



1、2018-2019学年第二学期期末教学模拟卷三年级英语(本卷有十四大题,共4 页,满分100分,考试用时70分钟)听力部分 40%一、听单词三次,根据听到的顺序给图编号,把其大写字母编号写在答题卡上相应的括号内。(6%) 二、听句子三次,根据听到的顺序给图编号,把其大写字母编号写在答题卡上相应的括号内 (10) 10( )9 ( )16 ( )15 ( )14 ( )13( )12( )8 ( ) 11( )7 ( ) English三、听句子三次,选出相应的答句,在答题卡上把所选答案的字母编号涂黑。(8%)17. A Its yellow. B. Its a pen.18. A. OK. B

2、. Its a nice picture.19. A. No, she isnt. B. No, there isnt.20. A. No. I dont. B. Of course.21. A. Hes Ben. B. Hes strong.22. A. They are Xiaolings. B. They are lovely.23.A.Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am.24. A. I like green. B. I like oranges.四、听句子三次,选出句子所缺的内容,在答题卡上把所选答案的字母编号涂黑。(8%)25. Lets colour the bird

3、 _. (A. red B purple)26. The pencil-box is _the TV (A beside B behind)27. My telephone number is _. (A. B.)28. There is a _ girl in the photo. (A heavy B lovely)29. How many_do you have? (A pets B. pears)30._is my ruler? (A. What B Where)31. Whose toys are_? (A. these B those)32. The_ man is my uncl

4、e (A. thin B tall)五、听每个小对话三次,按对话的顺序给图编号,把答案写在答题卡相应的括号内。(6%) 音素部分( 10 % )1、 听读音素,写出代表你听到音的字母或字母组合,把答案写在答题卡相应的括号内。(4%)39.( ) 40.( )41. ( ) 42.( ) 43. ( ) 44.( ) 45. ( ) 46.( ) 二、听读单词三次,选出单词所缺的字母组合,把答案写在答题卡相应的括号内。(6%)元音: 47. tr_n ( ai , ea ) 48. g_t ( ie ,oa ) 49. h_se ( ou, or ) 50.

5、j_k_( u-e ,o-e ) 51. gr_p_(i-e, a-e ) 52. f_m ( ar ,oo) 辅音: 53. _in(th , ph) 54. stu_( ng ,ck ) 55. _ort( ch ,sh ) 56.tou_(ch ,sh ) 57. gra_( ph ,wh ) 58. _at ( ch, wh ) 读写部分(50%)一、根据图意,用所给的字母组成单词,把答案写在答题卡相应的横线上。9% 59. r,a,c,o,y,n 60. o,r,o,b,t 61. r, a, g, p,e 62. o,r,h,s,e 63. h,o,p,s 64. 65. 66.

6、67._ _ _ _2、 看图,判断句子与图意是否一致,如相符请在答题卡上涂“T”,否则涂“F”。(6%) 68. The chair isnt in front of the desk.69. There isnt a cat under the bed.70. There is a ship on the desk.71. There is a photo of a dog.72. There are two beds in the room.73. The ball is under the chair.三、选词填空,在答题卡上把所选答案的字母编号涂黑。(10%)74.Hes old m

7、an. A. a B. an75.There are two _in the mouse. A. mouse B. mice76. The_have big eyes A. cat B .fish77. The monkeys _long tails. A. has B. have78._ any pens in the box? A .Is there B. Are there79. May I have I_oranges? A. some B .any80.My father and mother_thirty-five. A .is B .are81.These_are on the

8、desk. A .box B.boxes82. There _a cat and two dogs in the shop. A.is B .are83. _ is this ruler? Bens. A. Who. B. Whose.四、读一读问句和答句,然后将问句的字母编号写在答题卡相应的括号内。(6%)84.What colour are the bananas? A.Its Jacks. 85.Whos the strong man? B.Theyre yellow and green.86.CanIhavesomefruit,Mum C.Yes.wedo.87.Do we have

9、some pears? D.Ofcourse. Here you are. 88.Is there a robot near the table? E.Hes Tom.89.Whose rabbit is this? F.No, there isnt.五、阅读对话,根据对话仿照例子完成表格,把答案写在答题卡相应的括号内。(6%)DollsWhose(谁的) (90)_ dollsColour(颜色)(91)_and (92) _How many(数量)(93)_dollsWhere(在哪里)(94)_ the bag. Ben: Good morning, Janet. Janet: Good

10、 morning,Ben.Ben: Look at the big bag over there. There are three pink dolls and five orange dolls in it.Janet: Yes. Theyre really cute. I like them very much. Whose are they? Ben: Theyre my sister Lucys.六、阅读对话,选择合适的单词补全句子,把所选单词的字母编号写在答题卡相应的括号内。(6%)A.How many B.How old C.Whos D. have E.of F.sevenA:

11、(95)_ _ are you? B: Im seven. What about you? A: Im(96) too.B: Is this a photo(97)_ your family? A: Yes. This is my father and this is my mother. B: (98)_ _this pretty lady? A: Shes my aunt, my mothers sister.B: (99) aunts do you have? A: I (100)_ two. 7、 看图回答问题,把答案写在答题卡相应的横线。(4%)101. 102. 103. Jacks 104. 101. Are there any apples in the picture? What colour are they?102. How many ducks are there i


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