C程序的设计课后复习题答案4 6章_第1页
C程序的设计课后复习题答案4 6章_第2页
C程序的设计课后复习题答案4 6章_第3页
C程序的设计课后复习题答案4 6章_第4页
C程序的设计课后复习题答案4 6章_第5页
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1、C程序设计课后习题答案(4-6章) 第四章 8、 #define PI 3.1415926 #include void main() float h,r,l,s,sq,vq,vz; printf(please input r,h:); scanf(%f,%f,&r,&h); l=2*PI*r; s=r*r*PI; sq=4*PI*r*r; vq=4.0/3.0*PI*r*r*r; vz=PI*r*r*h; printf(l=%6.2fn,l); printf(s=%6.2fn,s); printf(sq=%6.2fn,sq); printf(vq=%6.2fn,vq); printf(vz=%

2、6.2fn,vz); . 专注.专业. 9、 #include void main() float c,f; printf(please input f:); scanf(%f,&f); c=(5.0/9.0)*(f-32); printf(c:%6.2fn,c); 第五章 5、 #include void main() int x,y; printf(please input x:); scanf(%d,&x); if(x1) y=x; ?瀠楲瑮?硜?搥屜屮砬礬? . 专注.专业. else if(x10) y=2*x-1; 牰湩晴尨?搥礬企砪?層湜?紻 else y=3*x-11; 牰湩晴

3、尨?搥礬?砪?搥屜屮砬礬? 6、 #include void main() float score; char grade; printf(please input the student score:); scanf(%f,&score); while(score100)|(score0) printf(error,please input again!n); . 专注.专业. printf(please input the student score:); scanf(%f,&score); switch(int)(score/10) case 10: case 9:grade=A;bre

4、ak; case 8:grade=B;break; case 7:grade=C;break; case 6:grade=D;break; case 5: case 4: case 3: case 2: case 1: case 0:grade=E; printf(score is %f,grade is %cn,score,grade); . 专注.专业. 7、 #include #include void main() long int num; int indiv,ten,hundred,thousand,ten_thousand,place; printf(please input a

5、n integer(0-99999):); scanf(%ld,&num); if(num9999) place=5; else if(num999) place=4; else if(num99) place=3; else if(num9) place=2; else place=1; printf(Total digits:%dn,place); printf(For each number:); ten_thousand=num/10000; thousand=(int)(num-ten_thousand*10000)/1000; . 专注.专业. hundred=(int)(num-

6、ten_thousand*10000-thousand*1000)/100; ten=(int)(num-ten_thousand*10000-thousand*1000-hundred*100)/10; indiv=(int)(num-ten_thousand*10000-thousand*1000-hundred*100-ten*10); if(ten_thousand!=0) printf(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,ten_thousand,thousand,hundred,ten,indiv); else if(thousand!=0) printf(%d,%d,%d,%d,tho

7、usand,hundred,ten,indiv); else if(hundred!=0) printf(%d,%d,%d,hundred,ten,indiv); else if(ten!=0) printf(%d,%d,ten,indiv); else printf(%d,indiv); printf(The reverse number:); switch(place) case . 专注.专业. 5:printf(%d%d%d%d%d,indiv,ten,hundred,thousand,ten_thousand); break; case 4:printf(%d%d%d%d,indiv

8、,ten,hundred,thousand); break; case 3:printf(%d%d%d,indiv,ten,hundred); break; case 2:printf(%d%d,indiv,ten); break; case 1:printf(%d,indiv); break; 8、 (1) #include void main() . 专注.专业. long i; float bonus,bon1,bon2,bon3,bon4,bon6,bon10; bon1=100000*0.1; bon2=bon1+100000*0.075; bon4=bon2+200000*0.05

9、; bon6=bon4+200000*0.03; bon10=bon6+400000*0.015; printf(please input bonus:); scanf(%ld,&i); if(i=100000) bonus=i*0.1; else if(i=200000) bonus=bon1+(i-100000)*0.075; else if(i=400000) bonus=bon2+(i-200000)*0.05; else if(i=600000) bonus=bon4+(i-400000)*0.03; else if(i=1000000) bonus=bon6+(i-600000)*

10、0.015; else . 专注.专业. bonus=bon10+(i-1000000)*0.01; printf(onus:_x0010_.2fn,bonus); (2) #include void main() long i; float bonus,bon1,bon2,bon4,bon6,bon10; int branch; bon1=100000*0.1; bon2=bon1+100000*0.075; bon4=bon2+200000*0.05; bon6=bon4+200000*0.03; bon10=bon6+400000*0.015; printf(please input b

