已阅读5页,还剩59页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit1 I like dogs第( 1 )课时教学目标:能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,tiger 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you like?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I dont 来回答。3.情感教育:动物是人类的好朋友,要保护动物教学重点:1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,tiger2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you like?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I dont 来回答。

2、教学难点:1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,tiger2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you like?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I dont 来回答。3.能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式教学准备:挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT)教学过程:Step 1 Warm upGreetingOrder game: Stand up,boys and girls. Open your books, boys.Free talk小诗:Five little monkeys 歌

3、曲:Seasons song.Step 2 Presentation 1.Play a game-根据老师说的例句或者词组,举一反三出示课题:Unit 1 I like dogsT:Today,lets learn Unit 1 I like dogs.T: I like dogs .Do you like dogs?S: Yes, I do./No, I dont.T: What do you like?S: I like 出示句型: Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont.I like 根据学生的回答教授单词:cat ,dog, monkey, lion, p

4、anda, tiger, bear。 2.教授单词animal/animalsT: Look, the cat is an animal.Its an animal. How lovely. 出示单词animal,拼读单词。 nIml出示音标。T:They are all animals.Theyre animals. 出示单词animals,拼读单词。T:Do you like animals?S: Yes, Ido. 2.Listen and guessT:I like animals too.Now, lets listen to the sounds. Guess, what anim

5、al is it.听声音猜猜是什么动物。3.Story time 出示课文图片T:Look,they are our friends. They are talkingabout animals.(1)Listen and circle(把所看到的动物圈出来)What animals can you see in the story? Cats dogs elephants horses lions monkeys pandas tigers在看动画之前,先读单词(复习单数和复数),并且教授本课的新单词:an elephant,a horse(elephants ,horses)elephan

6、telfnt horseh:sCheck the answers: cats , dogs, pandasTrue or falseYang Ling: I like cats. They are cute.()教授单词cute(可爱的,机灵的)Su Hai: I dont like dogs. I like horses.()Mike: I dont like dogs. I like pandas.()Check the answersT:Do you like pandas?S: Yes, Ido . T:Are they cute?S: Yes, they are.T: And the

7、y are fat.出示单词fat cat at, 让学生自己拼读单词。Listen to the tape again.Fill in the blanks.对话内容填空Look at these toy animals , boys and girls.Wow.Look at this cat.I like cats. Its cute.I like dogs. Do you like dogs, Su Hai?Yes, Ido.Do you like dogs, Mike?No, I dont.I like pandas. Theyre cute and fat.通过这一环节加深学生对课

8、文的理解。(4)Read Story timea.注意语音语调,播放录音,学生跟读T:Lets read after the tape.T:Lets read it together.b.角色扮演模仿语音语调,比比谁读的好,角色扮演。Step 3 ConsolidationMagic eyesT:Now,lets have a rest.Lets play a game.游戏规则:快速闪现图片、单词、词组、或者句子Work in pairsT: I have some pictures here. Choose one to work in pairs.SummaryStep 4 Homewo

9、rk 1.Copy the new words four times.Recite Story Time after class.Draw an animal作业:1.Copy the new words four times.2.Recite Story Time after class.3.Draw an animal板书设计 Unit1 I like dogs Do you like? Yes, I do. cats dogs elephants horses No, I dont.I like lions monkeys pandas tigers教学反思Unit1 I like do

10、gs第( 2 )课时教学目标:能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,tiger2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you like?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I dont 来回答。3.能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式4.能理解Would you like 和Do you like两个句型的使用方法5.明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处教学重点:1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat, dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey, panda,t

11、iger2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you like?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I dont 来回答。3.能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式4.明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处教学难点:能理解Would you like 和Do you like两个句型的使用方法教学疑点:学生能否理解并且区别Would you like 和Do you like两个句型的使用方法?教学准备:挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT)教学过程:Step 1 Greeting and warm upGreeting (单词和句子默写)Happy timeT: L

12、ets enjoy our English lessons now. Can you sing or say rhymes?通过这个环节让学生提前进入学习英语的氛围中。可以引导学生说一些关于本课内容的小诗:Five little monkeys 歌曲:Seasons song.游戏-举一反三游戏规则:根据老师说的词组或句子说相同结构的内容、例如:my father-your mother, her brother I have a toy car. I d like a hamburger. This skirt is for you. I can dance.I like dogs 通过这个

