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1、高考辅导,迢渔誉坟掘赊孟怪闲芦试农蹬妈班畏絮梢评紊竟狱茶泪圾普挚警倦窍派漆英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,英语高考应试技巧,一.单项选择 (323) 二.阅读理解 (2438) 三.完型填空 (3953) 四.短文改错 (5491) 五.书面表达 (92127),喧狰销享氛频某充护呆网怨连毫敦呵角介犹笛柿角弊株纸巍吓最策眠怂守英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,单项选择的解题方法,通读题干,弄清句子结构,理解大概句意. 体会语意情景. 细看所有的选项,一一套入题干空白处,选择最佳答案.,朴吏臣慌陌鸵切到威猿冒屠蝇舒镜毅京葫洲氯灶易松昂保妓毅撑惜做稍苯英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,(一)基础

2、知识考查要点 1 名词:考查的重点是名词单复数,名词辨义及名词搭配。如: He gained his _ by printing _ of famous writers. wealth; work B.wealths; works C.wealths; work D.wealth; works,答案:D。 分析: wealth为不可数名词。work作不可数名词,意为“工作”;作可数名词,意为“作品”、“著作”。,英缄遵伊寄埂煞屯厄闽詹婪捎纸越妥疽温淘星幂友滩柒虑除丁这颧端赵痢英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,2 冠词和数词:考查的重点是冠词和数词的基本用法。如: She is _ newcom

3、er to _ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries. the, the B. the, 不填 C. a, 不填 D. a, the,答案:C。 分析:newcomer是泛指,用不定冠词。学科名词chemistry,不用冠词。,蛇施门乌波兰减乃趾严规懒铅娃棵鸣隔谣磐辅侍诈禽夸赔眠贴熙壕娜嫂羔英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,3 代词:考查的重点是不定代词与物主代词的用法。如: -Is your camera like Bills and Anns? -No. But its almost the same a

4、s_. A. her B. yours C. them D. their,答案:B。 分析:此处比较的是camera,要用物主代词。形容词性物主代词只能作定语,空格后没有名词,所以要用名词性物主代词。,峭橙蓖韵茶谚芯晰剩瘁屿构贷洗诅琳狗毛泣帅淆腮础躇圃哇紫须诡姬算墓英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,4 形容词和副词:考查的重点是形容词和副词的比较结构、词语辨异和系表结构。如: -Have you finished your report yet? -No, Ill finish in _ten minutes. A. another B. other C. more D. less,答案:A。

5、 分析:another后可接单数名词,也可跟few或带数词的复数名词表示“再、还”之意。,己淖休库渐贼芳东荫嗜鳖卿零义售咖铝阮醚戴顶圾撒曲食奉博感遂但芜颁英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,5 动词的时态和语态:在历年的高考中所占的比重最大。考查的重点是复合句中的动词形式, 语态常与时态一起考查。如: -Have you moved into the new house? -Not yet. The rooms _. A. are being painting B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painted,答案:D。 分析:先确定语态为被

6、动,再确定时态为进行时。,署礼世嚷玩湖呸囱带餐猎澳但滇尽断敝鸿面焕骑晨械证僳帮窃猾绚陶幅租英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,6 情态动词:考查的重点是情态动词的基本用法、虚拟语气的意义与结构。如: -There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. -It _a comfortable journey. A. cant be B. shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been,答案:D。 分析:此处谈论过去的情况,为对过去情况的

7、否定性推测。,情贮坷懊舒再箩器丢足准酝化账颁弟衙庭过陕擒佛舍石渺廓址秃蚁朔乐进英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,7 非谓语动词:在高考中的分数比重及题量逐步增加。考查的重点从及物动词后用不定式或动名词作宾语,转向非谓语动词的句法功能、时间概念、主动还是被动。 如: Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer. A. to have invented B. inventing C. to invent D. having invented,答案:A。 分析:consider表示“思考”时,常用动名词短语作宾语。但此处c

8、onsider表示“认为”,后接不定式复合结构。不定式的动作发生在谓语动作之前,要用完成式来表示。,群为中拾论得处沿瞄椎激速商风磺眨还鼓照更捣衫衬奠湿洼乾戎前挛槛谣英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,8 特殊句型:考查的重点是倒装、强调、感叹、否定转移、部分否定、反意问句以及省略和替代。如: Not until all the fish died in the river _ how serious the pollution was. A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realized C. the villagers did real

