



1、八年上 单选 翻译 单项选择 1. His sister eats vegetables although its good for her health.A. often B. sometimes C. ever D. hardly ever2. do your parents go to the movies?Once a month.A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon3._ hours do you exercise every day?A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How mu

2、ch4. I watch TV three times a week.A. about B. at C. for D. with5. An apple a day is good _ our health.A. at B. in C. for D. with6. homework, I think you must do it every day.A. To B. As C. For D. As for7. You should know good food and exercise you study well. A. help B. helps C. to help D. helping8

3、. Is your brothers lifestyle yours?A. the same B. the same as C. same as D. the same to 9. he is tired, he still does his homework.A. Because B. As C. When D. Although 10. You can try _ every day to keep healthy.A. exercise B. exercises C. to exercise D. exercising11. Youre too tired. You_ have a go

4、od rest.A. should B. can C. may D. shouldnt12. Mrs Jenny gave us _on how to learn English well.A. some advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an advice13. What is _ you, young man?I have a cold. A. matter with B. the matter with C. the matters with D. the matter to14. He shouldnt eat _ for 24 hou

5、rs.A. something B. nothing C. anything D. many food15. How are you? Im not _.A. feel well B. feel good C. feeling well D. feeling good16. When _ he _to our school?About half an hour ago. A. does; come B. did; come C. did; came D. does; came17. Thirty years ago, only _ people were interested in the c

6、omputer and knew how to use it.A. little B. a little C. a few D. few18. Its 9 oclock now. I must go.Its raining outside. Dont leave _it stops.A. when B. since C. while D. until1 9. Why are they _ and angry? A. stress B. stress out C. stressing out D. stressed out20. There is _ noise in the street, a

7、nd its noisy.A. too much; much too B. much too; too muchC. too many; much too D. too much; too many21. What _ your brother _ for vacation?A. does; does B. is; doing C. is; do D. are; doing22. My mother is visiting my grandma _ week.A. that B. the C. next D. last23. We are going hiking, Jeff. That so

8、unds _.A. well B. happy C. beautiful D. nice2 4. What is Tony doing _ vacation?He is his little cousin.A. for; babysit B. for; babysitting C. on; babysat D. on; babysiting25. -_are you going camping with?-My parents.A. Who B. When C. What D. Why26. What are we going to do on Sunday? How about ?A. to

9、 go bike riding B. going to bike riding C. going bike to ride D. going bike riding27. Can I ask you _ places to visit in China?A. about B. of C. as for D. for28. is the weather there?Its windy and cool.A. What; / B. How; like C. What; like D. What; about2 9. Do you finish_ the classroom, Betty?A. to

10、 clean B. clean C. cleaned D. cleaning30. Im _ my friend in Hong Kong for vacation .A. looking B. visiting C. watching D. going31. I didnt do well in the exam. _ you, dear?I did no better than you.A. How are B. How about C. Why not D. Why dont32. _ do they come to school?They _ the subway.A. How; by

11、 B. What; take C. How; take D. What; by 33. _ are you staying in Beijing for your holiday?For about two weeks.A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. What time34. Is your school far from your home? No. It me 10 minutes _ home.A. takes; to walk B. takes; walking C. took; to walk D. is taking; walk35.

12、 _ is it from your home to school?Its about eight miles.A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How often36Im sure this book _Li Leis because there is hisname on it.A. cant be B. may be C. can be D. must be37. What do you _ talk shows?I cant stand them. Theyre too boring. A. hear of B. think of C. hea

13、r from D. look like3 8. How do you usually come to school? _ my fathers car.A. By B. With C. In D. For39. _ many children like sugar, _ I think they had better try not to eat it too often.A. Because; and B. Although; but C. Although; / D. If; so40. Where are you going for vacation? _.A. It depends o

14、n my father B. We enjoyed ourselvesC. I didnt mind D. That sounds interesting41. Our School Music Festival need musicians. Would you like to _ us?A. teach B. join C. tell D. call42. Hector has a bad headache.He _ go to the doctor at once.A. has to B. may C. had to D. can4 3. Whats the date today?I d

15、ont know. Lets look at the _.A. result B. calendar C. photo D. program44. Today is Monday. What day is it_?Wednesday.A. tomorrow B. yesterday C. the day after tomorrow D. the day before yesterday 45. Did they have fun _ in the mountain?Yes. They want to go there again. A. hike B. hiked C. to hike D.

