1、二、漫画评论1. 漫画的主题既有好也有坏的社会现象第一段 : a new and growing trend has found its way into china, which isseeing huge changes on allsortsof fronts. this trend is evidencedbythecartoon presented here. inthis picture,grabmyattention. the authorof thepictureemploys visual metaphors.is symbolic of.第二段 : the cartooni
2、st strives to bring home to us a single clear message:_is a mixed blessing. in the midst of a massive transition toprosperity,nothingis new in this nation. undeniably,has produced tangible benefits to us, even transforming theway we live or look at things. but, on the negative side, if left unchecke
3、d orcarried to extremes,has the potential to undermine our lives,even the order of society. in a nutshell, the author argues,has both bright and dark side.第三段 :personally,we shouldfeel the needto putinperspective. that is to say, we are supposed to be keenly aware thatcuts both ways. there is no sho
4、rtage of signs thatis likelyto standinthewayofthe growthofa person,evenan organizationor acountry. takinganobjective lookatwould be rewardingover the long haul.预测题: celebrity endorsement12. 漫画的主题是好的社会现象 a new and favorable trend has found its way into china, which is seeinghuge changes on all sorts
5、of fronts.this trend is evidenced by the cartoonpresented here. in this picture,grab my attention. the authorof the pictureemploysvisualmetaphors.issymbolic of. the cartoonist strives to bring home to us a single clear message:_is intensely popular on the chinese mainland and it is hugely rewarding.
6、 stated in another way, in this nation there is a growingappreciation of the critical importance of, giving rise to ahost of benefits. from my perspective, this benign trend deserves to be boosted. thereare many good reasons forto be put at the top of the nationsagenda. to name only one: a persisten
7、t national atmosphere of placing ahighvalue onwillpowernew miracleson the path of thenation sgreat revival.we need to do whatever it takes to value. losing sight of the crucial importance ofwould be a majorobstacle to china s revival, i would argue.预测题: showing love heart23. 漫画的主题是不好的社会现象 when i tak
8、e a look at the cartoon, my heart sinks. in this picture,_grabmyattention. theauthorof the pictureemploys visual metaphors.is symbolicof. thecartooniststrivestobringhometous a singleclearmessage:has penetrated into virtually every corner of current society.simply stated,this is sweeping across the c
9、ountry, an alarming scenario. on my personal level, although china boasts one of the planet s mostancient and respected cultures with unbroken lines of greatnessdating backthousands of years, it is falling far behind a host of rival countries on far toomany fronts. the disturbing trend ofis best illustrated by thecartoon above. if china were to build back to normality, it should focus itsefforts on stopping valuing short-termbenefits, which is the main culpritbehind this upsetting problem. otherwise, china wouldbe permanentlylocked ou
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