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1、2020英语高考模拟题2020英语高考模拟题(含答案)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的、b、c和d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ah fllowingare some of histos mo inspirationl wom recommndeb thereeorcar.wh wasohe tees! 6. 00born i macedonia, herterea (1910997) taught ts. ry igh schol,in clut,idia, uwas fodto o someh aboutthesufeig and poerty. in 190 he founed eissionai

2、e of haty. although r dotino heor i inprng,ts e persistee (坚持不懈)hough ear of doubt ? as recorded i he prvae ournals, tht inpred e he most.th diary of a yog gir 55.1n the iaryofa yng grl, ne fank (12195)dumnted he life i idig fm192to 944durngte grman ccutin of thenetherands. shes a role modl ofhonsty

3、, strngth, ad hop r m thaten in most misrble crcumsances, yo cn leadwithlove.a lie of cver 11. 10do othing every dathtcrsyou,oe eleanor rosvelt (1841962) shehad lot tchse fm, asher fe w fullofchlenge. elear npiresme t brve dal wt problem ht matt toe,nd t ndhe y tough lies tris adhrdshipswith gracful

4、ns and determintion.sty f m ife32. 50adelind author fro alaa, hekler (801968) poidsapowerful exleof womn throg twomajor disabis toachev a eaningflfe. ould ever earn to be brve and atiet ifhere were only joy in theo, shesaid.her attide of hopnd otmism insire ose m suffern toecome a betr ndwser person

5、,o go byond mpaiinto svice of oters.21why des theree bchard recmmen mothrteresa?a. woked as aacher fr ea.b shstup ctyorgazao.c.he publise rivate jornad. he help e po in sit of out.22whtmad eao roosve spcial?a.fci challenes bravey.b.ving doigscry thigs.c.having high intelliece.d. ontinuig carying t t

6、rials3.hch ookuld tdisabled loig op read?who as motr teresa ?.te iary faon ic.a lfe iscoveryd.so of y lifebs i,joanbckley wasnintereed in sciene until sh ad cae ryit.hat append wshe go chmistry set fr cristm.over th couse ofa ew weeks, id completed eeryexprent ut in eproess,i pluted yrts ininom care

7、 and brnt thekitchen work to itht pirit brner, he says.now science s bckleysjb.sewrs in te hemitry deartment a teuvers of sheffeld inegland.i alize,firt-had,h mportant it is to have someting orsne t soyo wh scenc isso geat, e says. nw the od newis that ctece appears.itizen science teshe fn xpeimning

8、 stp furherthanbucke athme chemitr kitthas eause thee eerment re re,lookig fornoelnwes.mpared wi a one-of exriment, watscooaboutitizensiece i thtstudensgtthat th hs apose, ruske says. studes wanto do agod job, beaus hey w cietis are goin to us the new data n their own resrc.”long agrees. kds like ta

9、 its rea. and eylke thaits ioran,h i maters. ctize-scencproect he mdebig iscvres. ne fud a peviosly unknownalax cluster (星系团).anohe poject elpd assess how much damaeabiarhue d caued n japan. nd one ofte fir citensience pjes helpd cintsts ern where utterflieso eerwine.soe dtsworryabout teslosng intet

10、 n science. hat onereason they opthat fun, exciin itizen-cenepojectscnhep them eep intouch,lng says. an sh has e idencethat i wring,last year,wdid hve acoupe of studens y, i rlly thki wnt to bea scintist ow.24.whtis the purosfpararaph 2?a.supprttrl ca eteenneret in science.b.to oveailues the mot er

11、f succesn scence.stae bucy has aalent for scienced. isbucle fr er stron ill25.wy is itizn scieneor un?a. i arres ou expermes reqenly.b. itmut cary out eprimen in grops.c. itneedstoseek for nwsoltios.d dmands to dle cpx problems.26.whatcan we ow fromwhat prunuske sad?a. shartcipated he exement.b se t

12、ok rde n ht students took up. citizen scienceis opularih udents.d. cientis arewillito epoytdts.27.wht s longstitde oarcitzen sciee?a. concnd.bsupportive.c. doutul.uncear.cvetbledensmanot e s isul pleasin asthvarty o fowers, bt frdias ooingv some geen by growing teirow sad fiings canoon do sowihout f

13、eargv ron desantis his weksined alaw tht ns local goernmens fom caryingdeagnthomewners ro raisngveies in the ards.the aw, which es effc july 1, puts anend t ha partcular power f t and cits acros stteto prhitvegetblegrdnsor asetic (审美的)puroses.he prblem beme a caus after a copllii m hre village opoed

14、 he decisin f a $ 50 day fine r rowinvegables ite fo yrd, as thdonefoyears.hermin riet adhr usbnd m carrollfought cty hall in case that woundita up the sates cout stem, withjugesconsisttl rulng against ther moneysving and heathonsiousoet.after tefloida sure ourt rued in favor f miami shoesright to c

