Module 6 Animals in Danger 学案_第1页
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1、Module 6 Animals in Danger 学案Task1 单词预习1_ vt. 使处于险境;危及2_ n. 保护区;保护圈3_ n. 栖息地4_ adj. 灭绝的;绝种的5_ n. 挣扎;斗争6_ vt. 保护7_ n. 战斗8_ adj. 理想的9_ n. 牧群;兽群10_ adj. 值钱11_ vt. 剥皮;去皮12_ n. (某事发生的)准确地点;现场13_ n& vt. (警方的)突击搜查14_ vt. 没收15_ n(s) 环境;情况16_ adv. 同时Task.短语预习1thanks _幸亏,由于2put _ 放下3give ones life _ 为而献身4_ a

2、time 一次5_ the spot 当场6be made _ 制成7come _ fashion 开始流行起来,成为时尚 8take an active part _ 积极参加9get tough _ 对采取强硬措施Task III.知识点学习1. endanger vt. (教材P51)But the Siberian tiger is not the only endangered species. Another famous animal in danger is the giant panda,whose habitat is in China.可是西伯利亚虎并不是唯一的濒危动物。

3、另一个著名的濒危动物是大熊猫,它的栖息地在中国。【语境感悟】The polluted air in the city is badly endangering the health of the residents.This rare bird has become an endangered species.The little boy was once in danger of losing his sight,but the doctor helped him out of danger【归纳拓展】(1)danger n in danger in danger of out of dan

4、ger (2)dangerous adj. endangered adj. 2. struggle n.&v.(教材P51)The question is:What can we do to help them in their struggle for survival? 问题是:在它们 为了生存的斗争中,我们能做些什么来帮助它们呢?【语境感悟】She struggled with the disease for ten years. He has been struggling to succeed in his business.He has been struggling for su

5、ccess in his business.He struggled against cancer for two years. He was badly injured in the accident,but struggled to his feet.【归纳拓展】struggle for. struggle with struggle against struggle to do sth. struggle to ones feet 3. condition n. pl. C U (教材P53)The small group of officials who work in the res

6、erve are helped by volunteers who come from all over the country,and who are ready for the difficult conditions of life at 5,000 metres. 在保护区工作的一小组政府官员得到了来自全国各地的、愿意忍受海拔5 000米的恶劣生活环境的志愿者们的支援。【语境感悟】The miners there worked in terrible conditions.Exercise keeps you in good condition He can use my bicycl

7、e on condition that he returns it tomorrow.On no condition should you give up the plan. The car has been well maintained and is in excellent condition.【归纳拓展】(1)in (a) good/excellent/poor terrible/condition _in/out of condition _(2)on condition that _ on no conditionnot at all _4. involve vt. _;_(教材P

8、55)But the trade also involves live animals.然而,这种交易还包括贩卖活的野生动物。【语境感悟】Housework involves cooking,washing dishes,sweeping and cleaning.Dont involve me in your trouble.I dont want my son to be involved with criminals.He was involved in a heated argument. Parents should involve themselves in their child

9、rens education.【归纳拓展】(1)involve doing sth._ involve sb. in (doing) sth. _(2)be involved in sth. _ be involved with sb. _5. wonder nC ;U v (教材P55)One of the wonders of the insect world.昆虫世界的奇迹之一。【语境感悟】They were filled with wonder when they saw the spaceship.Many people wonder at the beauty of nature

10、around them.It is a wonder that she should have failed in the exam.He hasnt slept at all for three days. It is no wonder/No wonder he is tired out.I wonder if my daughter has completed her homework.【归纳拓展】(1)in wonder _ Its a wonder (that). _(Its) No wonder that. _ (2)wonder at/about sth. _ wonder th

11、at. _wonder if/whether. _ 【短语释义】6. give ones life to/for (教材P52)He had given his life to save the Tibetan antelope. 他为拯救藏羚羊献出了生命。【语境感悟】He himself had determined to give his own life also to the same career.。He gave his life to save the drowning child.He devoted his life to teaching the children who

12、lived in mountain areas.The teachers joke gave life to the dull class.【归纳拓展】give life to _ come to life life _ devote ones life to _lose ones life _ lead a time _ (教材P53) Often working at night,the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time,leaving only the babies,whose

13、 wool is not worth so much.那些偷猎者常常是夜里出动,一次就捕杀掉整群藏羚羊,只留下那些毛不怎么值钱的幼崽。【语境感悟】You can borrow two books at a time from the library.They were just in time for the bus. At one time they met frequently 【归纳拓展】at one time _ at no time _ in no time _at times _ in time _ on time concerned about/for (教材P57)

14、Im concerned about the future of wildlife in Africa. 我很担心非洲野生生物的未来。【语境感悟】The people running these factories are very concerned about the environment.Many people have expressed their concern about the food safety.Her job is concerned with computers.As far as Im concerned,I think shopping online is co

15、nvenient.【归纳拓展】(1)be concerned in/with sth._ as far as sb./ concerned_(2)concern n. v. show/express ones concern about._9.stand for _(教材P59)The initials,WWF,stand for World Wide Fund for Nature. 大写字母WWF代表为世界大自然野生动物保护基金会。【探究1】写出下列句中stand for的含义(1)WTO stands for the World Trade Organization._(2)

16、We Chinese stand for peace and wish to settle all disputes by peaceful means._(3)I cant stand for being treated like a child._【语境感悟】The letters stood out well against the dark background.How can you stand by when she needs help?【归纳拓展】(1) stand by _ stand out_stand still (2)cant stand sth./doing sth.