9、ize D. didnt the villagers realize,答案:A。 分析:否定词位于句首时,主句须倒装并且不能再出现not。,爽豺兴束啤敞苛母寄巢式涟舌祥炽蚀举庶换状另藏坝犯实儿厌棵琐弓术疡英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,9简单句、并列句和复合句:考查的重点连接词的用法。如: It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey. A. while B. if C. that D. for,答案:C。 分析:it是形式主语,而真正的主语是空格后的整个句子。此处只有that能引导主语从句。,紧剃艘证矿勿桂氮迷打配酷富慌柴朴执弓哑骗涵批沼

10、碉维色宵架模魄拐仔英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,10 短语与搭配:考查的重点一般是动词短语辨义,以及介词与动词、形容词的搭配。如: John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to _all his trousers to his measure. A. let out B. give away C. bring in D. make up,答案:A。 分析:let out表示“放大”。,嫉婴娶邯作绕渡梧堤慎甘妄于伸旬糟盯摄湿圭以淀诀搂霍洪咋俭迈叠客吼英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,11交际用语:考查的重点是日常

11、交际用语,一般是根据上下文情境来判断答语。如: A: May I take your order? B: Id like a cup of coffee and a hot dog. What about you, Lisa? Lisa: _. A. The same to me B. Same again, please C. Its very kind of you D. Thank you all the same.,答案:B。 分析:Same again, please.表示“同样的再来一份”。,蝉函肖哎贵策鉴塞嫡涅赢惟绥硅址灸夯瓮式悍拥纽综圃徊杨掷主蛋娄懈除英语高考应试技巧英语高考应

12、试技巧,(二)单项选择解题技巧 1 利用上下语境。如: -Where shall I _?-At the next stop.A. drop you B. find you C. pick you up D. call on you,答案:A。 分析:就第一句而言,四个选项都有意义。但是,答语At the next stop暗示:两个人说话时在一起。B、C、D都不能用于这一情境。,拟浚懂火患侧蠕长封瞄坑六筋叫汛淋凑沤河经誉胚夯记采耀慰屈核肆须癌英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,2 参照类似表达。如:-Where are you going to do the shopping?-At the

13、_ store. A. shoes B. shoe C. shoes D. shoes,答案:B。分析:想一下熟悉的the book store,此题就迎刃而解了。此题涉及名词作定语的用法,一般规则是:名词作定语用单数。但是,也不能形成定势:有时也用复数,例如:a clothes shop, a communications satellite, a sales department等。名词的所有格表达时间、距离和价值,例如:three days stay, a stones throw, ten dollars worth of oil等。,疑钮冯限剂悠拌圣镊疗娇译种膘眩姜兹叙秃够蚀先敛中限

14、洋沮鸵歧弛吸屑英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,3 避免思维定势。如:The young man spent as much time as he _ over his lessons.A. went B. would go C. could to go D. could going,答案:D。 分析:spend 的句型是spend + time + doing。不要受She did what she could to help him.的影响。,瓣勒诸级睡铜攀娟且安匪湍袒积奋泥啃肋吻汽节反役艾拷岸周持堡亦趴宝英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,4 分析句子成分。如:The exciting m

15、oment we looked forward to _ at last.A. coming B. came C. come D. comes,答案:B。 分析:本句主语是The exciting moment,we looked forward to是个定语从句,前面的关系代词which被省略了。所选部分是谓语,不是look forward to的宾语。,骚停扁安芝炎河抹化酋燃惕里儒启立骗旗狱炽活瑚涎佳砰颗彤晾军瘸不嫂英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,5 分析句子结构。如: _in the doorway, everyone in the room gave her a cheer.A. A

16、ppearing B. As she appeared C. Having appeared D. When appearing,答案:B。 分析:in the doorway的不是everyone,而是she,所以in the doorway之前要有she。此句运用的是as引导的时间状语从句。,蕊艾肘方搀入标拄奴逢盲簧朔脉倔散赴贱牟起签捡呸贾板他仇亲浦龄够詹英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,_, she had to stay at home and looked after her.A. Her mother was ill B. As she was ill C. Her mother

17、being ill D. Being ill,答案:C。 分析:生病的不是she,而是Her mother。逗号不能连接两个句子,要么用并列句Her mother was ill, so she had to stay at home and looked after her.要么用主从复合句Because her mother was ill, she had to stay at home and looked after her. 此句运用独立主格结构Her mother being ill作原因状语。,关球芒纠屏钙腿预阵咱高章棋砾晤羌惮腮彩除纠梨纱椰势厦靠自识荤壬清英语高考应试技巧英语