13、游戏激起学生记忆里的知识,帮助学生归纳 总结。 Step 2 Revision 1.Guessing gameT:I love animals .Theyre lovely .Theyre cute .Now,lets play another game-Guessing game.游戏内容:复习上节课所学动物类的单词。游戏环节:a.出现遮住部分的图片,猜猜是什么。 b.出现单词填空,让学生完成单词拼写。问题预设:What can you see? I can see Whats this/that? Its a/an What are these/those? TheyreFree talk

14、-Fun timeDraw and say教师出示上节课布置的作业内容-Draw an animal出示教师所画的图片,一只熊猫T:I love animals.This is my picture. Whats this?S: Its a panda. T: What colour is it?S: Its black and white.T: Do you like pandas?S: Yes, I do. Theyre cute and fat.(提示学生回答)T:What about your pictures? Where is your picture?S: Its here.教师

15、出示对话练习内容A: Do you like? B: Yes, I do. Theyre No, I dont.I likeTheyre(1)师生对话(示范)(2)生生对话 3.Revision -Story timeT: I think you like animals very much. Our friends like animals too. Look, theyre coming.T:Would you like a cat/dogs?S: Yes, please. No, thank you. Id likeStep 3 Cartoon time1.Lead inT: Oh, I

16、m hungry now.(做动作,便于学生理解) Can you ask Miss ZhangHello, Miss Zhang. Would you like a ?S: Hello, Miss Zhang. Would you like a ?T: Yes, please./No,thank you.2.Cartoon time(1)出示图片T: Our old friends are hungry,too.Where are Bobby and Sam?S: Theyre at a snack bar.True or falseBobby: I would like a pie.()B

17、obby: I like cakes.()Sam : I dont like cakes.()Sam : I have a cake.()Read after the tapethanks=thank you 谢谢I have a cake here. 我这里有个蛋糕。Read by yourselfStep 4 Consolidation 1.对话填词Sam: Would you like a pie, Bobby?Bobby:No, thanks.Bobby:I like cakes.Do you like cakes,Sam?Sam: Yes, Ido. I have a cake he

18、re.Sam: Look! Do you like it?2.Summary本课所学内容回顾与总结 Do you like? Would you like ? Yes, I do. Yes, please. No, I dont.I like No, thanks/thank you.让学生理解这两个对话句型的区别让学生说说:你是怎么理解的,这两个对话分别用来问什么的? Step 5 Homework 1.准备默写单词表单词和划线句子2.Recite Cartoon Time after class.作业:1.准备默写单词表单词和划线句子2.Recite Cartoon Time after

19、class.板书设计 Unit1 I like dogs Do you like? Would you like ? Yes, I do. Yes, please. No, I dont.I like No, thanks/thank you. 教学反思Unit1 I like dogs第( 3 )课时教学目标:1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.能初步会说本单元小诗:Little monkey4.能理解并且会读/g/,能总结归纳过去所学单词教学重点:1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.

20、能初步会说本单元小诗:Little monkey4.能理解并且会读/g/,能总结归纳过去所学单词教学难点:1.能初步会说本单元小诗:Little monkey2.能理解并且会读/g/,能总结归纳过去所学单词教学疑点:学生能否理解/g/的发音,能否理解orange的发音?教学准备:挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT)教学过程:Step 1 Greeting and warm upGreeting 单词和句子默写Free talkStep 2 Revision 1.Story time跟读(教师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)自读(任选一种方式读) 自己单独读 跟伙伴扮演角色读C.跟伙伴齐读 比一比,赛一赛,

21、谁读得好,模仿得像。利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。 2.Cartoon time(1)Read after the tape逐图跟读,注意语音语调。让学生可以加上自己的表情和动作。(2)Read by yourselfA.自己单独读B.跟伙伴扮演角色读C.跟伙伴齐读(3)比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。Step 3 Rhyme time复习过去所学的小诗出示Five little monkeys小诗,学生表演Little monkey(1)小诗句子理解T:Lets count.How many monkeys?S: Five.T:Where are the

22、y?S: They are on the bed.出示一只小猴T:Now,how many monkeys?S: One.T: Yes. Its a little monkey.出示Rhyme time图片T:Where is the little monkey now?S: Its in the tree now.出示句子:Little monkey , in the tree.T: What animals can you see in the picture?S: I can see a little monkey/dog/panda.出示句子:Little dog, run with

