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1、,New Concept English,Passage five,No wrong numbers,garage n.车库 pigeon n. 鸽子 message n. 信息 cover v. 越过 distance n. 距离 request n. 要求,请求 spare part 备件 urgent adj. 紧急的,急迫的 service n. 业务,服务,【New words and expressions】,pigeon n. 鸽子 ones pigeon自己的责任或事情 Its not my pigeon. None of my business. 这不是我的过错,messag

2、e n. 信息 leave sb. a message: 给.留便条 take a message for sb: 替.捎口信 send a message to sb: 发送信息给, cover,1. To spread over the surface of: 铺满的表面: 灰尘布满桌面。雪覆盖了地面 Dust covered the table. Snow covered the ground.,2. To extend over: 延伸,遍及: 延伸100公亩的农场 a farm covering more than 100 acres.,3. To travel or pass ov

3、er; traverse:通行,经过;穿过: They covered 60 miles in two days. 他们两天走了60英里,4. To be responsible for reporting an event or situation: 负责报导:对报导的细节负责(如事件或情形): 两名记者负责报导这则新闻 Two reporters covered the news story.,cover v. 越过,cover: 覆盖 cover+距离 : 越过cover the distance,distance n. 距离,adj: distant keep distance:保持距

4、离 in the distance在远处,飞过那段距离,中国人往往喜欢和人靠的很近,而英国人喜欢保持一定距离,他们认为自己周围的一切,包括空气都是自己的。所以在餐厅吃饭,想和英国人坐一桌,应该先问:Can I join you?或Can I share this table?而不要直接去坐。,request n. 要求, 请求,request for: 对.有请求, 有需求 I have a request for the cake. request sb. to do sth.要求某人做.ask do sth. 在口语中用 require sb. to do sth. 外国人喜欢

5、用被动: you are required / asked to do. 对人要求习惯用被动语态, spare,adj. 多余的 你家的房子有没有多余的房间? Do you have any spare rooms in your house? 你有没有多余的钢笔可以借给我用? Do you have any spare pens to lent to me?,2. V 抽出;节省 你能抽出5分钟吗? Do you have five minutes to spare?,spare no efforts / pains to do sth.,service n. 业务, 服务,serve: (

6、v.) 服务, 接待 (Im glad to be) At your service. 我很乐意为您效劳。 总结对Thank you.的回答: -Thats all right./That OK.绝对正确,绝对过时。只有老人还用,已渐渐被遗忘 -You are welcome. / Not at all. / (Its) My pleasure. / At your service,n. 服务,业务 在这家餐馆你可以享受到优质的服务。 You can enjoy good service in this restaurant. mail / telephone service 邮寄/ 电话业务

7、,service,serve v. 服务,接待 售货员热情地接待了我。 The assistant warmly served me. v. 服役 我弟弟在部队中服役过。 My brother served in the army.,in this way by the way in a way in the way on the way no way in no way,这样;用这种方法 顺便(问一句) 在某种意义上 挡路 在的路上 没门 决不,What does No wrong numbers mean?,Listening,Pigeons are carrying the messag

8、es, so there are no mistakes.,Reading,1.Where has Mr. Scott opened his second garage? 2.Where is his first garage? 3.How far away is Silbury? 4.Can Mr.Scottt get a telephone for his garage? 5.What has he bought? 6.In how many minutes do they carry messages from one garage to the other?,1.Where has M

9、r. Scott opened his second garage? He has just another garage in Pinhurst. 2.Where is his first garage? His first garage is in Silbury. 3.How far away is Silbury? Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury.,4.Can Mr.Scottt get a telephone for his garage? No. he cant. 5.What has he bought? He has bough

10、t twelve pigeons. 6.In how many minutes do they carry messages from one garage to the other? The bird covered the distance in three minutes.,Exercises,Recitation,詹姆斯.斯科特先生在锡尔伯里有一个汽车修理部, 现在他刚在平赫斯特买了另一个汽车修理部. 平赫特离锡尔伯里只有5英里, 但詹姆斯.斯科特先生未能为他新的汽车修理部搞到一部电话机, 所以他买了只鸽子. 昨天, 一只鸽子把第一封信从平赫特带到锡尔伯里. 这只鸟只用了3分钟就飞完了

11、全程. 到目前为止, 斯科特先生从一个汽车修理部向另一个发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件. 就这样, 他开始自己的私人 “电话” 业务.,Passage six,Percy Buttons,【New words and expressions】,1. beggar n. 乞丐 2. food n. 食物 3. pocket n. 衣服口袋 4. call v. 拜访,光顾 5. neighbour 邻居,knock,out,over,off,at,击倒,打晕,打翻,下班,打折,敲(门),ask sb. for sth,向某人要,ask for,要求,我问了个问题,但是我没要求得到答案。,

12、I asked a question, but I didnt ask for an answer.,你向你老板要求加工资了吗?,Did you ask your boss for a pay increase?, in return for this : 作为对此的回报 in return:作为回报 eg. Ill buy a present for him in return for hospitality. eg.他不需要任何回报。 He doesnt want anything in return.,in turn 轮流;依次,by turns 轮流;依次,one after anot

13、her,tell sb. of sth.,tell sb. about sth.,告诉某人某物/事,告诉某人关于某物,hear from 如果你不做家庭作业,我就要批评你。 If you dont do your homework, youre going to hear from me.,a. 收到的来信或电话 b. 受到批评:,hear of sth. hear about sth.,call up,call back,call on,call at,call out,call in,参观;拜访(某地) 参观;拜访(某人) 召集;邀请 大声喊 打电话;唤起 回电话;叫回来,Who is P

14、ercy Buttons?,Listening,Percy Buttons is a beggar.,Reading,1.Has the writer just moved to a house in Bridge Street? 2. Who knocked at her door yesterday? 3.Did he sing songs, or did he ask for money? 4.what did the writer give him in return for this? 5. What is the beggars name? 6.Does he call at ev

15、ery house once a week or once a month?,1.Has the writer just moved to a house in Bridge Street? Yes, he has. 2. Who knocked at her door yesterday? A beggar knocked at the door yesterday. 3.Did he sing songs, or did he ask for money? He stood on his head and sang songs.,stand on ones head倒立,4.What did the writer give him in return for this? He gave him a meal. 5. What is the beggars name? His name is Percy Buttons. 6.Does he call at every house once a week or once a month? He ca


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