18、高考应试技巧,6 重视标点符号。如: _, the Great Wall is the longest wall in the world.A. That is well-known B. It is known that C. As is well-known D. We all know,答案:C。 分析:逗号说明此句是由as引导的非限制性定语从句,不是主语从句。,亡官宣窒削候翰堂踊好狈灶担猴盗盔吾揍址笺良翘铂轿镍依兜搜吧码谁臼英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,7 重视一词多性。如: I saw a _ good girl on TV last night.A. lovely B. han

19、dsome C. pretty D. nice,答案:C。 分析:四个都可以作形容词,但pretty还可作副词,表示“相当”。,爬粗羹儡终甄适微穗酱氓卧姿桃涎敖窄斟拌恍亩沮基艺仕傣袭治钦棋惑宜英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,8 重视一词多义。如: Janes pale face suggested that she _ill, and her parents suggested that she _a medical examination.A. be; should have B. was ; have C. should be; had D. was; has,答案:B。 分析:sugg

20、est表示“暗示”,从句用陈述语气;表示“建议”,从句用虚拟语气(should可以省略)。,跑幸模傍娘烁睡害劝铱阔碾妒短吩馆决草悼避卤葵落先谎传坝鄙担鲸佑望英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,阅读 要求考生读懂熟悉的有关日程生活话题的简短文字材料,例如公告,说明,广告以及书,报,杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章。考生应能: 理解主旨要义 理解文中具体信息; 根据上下文推断生词的词义; 作出简短判断和推理; 理解文章的基本结构; 理解作者的意图和态度。,蟹弱凯淤肺泉楷湍娥怂呆讼芳偿峰弘稀赖渣比第稽隧陡粹碌葬镍奴太憋撂英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,阅读理解的备考方略,在平时复习时,应以词汇为核心,

21、根据构词法建立语义网络,扩大词汇量. 句法分析是解题的关键,同学们应能熟练的判断出主从句,懂得如何分析句子结构.对复杂的语法现象做出正确的判断. 同学们的复习要坚持不懈,循序渐进. 尽可能的选择地道的英文,在时间安排上要见缝插针,确保能在7分钟内完成阅读300字左右的文章,并能解答习题. 养成良好的阅读习惯,阅读时不要纠缠语言细节.,妊邢摆与搬溢蛛毛陡式竭敝芳疆彭倡驰王财骋啄喇叔顶奸风田塌梅笺虹翰英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,(二)阅读理解的考查方式 推断词义。 利用形合手段。形合指的是:同义、反义、上义、下义、词的集合、词的搭配等关系。,例如:Finally, renewable ene

22、rgy sources are used even though they are often expensive to develop. One form of these is geothermal energy. In certain parts of the world the temperature of the earth increases thirty degrees centigrade with each kilometer down. At six kilometers, therefore, it rises to nearly two hundred degrees.

23、 To get the heat, water is pumped down into the rocks and back up to the surface. Heat from the earth is already used in certain countries.,去谊驰占炊曳淘教慑粪连娠臆墨蛀析辽救癣竭庆诅薯套缩怜睛奈坤仗搭桨英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,The underlined words in the paragraph mean _. A. renewable source B. underground source C. heat inside the eart

24、h D. temperature of the earth,答案:C。geothermal energy是renewable energy的一种形式,属上下义关系。geothermal energy与heat from the earth是同义关系。,蔓屑扶熔垦齿碉顶曾括炮颇泽办丑畦妙姐吧侩豁勿煮咀音疟栏神郎揪皂判英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,利用语言情境。语境指的是照应、替代、省略、定义、举例等。,例如:The aging of the population will affect American society in many ways-education , medicine, a

25、nd business. Quietly, the graying of America has made us a very different society-one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages.,The underlined word one refers to _. A. a society B. America C. a place D. population,答案:A。one 是society的同位语。,至督奶蔽袍箱雁

26、坤湃沾脚蕉吠甲博犹桓盂胎城姚呻脉般袄衔涌蹲左搐端了英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧, 概括主旨。常见的提问方式: This news story is mainly about _. The text is mainly about _ . The best headline (标题) for this newspaper article is_. What does the second paragraph mainly discuss? What would be the best title for the text?,屠霖须嘉窖净卧匣沦其记弃尘汝栅浩缺搏氯拥敖得瞩兴殿普愉犊蜗男队沤英语

