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1、How to Motivate Every Employee:24 Proven Tactics to Spark Productivity in the Workplace Y L F M A E T ?Team-Fly “In thinking about motivation from amanagement perspective, its very impor-tant to appreciate this point: You cantmotivate people, you can only influencewhat theyre motivated to do.”This p

2、age intentionally left blank.“When you look at personal growth as amotivator, you change the way employeesthink about their work, you help thembecome more capable, and you give them ameaningful purpose in coming to work.”This page intentionally left blank.How to MotivateEvery Employee24 Proven Tacti

3、cs to SparkProductivity in the WorkplaceANNEBRUCEMCGRAW-HILLNew York ChicagoSan Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan SeoulSingapore Sydney TorontoCopyright ?2003 by The McGraw-HIll Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured in theUnited States of America. Except

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14、s in contract, tort or otherwise.DOI: 10.1036/0071431527For more information about this title, click here.ContentsHow to Motivate Every EmployeeviiiBuild a motivated workforce1They do it for themselves3Know what drives people5Make employees feel like partners7Show employees how the business operates

15、9Know your competition11Encourage intelligent risk taking13Inspire creative and innovative thinking15Affirm the link between motivationand performance17Help them achieve greater performance19Get employees to buy into your ideasand theirs21Be clear about rewards and recognition23Always expect the bes

16、t from employees25Fire up successful performance 27Offer incentives and morale boosters29Give your power away31Encourage accountability at all times33Build trust for a better tomorrow35Boost morale37Make it fun to make it motivating39Attack de-motivators head on41Retain your employees43Put heart and

17、 soul into your team45Unleash the power of human potential47viiCopyright 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use. How to MotivateEvery EmployeeHow to Motivate Every Employeeis a small but powerful book writtento help managers like you utilize in your career the actions an

18、d moti-vational success strategies of world-class business icons, such asDisney, SAS Institute, Virgin Management Limited, Levi Strauss,Starbucks, Four Seasons Hotels, Capitol One, and more. In addition,there are creative, timely, and immediately applicable tips, tools,techniques, and suggestionsall

19、 presented in bite-size chunksguaranteed to keep you and your employees from falling victim tomediocrity and complacency. But, ultimately, none of these principles and innovative ideas willbe worth anything unless you can translate them into fast actionsteps that affect your employees behaviors toda

20、yright now! Thisbook allows you to do just that.Your expert skills and talents have gotten you this far. Now, letthis handy, user-friendly book help you apply the fast facts and quickguidelines to becoming even more successful and effectiveas amotivating manager! I believe in the power and the influ

21、ence that todays manager orsupervisor can have on employee motivation. With the right set oftechniques, like the ones included in this book, you can reawaken andrevive the spirit in your organization. Not only that, you can inspire allthose around you by creating an environment in which employees wi

22、lltap their own motivational energy and perform their best work.viiiCopyright 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.Its my hope that you will find 24 Ways to Motivate Every Employeean invaluable workplace tool and resource that youll refer to againand again. This is a b

23、ook about managers creating an environmentin which their employees feel passionate about doing their jobs andputting the best of themselves into those jobs. I hope youll feel pas-sionate about the information in this book as well.“Motivation is about cultivating your human capital. Thechallenge lies

24、 not in the work itself, but in you, the per-son who creates and manages the work environment.”ix Y L F M A E T Motivation isnt your problem Build a motivated workforce Heres the million-dollar question: Who would want to be influ- enced and inspired by you? If you cannot answer this question, then?

