九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to分层精练 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to分层精练 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to分层精练 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to分层精练 (新版)人教新目标版_第4页
九年级英语全册 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to分层精练 (新版)人教新目标版_第5页
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1、Unit 9I like music that I can dance to.第1课时Section A(1a2d).根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1The foreign song sounds _smooth_ (悦耳的)2Everyone _supposes_ (猜想) him to be poor. In fact, he has quite much money.3After _war_ (战争), the two countries found a way to make peace for each other.4He thought he had already solved th

2、e problem, but that was not the _case_ (实情)5My mother bought an _electronic_ (电子的) dictionary for me yesterday.选择恰当的关系代词填空。1He is a musician _who/that_ plays gentle songs.2I like books _that_ are funny.3I prefer singers _who/that_ write their own lyrics.4Rose is the student _who/that_ always comes t

3、op in the exam.5He doesnt like music _that_ is too loud.单项选择。( A )1.(2017安庆四中一模)Do you often watch Running Man 2017 on TV?Sometimes. Its an interesting program, but I _ Sports News.【高频考点】Aprefer BwantCknow Dreview( D )2._ of music do you like?I like country music.AWhat color BWhat sizeCWhat language

4、 DWhat kind( A )3.(2017合肥模拟)I like dancing _ the music very much.I like singing along _ the music.【高频考点】Ato; with Bto; toCwith; to Dfor; on( B )4.Most students like teachers _ patient with their students.Awho is Bwho are Cwhich is Dwhich are( C )5.What are you doing tomorrow, Jane?_AThank youBIts ri

5、ghtCIm going to visit my grandmaDYoure welcome.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1如果我的老师有空,她想和我一起去看电影。If my teacher _has_ _free/spare_ time, she wants _to_ _watch_ a movie with me.2既然那样,我拒绝回答你的问题。 _In_ _that_ _case_, I refused to answer your question.3这个图书馆里有不同种类的科学书籍。There are _different_ _kinds_ _of_ science books in

6、the library.4这部电影能给我们一些思考的东西。The movie can give us something _to_ _think_ _about_5他们更喜欢能帮助他们放松的悦耳的音乐。They _prefer_ _smooth_ music _that/which_ can help them _relax_.用方框中所给单词的适当形式补全对话。write, see, what, start, pass, get,clear, outside, famous, concertA: Tomorrow is Sunday. _1_ are you going to do?B: N

7、othing much. Why?A: Just now I _2_ the Hefei Olympic Sports Center and _3_ an ad. It said the _4_ singer Li Ronghao would give a _5_ tomorrow evening. I _6_ two tickets. Would you like to go with me?B: Id love to. Li Ronghao is a singer who _7_ his own lyrics and sings the words _8_. I like him. Wha

8、t time does it start?A: It _9_ at 6:30 pm. Lets meet _10_ the center gate tomorrow evening.B: OK. See you!A: See you!1. _What_ 2. _passed_ 3. _saw_ 4. _famous_ 5. _concert_ 6. _got_ 7. _writes_ 8. _clearly_ 9. _starts_ 10. _outside_ 第2课时Section A(3a4c).汉译英。1恐怖电影 _scary_movies_ 2感到更伤心 _feel_sadder_ 3

9、解决问题 _solve_problems_ 4好像不那么严肃 _seem_less_serious_ 5取决于 _depend_on_ 6使振奋起来 _cheer_up_ 7坚持 _stick_to_ 8大量 _plenty_of_ 9关闭 _shut_off_ 10偶尔地 _once_in_a_while_ .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1My grandpa likes watching _documentaries_ (纪录片) on TV.2Its blowing heavily outside. Please _shut_ the window.3Jane often make

10、s up _dialogues/dialogs_ with her partner in English class.4Mike felt _down_ (沮丧) because he failed the math exam.5Her cousin is studying in a _drama_ (戏剧) school.根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成句子。1Please _shut_ _off_ (关闭) your mobile phone because this meeting musnt be allowed to spread now.2My mother put _plenty_

11、_of_ / _lots_ _of_ (许多) books on the shelf. We may read them in the study in our spare time.3Before my dream is achieved, I must _stick_ _to_ (坚持) it.4They go fishing together _once_ _in_ _a_ _while_ (偶尔地)5Mike is sad now. We should try to _cheer_ him _up_ (振作起来).单项选择。( B )1.(2017合肥科大附中月考)Lets try o