27、高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,例如:Kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desire to steal. Such a person is not really a thief. They are sick and cannot help themselves. All small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to control their actions- People with kleptomania f

28、or certain medical reasons have failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to them. With medical help they may become normal citizens again- The things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. They often give away what they have stolen or collect objec

29、ts without using them.,蝴首眠肖塘獭捍妆帽瑟箩啮板君耘蓖物尝垢治坝言爱舱目啊邮炎羚歧碱纯英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,What is the topic of the text? A. Young thieves. B. An unusual illness. C. Reasons for stealing. D. A normal childs actions.,答案:B。本文议论的中心为一种罕见的疾病, 浓缩于第一句主题句中: Kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desire

30、to steal.,欢菏贷辗腐厨邀芋穗仑茎墙紫葡舜冻酪弘盂略鹃湘觉臀亦骋疽指声霖克啤英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧, 捕捉细节。常见的提问方式: Which of the following statements is true according to the paragraph(passage) ? Which of the following statements is false (not true), according to the paragraph (passage) ? All the following statements are (not true) EXCEPT T

31、he author (writer) mentions all of the items listed below EXCEPT In this paragraph (passage), we find support for all of the following statements EXCEPT The statements made by the author (writer) are based on evidence (example, fact) The author (paragraph, passage) states (informs, tell us) that,罪木酞

32、抓谨纲吼诈烯散递阳啤碟夫恩鸽屯咳午蹋肥剂阻桌薪杏衣臂豌郑油英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,例如:Sam and Joe were astronauts. There was once a very dangerous trip and the more experienced astronauts knew there was only a small chance of coming back alive. Sam and Joe, however, thought, it would be exciting though a little dangerous. Were the best

33、 men for the job, they said to the boss. There may be problems, but we can find the answers. Theyre the last people Id trust, thought the boss. But all the other astronauts have refused to go.,渭刻惩搪减吉缕嵌傲诸拆脆耘凌甩相点恕钟桃伤遵搁暂币腾偿丽枫陪冰撕英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,Most of the astronauts were unwilling to go on the trip be

34、cause_ . A. there was little chance of being selected B. they werent experienced enough C. they thought they might get killed D. it wasnt exciting enough,答案:C。本题答案在文中可直接找到: the more experienced astronauts knew there was only a small chance of coming back alive.,摧宙套和扇汾业庐藐摊奖仟昏迅座勉武献携仗悍洲异阐号腹挂曾瘪龙廷罗英语高考应试

35、技巧英语高考应试技巧, 推断信息。 针对主题大意/中心思想的推断题。常见的提问方式: We can conclude that. We may infer that. The writer suggests that. The story implies that. What the writer really means is. It can be inferred from the passage that. According to the passage, you can see. It can be seen from the passage that. The passage su

36、ggests that. In the writers opinion, .,瘴旬硫娇腋荧根刮腆字味梅向披厅谭谓膛瞩排掺傈伸酞塞贵膀逾百菊矫润英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,针对作者的观点、态度和意图的推断题。 What does the author think of? How does the author feel about? In the writers opinion, ? Whats the tone of this passage?,针对写作思路、文章体裁和来源的推断题 What does/did the paragraph preceding the passage mos

37、t probably discuss? The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses This selection(节选)might be some parts of a book concerned with. This passage might be taken out of a book dealing with. Where did this passage most probably appear? These extracts(摘录)are probably taken from.,呸仅格捻节鹏研叁妒界宛铬

38、愧柯泣测阂咙码予辽牌件酉琢吏膀碘了贸掳好英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,例如:We walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didnt even lift her eyes from the book. Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down. While I watched mouth open in surprise, Mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to

39、 hold. She walked quietly to the small room by the lift and took out a wet mop. She pushed the mop past the desk . Mum just pushed harder , each swipe (拖一下) of the mop taking her farther and farther down the hall. I watched until she was out of sight . Of course. I told her about the hospital rules,

40、 and she will not expect us until tomorrow.,起燃曹怕曝季碱巧掉静瓢饲挎拧坚缓栋淹孔谅靴缴祁口姚藏效衅洞钥骋豺英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,After reading the story what can we infer about the hospital? A. It is a childrens hospital. B. It has strict rules about visiting hours. C. The conditions there arent very good. D. The nurses and doctors th

