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1、七年级上册,英语教学课件系列,Unit 8 Fashion,Integrated skills,What are they doing?,Two students _ _ the piano, another _ _ the flu.,play the piano, play the flu,are playing,is playing,Review,It is _.,What is Chinese buffalo(水牛) doing?,sit,sitting,have a guitar lesson,teacher,students,The teacher _ _ a guitar less

2、on.,What is the teacher doing?,is having,A: What is this/are these in Picture 1? B: It is /They are A: What color is it/are they? B: It is /They are .,shorts,jumper,skirt,trainer,suit,jeans,Describe their clothes,What is he/she wearing?,1. If you have a trip tomorrow, who will you wear like? 2. If y

3、ou have a birthday party tomorrow, who will you wear like?,Simon,Amy,Daniel,Her skirt is wool. Her skirt is made of wool. 由制成的 Are her boots suitable for a trip? suitable adj. 适当的, 相配的 be suitable for 适合于,Sandy,What can I wear? Listen carefully and tell us what Sandy and her mum are talking about? 2

4、. Write S for Sandy and M for Sandys mum. (on page 99),S,S,M,M,M,S,S,A white _ A blue _ A pair of _ shoes,Listen to the conversationagain and fill in the blanks.,A red_ Blue _ A pair of red and white _,Going on a trip(Sandy),Going for a dinner(mum),jeans,trainers,white,sweater,silk blouse,skirt,Comp

5、lete the diary below,Mum has to go for a big dinner this evening. Mom looks great in (1) _ . I think a pair of (2) _ shoes matches her white (3) _and her blue (4) _. I plan to go Sunshine Park with Millie tomorrow. Mum thinks my red (5) _ and blue (6) _are not bad. They look (7) _ on me. Mum thinks

6、(8) _ . are (9) _ and comfortable. They are fit for a long walk.,white,white,blouse,skirt,sweater,jeans,good,trainers,light,Key points,1. make sb. do 让某人干某事,使我发笑 _,make me laugh,make sb/ sth +adj.,让他们伤心 _,make them sad,2. look good in blue 穿着蓝色看上去好看,穿着红色看上去漂亮 。,look beautiful in red,他穿着黄色看上去神气。,He l

7、ooks smart in yellow.,-What is made of ? -Its made of ,leather,-What ismade from? -Its made from ,grapes,拓展:,1. be made of 表示“由制成”, 一般指能够看出原 材料,或发生的是物理变化。 Chair is made of wood. 椅子是木头做的。 This salad is made of apples and strawberries. 这种沙拉是由苹果和草莓做的。 2. be made from也表示“由制成”,但一般指看不 出原材料,或发生的是化学变化。 Wine

8、 can be made from grapes. 酒可以用葡萄酿造而成。 The bread is made from wheat. 面包是由小麦做的。,3. be made in指的是产地,意思为“于制造” 。 The caps are made in Russia. 这些帽子产于俄罗斯。 My mother likes to buy things which are made in China. 我妈妈喜欢买中国产的东西。 4. be made into的意思为被制成为 The paper has been made into clothes for the doll. 纸被做成了洋娃娃

9、的衣服。,Kitty: What do you think of my red gloves, Amy ? Amy: Oh, theyre nice. Whats it made of ? Kitty: Theyre made of leather . Amy : They feel soft and smooth. Kitty: Yes, and red is my favourite colour. Amy: You look lovely in your new hat. What is it made of? Kitty: : Its made of wool. I like it t

10、oo.,Read and Act,1. -What is the shoe_(make) of ? -Its _ (make) of cotton. 2. Look! Jim_ (walk) to school. He usually _(go) to school by bike. 3. Mum thinks jeans are _(suit) for me.,made,made,is walking,goes,suitable,Exercises,4. The white shoes _(相配) her blue suit very _ (good) 5. The little girl likes _ _ (穿着) white trousers. 6. I dont know what _(say). 7. T


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