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1、时态练习题学生版带中文翻译英语时态练习题一般现在时中文:-趁眼镜还没有破之前将它放好。-好的,我会马上放入橱柜。1. -ut thelasse ay befoethey_. -ok,ill will p heminthecboard.a. av bron b.are breakin c. gt oken d.will bebroen中文: 贝蒂一到北京就会打电话给我。2. btywill ing me when she_i bejing. arrive b.rivs c. arried d. wil arrve中文:-爱丽丝晚上都做什么?-她平时做家庭作业,但4月1日晚上她看电视。3. -wh

2、a doe alice oft do nhe vening ?he oen _her homewokbton te eeing apri 15th she_ tv. es; ates is dong;atched c.de;wtchd d. doin ;atch中文:他一回来我就告诉他。4. i ill el him asoon a h_bak. .come b come c. wll coe .came中文:如果明天下雪,我们就玩雪。5. ell go to paywih snow ift _ tomorrow a. snow. snows . lsnow .snwed中文:史密斯先生一直写

3、短篇小说,但是这些天他在写一个电视剧本。6. mr smith _ shrt storie, bt he _ tvpla hse ay. a. s wrtiniwritngb. iswritn wrtec. writes is writing d.writes wit 中文:下次给我写信时记得发一张我们的照片。7. remmer to send m a hoo of nx tme you _ to me.a e ritin b. wil riec.hritte d. write中文:我很擅长乒乓球,但是自从新年以来我一直没有时间打。8. _ ing-pog quitwell, b havnt

4、h tim to play e the ewyear. l pay b. haveyecplae d. ay中文:- 你觉得这台上海制造在电视怎样?- 呃,我不关心这样的事。9. - what d youhin of tisind o tv s, wic _ i sanghai? - well, i don cr bou such things. a was madeb.is madec has benme d.had been made中文:飞机下午7点起飞,所以我最迟必须6点0分到机场。10. the lane _t :00 pm, i have to be atterpor by 6:0

5、 t te aest a. left b.wou av. wll veleftd lves中文:我过去常常喝茶,但是这些天我更喜欢咖啡11. iseornk a lo of tea bt thesedy i_ coffee. a.pefer b. prefere . hapreferred d. am prferring中文:在世时,这个老科学家常说实践出真知。而他自己通过大量的实践工作获得自己的经验。12.when he was alive, teol cienti use t a that knleg _ rom prcice and haine his epernydoin a ltf

6、pracc work as cmi a omec. comes d. old coe中文:留给我,我会看看我能做什么。3. _ t wit e and ill see at cando. a. whe eftb leavic.if yo eave . leave一般过去时中文:林凯,请交家庭作业。哦,对不起,我早上落在家里了。14.ln kai, and in yorhomework, pleae.oh, orry.i _it hom ti mornig.a. wslevng b. as left . wileve d left中文:我拿到了今天晚上篮球比赛的门票了。-太好了!你是怎么得到的?

7、1.-ive got a tickt for the bketallgame onight -col!hw_you _it?a had, ot b. did, ge c. we, ettng d. wll, get中文:我现在和朋友珍妮在纽约。我们星期一乘飞机到的。6. im nw in ne york it my friend jnny. w_byplaneon monday. arrive b. rriv c. ar arriving d. will arrive中文:今天早上我刚到学校就下起了雨。1. hi mornigi had hadly got o my scoohe it_ oa

8、i.aha egunb ws beging c.begad.begns 中文:我认识布朗先生。我们在一次国际会议上相互介绍了。18 i kn mr. brown; w _ toeac ther atn intenational conferece. a ar itrdued b. r ben inroducd werentrducdd.had beenintduced中文:-你认为他在哪里买的电脑?-对不起,我不知道。19.- where doyou think_ e _ he compuer?- ory. i have idea.ah;bough b. 不填; bugh c di;by .不

9、填; uys中文:我一完成手上的事情马上去图书馆。20. i decded o go o h library so as _. . iihd what i w doing . finished wat idid c. wouldniswhti was ding d. fiish wha idid中文:对不起,飞机上不能吸烟。哦,我不知道。对不起,下次不会了。21 - sorry,but ers o smoing on th fligt.- oh, i _that. sory, i wnt aan.a. ont kow bddt know c.o kow d.haventknow中文:我想吉姆会

10、说一些他的成绩单的事情,但是他没有提及。2. i togt jim wd say somthing abouischool repot, buthe _ t.a. doesnt metion b.adnt menionc.didntmetion d hasnt ntioned中文:很高兴见到你,艾格尼丝。自你从伊朗回来,我们第一次有机会互访。23. its godtosee you gain, ages. hi has been oufrs hane vii sne from ira.ou rturn byou returec. you have reur dreunin中文:彼得,请进!我想