15、tro esign andandscaping sandards, thecoup padteir vegetale wihpink famingos (红鹤).eir cause was n lot, ower.stt awmaer roposd ad assed a la that efctively vodsthe court rligs,wih rob bradley,whospoored the bill, repredl alling thvilag actio a vastoverrach.he lamakr note he dfficultthat an fmli exrien

16、ce geting frh d ffrdablefood, calngs aginst vegetable ndfri ardensidulus.bot thd al housolsin h u.s. gr soeof heir own food, accordng to te natina gardnng aiation. the goupays 60-sqae-fooarn t costsaround$ 70 a yearto keep ca row300 od o sh producwrh about $ 00annualy.28why willsme floridians plant

17、sala fixngs?a. todd tosoe grenb.o mk life coloflc.o uild thiowngarns.d. t on dail exses.29.wha madpeope ocu onhearden?ashortae of fres vegetaes.caseoncrig acopleceavantges ofraisivgtables.d.teunjsticef juesocluson.3.ha doesthe undered odidsn araah man?a. ies.b. cancels.c.prevnt.d.values.31.what does

18、 theauto ntd todo intelas pgrph?.o s o to et thee saistics.to roide somadvic for ctiensc.to a sme bacround iformion.d.t it hbeneit of going egetabsdin july 017, emeransace agency (nasa) adt te o havingenouh financa mens t sen ma on ars forh purpo of eporing it the newsad th efect of a omb afte iveye

19、rs ofcomnicaion and devlopmen fr thi pace expoin projc. and ,a ew mtsbefore thi announcent, thetwo houses f the us cngress vted aw tguid futurenaaks.amon these tsks wasainhaitd trip to masin203.in the enie, ns s cusin on theas 2020 miion buidn its rover (漫游者),wh will be eqipped with a eris f sientif

20、ic istrumens. h ew mahill asolook lo lie rioiy hich ad n the red planet n 02. te mission mars2020 is to asss te liability o the planetan posibyentfytenil tracks ofie eterd ndtda.a a ecent press coneene, ormes astronau jones announed thatnasas crretbugetoul nt slv so technial problem for2 yrs thus, t

21、ons the fir inhaimisio f the agency mars n 2. thebject cncened mainly ntoned many aages tht wll fectthby of stroatsnded, the tri to masoul be mpleed in nineonths y onsring te curnt thnologi and temomet whe the pans arcse toeachother.hoever, erisf weightlesnss tat too lg ay, i articular,cause lac o c

22、iu. ct, itnlues e bnes f astronauts. inaddti, ts can leadto significa damaeof vsion.a qurte ofa entury isneeded t delo nwtechnoies osov sepoblms for eaple, tre i thequtio of dveloing clear plsin (推进)sstems. ied, itcouldduc travel tie. lly,there is lso theidaof deigni soethng tallow stronuts tohibern

23、atedrg the trip!3.wh mae nasaut off is inhabie mssio?aa sortageo fnds.b.the livin coitin.cthedamage tohealth.d.objecion of scentsts.3.hichsrit abut the mar00ission?.t a been pu off.ts im i t send man to ars.c.it isto evlue the posiiltyfor o livngdis purp s for man to wal n a.34.whts themai id ofthe

24、last aragrah?a.the dato new devices.bteaccracyf travl tim.c.th tme t dvelp technologies.d.te polm stg noways.35.in whichsecion of nspaermy ths text apear?enterient. . hlt. duation.d. scec.第二节(共小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 fiing i sot aut ctcin fih omwithn froen ak or herb

25、odyof wat. bere going iefishing, teihermust ma sure ttteie is a est fur inches thi tosure his or er safey. he fsher st then ri a hole in the sface oftheice. 36 .whnice fisn, a fer mas otsde in the cold on tol. teecains ae referred ob aariety fae, such as fih hse anice u eymy inude ookig faiies, nd l

26、ight,andare suall ued o ltdyce ising rip.38. omtie, strine (滤网)may lbe necessay to emov new ce as i fos wil drilin the ole or while ice ishing he typesffishin s needed for ice fising dped nthe fis thefiser hpes o a sll, lightweihtpole is uet fish. afisheray loue tip-upolwhenie fishinthis pol is ide

27、fr th fishrwh does not ish o aten completely totfhig ole.39 rdeo us a spar fo ce fishin,thefisher oees ih decoys (诱饵)to aw e ish othe inthe ice.40 a flasher a system cpab o tellin e fsher h ep e fish are in hewater.hherm ao us uderwaercameras norde twtch he fish this can ad an nrtingaspct o he oof i

28、efisg.fshers may lso ue flaherb.hus, ey can eaiy cachfihc.the fiher mayve many chices.t fisher also us a sear o ieishinenlhen cnthe ishedrop a fiing line nto e of waerf.in som cass, however,thfishe msindea hatedcbinnthe ceg.to ic ishng, he fher neds rill ic pade tout thhl in te i第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分5分

29、)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的、c和四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。neer been on anairplan?eresyur hance to1 one fo jstn u dolar,evenf2 f you donthaveth moreted pil ahadu gupt wll b appy tshow yo 43 .theplae,which nev 44 ,givinanpotuit to po epl t 4 hat it s like tosti a jt.whgpta stated hicareer manyyea