16、 hiking46. Why is the room so _?The kids are all sleeping.A. quiet B. big C. hot D. cold47. Your office is near my house. You can to my house for lunch.A.pay for B. look after C. come over D. help with48. When _ they _ their vacations? Next weekend.A. are; taking B. did; take C. were; take D. does;

17、take49. Did you get Kathys _ for her birthday?Yes. I decided to go to her party with some CDs.A. postcard B. instruction C. invitation D. suggestion 50. Can you come to my birthday party, Helen? _. I have to study for a math test.A. No problem B. Sure, Id love to C. Yes, I can D. Sorry, I cant51. Ci

18、ndy likes to tell jokes. She never stops talking. She is _.A. serious B. quiet C. shy D. outgoing52. You speak English much _ than before.Thank you.A. well B. better C. best D. good53. Which do you like better, math or physics?_. Im interested in them and quite good at them. A. Both B. None C. Eithe

19、r D. All54. The number of students in my class is the same as in _.A. shes B. she C. her D. hers55. Its raining hard, _ , I still want to go there.A. if B. however C. though D. because56. Jim is great! He is good every subject.A. for B. at C. to D. with57. My best friend Tina is _ than any other stu

20、dent in our class.A. popular B. more popular C. popularer D. more popularer58. How do you feel when you see the national flag of China?It makes me _ proud. A. feel B. to feel C. felt D. feeling59. Whats the weather like today?It is _ warm _ yesterday.A. so; that B. not; until C. as; as D. too; to60.

21、 _ the soldiers are very tired, _they keep on working.They are great. We must learn from them. A. Because; / B. Though; / C. Because; so D. Though; but61. They are thirsty. Will you please give them _? A. some bottle of orange B. some bottles of oranges C. some bottle of oranges D. some bottles of o

22、range62. The children wont go on a picnic if it _ next Sunday A. rain B. rained C. rains D. will rain 63. Its summer now. The farmers are busy _ the summer harvest. A. get ready for B. to get ready for C. getting ready for D. getting ready to 64. Few people _ at home at weekend.A. likes to stay B. l

23、ike stay C. like staying D. likes staying 65. Is there any more _ in the room?A. people B. books C. sheep D. room 66. The children _ go to bed until their mother comes back.A. will B. wont C. didnt D. around 67. I told him _ the basket under the tree, but he didnt listen .A. dont put B. didnt put C.

24、 not put D. not to put 68. I dont know when _ his hometown.A. he left B. is he leaving C. he leave D. does he leave 69. Can you _ it in English ? A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell 70. After they had worked for hours they stopped _ a rest .A. having B. have C. to have D. had 71. I _ with my parents yes

25、terday, and I feel sorry now.A. talked B. livedC. arguedD. shouted72. I need _ money to pay for summer camp.A. get B. gettingC. to getD. get to73. I think you could borrow some money _ your friends.A. for B. toC. fromD. with74. Lets _ Joe and invite him to play tennis.A. keep out B. call upC. get on

26、D. send for75. - My friend Peter always has the same clothes as I do. -He _ get different clothes.A. should B. needC. wouldD. need to76. -How are you? -I feel tired. -_ ? -I have a cold.A. Whats the matter B. Whats the wrong C. Whats trouble D. See the doctor77. It _her three weeks to study lessons.