11、给你看一个东西。噢,你真好!我从没想过会收到你的礼物。 24.com on in, peter, i ant o ou somehing. oh, o nie o you!i you bring me gt.a. int thnk, were going b. hadt thouht,were gingc. eve think, ae gng d. nevehoght, were oig一般将来时中文:什么时候你能看完简爱?很难说,最近我很忙。2.when _ ou _redinjae e? ts hrd tosa.imuyentlya. di; iihb. have; finisedc. w

12、il; fnid. do; fns中文:这周六如果不下雨,我们就去野餐。6.if t _ tsatuday, we_ fr icnca. wnt an;shl o . oesntrain; ill go cisnt rin; go d don ra; go中文:我不知道今天晚上李先生会参加聚会吗?我想如果他有空,他会来的。27. dont know i mr. li _ t th pary hi evening.-i thi e wil come i e _ fre. ll coe; is b.will coe; ill e c. comes; isd. coes;ll b中文:如果他上大学的

13、话,他会学到更多。28. ifhe _ to college, he _ alomoe. . ill gowlllear wilgoisgoing tolrnc. is going igig tlearn . ges wilarn 中文:下次她来的时候,我会告诉它一切。29. when he _ next tme ,l _ her evyhig. . isgoingto cehall tel b.il comshalltel .cmewill tell d comwll tell中文:杰克知道他们对今天是星期五会感到很惊讶。30.jack_that they _ surprisedtose i

14、tthifrda. . knowwould beb.now wll e . knew wold be d knew will b中文:我们知道明天将有一场运动会。31 we _ tht t _ aspts ee omorow. . learn woul hve b. hav learne would avec. leanwill havd.ae larned illhave中文:不要麻烦去找字典了。某一天它就会出现的。32. ont bother to ook fomyictionay - it _ smeday.a. tus u bhas turned up c.willturnupd. s

15、gon toturn up中文:晨报在哪里?我立刻拿给你。3. whre is themornig ae? i _foryou atonce.a. getb.a ettigc.o get.illge过去将来时中文:她说下个学期她一定尽力帮助他们。34. se _ta she_ herbst hlpthem thenext term . say o. saiwildo c sidwould do . saswo do 中文:没有人告诉我们他会对我们更加严苛。35. nboy _ usthat h_ even srcer with us.a telwi beb. tellswol e c. tow

16、ilbe tododbe中文:来访者询问他们在哪里进行短期测试。36. the visitor _ wheretey _ a shorttst. a ask ould tak b.askill tke. sked outake. ed cn tk中文:她生病了所以后天的滑冰她不能去。3.sh_ ill sose _ ble togo skating the exdy. a. s nbe b. is ouldnt b c. was w b d. waswouldn be中文:下次再遇到那个人,他会将小偷带到警察局。38. h _ thif t thepolce whene_ the mn agi

17、. a. wldtakewlmeet b. wou takeet . will take wil meet. will tae mt中文:你有没有想过弗兰克会参加这次聚会?没有,但是我希望他能来。39. dd you expect frank ome ha? o,but i had hope_ . .a. him coing. him o cme c.that he comes d that he oldcome现在进行时中文:工人们正在修建一座新桥。广州的交通很快将得到改善。0 the wkes _ new brige nw. the afic nuanzhowillbe bette oon

18、.a. bud b were buidig cuilt d arebuiding中文:玛丽现在不在,她马上就来。40 mary intheret te oment.e_ lte.a coes. ame c as coe d.is coming中文:艾伦,很晚了。为什么不睡觉?珍妮还没有回来。我在等她。2 al, itslte. wy otg to ed? nnyhsnome ac y. i_forhera.witd. ae waite. a waitind.s ting 中文:我忘了飞机票。你总是落东西。43. -oh, dear. forgo te aitiket - ou _ ometin

19、g.a. have leftb. are alaslavingb. re leavid. ays eft中文:我猜想你一定很匆忙。你的毛衣穿反了。44. caguess yu re in a hurry.y_yurseatenside ot.a. had orn bwoe . were wearig d. ae wearing中文:他们不会买新衣服了因为他们正在攒钱买新房子。45. they wontb clothe bcse they _ money to buy a nw housea. sae b. resaving c. haesaved d. wee svng中文:我们这个城市的交通

20、已经很好了,而且会变得更好。46. e tffic i or cityis leadygood ad it _ venet.a. gets b. gotc. hs gtd. is gtting中文:看黑色的乌云,马上就要下雨了。是的,要是我们没有出来就好了。47. - ook a he black cods it _soon - ure.fonl we _ uta. s rang; ntcom . s t ri; wnt tt c. wlrin; vent tarte igog to rai; hadn coe中文:我的字典不见了。我找遍了所有地方但是仍然没有找到。48. my iciary