12、ur best _ our problems by ourselves.Asolving Bto solveCsolved Dsolve( D )2.What do you think of the film?It was boring. It made me _Ato sleep BsleepingCslept Dsleep( B )3.(2017蚌埠实验中学一模)The movie Dangal(摔跤吧!爸爸) is so wonderful. Do you feel like _ it tonight?Yes. But I am afraid I wont be allowed _ ou

13、t too late.【高频考点】 Ato watch; to stayBwatching; to stayCwatching; stayingDto watch; staying( B )4.Mom, I have to go right now, bye.Take care! You dont need to rush. You still have _ time.【高频考点】Alittle Bplenty ofCmany Da number of( B )5. _ do you like Jay Chous songs?Very much. You know I love songs t

14、hat both have great lyrics and beautiful music.AWhy BHow CWhen DWhat.句型转换。1I prefer food that_tastes_a_little_sweet(对画线部分提问) _What_ _kind_ _of_ food do you prefer?2My sister Ann dislikes music that is loud.(改为同义句)My sister Ann _doesnt_ _like_ music that is loud.3My mother likes beautiful clothes.(改为

15、同义句)My mother likes clothes _that/which_ _are_ _beautiful_4Im reading a book. Its about space.(改为定语从句)Im reading a book _that/which_ _is_ _about_ _space_5I dont like movies. The movies have scary monsters.(改为定语从句)I dont like movies _that/which_ _have_ _scary_ _monsters_.完形填空。 In our country, music i

16、s a part of our lives. Its very important to our whole lives. One cold winter day, a _1_ was held in our town. It was _2_ by some people who came to our town to work. Although it was very cold, the performers all _3_ very well. They played wonderful music that created a _4_ environment. It warmed al

17、l the audience (观众). The performers expressed their _5_ for some local peoples help. They also expressed that they missed their hometowns by playing some of their _6_ music. The last part of the concert was the most exciting part. The performers played some music to express their dream of being _7_

18、as equals (同等人). When the concert _8_, the whole audience of 600 persons stood up and applauded (鼓掌) warmly. They were moved and excited. Music makes our lives _9_. It helps us relax and express what we can _10_ express while listening to it.( B )1.A.meeting BconcertCspeech Dclass( D )2.A.realized B

19、improvedCdestroyed Dorganized( B )3.A.learned BperformedCchallenged Dexperienced( A )4.A.warm BcoolCcommon Dnervous( B )5.A.reasons BthanksCpities Dideas( A )6.A.native BannoyingCrelaxing Dterrible( D )7.A.hurt BhatedCsolved Dtreated( A )8.A.ended BbeganChappened Dimpressed( C )9.A.boring Bexpensive

20、Ccolorful Dimportant( B )10.A.nearly BhardlyCpossibly Dusually.阅读理解。 I love movies. Among all of them, I prefer movies that I can get inspiration (激励) from. The Pursuit of Happyness (当幸福来敲门) is such a movie. This movie is based on the true story of Chris Gardner, a salesman who managed to build a fu

21、ture for himself and his fiveyearold Christopher.Chris Gardner was having a hard life in San Francisco in 1981. His wife hated to have a poor life so she left home. Gardner and his son were abandoned by her. While trying to sell his products, Gardner met Jay Twistle, a successful stockbroker (股票经纪人)

22、. His new relationship with Jay helped him earn (获得) an internship (实习) in a stock company. Without any pay, Gardner was not able to afford the apartment. He and his son had to sleep on the streets, in homeless shelters and even behind the locked door of a bathroom in the subway station.Gardner neve

23、r let other people in the company know about his bad condition. He arrived at the office early and stayed late each day. As an intelligent man, Gardner developed a number of ways to make his work faster and better. And he finally got the job because of his excellent performance. With confidence and

24、his love and trust of his son, Chris Gardner got back on his feet and opened his own company. He reached his American dream at last. And his story has encouraged me to realize my dream.( C )1.What kind of movie is The Pursuit of Happyness?AA comedy.BA documentary.CAn inspirational movie.DA detective

25、 movie.( B )2.Which word can replace the underlined word “abandoned”?Asaved Bleft Ccared Dhelped( D )3.What can we learn about Gardners new job?AHe got a high pay.BHe worked very hard.CIt offered him an apartment.DHe got along well with other people.用恰当的关系词填空。1The woman _who/that_ is talking with my

26、 teacher is my aunt.2I love the toy plane _which/that_ my father made.3Hes the man _who/whom/that_ you meet at last time.4Is this the library from _which_ you always borrow books?5The most popular girl _that_ has a round face is Lucy.6She is the woman _who/that_ is ready to help others.7The girl _wh