23、me .逐句教学run with 和跑 mat 毯子(at cat mat) Read after the tapeRead by yourselfReading competitionStep 4 Sound time T: Do you like the little dog?S: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.教授g/g/发音说说还有那些单词有g,并且发音是/g/有学生会说orange,让学生读读看,感受发音。出示Sound time 图片,教授句子:Go and get my big bag on the log.去拿来在木头上的我的大书包。Step 5情感教育T:Th

24、e animals are cute and clever. They can do many things.出示一些动物图片。Animals are our friends,we should protect them.Step 6 Homework完成部分同步探究练习背诵-Sound time和Rhyme time作业:1.完成部分同步探究练习2.背诵-Sound time和Rhyme time板书设计 Unit1 I like dogs run with 教学反思Unit1 I like dogs第( 4 )课时教学目标:1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读

25、、会运用本单元句型。3.能熟练会说本单元小诗:Little monkey4.完成补充习题以及同步探究部分练习教学重点:1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.完成补充习题以及同步探究部分练习教学难点:完成补充习题以及同步探究部分练习教学疑点学生能否在课上完成练习,怎么样对后进生进行补差?教学准备:挂图,卡片教学过程:Step 1 Greeting and warm upGreeting 单词和句子默写Step 2 RevisionFree talk A: Do you like? B: Yes, I do. Theyre No, I dont.

26、I likeTheyreA: What do you like?B: I like2.Play a game-Lucky starPPT出示,让学生根据幸运星后的要求完成,并且可以获得奖励。幸运星1 请表演本单元的小诗Little monkey幸运星2 当你想知道你的朋友是否喜欢大象,应该怎么问:幸运星3 有感情地模仿Story time 中的对话表演,可以邀请自己的好朋友幸运星4 请表演6种动物,并且拼写单词幸运星5 当你去一家小吃店,营业员问你是否要一个蛋糕,她应该怎么问:幸运星6 有感情地模仿Cartoon time 中的对话表演,可以邀请自己的好朋友幸运星7 请说出六个有字母g的单词,

27、并且要求g的发音是/g/幸运星8 请说出下列名词的复数形式 horse box butterfly cat elephant dog tiger panda bear bus幸运星9 你想告诉别人你喜欢马,你应该怎么说:Animals are our friends,we should protect them.Step 3 Checkout time-Ask and answer 1.Work in pairsA: Whats this/that? B: Its a/ anA: Do you like?B: Yes, I do.Theyre No, I dont. I like Theyre

28、2.Writing time选择一幅图,写一个对话Step 4 Consolidation补充习题在听录音之前先让学生说说在图上能看到哪些内容,让学生学会观察题目。部分题目也可以要求学生作听写任务,提高学生听说读写的语言综合运用能力。同步探究翻译词组,选择题题目选择,一些难的题目可以做为附加题,对于班级学习成绩比较优异的学生可以有这方面的要求。在作业上可以分层作业,减轻后进生的学习负担,提高英语学习兴趣。 Step 5 Ticking timeI can name some animals. Step 6 Homework 1.完成部分同步探究练习2.完成补充习题练习作业:1.完成部分同步探究

29、练习2.完成补充习题练习板书设计 Unit1 I like dogs A: Whats this/that? B: Its a/ an A: Do you like? B: Yes, I do.Theyre No, I dont. I like Theyre教学反思Unit 2 Lets make a salad教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读本单元的话题和功能: 水果和谈论拥有的物品 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语: I have . Do you have (a/any)? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: make,

30、great,have, any, banana, some, our , nice4. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇: lets, fruit, salad. Pineapple, mango, grape, thanks, cool, wonderful, how many 5. 能唱歌曲: Do you like purple grapes?6. 能正确听读、辨认辅音字母h在单词中的发音。7. 能总结归纳并正确使用some和any的用法8. 学会一些水果类单词,能谈论拥有的物品,能邀请别人一起做某事。8. 学生通过展示、谈论各自拥有的水果和其它物品,制作水果沙拉,乐于分享教学重点:1. 能听懂、

31、会说、会读、会运用句型I have Do you have ? 及其回答Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: make, great,have, any, banana, some, our , nice3. 能正确听读、辨认辅音字母h在单词中的发音。教学难点:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型I have Do you have ? 及其回答Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2. 启发学生总结归纳some和any的用法并正确使用。单元课时: 5课时第一课时:Story time第二课时:复习Story time, 学习Fun t

32、ime和Song time第三课时:Cartoon time,滚动复习已学知识第四课时:Sound time和Checkout time第五课时:综合复习,Ticking timeUnit 2 Lets make a fruit salad 第一课时教学内容:1、句型:I haveDo you have a?2、词汇:banana, grape, mango, pineapple, salad, make3、学生能使用以下日常交际用语:Lets make a fruit salad. 4、学生会演唱歌曲:Do you like purple grapes?5、学生通过对食物的喜好的交流,结交有

