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1、安全标语中英文导读:本文是关于标语大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、生命只有一次,安全伴君一生。There is only one life, and safety is with you all your life.2、疏忽一时,痛苦一世。A moment of neglect is a lifetime of pain.3、生产莫违章,安全有保障。Production must not violate the rules and regulations, and safety is guaranteed.4、责任重于泰山,安全重在防范。Responsibility is mo

2、re important than Mount Tai, and safety is more important than prevention.5、一点不差,差一点不行。Not bad at all. Not bad at all.6、安全就是生命,责任重于泰山。Safety is life and responsibility is more important than Mount Tai.7、科学管理、精心施工。Scientific management and meticulous construction.8、安全第一,文明生产。Safety first, civilized p

3、roduction.9、工作漂浮,事故报复。Work floating, accident revenge.10、逞一时之快,痛一生的伤。To succeed for a while is a painful injury for a lifetime.11、仓库重地,严禁烟火。Fireworks are strictly prohibited in warehouses.12、安全手中握,生命飞不走。Hold it safe and life will not fly away.13、质量是企业的生命线。Quality is the lifeline of an enterprise.14、

4、安全来自警惕,事故出于麻痹。Safety comes from vigilance. Accidents come from paralysis.15、安全你一个,幸福全家人。Safe you, happy family.16、思想松一松,事故攻一攻。Think loosely, attack by accident.17、共守交通法规,同享一片安宁。We should abide by traffic regulations and enjoy peace.18、多一份小心,少一份担心。Be more careful and less worried.19、百年大计、质量第一。One hun

5、dred years plan, quality first.20、安全第一,预防为主。Safety first, prevention first.21、驾车最高守则,让一点就通。Drive the highest code, let a little pass.22、生命只有一次,没有下不为例。Theres only one life, no next.23、临街建筑严禁行人靠近行走。Pedestrians are strictly forbidden to walk near street buildings.24、宁绕百丈远,不冒一步险。Better go around a hundr

6、ed feet than take one step at risk.25、优化生产工序,提高生产效率。Optimize production process and improve production efficiency.26、加强安全管理,建设平安校园。Strengthen safety management and build safe campus.27、劳动创造财富安全带来幸福。Labor creates wealth, security brings happiness.28、生命只有一次,安全没有终止。There is only one life, and security

7、does not end.29、安全驻心中,命运记脑中。Safety is in the heart, fate is in the mind.30、无事勤提防,遇事稳如山。Nothing to be on guard against, everything is as steady as a hill.31、漏洞不补,事故难堵。The leak is not mended and the accident is difficult to plug.32、安全生产,警钟长鸣。Safety in production, alarm bell rings.33、说到就要做到,要做就做最好。Do w

8、hat you say and do the best you can.34、事故出于麻痹,安全来于警惕。Accidents arise from paralysis and safety comes from vigilance.35、安全是根弦,一松就要悬。Safety is the root of the string, a loose will hang.36、班前饮了酒,独木桥上走。Drinking before class, walking on a single wooden bridge.37、宁可停工停产,绝不违章冒险。It is better to shut down pr

9、oduction than to take risks against regulations.38、成功者找方法,失败者找借口。Successful people find ways, while unsuccessful people find excuses.39、为己为家为国,安全必须牢记。Safety must be remembered for the sake of ones own home and ones country.40、开车多留意,路边不儿戏。Drive carefully, and the roadside is not trivial.41、安全记心间,文明印脑

10、中。Safety in mind, civilization in mind.42、知识技能决定工作效率。Knowledge and skills determine work efficiency.43、麻痹出事故,警惕保安全。Paralysis accident, vigilant security.44、只有麻痹吃亏,没有警惕上当。Only paralysis suffers losses and no vigilance is fooled.45、迟到总比永远不到好。Better late than never.46、安全就是生命,健康就是幸福。Safety is life, heal

11、th is happiness.47、完善质量体系、强化工程质量。Improve quality system and strengthen engineering quality.48、甜蜜的家盼着您平安归来。Sweet home is looking forward to your safe return.49、安全三个宝,上班莫忘了。Three treasures of safety, dont forget to go to work.50、安全勤劳,生活美好。Safety, diligence and good life.51、精心操作,遵章守纪。Careful operation,

12、 abide by rules and regulations.52、宁可走远路,也不闯马路。Better go far than cross the road.53、安全警钟长鸣,职工家庭幸福。Safety alarm bell rings, workers and families are happy.54、处处注意安全,岁岁全家团圆。Everywhere pay attention to safety, family reunion year-old.55、抓好安全生产促进经济发展。We should do a good job in safety production and prom

13、ote economic development.56、安全三个宝、上班莫忘了。The three treasures of safety should not be forgotten at work.57、你的安全,是全家的欣慰。Your safety is the comfort of the whole family.58、在岗一分钟,安全六十秒。One minute on duty, 60 seconds safe.59、宁可停工停产,绝不违章蛮干。It is better to stop work and stop production than to go against the rules and regulations.60、安全伴我行,生活甜如蜜。Safety accompanies me, life is sweet as honey.61、高速公路,行驶适速。Highway, speed.62、加强安全教育,确保安全生产。Strengthen safety education to ensure safe production.63、隐患处处有,安全时时记。The


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