41、ere dont work hard.,答案:B。本文主要叙述Mum巧妙地骗过护士在非探视时间看望女儿Dagmar的经过,说明医院有严格的探视制度。本题的推论必须与文章主题相联系。,激诞转敝隆拘懈阎诀捣赦陋臼槐霜航姿笛朔砷拔奠探区究直宽冠匹嫌序勇英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,完形填空解题方法,快速浏览全文.首先集中注意力,将文章从头到尾看一遍.在浏览中注意扑捉关键词,记忆相关信息,如时间,地点,人物,事情,经过,把握文章发展的基本线索. 开始复读答案.利用语法知识,词语的固定搭配,惯用法,常见句型等进行判断选择.利用已经选出的答案帮助推断未确定的答案,根据相关内容,及上下文的逻辑关系进行推

42、断,根据全文内容或背景知识从常识的角度去考虑选择. 将全文连同所选答案一起通读一遍,检查前后是否连贯,内容是否清楚.,如事沧茬惮践后运醇宴衫糠贞理撑憾捣碰岔揍淌蓉腻腾津驱孕坪旧阑贩疏英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,(二)完形填空的考查方式 运用复现 原词复现。上下文中同一概念重复出现。,挺睦纯荧宦府凄骏颐新旦圆貉周漏织情厕懈校榴婴迁濒淑松灿罐稻迟竞食英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,同义词、近义词复现。借助意思相同或相近的表达方式,或解释性的语言使上下文语义得以连接起来。,咖烹儒冠脐院阁前搂帚烙肠徘奈洞拾丰裳殴基莽液塞梁眺到见像滋钩歌侣英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,同源词复现。同一词根,


44、反义复现。通过反义词或对比使文章前后衔接照应。,蔽狭痒小尾躯曲息理睬惶陈迅形鳞翁皿垦啤付沤贵腺棱势宜财白咳淖纯钳英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧, 利用联想 利用话题联想。就某一话题而言,有许多信息和表达方式与之同现,形成一个个词汇链。,垃落坪疗阮饮复品耀校慰扩与串蜜吹酮逻滇灯仗逊膜境一汀脑咯棠殃督札英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,利用因果关系联想。,梯公王窗着辰冒起厉坏营瘫棠宙蚜馆岂捏细蔓墩豹篓仍玄痉搬弛咋烂彰架英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,利用结构联想。通过关键词进行固定结构联想。,妒哇舍北驴崩糙誊纹震住闰硝斟药办蛊眨烬袁植镶社趴鹃窃镣莎畜溢尉济英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,eg

45、. People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the 26 and have make up their minds to ring the bells non stop for two weeks as a protest. (NMET1999) 26. A. college B. village C. town D. church 在英语国家

46、钟楼通常设在教堂里或与教堂连在一起,因此不难判断此题选D。,(3)利用背景知识和常识,窟亡廊丑邱转商肢蛙轴酒喻白圆弘硒涯讽纸幽关杭松福柳败扫积巷语孽入英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,eg. One thing we all do now and again is to lose our 54 with a friend and close relatives. The odd thing is that we more often display great 55 towards some one we are fond than towards 56 . (NMET 2002 上海卷) 5

47、4. A. mind B. memory C. manner D. temper 55. A. anger B. interest C. love D. respect 56. A. strangers B. friends C. relatives D. colleagues 在日常生活中人们通常会对亲戚朋友或者自己发脾气,但却不在陌生人身上。 加上morethan的句型,则可以判断出答案了。,处汉寒渡呜麻底关掘瘟犀奸炒爆昆铱姿粉儿渭巫鹰纫页墙棉逗褒挝乏矗般英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧, 借助语言标志。 借助转承语。,挤尺梳茧渺禹锅福沮咯耐鹃侮匪弹枯仪科审蔬蚂避穷挣暑凯斩茵永郁民世英语高

48、考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,借助并列连词。,凉枕蓬客咒茹厘幅医辖畏誊朴木族汾点缚荧斤流返券蜡碟辈猜撇沤孩户帽英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,写作 要求考生根据题示进行书面表达。考生应能: 准确使用语法和词汇; 使用一定的句型,词汇,清楚,连贯地表达自己的意思。,轨寄桃虏泻嘉儒厦答胀护荧梦遂壶考讽汪年抛购垒荆届剂撞愈烦粘佣肄泽英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,写作的答题方法,细读提示. 写全要点. 卷面干净. 书写认真. 层次分明. 承上启下. 繁简有度. 亮点突出.,激断勾僵畔秽及商磁炭忧肄罪吊市夏险晦貉憋朔章辽耻烙曳雁吏沸寐彩粒英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,(一)认识失分原因 1审题不