21、_. i hav ooke f i everywhre bu sil _i.a.has los; dont find b is misg;dontfi c. hslst; havt found d.is mng;vent foun中文:随着科学的发展,更多新技术会引入到i领域。4. with thedeelpme f scence,orn technolgy _ othe field oft. a has intoucd . s beig introduced c. is inrd d. a nroud过去进行时中文:昨天晚上,我在街道散步的时候突然遇到了我的数学老师。50 eserdayev

22、ning, i_ alonthesreeweni ddely met m maths tecer.a.alk . alkd . was ling d. am walking中文:地震发生的时候,这个女孩和两只猫咪在庭院玩耍。51. he gir it to cas_ n te ard en eeartquakehaped. a. was playin b. is png . are laying d. were playing中文:昨天晚上点我给你打电话,没有人接听。对不起,电话想的时候,我正在给朋友下载电影功夫熊猫2.52. i cald you a ocloc yesterdaevenin

23、g, u nbody nseed. i orry. _ my frienddownoadthe vie kugf ad ent telphone ran,a. wold e . ledc.was heping中文:昨天早上7点到点我自学法语。我没有去上班。53. i _ myslffren rom 7 to 9 yesterday mornig. _ work. aas tching didn gob.taugdidt goc. a teachig wentd.tauht en中文:他正要在会议上演讲,但是心脏病突发阻碍了。54.he_atte eetin, bu s eat attac pr

24、eeedhim. a.wilse. i goigt peak c. a to spak d. wagoing to spek中文:请再说一次,我没有听到。哦,我在和自己讲话了。5- i beour rdn,ut i ddnt quie catc y. - oh,i _ mysel. a.amalking t b.taked abu c hae akdt d. aalking to中文:1年前我第一次见到汤姆的时候,他那时在一个录音机工厂工作。56. i fit met tom 10 years ago. he_ in radiofactory at atme. d wrd ha okedc.w

25、swor d. hasben okg中文:我打电话给你的时候,你在做什么?刚完成工作,正打算出门。7.- what _ hen phone you? - _my rk, and i wanted go out. . ve youdone; inished b wee yudoing;ave finished c. didou o; a justfiised d.wer ouoi; had jut ined中文:他有没有注意你进了房间?我想没有。他闭着眼正在听收音机了。5. - didhe noiceuer te rom?- dontthnk so. he _ toth ioith his ey

26、es hut. iseed b ws listening c. as lstend d. hadlstene中文:吉姆,还记不记得我们第一次见面?当然,那时你在图书馆阅读。59. - eber h first time we mt, jm? -of cours i do yo_ in the lbarya.wreeding hadradc. ave ead . red中文:打扰一下,先生,能帮我个忙吗?当然,什么事情?我想你是否能送我去车站。60. - excuseme, sir. would ou do ma favo? - of cours. what it? - i _ ifyu col

27、d takemeto the staion.a. ul one. id nder.was ondringd d wondrd中文:昨晚0点我路过你家,但是你不在。我正在俱乐部做定期锻炼。61 - i dpe iat you ous at abu ten as i,ut yoent i.- i _regular exercis at te club.a. di b.sdoing c. hadne d have benig中文:飞机起飞前,你最好在售票厅找到。62. it i whe helane _ htyud better findotat te bookngofie a. oud tae o

28、ff b. ad aken offc. as takng ff d istkgoff中文:这个记者说他看到ufo时,ufo正从东向西飞。3t repte sai hatthe uo _ eas to west h sa it. a was raveng rvee .had be taelng . as to rave将来进行时中文:我会参加明天10点你的演讲。抱歉,那时演讲已经结束,我会在办公室接待宾客。64. - i wil come toatten you lecturat1:00 tomorrow. -m sorry, by then my lectuewll ave ende nd i

29、 _ myguest i my ofice. . big eb. will meet c.il bemting . will hav me中文:火车会维持现有速度,一直到晚上9点到达山脚。65hetrin_at the present peed until t raches the fo f themoutain abouine ocloight a.ent b. is goigc. goes . wil beging现在完成时中文:我的笔友说会给我写信,但是到现在还没有收到他的信。6my en pal sad hewold rte t e, bt i _ anylettrs fro him

30、o fa.a. wn rceve . ave eceid c. hantreceved d idnt rec中文:在过去的5年里,桐仁发生了很大变化。67.great changes _ ntgren inhe past ie years.av appeed b. he tken lae c. hav been hapened d. have been taken pace中文:你觉得你的英语老师怎样?他很棒,年前我们就已经是朋友了68. howdo ou lk your engsh tacher? heis great.we fiends ine three yers ago a.ere b

