



1、一、根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题1分,满分5分)76.昨天晚上他怎么了?What _ _ _ last night?77.开始,我感到轻微的晃动。_ _, I felt a slight shake.78.昨天晚上,我们学校的墙倒了。The walls of our school _ _ last night.79.他们快速搬走了砖块,救出了那个女孩。They quickly _ _ the bricks and saved the girl.80.你应该总是遵守交通规则。You should always _ _ _ _.76. happened to him 77. At first 78

2、. came down 79. moved away80. follow the traffic rules二.翻译句子(每小题2分,共10分)56.飞机起飞的时候天正下着大雨。57.米莉的自行车坏了,因此今天早上她不得不步行去学校。58.不要四处乱跑,我们应该保持镇定。59.昨晚我爸爸看报时,我在看电视。60.积雪覆盖了整个马路,几个工人正在尽力清除积雪。56.It was raining heavily when the plane took off.57. Millies bike broke down, so. she had to walk to school/go to schoo

3、l on foot this morning.58. Dont run in all directions.We should keep calm.59. While my father was reading newspapers, I was watching TV.60.The road is covered with/in snow,and some workers are trying their best to clear it.三、句子翻译。(10分)1妈妈在烧饭的时候打碎了一只碗。 _2你能尽快把钱还给我吗? _3我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉自己要镇定下来,因为我仍然活着。

4、_4用潮湿的毛巾捂住你的嘴和鼻子,以便保护你自己免受浓烟的伤害。_5在黑暗中我找不到出去的路。 _1Mum broke a bowl when she was cooking.2Could you return the money to me as soon as possible?3A moment of fear went through my mind, but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.4Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel to protect yourself

5、 from thick smoke.5I couldnt find my way out in the dark.四、完成句子 1. 一阵大风从后面袭来,我几乎跌倒。A strong wind _.2. 听了美妙的音乐后,我平静了下来。I _ the beautiful music.3. 地震过后,灾区人民得到了来自四面八方的帮助。After the earthquake, the victims _.4. 他开会迟到了,因为他的汽车在路上抛锚了。He was late for the meeting because his car _.5. 当你昨晚回家时,你妈妈正在做烙饼吗?_ when

6、you went back home yesterday?6. 我们都认为恶劣天气有时会引起自然灾害。We all think that terrible weather _.7. 当我回家的时候,警察正在问我妈妈早上是否听到了喊叫声。 When I went home, the police _ this morning. 8. 最后,他们找到了出路并赶回家了。 _ and hurried home. 1. came from behind and I nearly fell over2. calmed down after listening to3. got help from all

7、directions4. broke down on the way5. Was your mother making pancakes6. sometimes may/can cause natural disasters7. were asking my mum if she heard a shout 8. At last, they found their way out 五、 根据汉语意思完成句子。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 71. 当我尽力找出口时,我突然听到上面的嘈杂声。As I was trying to_ my way_, I suddenly heard some n

8、oise_ _ .72. 暴风过后,我的脑海中掠过一阵恐惧。_ _ _fear_ _my mind after the storm.73. 我告诫我自己一定要冷静下来,因为我还活着。I_ _ _ _ _ since I was still alive.74. 我开始在黑暗中慢慢向前移动身体。 I started to_ _ _ _ the dark.75. 刚才我看见你站在路的另一边。Just now I saw you standing_ _ _ _of the road.71.find out above me 72.A moment of went through 73. told my

9、self to calm down 74. pull myself slowly through 75. on the other side六、 根据汉语意思完成句子。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 76. 当你到家时,请尽快给我回电话。Please call me back_ _ _ _ when you get home.77. 我们应该用毛巾盖住鼻子来保护自己防止浓烟。We should_ my nose_ a towel_ _ myself from thick smoke.78. 在铁路上坐或骑车是很危险的。Its very dangerous_ sit or ride a bik

10、e_ _.79. 由于强风我们不得不缓慢行走在深雪中。 We had to _ _ in the deep snow_ _ the strong wind.80. 当我到达公共汽车站时,我看见许多人站在那儿。When I_ _ the bus station, I saw a lot people_ there.76. as soon as possible 77. cover with to protect 78. to on railways 79. walk slowly because of 80. arrived at/ got to standing七. 根据汉语意思完成句子1.