25、Team-Fly you have no business managing anyone. As a professional speakerand corporate trainer, I have asked this question of thousands of man-agers and leaders across America and abroad, and youd be surprisedhow difficult this question can be for some managers and supervisorsto answer. Oftentimes th

26、e response is simply a stunned hush.Heres why being able to answer this question is so important.Managers cant really do anything or be effective in their jobs, iftheir employees arent motivated to perform well. So as a manageror supervisor, its imperative that you continually look for ways toengage

27、 your people and rouse their enthusiasm and commitment tothe organization and its goals. The fact is that people are motivated to do what is in their bestinterests. Your goal as a manager, then, is to help employees identifytheir welfare with that of the organization. When this happens,employees wil

28、l naturally feel motivated to work hard, because it is intheir best interest to do so.All this is another way of saying that motivation is intrinsic. Itswhat drives us to accomplish our desired ends. Whatever we do, itsalways because we believe it will fulfill some present or future person-al goal o

29、r desire. 1Copyright 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.Contemplate this. When have you been most excited about yourwork? For most people that excitement comes from being involvedwith projects that were near and dear to usprojects we took person-ally, or in which we

30、believed we could really make a difference andaccomplish something for ourselves and others. By helping youremployees to identify closely with the job they are doing, you willbegin to reap the rewards of intrinsic motivation at work.And when was the last time you thought about really trying to“turn

31、on” your organization? Youre the manager, right? Isnt thatyour job? Yes, but today motivation needs to be everyones responsi-bility. As a manager, it is your job to help build a truly “motivatingorganization,” one that inspires employees to do their very best everyday. Understanding that the role yo

32、u play as a leader and managerof people is one of extreme importance, here are three key points tohelp build that motivating organization:Know why your employees would want to be motivated by you: Whenyou can answer this important question, you will be better equipped toengage workers in their jobs

33、more effectively and influence their behav-iors to act more enthusiastically to meet company goals.Recognize that real motivation is an inside job: People talk aboutmotivation being either intrinsic or extrinsic. But its really onlyintrinsic, within each of us. What we refer to as extrinsic motivati

34、onis really just external factors, like company perks, bonuses, and payraises that ultimately affect our intrinsic motivation.Turn employees on to whats important and meaningful:Thisrequires managers to inspire their followers to be their best, to takerisks, to think like entrepreneurs, and to unlea

35、sh their limitless andsynergistic potential.“Men and women want to do a good job, a creative job,and if they are provided the proper environment, theywill do so.”Bill Hewlett, Co-founder, Hewlett-Packard2They do it for you They do it for them-selvesAs a manager, if you really want to influence peopl

36、es motivation,you have to uncover their reasons for doing things. You have to ques-tion their purposes and their causes. People arent going to be trulymotivated for your reasons and objectives. Employees ask themselves,“Whats in it for me?” Knowing this upfront, its your responsibilityto find out wh

37、at your employees motives are, then help them con-nect those motives to your organizations goals and activities. Whenyou do this, you also will be positively affecting each workers per-formance on the job. How do you know that you are doing this well? Youll know whenyour employees start asking the q

38、uestion, “Whats in it for us?” Bylooking out for your people and their best interests, your employeeswill begin to see that looking out for others and the organization asa whole is how they ultimately look out for themselves. Sure, it cantake some time for this to happen, but if you persist, employe

39、es willsee the light and it will be worth the wait.Most managers attempt to influence employee motivation usingboth positive and negative approaches. As a manager or supervisor,it is important that you understand clearly the three very differenttechniques used to influence the motivation of people i

40、n todaysworkforce, and, thereby, evaluate their pros and their cons. By study-ing the three primary ways leaders use to influence their workers,you will find greater opportunity to lead and bring about more pos-3Copyright 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.itive resu

41、lts when it comes to uncovering your workers intrinsicmotivators.Heres what works and doesnt work in positively influencingemployee motivation:Fear and manipulation dont work very well: When workers aremotivated by fear and manipulation, they are not so much trying toachieve something as they are lo

42、oking to avoid losing their jobs. Thisapproach often leads to resentment of managers by employees,which then undermines communication and cooperation. Theresults of trying to scare employees to perform also typically wontlast and eventually will almost always backfire on the organizationand its mana

43、gers.The carrot on a stick seldom works well:Also known as incentivemotivationthis technique can also eventually undermine perform-ance. Sure, people will temporarily work harder to get the reward, butwhat happens afterwards? You will have to keep coming up with newand better rewardssweeter carrotsb

