七年级英语下册 知识导学 Module 6 Around town综合能力演练 (新版)外研版_第1页
七年级英语下册 知识导学 Module 6 Around town综合能力演练 (新版)外研版_第2页
七年级英语下册 知识导学 Module 6 Around town综合能力演练 (新版)外研版_第3页
七年级英语下册 知识导学 Module 6 Around town综合能力演练 (新版)外研版_第4页
七年级英语下册 知识导学 Module 6 Around town综合能力演练 (新版)外研版_第5页




1、Module 6 Around town .单项选择。1. Go _the forest, and you can see a wooden house by the river. A. overB across C. on D. through 2. The boy was taller than Tina. He was sitting _Tina. So Tina couldnt see the blackboard at all. A. behindB. in front of C. beside D. next to 3. I live far away from the schoo

2、l. I think the best way to go to school is by _subway. A. a B. an C. the D. / 4. We can know some information about the ancient history in the _. A. factory B. square C. museum D. pool 5. Could you please tell me how I can _the nearest bookstore? Sorry, I am also a stranger here. A. arrive B. get C.

3、 reach at D. get to 6. The journey will _me about two weeks. A. spend B. take C. pay D. cost 7. I got on the bus, but I didnt know where the London Zoo was. So I asked the driver where I should _the bus. A. get off B. get on C. get out D. get up 8. _is it from our school to the airport? About half a

4、n hours walk. A. How far B. How often C. How long D. How soon 9. _ Its next to the bus stop. A. Is there a library near here? B. How fat is it? C. Where is the library? D. How can I get to the library? 10. We went for a picture _a clear day. A. at B. for C. in D. on 11._ took us three hours to finis

5、h the work. A. We B. The work C. They D. It 12. Here _ some paintings of the famous painter. A. have B. has C. are D. is 13. Excuse me, where can I buy flowers? You can buy them in the _. A. cinema B. bookstore C. flower store D. hospital 14. I wanted to take the boat, but my sister preferred to tak

6、e the train. We dont know _to get there. A. when B. where C. how D. what 15. Though I am on the boat, I dont know where to _ . A. get on B. get off C. get in D. get out. 完形填空。 Traffic rules(规则) help to keep people 1 The pedestrian(行人) has as many rules to 2 as the driver of a carYou should walk on t

7、he sidewalk(人行道)Always be careful 3 you walk across the roadIf you like riding a bike,dont ride in the middle of the road or run 4 red traffic lightsWhen you ride a bike with a friend,dont look aroundIf you drive a car,you should 5 at the traffic lightsYou must always 6 a seat belt(安全带)Without belts

8、,both the driver and the passengers may be 7 8 if you take a busGet on or get off a bus only when it comes to a 9 when it is full,dont try to get inside 10 you may fall1Ahealthy Bsafe Chappy2Afollow Bmake Cbreak3Abecause Bafter Cwhen4Athrough Bacross Calong5Adrive fast Bgo down Cslow down(减速)6Atake

9、Bwear Ccarry7Asafe Bin danger Chappy8ALook around BTake care CTake a seat9Astreet Bstop Ccorner10Aand Bso Cor. 阅读理解。AWhen I was a boy,I liked swimming bestOne year,I spent the summer holiday with my uncle,aunt and their two sons in their house by the seaTheir house was only one hundred meters from t

10、he seaTheir two sons also liked swimming shorts(短裤) after breakfast,ran to the sea and jumped inWe were in the sea or on the sand most of the time until late at nightMy aunt cooked food for usWhen she rang a bell,we went back to the house for foodBut when we finished our meal,we went back to the sea

11、 againThe water was warm and the sun was bright every dayIn most days there were no waves(海浪)In the middle of the day wind began to blow,but it was not strongIn our holiday strong wind blew for three timesThat made very big waves on the seaIt was very beautiful1What did the write like best when he w

12、as a boy?_2How many children does the writers uncle have?_3How far was the house from the sea?_4Who cooked for the children?_5How many time did the strong wind blow during the holiday?_BNew York City isnt the biggest city in the world,but it is the biggest city in the USAMost Americans live in much