33、共同爱好的朋友。了解共同爱好是沟通你我的桥梁。教学重点:1、句型:I haveDo you have a?2、词汇:banana, grape, mango, pineapple, salad, make教学难点:1、词汇:banana, grape, mango, pineapple, salad, make2、学生能使用以下日常交际用语:Lets make a fruit salad. 3、学生会演唱歌曲:Do you like purple grapes?教学过程:1、 游戏引入,复习词汇(1) Today I have some fruit picture.Lets look and

34、guess. What is that?(2) T: Today I have some fruit in my bag. Lets make fruit salad.板书课题2、 游戏活动,引入话题T: First Lets smell and guess what they are.T: What is it/that?S: Its a T: Do you like?S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.T: Now you have a pineapple.S: Yes, thanks.T: You see,I have a pineapple. Do you have a

35、 pineapple?S: No, I have a grape.板书: I haveDo you have a?T: Now let ask and answer with your partner.(设计思路:教师通过同桌对话,练习学习I haveDo you have?)T: Yes see, when we have some fruit. We can make a fruit salad(设计思路:教师通过沙拉实物或图片,学习make a fruit salad)板书:Lets make a fruit salad.3、 游戏巩固(1) 教师利用Fun time 中的活动,进行问答

36、练习。为了节省课堂的时间,教师可以让学生任意选择两个水果。自己做好保密工作。-Do you have a?-Yes, I do./No, I dont.(2)chantI have a banana, yellow and sweet.I have some grapes, purple and green.I have a mango, nice and sweet.I have a pineapple, come and eat.I have fruit. Lets make a salad.(3)学习歌曲T: Look at these two boys, which fruit do

37、they like? Lets listen to the song.T: Now lets follow to sing this song.4.检测完成checkout time 中的听力练习。板书设计:(注意要写在四线格中)Unit 1 I like dogs.I have a/an pineappleDo you have a/an? grapeYes, I do./No, I dont. mangoLets make a fruit salad. banana教学后记:Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad 第二课时教学内容:1、复习巩固句型:I haveDo

38、you have a? 并进一步学习I have someDo you have any?Yes, I do./No, I dont.2、复习词汇: banana, grape, mango, pineapple并学习它们的复数表达以及发音,注意mango,是在后面加-es。3、学生能使用以下日常交际用语:Thanks. Look at our fruit salad.4、学生能初步了解some与any的异同以及使用方法。5、学生通过课文对话的表演,了解分享与合作的快乐。教学重点:1、复习巩固句型:I haveDo you have a? 并进一步学习I have someDo you hav

39、e any?Yes, I do./No, I dont.2、复习词汇: banana, grape, mango, pineapple并学习它们的复数表达以及发音,注意mango,是在后面加-es。教学难点:学习I have someDo you have any?Yes, I do./No, I dont. 同时,学生能初步了解some与any的异同以及使用方法。教学过程:4、 游戏引入,复习词汇(3) 猜谜游戏复习水果词汇T: Its little. Its purple and green. What is it?S: Its a grape.T: Great.T: Its big. I

40、ts yellow and orange. What is it?S: Its a pineapple.T: Its yellow and sweet. What is it?S: Its a banana/mango.(4) pick and say(学生根据他们选取的图片或实物进行对话)-I have a.Do you have a?-Yes, I do. No, I dont.(5) 歌谣T: Do you like purple grapes?S: Yes, I do.T: Lets sing this song together5、 改编歌曲,引入新知(1)T:Today lets

41、try to make a new songDo you have , , ?Yes, I have .Oh, they are nice and sweet. (可以运用在其中的词组有:yellow mangoes; orange pineapples; yellow bananas)(2) Listen and match(设计思路:教师根据听音连线的活动,了解课文大意。)T: Today Liu Tao and his friend have some fruit. They will make a fruit salad. Lets listen and match.Liu Tao a

42、 mango and orangeWang Bing some applesMike a pineappleSu Hai some grapesYang Ling a banana and an orangeT: Now lets talk about the fruit they have.T: Is this fruit salad Liu Taos?S: No.T: Right. Its Liu Tao, Wang Bing, Mike, Su Hai and Yang Lings. So they say ”Look at our fruit salad.”学习ourT: And yo