30、rs g,epl frohs tiny oe viage i ii 46 ask hm watitwa lito e i anircraft.ne otemhd ve 47 arelairplane andy waned a look a heaviation indusr through guptas 48.r securi reass,guta wasnever 49 otake his fellwillager isen actua aircaftut saygno lws made himfeel uncomfortabland 50 an h alwas watedto do som

31、ethin tha woul gve hem a 1 o flyin.fialy,in203,upt sol soelnd,bougt a old arlan adsartedoffeng52“fliht”t thepubic,cargg heoly wathey could 5to mke pience 54 real,he “pseger” are given bardin pass ndevnshow saety t 56 the min-flighexprenc is wh h kids 57 lide don the airpnseergenc lading ide,whihmany

32、 o he ot requet flyershe luckily epeeced.he etird plt sayshe os al hs cuters can 5 fy i arel pne,bt n the meanime his noyin puttin /an 60 on theirces41.a.ochblandboardd.fl2.a.nothigbanying.littled.few3a.aaoutc.ff.aon44a.taesupbtakdwncakesoffdakes awy4.aeprienceb.deci.imadintodue4.frfullybintenllyc.a

33、iousldcuriosly4.a.senb.boughc.produedd.ossessed48.a.ts.eyesc.h.winws49aoferedb.allowedc.expectedd.ncouraged50.a.nervousb.feafl.diappoitd.cel5a.chance.taste.wayd.lesson52.a.pretend.atual.cheap.sf53a.aessb.accptc.greeford5a.clo tob.oppoie tc.farfromddiferet frm55.aensb.conrc.nstrutins.uggestions.a.eon

34、stob.appeals tc.eadsod.addst57a.surpisngy.excitedlysilend.ady58.lwysb.ever.nevrd.seom9a.smootlyb.ndepdelyc.sceud.evntuall0a.mab.lemarkd.expresson第二节(共10小题;每小题.5分,满分5分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 wa linga ie in my cen ndhadynced what 6. (b)arond me. wa alayschecking the tme nd tinkin of fture 62

35、. (ln).mthoh as:“whos ig totm?atill do net?” my bdtmerotn ws usualycenred 63. on thi:m phne.6 wen to sleep,i brosed thruh newswbsiesd ceckedy e-mail.hn i woke up n e midle oe ngh.i did th same thigtheproblemhtis was that i fet nxous ever night.so whn my rieds invedme65. (g)fr logweeken ain wthouthe

36、cll servi,i thoght thia 66. (eact)what neded.hes how 67 (ee)away my pone fr 48 hors cangd me and my wo lifewihout myph, 68 (fl)ase listinto theson f fros ancrkete n,i woeup enegetcallsittn bte riv,ridin a ie,o inginthe dson, 69.(tre)njyd wat i wasdoing.i flt ree wthoutm pe t he ween camp,. hanged e

37、copletely.i istened tohat y bdy anted nstea of what my phon wasteli me to do.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分3分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改1处,多者

38、(从第1处起)不计分。in rece rs,thereare mre an mor confciu insttutes eigblt al verh world,tht showsu his culure asbenecome mucmr popular tha everasoeof th fur ancent civizaion,chna has long htry an creates mny spldid cltr.t acinchiese clture nce haoerfulinfluenceinth wrdciviliztion,esecially n jaan ad othr a

39、sian country.the chine clture is slo acumuled in the wolecinee story,madeiolourfuand rllia oe wan to kow r study chinese cuure mo deepy,heo sh us snd uc time.herefre he r se can onl e the ti of an iceber第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是红星中学的李华,有一批英国客人下月要到你校参观。你校拟招聘一位学生导游,要求用英语写 一篇应聘信。为获得这个职位,请你写一封邮件,内容包括:1.介绍自己;2

40、.应聘目的;.你的优势。注意:1词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考答案阅读:dad阅读b:accb阅读:dbbd 阅读:add七选五fgda【解题导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。介绍了一位退役飞行员购买飞机,让村民体验坐上飞机的感觉。1. bord表示登机,后文也有提到badin aes“登机牌”。42. fo noing表示免费,意思是只需一美元甚至不要钱。43.d sho sb.ron表示带某人参观。44.c这道题要看到最后一段,这个退休的飞行员希望村民都能坐上真的飞机,所以说明前面体验的是假的飞机,所以从没有起飞过。4.a给他们体验坐飞机的机会。46.d 因为村民都没有坐过飞机,所以是好奇地询问。.a nd后面说村民想看一眼飞机制造业,说明他们之前都没看过。8.b透过古普塔的眼睛去看一眼飞机制造业,联系lokt选es。4. 由于安全原因,古普塔从未被允许过让村民坐真正的飞机。50.c 前面说不被允许,那这里sayg no就是上司对古普塔说,所以他会感到不舒服和沮丧。1.bgive sb.a ste f“给某人一种第一次做某事的感觉”,这里指让村民们尝到第一次飞行的感觉。2.a 根据最后一段


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