44、ecause your employees willexpect more and more to go beyond the minimum work required. Set up an approach that promotes personal growth and purpose:What you want to do is help employees appreciate that they havesomething to contribute and you want to help them do that. Whenyou emphasize personal gro

45、wth and development as a way to influ-ence employee motivation, not only do you help employees maxi-mize their contribution, you also are improving the productivity ofthe company. Its a win for everyone.“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to bewhat we know we can be.”Ralph Waldo Emerson4D

46、ont worry about whatdrives peopleKnow what drives peopleManagers need to know what drives their employees. Do you? For starters, if you put people in jobs where they can meet theirindividual needs while doing the work thats important to the organ-ization, youll have employees who are more motivated

47、to perform attheir best. Managers have to make work a place where employees feel goodabout themselves and where the work people do helps them to feelgood inside as well. When your employees come to work, they cantturn off their human side, in other words, their human nature.Employees needs dont shif

48、t when they walk through the workplacedoor. To get people to perform at high levels, you must plug intotheir human side, or their human nature, affirm them, and helpthem meet their own needs.Start by paying attention. Watch people doing their jobs. Whatgets them excited? What turns them on? What tur

49、ns them off?Encourage employees to try out their own methods, provided thosemethods are compatible with effectively getting the job done.Next, send out an employee survey about attitudes in the work-place and ask for suggestions for improvements. Once you get thisfeedback, dont ignore the results. U

50、se the findings to make changesthat will improve everyones working conditions, including yours. Of course, you cant help every employee meet every need. And5Copyright 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click Here for Terms of Use.there are certain dangers in expecting an employees job, no matte

51、rhow gratifying, to constitute his or her entire life. However, there arecertain steps that all mangers can take to help their employees meetsome, or even several, of their inner desires that will drive them todo their best work and find greater motivation in the process. Hereare three main ways to

52、go about doing this more effectively:Appreciate everyones uniqueness: By acknowledging to your staffthat everyone is unique, you will be demonstrating that you honorand appreciate the individual talents and differences all employeesbring to the organization. And who knows, you might even uncovera di

53、amond in the rough.Brainstorm for greater fulfillment:One great way to brainstormand, thereby, motivate workers is to set up employee focus groups. Bydoing this you will begin to discover what employees would like toget from their work. Ask employees to brainstorm ways to make workmore fulfilling. T

54、hen dont forget to take action and move forwardwith ideas and suggestions. When you receive employee ideas thatare not appropriate, always explain why and hold out for reconsider-ation at a later time.Assume that meaningful purpose is important to people:Alwaysassume that things like personal growth

55、 and recognition, creativity,and meaningful purpose are as important to your workers as they areto you. Ask employees to describe their ideal job and what they likeor dont like about their work and then use what you learn to makework more fulfilling. “Ultimately, were talking about redefining the re

56、lation-ship between boss and subordinate.” Jack Welch, Former CEO, General Electric6Make employees feel likesubordinatesMake employees feel like partnersIf you want your employees to be motivated to do their best, and ifyou want them to be the most valuable asset on your balance sheet,then let them

57、feel and experience ownership in the organization. The best managers make every employee feel like a business part-ner. Why? Because when people feel ownership of something, theylook out for it, protect it, and pour themselves into it.One way world-class organizations and their managers help createw

58、orkplaces alive with entrepreneurial thinking and a sense of owner-ship (aside from the usual profit-sharing and stock options) is to reti-tle their employees positions. For example: Starbucks andTDIndustries refer to their employees as partners. Guidant, famousmaker of pacemakers, uses the term emp

59、loyee-owners.And LensCrafters,Marriott, W.L. Gore, Publix Super Markets, and Capital One all calltheir people associates.Making everyone feel like a partner in the business is one waymanagers empower their people. Here are some other ways you cando the same:Encourage entrepreneurial thinking: This goes beyond profit shar-ing and stock options.


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