that way. People, like your gran

27、dparents, use folklore and proverbs to help forecast the weather. They remembered what conditions caused changes and observed the factors associated with weather: atmospheric and cloud conditions, temperature, winds, and reactions of plants and animals. Many people believe that this way of forecasti

28、ng weather is accurate more often than modem forecasting.Grandmas aching joints might indicate the arrival of a low-pressure system. She might also observe the geese flying lower than usual, confirming the low-pressure system. Finally, she might feel dampness on her skin, a sign of high humidity (湿度

29、). Based on these three observations, grandma might warn that a storm is brewing.Joints and nerves can indicate dropping air pressure, Dissolved gases in the blood form bubbles under low air pressure. This causes pain in joints and nerve endings. Geese and other birds respond to changes in air press

30、ure by adjusting how high they fly. In the fair, calm weather of a high-pressure system, the birds fly higher than in the stormy weather associated with a low-pressure system.Nature provides other clues to changing weather. A decrease in air pressure causes deer and elk to come down from the mountai

31、ns to look for shelter. Some animals feed more than usual. The higher humidity before a storm causes some insects to leave the trees and gather near the ground. Some flowers close so rain doesnt get inside them. In winter, rhododendron plants curl up to protect themselves as the temperature drops.Se

32、veral of the sayings apply in particular areas of the world. Here are some of them.Early thunder, early spring.Rainbow in the morning 8ives you fair warning.When teeth and bones and bunions ache, expect the clouds to fill the lake.When high clouds and tow clouds do not match together, prepare for a

33、blow and a change in the weather.59. It is true that _. A. using folklore and proverbs to forecast weather is more accurate than modem forecasting B. complex computer models and weather instruments can always forecast weather accurately C. modern forecasting cannot always guarantee accurate weather

34、forecasting for some reason D. modem forecasting along with other observations is sure to give accurate weather forecast60. In a low-pressure system, you may notice the following EXCEPT that _. A. some birds will be seen flying near the surface of the earth B. some flowers close so rain doesnt get i

35、nside C. some animals come down from mountains D. some insects disappear from ground61. It is a fact that the behaviour of plants and animals is _. A. likely to reflect long-term weather forecasting B. likely to reflect short-term weather forecasting C. unlikely to reflect any kind of weather foreca

36、sting D. more likely to reflect both short-term and long. term weather forecasting62. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. People can forecast weather with no modern equipment. B. How to use proverbs to forecast weather forecasting.C. Hard as it is, weather forecasting has a scientific base. D. T

37、he importance of weather forecasting.来源:Zxxk.ComCThe United States has always been a country of many cultures. Before Europeans came to North America, many groups of Native Americans lived here. Different Native American groups had different cultures. The first Europeans in the United States were fr

38、om England and Holland, but immigrants came from all European countries. Many people also immigrated from Asia and Africa. Sadly, many Africans were brought to the United States as slaves. Many immigrants come from Latin America too. Today, the United States has people from more cultures than ever.I

39、n the 19th century, people spoke of the United States as a “melting pot.” People thought that all immigrates should forget their native cultures and languages and become English-speaking Americans. They felt that people should assimilate - join American culture. However, not everyone wanted to assim

40、ilate completely. Many people tried to keep parts of their cultures, such as foods, customs, and languages. However, their children often forgot their parents or grandparents language. But most Americans, even those whose families have been here a long time, can tell the countries their relatives ca

41、me from. And of course, new immigrants take great pride in their curare and language.For all of these reasons, melting pot is no longer a good way to describe the United States. Instead, people now call the United States a “salad bowl.” They say salad bowl because in a salad, you can still see all o

42、f the individual parts (lettuce, tomato, and so on), but all the different parts mixed together and begin to take on the flavor of one another.63. Which of the following is the key information the writer wants to tell us in the first paragraph?A. There used to be many groups of Native Americans. B.

43、Englishmen were among the first to settle in America.C. Asians and Africans also immigrated to America. D. USA today is made up of people from across the world.64. The “melting pot” _.A. is an accurate way to describe the United StatesB. is a place where people from different cultures should assimil

44、ate completelyC. cannot accurately reflect the reality in the United States D. cannot be replaced by the “salad bowl”65. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Many immigrates to the United States try to keep some of their culture.B. Immigrates are encouraged to use English where

45、ver they go in the USA.C. Children of early immigrates can speak English as well as their parents native language.D. New immigrants want to live in their own culture and language.66. The “salad bowl” reflects the fact that immigrates to the United States _. A. help each other B. assimilate only part

46、ially C. take great pride in their culture and language D. remain independentDExpecting good things can make you healthier and might even lengthen your life, says researcher Suzaane Segerstrom, PhD, author of Breaking Murphys Law. Segerstrom is coauthor of a recent review of studies on the benefits

47、of a positive attitude-and has experienced them herself. We asked her about optimisms principles and payoffs.l) Feeling well helps when youre not well.“When researchers look at people who have similar medical conditions, they can predict whos likely to live longer: the one who feels his health is be

48、tter. Theres something about that feeling of wellness thats important, even-maybe especially-if youre ill. Optimism also seems to help buffer (减缓) you against stress. Ive been studying first-year law students for 16 years. Thats a very stressed group, but in my most recent study, each time a student

49、s optimism increased one point on a five-point scale, his immune (免疫性的) response to an injected virus or yeast improved by 20 percent.”2) Optimism is something you do.“Anxiety and other negative emotions are known to be detri-mental to the body, especially to your cardiovascular and immune systems (

50、心血管和免疫系统), and having an optimistic nature seems to protect against those effects.In addition, research shows that people who axe optimistic about their future behave differently. They exercise more, are less likely to smoke, and follow a better diet. And if they get sick, theyre more likely to acti

51、vely participate in their treatment. Ive seen that myself-I have back pain from arthritis, but I think my willingness to do whatever it takes has helped a lot.”3) Not happy? Dont worry.“Happiness is a feeling; optimism is a belief that aspects of your future will turn out well. Happiness can fluctua

52、te (波动) a lot, but an optimistic disposition (性格) is usually pretty stable. If youre not optimistic, you can try creating a positive events log. Good filings happen to everyone, but pessimists often dont take notice; spending a few minutes every day writing about at least three positive things may h

53、elp you expect them more often. Or instead of trying to be optimistic, do what optimists do: Work hard to reach your goals. Each accomplishment should make it easier to be hopeful about the next one.”67. The main finding of the study done by 8uzanae Segerstrom is _.A. people will benefit from their

54、positive attitudes towards life来源:ZB. anyone who feels his health is better lives longerC. people who are optimistic about their future behave differentlyD. happiness usually results in a bright future68. What conclusion did Suzanne Segerstrom draw from her studies on her fast-year law students?A. The better medical care they enjoy, the longer they will live.B. The younger they arc, the stronger they will be.C. The more optimistic they am, the less likely they will get ill.D. The better they feel, the more rapidly they will recover from illness.69. We learn from the passag


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