27、o_ I spoke to just now is my friend.8The dress _that/which_ you bought in the city mall is made of silk.9Bill likes music _that/which_ he can sing along with.10This is the village _that/which_ I used to live in.单项选择。( D )1.(2017淮北模拟)The girl _ has big eyes is from Shanghai.Awhom BwhoseCwhich Dwho( B

28、 )2.The man _ Mr. Smith is talking to is my art teacher.Awho Bwhom Cwhose Dthat( D )3.Ill tell you everything _ I know.Awhich BwhatCwho Dthat( C )4.Its the most exciting movies _ I have watched.Awho BwhomCthat Dwhat ( D )5.(2017合肥庐阳中学月考)I prefer the cartoon _ has a happy ending and makes me _Awhich;

29、 to laugh Bthat; to laughCwhose; laughing Dwhich; laugh.把下列简单句改为定语从句。1Ill never forget the farm. I visited it in 2016.Ill never forget the farm _that/which_ _I_ _visited_ in 2016.2The building is a middle school. It stands near the post office.The building _that/which_ _stands_ near the post office

30、_is_ a middle school.3The man teaches us English. He comes from Hainan.The man _who/that_ _teaches_ _us_ _English_ comes from Hainan.4The book is interesting. You lent it to me yesterday.The book _that/which_ _you_ _lent_ _to_ _me_ yesterday is interesting.5My grandfather doesnt like these songs. Th

31、ese songs are too long.My grandfather doesnt like these songs _that/which_ _are_ too long.完形填空。Music is something _1_ everybody likes. Everybody can make sounds in a way by singing or playing a musical instrument. Many kinds of music _2_ been developed as people have found out how to sing in differe

32、nt ways. There are _3_ many kinds of music to hear that you are sure to find some music that will greatly _4_ you. Music has meaning for everyone. It is _5_ by the old and the young, men and women. It can make people happy _6_ sad. In our modern _7_, radios and televisions provide us with lots of mu

33、sic, giving us enjoyment. _8_ in a music lesson or at a concert music means different _9_ to different people. Music _10_ to the whole world.( A )1.A.that BwhoCwhich Dwhom( C )2.A.is BhadChave Dhas( D )3.A.such Ba lotCmuch Dso( A )4.A.interest BpreferCinvent Dfind( B )5.A.kept BenjoyedCdislike Dwrit

34、ten( D )6.A.and BbutCso Dor( A )7.A.world BmoonCstar Dspace( A )8.A.Either BNeitherCEvery DEach( B )9.A.something BthingsCanything Dnothing( D )10.A.takes BusesCplans Dbelongs第3课时Section B(1a2e).根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1When you touch ice, you have a _sense_ of coldness.2The smooth surface of the lake _ref

35、lects_ (映出) the bright full moon. How beautiful!3I can be the _master_ (主人) of myself in learning.4Its a _pity_ that he missed the opportunity to travel abroad.5His teacher _praised_ him for the progress he made.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1These songs are _strange_ (strange). Have you ever heard them?2The young

36、 people had a _painful_ (pain) experience at the age of 15.3Love Me Once More is one of the most _moving_ (move) films that Ive ever seen.4I think no one can truly understand my _sadness_ (sad) at the moment.5My parents have been _married_ (marry) for twenty years.单项选择。( D )1.She became _ and couldn

37、t see anything because of serious illness.Adeaf BoutgoingCknown Dblind( D )2.(2017芜湖模拟)I had _ unusual _ experience in Africa.Aa; painful Ban; painCa; pain Dan; painful( C )3.I will go to the countryside to see my grandmother this afternoon, so I cant go swimming with you._【高频考点】AIts my pleasureBYou

38、 are welcomeCThats a pityDSure, I am( B )4.(2017合肥科大附中月考)Gina is an intelligent girl. She could _ Beijing Opera when she was five years old.Aspeak BperformCtalk Dreflect( D )5.I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotelshe has a pretty good _ of direction.Aidea BfeelingCexperience Dsense.根据汉语意思完成

39、下列句子。1阿炳生活贫困,所以他对人生和音乐有更深的感触。Abing lived a hard and poor life. _For_ _this_ _reason_, he had a deeper understanding of life and music.2朴树是一个对中国校园民谣影响很大的歌手。Pu Shu is a singer _who/that_ _has_ _greatly_ _influenced_ the campus songs in China.3这项工作应该用这种方法做。The work should be done _in_ _this_ _way_4我总共花