11、我们领居的房子着火了,因为闪电击中了他的房子。Our neighbours house _ _ because the lightning _ his house.2. 他的到来使我们很惊讶。_ _ made us _.3. 坏天气有时会引起自然灾害。Bad weather can sometimes _ _ _.4. 大火没有持续多久,消防员在五分钟之内赶到并扑灭了大火。The big fire didnt _ _. The firemen arrived _ _ _ and _ _ the fire.1. caught fire, hit 2. His arrival surprised

12、3. cause natural disasters 4. last long, in five minutes, put out七、完成句子(10分)1人们恐惧地尖叫,跑出了这着火的房子。_2早晨当我醒来的时候,我妈正在做薄饼。_3我尽我最大努力缓慢向前移动身体。_4由于坏天气,我的车出故障了。_5当我正独自走回家时,我觉得很紧张,心跳得很快。_1. People screamed in fear and ran out of the house on fire. 2. My mum was making pancakes when I woke up in the morning. 3.

13、I tried my best to pull myself slowly. 4. My car broke down because of the bad weather. 5. I felt nervous and my heart was beating fast while I was waking home alone八、句子翻译(本大题共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)1. 数以千计的人在洪灾中丧生。 The flood _ people. 2. 为了免受交通事故的侵害,我们应该遵守交通规则。We should _to protect _ traffic accidents.3.

14、那两个小孩惊恐地看着我们,不知所措。The two children _ and did not know _.4. 昨天我弟弟的车撞到一棵树上,幸亏没有人受伤。Yesterday, my brothers car _a tree. Lucklily, nobody _.5. 火灾发生时,你应该用湿毛巾捂住口鼻并尽快出来。You should _ a wet towel and try to _ when the fire is on.1. killed thousands of 2. follow traffic rules ourselves from 3. looked us in fe

15、ar what to do 4. crashed into was hurt 5. cover your mouth and nose with get out九. 根据所给汉语意思填空,完成下面的句子。 (每小题2分,共10分)51. 那个小狗还活着,他惊恐地躲在石头后面。The dog _ _ _. He hid himself behind the stone _.52. 这个可怜的母亲被困在废墟中,一动也不能动。 The poor mother was trapped in the ruins and she _ _ _ _.53. 在我们生火的时候,他的衣服着火了。 His coat

16、_ _ when we were _ _ _.54. 昨天晚上暴风雨夹杂着电闪雷鸣,我吓坏了。 There was a storm _ _ _ _yesterday evening. I was so frightened.55. 因为重感冒,我没有去看比赛。 I didnt go to watch the match _ _ _ _ _.51. was still alive; in fear 52. couldnt move at all 53. caught fire; starting/making a fire54. with lightning and thunder 55. be

17、cause of a bad cold十、根据汉语提示完成下列各句。(每小题3分,计15分)1我的汽车在我回家的路上坏了。 _2掠过我头脑的惊恐片刻使我害怕,但是我告诉自己要冷静。 _3三天前一场暴风雪袭击了北京,整座城市被白雪覆盖了。 _4坏天气有时会导致自然灾害。 _5我们在风中丢了伞,只好慢慢地在暴风雪中行走。 _1. My car broke down on my way home2A moment of fear went through my mind, but I told myself to calm down.3Three days ago a snowstorm hit B

18、eijing and the whole city was covered with snow4Bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters5We lost our umbrellas in the wind, so we had to walk slowly in the snow.十一、句子翻译(5分)1. 一场洪水冲走了那位猎人的房子。2. 当自然灾害发生时,人们开始四处逃散。3. 那位母亲尽力使婴儿平静下来。4. 昨天晚上,杰克的车撞到了一棵大树上,幸好没人受伤。5. 游客们在参观名胜古迹,突然下大雨了。1. A flood washed

19、 the hunters house away. 2. When the natural disaster happened, people began to run in all directions. 3. The mother tried to calm the baby down.4. Jacks car crashed into a big tree, luckily nobody was hurt. 5. When it began to rain, the tourists were visiting the places of interest. 十二、根据所给中文,完成英语句子(本题共6小题,每小题1分,共9分)77.多么可怕的暴风雪呀!是大约在今天早晨6点开始的。_ ! It started at about seven this morning.78. 我们应该永远遵守交通规则使我们不发生交通事故。We should always _ the traffic accidents.79. 那两个小孩惊恐地看着对方不知所措。The two children _ and did not _.80. 昨天我弟弟的车撞到了广告牌上,幸亏没有人受重伤。Yesterday, my brothers car_ an advertising bo


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