11、onus:); scanf(%ld,&i); branch=i/100000; if(branch10) branch=10; switch(branch) . 专注.专业. case 0:bonus=i*0.1; break; case 1:bonus=bon1+(i-100000)*0.075; break; case 2: case 3:bonus=bon2+(i-200000)*0.05; break; case 4: case 5:bonus=bon4+(i-400000)*0.03; break; case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9:bonus=bon6+

12、(i-600000)*0.015; break; case 10:bonus=bon10+(i-1000000)*0.01; printf(onus is %fn,bonus); . 专注.专业. 9、 #include void main() int a,b,c,d,t; printf(please input four number:); scanf(%d,%d,%d,%d,&a,&b,&c,&d); printf(a=%d,b=%d,c=%d,d=%dn,a,b,c,d); if(ab) t=a;a=b;b=t; if(ac) t=a;a=c;c=t; if(ad) t=a;a=d;d=

13、t; if(bc) t=b;b=c;c=t; if(bd) t=b;b=d;d=t; if(cd) t=c;c=d;d=t; printf(%d %d %d %dn,a,b,c,d); . 专注.专业. 10、 #include #include void main() int h=10; float x1=2,y1=2,x2=-2,y2=2,x3=-2,y3=-2,x4=2,y4=-2,x,y,d1,d2,d3,d4; printf(please input (x,y):); scanf(%f,%f,&x,&y); d1=sqrt(x-x4)*(x-x4)+(y-y4)*(y-y4); d2

14、=sqrt(x-x1)*(x-x1)+(y-y1)*(y-y1); d3=sqrt(x-x2)*(x-x2)+(y-y2)*(y-y2); d4=sqrt(x-x3)*(x-x3)+(y-y3)*(y-y3); if(d11&d21&d31&d41) h=0; . 专注.专业. printf(height %dn,h); 第六章 1、 #include void main() int p,r,n,m,temp; printf(please input two integer:); scanf(%d,%d,&n,&m); if(nm) temp=n; n=m; m=temp; p=n*m; r=

15、n%m; while(r!=0) n=m; m=r; . 专注.专业. r=n%m; printf(max gongyueshu:%dn,m); printf(min gongbeishu:%dn,p/m); 2、 #include void main() char c; int letters=0,space=0,digit=0,other=0; printf(please input string:n); while(c=getchar()!=n) if(c=a&c=A&c=0&c=9) . 专注.专业. digit+; else other+; printf(letters:%dn sp

16、ace:%dn digit:%dn other:%dn,letters,space,digit,other); 3、 #include void main() int a,n; int i=1,sn=0,tn=0; printf(please input a,n:); scanf(%d,%d,&a,&n); while(i=n) tn=tn+a; sn=sn+tn; a=a*10; +i; . 专注.专业. printf(a+aa+aaa+=%dn,sn); 4、 #include void main() float s=0,t=1; int n; for(n=1;n=20;n+) t=t*n

17、; s=s+t; printf(!+2!+20!=%en,s); 5、 #include void main() . 专注.专业. int n1=100,n2=50,n3=10; float k; float s1=0,s2=0,s3=0; for(k=1;k=n1;k+) s1=s1+k; for(k=1;k=n2;k+) s2=s2+k*k; for(k=1;k=n3;k+) s3=s3+1/k; printf(sum=%fn,s1+s2+s3); 6、 #include void main() int i,j,k,n; printf(narcissus number are); for(

18、n=100;n1000;n+) i=n/100; . 专注.专业. j=(n-100*i)/10; k=n-100*i-10*j; if(n=i*i*i+j*j*j+k*k*k) printf(%d ,n); 7、 #include void main() int m,s,i; for(m=2;m1000;m+) s=0; for(i=1;im;i+) if(m%i=0) s=s+i; if(s=m) printf(%d,its factors are,m); for(i=1;im;i+) if(m%i=0) printf(%d ,i); printf(); . 专注.专业. 8、 #incl

19、ude void main() int i,t,n=20; float a=2,b=1,s=0; for(i=1;i=n;i+) s=s+a/b; t=a; a=a+b; b=t; printf(sum=%fn,s); 9、 #include void main() . 专注.专业. float sn=100,hn=sn/2; int n; for(n=2;n=10;n+) sn=sn+2*hn; hn=hn/2; printf(enth arrive at %f meter.n,sn); printf(enth %f meter.n,hn); 、10#include void main()

20、int day,x1,x2; day=9; x2=1; while(day0) x1=(x2+1)*2; . 专注.专业. x2=x1; day-; printf(otal=%dn,x1); 11、 #include #include void main() float a,x0,x1; printf(Enter a positive number:); scanf(%f,&a); x0=a/2; x1=(x0+a/x0)/2; do x0=x1; x1=(x0+a/x0)/2; while(fabs(x0-x1)=1e-5); printf(The square root of %f is %fn,a,x1); . 专注.专业. 1


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