40、费100元买书。I spent 100 yuan on the books _in_ _total_5截止到本周末,我们已经完成了这项工作的一半。_By_the_end_of_ this week, we have already finished half of the work.用适当的句子补全对话。A: Listen! What beautiful soft music! 1. _Where_is_it_coming_from_?B: Oh, its coming from my mobile phone.A: 2. _You_like_soft_music,_dont_you_/ _D

41、o_you _like_soft_music_?B: Yes. I like that kind of music. 3. _What_about_you_/_How_about_you_/_What_kind_of_music_do_you_like_?A: I like rock music.B: Rock music? How noisy! 4.Why_do_you_ like_ _rock_ _music?A: Because it can make me feel excited and energetic. I think everyone has his or her own f

42、avorite music.B: 5. _I_agree_with_you_/_You_are_right_. And everyone has his or her own favorite singers.第4课时Section B(3aSelf Check).根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1We have planted 100 trees in _total_ in a week.2He put a bandage on the _wound_ himself so that it wouldnt lose too much blood.3Its really a _pity_ that

43、 I cant attend your birthday party next week.4She always plays sports in her _spare_ time.5When you are _down_, you should listen to music that can make you excited and happy.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1I like the music _named_ (name) Spring because its quiet and beautiful.2John is well _known_ (know) for playi

44、ng the violin.3He wants to be an _actor_ (act) when he grows up.4Our math teacher is very _humorous_ (humor) and we all like him.5On Christmas Day we should find some spare time _to_spend_ (spend) with our loved ones.单项选择。( D )1.(2017合肥168中学一模)The two boys _ like things _ are scary.【高频考点】Aboth; who

45、Ball; thatCall; which Dboth; that( C )2.In the past ten years he has _ lots of wounds and pain.Aexperience BexperiencesCexperienced Dexperiencing( D )3.Its not easy to _ a foreign language. We should study harder.Ainfluence BcontrolCdevelop Dmaster( C )4.I can finish reading the book _ the end of ne

46、xt week.【高频考点】Aat BinCby Dfor ( C )5.(2017滁州模拟)Most of us think Class Five will win the basketball game.Maybe you are right, but I still _ my point.Ago on Btake upCstick to Dkeep on.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1这首歌反映了生活,直触人心灵。The song reflects life and _touches_ _the_ _hearts_ _of_ _people_2这是我所听过的最动人的音乐。This is t

47、he _most_ _moving_ _music_ _that_ _I_ _have_ _heard_3我喜欢悲剧电影,像泰坦尼克号。I like movies _that_ _are_ _sad_, like Titanic.4教我们语文的老师擅长拉小提琴。The teacher who _teaches_ us Chinese is good _at_ playing the violin.5我已经赔偿了两天前我丢失的那本书。Ive paid for the book _that/which_ I _lost_ two days ago.完形填空。There are two kinds

48、of music in the worldone is written down and the others is not. Many people earn (谋生) their living _1_ music. They write songs for pop stars and music for films and TV plays. They usually write exact instructions on _2_ the music is played.Folk music has been passed down from one generation (一代人) to

49、 another. At first it was never written down. People _3_ the songs from their families, relatives, neighbors and friends in the same village. These songs were _4_ country life, the seasons, animals and plants, and about love and _5_ in peoples lives.Early performers of music were popular and respect

50、ed. They _6_ learn hundreds of songs _7_. On festivals they used to act and sing in praise of heroes _8_ lived long ago. This was a time _9_ there was no radio, TV or cinema. Many of the country people _10_ read nor write. So the stories were passed on from one person to another. This continues even

51、 today.( B )1.A.writing Bby writingCin writing Dto write( D )2.A.why BwhenCwhat Dhow( B )3.A.learn BlearntCare learning Dstudied( A )4.A.about BtoCfor Dinto( D )5.A.sad BhappyCsorry Dsadness( C )6.A.were used to Bare usingCused to Dusednt to( B )7.A.with heart Bby heartCto heart Din mind( A )8.A.who

52、 BwhomCwhen Dwhich( D )9.A.where Bin whenCthat Dwhen( C )10.A.can neither Bcan eitherCcould neither Dcould either.阅读理解。 Popular music is what every student in America likes.Students carry small radios with earphones and listen to music before class, after class, and at lunch. Students with cars buy

53、large speakers and play the music loudly as they drive on the street.Adult drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news about sports, the weather and the life of American people. Most of the radio programmers are music.Pop or popular music singers make much money. They make a CD or tape which radio statio


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