13、smaller cities and towns,but almost 8 million people live in New YorkWhy did so many people come to live in one place?A look at the city shows us that New York City has a very good port(商埠)The Dutch(荷兰) settlers (new comers) wanted to use it for businessIn 1626,the Dutch paid(付钱) the Indians twenty-

14、four dollars for the island of ManhattanIts Dutch name was New AmsterdamThen the British took the land in 1664 and changed its name to New YorkThe United States became an independent(独立的) country in 1783,and New York was its capital for a short timeThe city became so crowded that some people moved o

15、ut to other areas(places)But more people from everywhere went on coming into the city every day6Which of them is the biggest city in the United States? A. New York. B. Washington. C. New Amsterdam. D. Chicago7. more and more people from different countries in the world come into New York because _.A

16、New York has the largest population in the United StatesBNew York is as beautiful as a pictureCNew York is a developing cityDthey think it is a good place for business8. The underlined word“took”means _A花费 B耕耘 C占领 D测量9. The United States became an independent country in _ A. sixteen century B. the s

17、eventeenth C. the eighteenth century D. the nineteenth century10. From the passage we can know_.Amuch about DutchBhow the Dutch took New AmsterdamCsome of the history of New YorkDhow the people from different countries come to the USA. 书面表达。假如你校有几位来自美国的交换生,他们打算周末步行去翠湖公园。请根据提示为他们写出前往的路线,并简介公园情况。要点提示:

18、1路线(见下图);2公园环境优美、凉爽,还可游泳、野餐等;3要求:1词数:80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。2文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。Cuihu Park is not far from here. Its easy to get there. Just go straight_【答案与解析】. 单项选择。 1. D。“穿越森林”要用through。2. B。由“那个男孩比蒂娜高”以及“所以蒂娜根本看不见黑板”可推断那个男孩坐在蒂娜的“前面”。3. D。“by+交通工具”短语中,交通工具前不加任何冠词。4. C。由“know some information about t

19、he ancient history”可知,对应的场所应该是museum。5. D。get,arrive是不及物动词,而reach是及物动词。6. B。主语为the journey,故要用take。cost一般表示花钱,而不是花时间。7. A。本题的语境为“我上车了,但不知道伦敦动物园在哪里,所以就问司机我应该在哪里下车”,由此可知答案为A。8. A。由答语可知问的是路程。9. C。结合答语可知问句问的是具体方位。故选C。10. D。on a clear ay意为“在晴朗的一天”。11. D。考查句型“It takes sb. . to do sth.”,此句中用的是take的过去式took。

20、12. C。考查“here+be+主语”结构的倒装句。主语是some paintings,故对应的be动词 要用are。13. C。结合题干中的buy flowers可知答案为C。14. C。结合题干中的“我想坐船,但我妹妹想坐火车”可知所缺的词是how。15. B。根据“尽管我在船上,但我不知道在哪里”,可推断出不知道在哪里下船。get on指“上(车、飞机等)”;get off “下(车、飞机等)”;get in“进入, 收获,达到”;get out“泄露,公布”。. 完形填空。 1B。交通规则是为了保证人们的安全,“keep sb. safe”意为“保证某人安全”。2A。follow在此

21、意思为“遵循,遵守”。3C。根据常理,过马路时要小心。4A。through意思为“通过(障碍、阶段或测试)”,across意思为“穿过平面的物体”,along意思为“沿着”。此处“闯红灯”指的是通过(障碍、阶段或测试),故用through。5C。遇见交通灯当然要减速。6B。表示“系安全带”用动词wear。7B。不系安全带可能对司机和乘客都很危险,故用in danger。8B。look around意思为“向四周看”,take care意思为“小心,当心”,take a seat意思为“坐下”根据语境用take care。9B。表示“公交车站”用stop,指只有站牌的那种。10C。 or在此意思为“否则”。. 阅读理解。A 篇1He


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