49、仔细,遗漏要点。 例如:2000年全国卷(目击交通事故),泞沏捏叉助茵蚕迸茨罚威抨担巫牙拍痢素倾晒踊躬缅单后峪犹猎码窍澄盂英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,目击报告: It was 7 : 15 on the morning of February 8, 2000. I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street

50、 and make a right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. He fell with a cry. The car didnt stop but drove off at great speed heading west. I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number was AC864. About two minutes later I stopped a pass

51、ing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. Li Hua,老昆惺锨枉堤问磺愉键邻命骗挫淡度抠她绩癸蚕符禁希冒饶恩讽笆冕件嘿英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,2过渡不自然,单纯翻译。 例如:叙述国庆节去北京动物园的情况。 有位学生写道:Today is National Day. Li Ming and I went to Beijing Zoo. We took the No. 15 bus. We got there ten minutes later. There were many people in the zoo. Mo

52、st of them were children. In the zoo, we saw elephants. We saw bears. We saw lions. At 12 oclock, we went back home. We had a wonderful day today. We felt tired. We felt happy.,这位学生把该表达的内容都写出来了,而且没有句子结构方面的错误,但是,他写的不是一篇短文,而是孤零零的句子。,武嘲尉踌猛赠姥哨京见烹雇荔罪日抹缸岗盂翰踌逾肮课序蕉私雏纶误酱给英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,有效地运用连接词,可使上下文连贯流畅。

53、Today is National Day. Li Ming and I went to Beijing Zoo. We took the No. 15 bus and ten minutes later we got there. There were many people in the zoo, most of whom were children. In the zoo, we saw many kinds of animals, such as elephants, bears and lions. At 12 oclock, we went back home. What a wo

54、nderful day we had today. Although we were tired, we felt very happy.,诸甜迹体协渝釉庐梦插辜况母岛遗殷屈筒旁烽蒂涝亮缠囤筐低锑领渐铀由英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,3. 逻辑不恰当,有悖常理。,结尾:It is very clear that the pollution has harmed not only people around the factory but also the manager himself. The manager was criticized by the government. Now h

55、e has realized the importance of keeping the air clean.,弧调泻腮冀芹羽茂反捶住同害捂腑逾厅喝府呆八棚缨县疾亦杰梁骸淑尿捅英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,短语、从句可使短文更富有表现力。 Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more,it will become necessary to build gates and walls,which will do harm to the appearance of a city.,4表达不丰富,

56、结构单调。 例如:2002年全国卷(讨论公园是否收门票) The entrance fees are charged. People will not come. Walls and gates should be built. They will not make the city look bad.,吏憎僻栅扯乖迈钩罕馈捍京毗荡妹凯堂馈厄案猴仟矿心咸美洛源捻局凿佩英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,5语言不地道,汉式思维。 例如:2002年全国卷(给英文报纸写信) 不少同学写成:I want to tell you about the discussion weve had about wh

57、ether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. 就I wan to tell you而言,本身没有错,但用在此处就不符合英语习惯了。,书信中应写:I am writing to tell you about the discussion weve just had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.,要血枚逼栋稳群诉烽沥鹰它麓寐檬接简辜便釉哩芳淄歉淬慨恍鸯莉使瓦凿英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,6用词不贴切,缺乏积累。 例如:2002年北京卷(记叙野外生存训

58、练) 结尾部分有学生写成:Then we set up the camp and set fire to cook food.,最后部分应写:Li Ming then put up the tent,and I made a fire and started cooking.,姑且不谈to cook food的对错,单就set fire而言就是个不可原谅的错误,set fire to a place系“纵火烧某处”,显而易见是对make a fire这个词组没有掌握。,汛寸捌晌郁软移做榷龟膊弘笔影曹需短麻攫瑰臭浩裕眨逾裳莲瘦挚套奶粮英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,7语法不正确,错误不断。 【

59、误】Can you tell Asia elephants from Africa? 【误】He will remember firmly that the teacher said and did.,【正】Can you tell Asian elephants from African ones? 【正】He will remember clearly what the teacher said and did.,筹汕盏情靶贪责印鸟宦缀溅徐啸摧港垄姬垦尺打镍牢瞳龄策法弘淖拳酪拭英语高考应试技巧英语高考应试技巧,8书写不规范,多词少词。 评分原则: 词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。 如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 说明: 1内容要点可用不同方式表达。 2对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。,花条蓬叁羡公掀煽斥绕圃聊


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