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1、上海市西南位育中学英语高考仿真试卷第一卷(共110分) I. Listening Comprehension(30分, 每题1.5分)Part A: Short Conversations1. (A) Look at something for the man. (B) Stop talking so much (C) Play the music more quietly. (D) Pay more attention to the music.2. (A) Check the paper for mistakes. (B) Leave the errors in the paper. (C

2、) Let the woman use the typewriter (D) Read the newspaper again.3. (A) One hour (B) Two hours (C) Three hours (D) Four hours.4. (A) He called up his sister (B) He went to Shanghai (C) He visited his sister (D) He stayed at home5. (A) He doesnt drink coffee at lunchtime (B) He never drinks tea in the

3、 evening. (C) He prefers coffee at lunchtime. (D) He likes tea very much in the evening6. (A) Jim promised to be back by Monday morning (B) Jim will take her to the airport after work (C) Jim didnt promise to take her (D) Jim will take her before he goes to work on Monday.7. (A) They find TV program

4、s interesting (B) They find its hard to turn on TV (C) They find TV is not worth watching (D) They enjoy watching TV very much. 8. (A) He is going to change his job. (B) He doesnt like his job at present. (C) He is doing pretty well now. (D) He isnt doing well with his work.9. (A) He wants the woman

5、 to fix his watch. (B) He will call her to fix the watch within one week. (C) He worked all night. (D) He managed to take long.10. (A) He doesnt want to go home (B) He is going on vacation. (C) He will stay at home (D) He will not leave the school.Part B: Longer conversationsQuestions 11 and 12 are

6、based on the following conversation:11. (A) To donate money for children who cannot afford to go to school. (B) To have fun at weekend. (C) To help those sick people (D) To sell things for money12. (A) At 2:00 Sunday afternoon (B) At 1:50 Saturday afternoon (c) At 2:10 Sunday afternoon (D) At 12:00

7、Saturday afternoon.Questions 13 and 14 are based on the following conversation:13. (A) 15.50 yuan (B) 60.50 yuan (C) 64.80 yuan (D) 15.80 yuan14. (A) By surface mail (B) By E-mail (C) By air (D) By landPart C: PassageQuestions 15 through 17 are based on the following passage:15. (A) Families are as

8、large as before. (B) The worlds birth rate now is higher than that ten years ago. (C) Birth control has been will practiced in all nations. (D) There has been a slow population growth in the past ten years.16. (A) Men and women are waiting longer to get married. (B) Families are getting larger than

9、they were a few years ago. (C) Governments in developed and in developing countries are supporting family planning programs. (D) Scientists and devices help to keep the rate down.17. (A) It is not very successful (B) It is far from being successful (C) It should be considered a great success. (D) It

10、 is not a bit a success.Question 18 and 20 are based on the following passage :18. (A) Cigarettes (B) Cigars. (C) Drinks (D) Harmful medicines19. (A) Drug-users are thieves (B) Drug-users steal everything (C) Drugs can make us lose a lot (D) Drugs take children away.20. (A) Encouragement (B) Relaxat

11、ion. (C) Gratitude (D) CongratulationII. Grammar (共20分,每题1分)21. My sister has _ England and will stay there for two years. (A) left to (B) been to (C) gone to (D) been away22. Although he was busy, he said he was coming_. (A) now (B) then (C) in no time (D) all the time23. She married the man _ what

12、 he had done for her. (A) because (B) because of (C) as to (D) as 24. -Bill and Bob arent getting on very will in English, are they? -_. Particularly Bill. He ought to work harder. (A) No, they arent (B) Neither are they (C) So are they (D) Yes, they are25. How can you sit still, _ all the work undo

13、ne? (A) to leave (B) and left (C) leaving (D) left26. -Im sorry, Frand. Ive done everything I can for her. - I know, Doctor. And I _ thank you enough. (A) can (B) do (C) cant (D) must 27. We understand that a good relationship with those _ should be based on a readiness to praise rather than critisi

14、ze. (A) we live (B) who we live (C) we live with (D) who to live with28. _ left before the deadline, it doesnt seem likely that John will finish the job. (A) Although so short a time (B) As so short a time (C) There is such a short time (D) With such a short time29. Peter _ a restless person. He kep

15、t moving from country to country before he died. (A) must be (B) should be (C) should have been (D) must have been30. Hundreds of people were reported _ in the accident that day. (A) having been killed (B) to have been killed (C) having killed (D) to be killed31. Beijing is usually cool in summer, b

16、ut Nanjing _. (A) is rarely (B) is hardly (C) rarely is (D) hardly is 32. By 2050, scientists surely _ a cure for AIDS. (A) will discover (B) will be discovering (C) must discover (D) will have discovered33. -Oh, I am too sleepy to go on studying -Well, if you hadnt seen that movie last night, you _

17、 sleepy. (A) wont be (B) wouldnt have been (C) were not (D) wouldnt be 34. All we demand is that the teachers and parents _ our suggestion again. (A) must consider (B) will consider (C) would consider (D) should consider35. _ your opinion, what is the best way for _ rid of the difficult conditions?