27、 A. spends B. cost C. waste D. takes78. We should help poor people _housework. A. to does B. do C. doing D. done79. We have to listen to the teacher_ carefully. A. after class B. after work C. before schoolD. during class80. Students should keep good habit. Don t depend_ parents. Stand all by themse

28、lves.A. on B. in C. for D. about81. The two students_ late yesterday. A. are all B. were all C. are both D. were both82. What often makes you_ ? A. laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. to laugh83. _ does he swim? He swims twice a week.A. How long B. How soon C. How old D. How often84. She usually starts

29、the day_ breakfast. A . on B. at C. to D. with85. You shouldnt eat_ for 24 hours. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something86. In my home town its _ in July, but its even _ in August.A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter87. Vera can do it as _ as the math teacher.A. go

30、od B. better C. well D. best88. Shanghai is _ the east of China.A. on B. in C. to D. of翻译1.他每天6点离开家吗? Does he leave home _ six every day?2. 你的住处离车站有多远? _ _ do you live from the bus stop?3. 全世界的学生都怎样上学? _ do students _ the world go to school?4.我下午要去看医生。Im _ _ see the doctor in the afternoon.5. 我得为数学考

31、试做准备。I have to _ _ my math test.6. 你能把那个三明治递给我吗?Can you _ the sandwich _ me?7. 我晚上七点到八点上钢琴课。 I have _ _ from 7:00 to 8:00 in the evening.8. 你周五能来参加我的晚会吗? Can you _ _ my party on Friday?9. 这周我的作业太多了I have _ _ homework this week.10. 你愿意和我一起吃饭吗?Would you like _ _ dinner with me?11. 他父亲小时候几乎不吃水果。His fat

32、her _ _ ate any fruit when he was young.12. 每天早上喝一杯水是非常有好处的。Its important _ _ a cup of water every morning.13. 谢谢你教我骑自行车。 _ you for _me to ride a bike.14. 我的这本书和你的那本一模一样。My book is the _ _ yours.15. 假期中我们有太多的家庭作业要做。 We have _ _ homework to do during the holiday.16. 他比我稍微开朗一点。He is _ _ more outgoing

33、than me.17. 打网球时,他总能赢我。He always _ _in tennis.18. 她稍微比我外向些。Shes a little _ _than me .19. 刘莹不如她妹妹的体育好。Liu Ying isnt _good at sports _her sister.20. 请保持安静!那孩子在睡觉。Please _ _! That baby is sleeping.21. 不要为我担心,不久我就会好。_ _ _ me. Ill be better soon.22. 明天他前往美国。 He is _ _America tomorrow.23. 这部电影与那部电影一样激动人心。

34、 This movie is as _ as that one . 24. 蒂娜擅长滑冰。 Tina is _ _ skating.25. 你有空时最好多练读英语。Youd better _ _ more English when you are free.26. 乘火车去大连需要多长时间? _ _ will it take to go to Dalian by train?27. 我每天走着上学。 I go to school _ _ every day.28. 最后我们完成了这项工作。_ _ we finished the work.29. 她打开盒子,给我们看了一下礼物。 She _ t

35、he box and _ us the present.30. 交卷之前请仔细检查一下。Please check your exam paper carefully before you _ it _.31. 从这一页的上端开始读。Start _ at the _ of the page.32. 你能帮我把西红柿切碎吗? Can you help me _ _ the tomatoes?33. 她很聪明,每个人都喜欢她。 She is _ smart _everyone likes her.34. 把调料加到面条里。_ the ingredients _ noodles.35. 足球赢得了世界

36、上很多粉丝的兴趣。Football _ many fans _ in the world.36. Jim 上学又迟到了。 Jim is _ _ school again.37. 我们要离开这个城市了。我们未来的家在巴黎。Were _ this city. Our _ home will be in Paris.38. 珍妮长大时想成为网球运动员。Jenny wants to be a tennis player when she _ _.39. 史密斯一家上周搬到了南京。 The Smiths _ _ Nanjing last month.40. 二班在学校旅游中玩得很高兴。 Class 2 _ a good _ during


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