43、u see ”This is our class.” Can you use our to make some sentences?S:T: Are the students happy?S: Yes. T: Because you make salad together. They like their fruit salad. And its nice.T: Now Lets read the dialogue.(3)跟读课文。(4)小组齐读(5)6人小组分角色表演。6、 游戏巩固(2) 教师利用Fun time的活动,进行问答练习。(自己选两件水果,使用复数)-Do you have a

44、ny?- Yes, I do. I have some(3) 看图完成句子(设计思路:学生根据图片所提供的内容,进行句子的填空,着重练习单复数,以及some与any的使用。)I have an apple.Do you have a banana?I have some mangoes.Do you have any grapes?Would you like some pineapples?(3)总结(设计思路:总结课文,大家一起做沙拉,教师可以根据实际条件进行调节。)T: Do you like fruit salad. Today lets make a fruit salad.T: L

45、ook at our salad. How nice!板书设计:(注意要写在四线格中)Unit 2 Do you have any grapes?I have some Do you have any?Yes, I do./No, I dont.Look at our fruit salad.教学后记:Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad 第三课时教学内容:1、复习巩固句型:I haveDo you have a? have someDo you have any?2、复习水果类词汇,尝试综合运用。3、学生能使用以下日常交际用语:How many mangoes do

46、you have? Wonderful! Cool! 并指导其中的连读技巧。4、学生能熟练演唱歌曲Do you like purple grapes?,并根据自己的喜好,唱出自己的新歌。5、学生通过改编儿歌与活动,分享自己关于水果的了解与喜好。教学重点:1、复习巩固句型:I haveDo you have a? 并进一步学习I have someDo you have any?Yes, I do./No, I dont.2、复习词汇: banana, grape, mango, pineapple并学习它们的复数表达以及发音,注意mango,是在后面加-es。教学难点:学习I have som

47、eDo you have any?Yes, I do./No, I dont. 同时,学生能初步了解some与any的异同以及使用方法。教学过程:7、 活动引入,复习词句(1)I have a banana, yellow and sweet.I have some grapes, purple and green.I have a mango, nice and sweet.I have a pineapple, come and eat.I have fruit. Lets make a salad.Look at our salad! How nice!(2) pick and say(

48、学生根据他们选取的图片或实物进行对话)-I have some.Do you have any?-Yes, I do. No, I dont.8、 欣赏故事,引入新知(1)T:Today lets read a story about Sam and Bobby.(设计思路:教师带领学生带着问题看动画。教师提供课文的四幅图,请学生根据他们看的故事进行排序。)(2) Listen and fillT: How many mangoes can you find in the picture? Lets count.(教师通过数数的过程学习并理解How many)T: Now lets read

49、after the video.(3)小组分角色读故事。(4)2人小组分角色表演。9、 游戏巩固(4) 教师通过fun time的活动,进行问答练习。(每个组员准备四种水果,两种单数,两种复数)-Do you have?- Yes, I do. And I have No, I dont. I have and (2)展示对话。4. 情境拓展T: XXX, I have a pink ruler. Do you have a pink ruler?S: Yes, I do. No, I dont. I have a blue ruler.Look!T: How nice/cute! Do yo

50、u have any toys?S: No, I dont. But I have some picture books.T: Can I have a look?S:OK.板书设计:(注意要写在四线格中)Unit 2 Do you have any grapes?I have a/an/some Do you have a/an/any?Yes, I do./No, I dont.How many do you have?教学后记:Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad 第四课时教学内容:1、通过练习(补充习题)复习巩固句型:I haveDo you have a? D

51、o you have someDo you have any?以及水果类的词汇。2、通过绕口令,学习字母h的发音,并尝试举一反三。3、学生能熟练地默出本单元的重点词汇。4、学生能正确地写出本单元的四会句型。5、学生对本单元所学的知识进行自我评价,并在小组中查漏补缺。能够顺利通过朗诵测试。教学重点:1、通过练习(补充习题)复习巩固句型:I haveDo you have a? Do you have someDo you have any?以及水果类的词汇。2、通过绕口令,学习字母h的发音,并尝试举一反三。教学难点:1、学生能熟练地默出本单元的重点词汇。2、学生能正确地写出本单元的四会句型。3、学生对本单元所学的知识进行自我评价,并在小组中查漏补缺。能够顺利通过朗诵测试。教学过程:10、 歌谣引入,复习词汇T: Look at this picture, The grapes are nice and sweet. Lets look and sing(设计思路:教师


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