18、(A) In him to get (B) In his getting (C) On him to get (D) On his getting36. _ by the car, the child was unconscious for three days. (A) Hit (B) Being hit (C) After being hit (D) He being hit37. In comparing English sentence patterns with _ in your own language, have you found any difference? (A) wh

19、at (B) that (C) all that (D) those 38. _, they burst into tears. (A) At hearing the terrible news (B) The moment the terrible news being heard (C) On hearing the terrible news (D) With the terrible news being heard39. The police_ to arrest _ broke into the house. (A) orderedwhoever (B) were ordered

20、anyone (C) orderedanyone (D) were ordered whoever40. Mr. Li is keen on all kinds of sports; _. (A) as football is his favourite (B) while he likes football best (C) his favourite is football, though (D) football being his favouriteIII. Vocabulary (10分,每题1分)41. The Depression in the United States _ u

21、ntil the beginning of the Second World War. (A) lasted (B) happened (C) took place (D) broke out42. The box was too heavy for the old woman to _. (A) reach (B) lift (C) gain (D) obtain43. In this hot weather the ice will soon _. (A) spoil (B) melt (C) bread (D) tear44. We had hoped that he would agr

22、ee to help us, but he has _ to. (A) desired (B) refused (C) intended (D) promised45. Mary wanted to go to New York by herself, but her parents would not give their _ of it . (A) control (B) advice (C) approval (D) limit46. Christmas is _ as the most important festival in almost every European countr

23、y. (A) held (B) thought (C) treated (D) observed47. A skillful reader can sometimes _ the meanings of new words by clues from the text. (A) Look up (B) figure out (C) consider (D) think48. Finding no one at home, he left the house in a had _. (A) spirit (B) temper (C) emotion (D) appearance49. If tr

24、affic moves at low speeds, the number of accidents will be _. (A) pulled back (B) cut down (C) turned off (D) put away50. The car made a _ and dashed away. (A) sharp U-turn (B) pleasant trip (C) terrible journey (D) quick crashIV. Cloze (20分,每题分)AThe womens liberation movement has become an importan

25、t social movement throughout much of the world today. In the past few decades, it has become one of the most important social movements in the United States. Women have been fighting for _51_ rights in the U. S. since the early 1900s . _52_ it was really in the 1960s and 70s that women began to gain

26、 equal rights and _53_ in the fields of politics, _54_ , employment and the home.As for the field of politics, todays politicians are well aware that women have become a powerful _55_ in the country. One of the _56_ for this is that there are about 70 million women of voting age. Voting age in the U

27、nited States, as some of you may already know, is _57_. There are, in fact, 7 million more women of voting age than there are _58_ of voting age in the United States. In addition, women are becoming better _59_. Todays young American woman is more likely to be a college student than her _60_ was.51.

28、 (A) the same (B) different (C) equal (D) better52. (A) But (B) Still (C) Therefore (D) So53. (A) food (B) relaxation (C) entertainment (D) treatment54. (A) physics (B) education (C) care (D) work55. (A) force (B) population (C) class (D) party56. (A) results (B) reasons (C) resources (D) findings57

29、. (A) eight (B) eighteen (C) young (D) old58. (A) young people (B) youngsters (C) adults (D) men59. (A) cared for (B) thought of (C) helped (D) educated60. (A) parent (B) father (C) mother (D) childBIt is strange that so many of the important meetings in peoples lives take place quite _61_. I could

30、have sat anywhere in the train I caught to London on the day I left _62_ because it was almost empty . However, I did not want to be alone and sat opposite a man who was so absorbed in his _63_ at first that I could not see his face.After a few minutes he put the paper down and made a _64_ about the

31、 weather. Then he noticed me and said, End of term? The end of university for me, I said. I had not got used to the idea that from then on I was _65_ a student. Well, now youve got your _66_. I expect you are looking forward for a long summer bread. Not _67_. I said. The first thing I must do is loo

32、k for a job. Ive got my name down for three or four _68_ , but to tell you the truth, they dont _69_ me much. Then we talked about my studies.Now I know Mr. Merrick well. He never asks questions to pass the time. At the end of the journey, as I was saying goodbye, he handed me a _70_ with his name o

33、n it and the address of Merrick Enterprises Ltd. In the city. if you run out of ideas during the summer, he said, give me a ring.61. (A) by chance (B) on purpose (C) in turn (D) in case62. (A) university (B) London (C) the train (D) school63. (A) book (B) newspaper (C) magazine (D) novel 64. (A) sig

34、n (B) remark (C) mark (D) viewpoint65. (A) never (B) ever (C) still (D) no longer66. (A) grades (B) scholarship (C) degree (D) success67. (A) right (B) the truth (C) real (D) exactly68. (A) times (B) weeks (C) interviews (D) decisions69. (A) surprise (B) encourage (C) excite (D) bother70. (A) newspa