17、 _10.set up _(教材P59)Then,in 1995,the organization set up an office in Beijing.于是,在1995年,这个组织在北京设立了一个办事机构。【语境感悟】The company has decided to set up three branches in China.She set up a new world record in the 100 metres.Do you know how to set about going on the work?We set aside some money for repairs.

18、【归纳拓展】set about doing_ set out to do _set off _ set aside _ set down _【句法分析】11. (教材P53)International cooperation seems to be working. 国际间的合作好像正在起作用。句中seem为系动词,意为“看起来”,seem to be doing其中to be doing为不定式的进行时,表示动作 正在进行。(1)sb./sth. seems to do/to be doing/to have done.(2)It seems (to sb.) that. _ It seem

19、s (to sb.) as if. _There seems to be. 【语境感悟】The child seems to be doing his homework. My mother seems to have known the truth. Tom seems (to be ) a very clever boy It seems to me that Mr Brown will not come again. Task IV. 单元检测 单词拼写1. It is _(违法的)to sell tobacco to someone under 16.2. Every year tho

20、usands of wild animals and plants become _ (灭绝的).3. When his _(冻僵的)body was found hours later, he was still holding his gun.4. The animal are _ (剥皮)on the spot and the wool is taken to India.5. My brother went swimming; _(同时), I cleaned the house.6. In order to protect some animals, our country has

21、set up many _(保护区).7. I prefer to see animals in their natural _ (栖息地), rather than in zoos.单项填空1. It is not rare in _that people in _ fifties were going to university for further education. A. 1990s; the B. the 1990s; / C. 1990s; their D. the 1990s; their2. Id like to _a seat on the next plane to A

22、talanta.A. preserve B. stay C. maintain D. reserve3. She is in a poor _of health, which worries her mother much.A. position B. situation C. state D. condition4. When he began stealing the money, he was caught _.A. at a time B. on the spot C. in the same way D. in different spots5. The doctor would a

23、llow him to go home _ he remained in bed.A. as though B. for fear that C. on condition that D. as far as6. Theres no _ in letting children do whatever they like.A. focus B. profit C. attention D. pity7. Power supply to the hall was cut off immediately, _the room in darkness.A. left B. leaving C. to

24、leave D. was left8. -When did the Great Wall_? -In the Qin Dynasty.A. come into being B. come into use C.come into effect D. come into power9. Dark glasses are sometimes worn to _ the eyes form strong sunlight.A. prevent B. escape C. protect D. guard10. It is said that the West Lake is _.A. worth of

25、 visiting B. worth being visited C.worthy a visit D. worthy of being visited11. The most important reason is that some animals are _ of extinction.A. dangerous B. in danger C. endangered D. in dangerous12. The Negroes once struggled _ slave owners _freedom.A. for; with B. for; against C. with; for D

26、. with; against13. On a _ cold night, the little match girl was _ to death in a street corner.A. frozen; frozen B. freezing; freezing C.frozen; freezing D. freezing; frozen14. Dont all speak at once! _, please.A. Each at one time B. One by one time C. One for each time D. One at a time15. To our joy

27、, that problem was solved _.A. on spot B. on the spot C. in spot D. in the spotTask V. 语法练习1.-Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut?-You should try the barbers I go. Its only 15. A. as B. which C. where D. that2. After graduating from college, I took some time off to go travelling, t

28、urned out to be a wise decision. A. that B. which C. when D. where3. As a child , Jack studied in a village school ,_ is named after his grandfather. A. which B. where C. what D. that4. The newly built caf, the walls of_ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after ha

29、rd work. A. that B. it C. what D. which5. The old temple _ roof was damaged in storm is now under repair. A. where B. which C. its D. whose6. I refuse to accept the blame for something _was someone elses fault. A. who B. that C. as D. what7. Children who are not active or diet is high in fat will ga

30、in weight quickly. A. what B. whose C. which D. that www. ks5u. com/gaokao/beijing8. In china, the number of cities is increasing _development is recognized across the world. A. where B. which C. whoseD. that9. The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of left their village homes for a bet

31、ter life in the city. A. whom B. which C. themD. those10. Whenever I met her, _ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile. A. who B. which C. when D. that 11. She brought with her three friends, none of I had ever met before.A. them B. who C. whom D. these12. Because of the financial crisi

32、s, days are gone _ _ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night. A. if B. when C. which D. since13. A person _ e-mail account is full wont be able to send or receive any e-mails.A. who B. whom C. whose D. whoever14. Gun control is a subject Americans have argued for a long time. A. of whic

33、h B. with which C. about which D. into which15. Mozarts birthplace and the house _ he composed The Magic Flute are both museums now . A. where B. when C. there D. which16. The house I grew up _ has been taken down and replaced by an office building. A. in it B. in C. in that D. in which 17. Many children , parents are away working in big cities


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