31、. he e c. hae bee d hv ecome中文:他答应在校门口接我,但是他还没有来。69. prised to picke upat the chool ae howee he _ yet. a idnt arriv b. dosn rrive st arriing .ast arivd 中文:卧室很干净!是的,我确信有人打扫过。70.a:ho cea thbedroomis!: yes,imsuethatsomee . casb. clec.hascadd. had cleand中文:能否陪我去看电影观音山?不,我已经看过了。1. will you pase t see he

32、mie guanynshan wihm?o, wo. i_ already.a. sawb hve senc. ee. willse 中文:我想买那种布料因为有人告诉我那种布料很好洗。72 i ant to by that kino cthecause i_ the co _well.a. ave tod;waes . have been told;wss c was tld; washe have eol;i was中文:早上有没有见到贝蒂?还没,但我确信正午前她在这里。73. - _bety tis morning?-notyt, bt he issure to be here befr

33、non. a have you senbwillousee . doy ee.dyou see?中文:你穿上了才知道这件外套是否适合你?74. y ot ow whethr th coa fitu until you_ on. a willr . havtrie c. tried d are trying中文:你打算怎么去上海旅行?还没有决定,但是我在想坐火车去。5.- how are o plannng t trvel tosngha? - i _yet,bu _ tkg a tr. a. dndecide; m consideig b.havet ecd; cnier c. avent d

34、ecid; am cnsiderng d. hdt ecide; have cosidee中文:飞机上,坐在我旁边的小女孩很紧张。她从没有坐过飞机。6the younggi tinget o m onthe plan waser ervous . sh _befo . halowb.ddt fychadnflown . wasnt flig过去完成时态中文:我回来的时候,他们已经爬了0米了。7. the time _ a te _ up ten meters a. cameaelimbed .caeh have clim d.had celibed中文:上个月底,我已经收集到了

35、所有贾斯丁比伯的唱片。78 y heend olast mnth, i_ athe cd of justin ibea) collct b) colcte c)hav llected ) hd colecd中文:到点,杰克已经复习了篇课文,然后他进行了测试。7. ja _verfivlessons y svn olok. then h_ a te. . wenttookb. wethaden c. had gneok d. ha goeha take中文:到那个时候我们才发现他是小偷已经很长时间了。80. _ outy that ime thathe_a thief f alongtime.

36、. had fuda ben ad fouws c. foudhad en d. fowas中文:我收到他的信之前,我已经给他写了第二封信。81. i _ hma seod lettr bfore i _ frohim. a. woteeard b.wote had heardchad itenead d. hve writenhar中文:由于有充足的雨水,我们有好收成。8. w _ in godrest bawe _ enoug rain. ddngeta hadb.otd d c. had gt d d gotdnt had中文:他们到纽约时,他们已经飞了5个小时了。83. the _fo

37、r fie ours hen hy _ in nw ork. flearrivd b hadlonhad rived . flewhadrrived . hd flownarrived中文:她说到那天已经下了两天雨了。. he _ that _for twdas by that day. a.saarand b. ashd anec si hd ained d sadrined中文:一年前约翰在那工作,所以他认识他们。85n_ thee sne the yearefoe, s e_ he.a. d workedknew b. ha woked.a nown c.orkkned. wrkead

38、non中文:他生气了,因为他等了很长时间。6.he _ ngrbcuse he_ fo a lng ti a. hdgothad atedb.gotited had otwited dgohadwait中文:我的确很幸运,那是那年我第二次去中国。8 i as lucky actual, becue tht _ heecontie i_ t cina that yer . w;had iited b.a ;vsited cis;ha isied d.as;hae visited中文:我希望你能在这个星期修好电视机。抱歉,我打算这周修好,但是我一直很忙。8 -we _thaty wul fix t

39、he v settis week. - im sory. i _ tofix t this e, ut ive ben too busy.haexpecte; hdintened b. are xpcin; h tended c. epect; iten.expc;nd中文:昨天晚上吉姆说了半个小时,我从来没有听到他说那么多。8 ji taed for bo hal anhour yeserdy. never_ himtl s mch ead .did herc. had heard d. ha i herd中文:她一到办公室就坐下来写报告。90. se _ t e ofice tha s got dwnt writing te por. a. hs nsoonr b.hadhardly got.no soeotd d no sooner got中文:拿到驾照了吗?没有,我很忙没有足够的练习,所以我没有参加上周的考试。我打算下周去。91. -got our iving licens?- . i _ ooby to hve enogh pratce,so i idnt takthe driving tst last wee. oig nxt eek.a. wa b. hav


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