35、per (B) ticket (C) book (D) cardV. Reading Comprehension (30分,每题2分)AA Russian tourist was having dinner at a hotel in Germany. Another German guest joined him, saying Mahlzeit!, which means Enjoy your dinner ! in German. The Russian thought it was the gentlemans name. So he got up and introduced him

36、self, Zatopeck. Day after day the ceremony was repeated. At the end of his holiday the German tourist wonted to surprise his table-mates by using, as he shouted, the Russian translation of the word Mahlzeit. Zatopeck! he said to the puzzled Russian.71. How do we know the German tourists name ? (A) B

37、y what the Russian said (B) By what the German said. (C) From the whole passage (D) We dont know his name at all.72. When the German said Mahlzeit!, the Russian _. (A) thought the German was welcoming him (B) thought he understood what the word meant (C) understood what the word meant completely (D)

38、 got up immediately and answered Mahlzeit!73. Which of the following is true according to the passage? (A) We dont know the Russians name (B) The German introduced himself to other guests (C) The German knew how to express Enjoy your dinner! in Russian (D) The German guest stayed at the hotel for mo

39、re than 3 days.BThere are some people who take great pride in owning and reusing the flying machines of yesterday. Collectors of old planes say its like owning a piece of history. One expert says reusing them for museums is as important as building the planes in the first place. There are many air h

40、istory fanaround the world. More people visit the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D. C. than any other museum anywhere. The development of the planes improved speed during World War II. Air battles between the enemy planes were called dogfights. Air travel continued to be popular after

41、the war. During the 1920s , pilots put on daring air shows at country fairs and other events. Some even walked from the wings of one flying plane to another, at 500 feet from the ground.Cole Palen has made a career of collecting and flying machines from the past. From spring to autumn, he joins othe

42、r pilots in air shows dogfights. Old time planes have interested Palen for more than 50 years. He tells many stories about how he came to own some of the old planes. One was bought from a Mississippi farmer. Palen bought others when a Long Island airfield was closed down to make room for a shopping

43、center.74. Which one is not true according to the article? (A) Pilots put on exiting shows. (B) Palen took interests in old-time planes. (C) Palen joins in dogfightsin air shows. (D) Collectors own a piece of history.75. Dogfightsin this article is actually _. (A) a fight between dogs (B) a cruel fi

44、ght without proper rules (C) collectors air shows (D) a fight between armed planes76. Palens old planes are mostly bought _. (A) from a Mississippi farmer (B) when a Long Island airfield was shut completely (C) in New York (D) in many U. S. citiesCIt is my honor to introduce again a yearly report of

45、 the work of Our Ladys Hospice. Our Ladys Hospice, the first of its kind in these western islands, has entered the second century of caring for those with terminal illness. It was first opened in Milltown and its opening was the realization of a long cherished() dream. For years people had longed fo

46、r a place where poor, lonely, friendless dying persons- no longer fit subjects for hospital wards- could find care, comfort and peacefulness in their last days of life. In December 1879 these hopes were realized when Our Ladys formally welcomed the first patients-35 in number.So great were the appli

47、cations for admission that six years later the foundation stone of the present Hospice was laid on 18th July 1886 and completed in August 1888.Much has been written about the spirit of the Hospice and much will continue to be written with present increasing interest in the Hospice movement. Yet it i

48、s difficult to capture a spirit in words. Over a hundred years ago Our Ladys Hospice was opened in spirit that regarded neither race, nor belief, nor class but looked simply to the need of the person for help and for peace in the last days of life. We hope the same spirit born out of love, care and

49、respect for the dignity and worth of each human person, will comfort all, both patients and their loved ones, who seek our help in the Hospice today.77. This report is given by _. (A) a reporter who is interested in Hospice work. (B) a patient representative (C) a leading figure of the Hospice (D) O

50、ne of the founders of the Hospice.78. Who can be admitted to the Hospice? (A) The poor. (B) Lonely and friendless people. (C) Dying patients. (D) People badly in need of care and comfort.79. Our Ladys Hospice was first opened in _. (A) 1897 (B) 1888 (C)1886 (D) 187980. their loved ones in the last s

51、entence refers to _. (A) dying patients (B) patients and doctors (C) those whom patients love (D) human persons81. Which of the following is in agreement with the Hospice spirit? (A) Taking care of those seriously-ill people who believe in themselves. (B) Showing love for those who live in these wes

52、tern islands. (C) Freeing white patients from pain and comforting their fears, and supporting their loved ones. (D) Loving and helping those of the terminally ill.DEvery profession, art and science has its technical vocabulary, the function of which is to tell about things or processes which have no

53、 names in ordinary English, and to give greater exactness. Such special terms are necessary in discussion and precise in understanding. Besides, they save time, for it is much more economical to name a process than to describe it.Different occupations, however, differ widely in the character of their special vocabularie


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