1、Chapter 1I. Translate the following Chinese terms into Englishabsolute advantage primary commoditieseconomies of scale reasonable costRemittance most-favoured-nation treatmenttariff barriers farm producesubsidy quotaII. Translate the following English terms into Chinese比较利益 自然资源关税区 退税 关税同盟 劳合社从量税 从价
2、税混合税 贸易保护主义Chapter 2. Translate the following Chinese terms into English.count-offer acceptanceofferor offerrevocable reference pricenon-firm offer general termswithdraw invalid . Translate the following English terms into Chinese.国际博览会 索赔询盘 虚盘;经 不受约束的报价贸易术语 下订单仲裁 条款交易合同 实盘Chapter 3. Translate the f
3、ollowing Chinese terms into Englishshipment clause constructive deliveryarrival contract physical deliveryshipment advice transfer of riskscustomary practice customs brokermode of transport customs clearance . Translate the following English terms into Chinese交货 检查风险划分 义务 保险费 运费单证 国际商会 国际贸易术语解释通则 通关
4、/报关手续Chapter 4 . Translate the following Chinese terms into English. 出票人(drawer) 受票人(drawee) 承兑人(acceptor) 跟单汇票(documentary bill) 银行汇票(bank draft) 提示(presentment) 特定背书(special endorsement) 银行承兑汇票(bank acceptance draft) 远期汇票(time draft) 空白背书(blank endorsement). Translate the following English terms i
5、nto Chinese. sight draft(即期汇票) recourse(追索) notice of dishonor(退票通知书) bearer(持票人) clean bill(光票) holder in due course(正当持票人) commercial bill(商业汇票) conditional endorsement(条件背书) protest(拒付证书) commercial acceptance bill(商业承兑汇票)Chapter 5. Translate the following Chinese terms into English汇付(remittance)
6、 汇出行(remitting bank)汇入行(paying bank) 收款人(payee)交货付现(cash on delivery) 记账交易(open account)环球银行间金融电信网络(SWIFT) 预付款(advance payment)未结算账目(open account) 付款指示(payment instruction P/I). Translate the following English terms into Chinesedebtor (债务人) reverse remittance(逆汇) outward remittance(境外汇款) inward remi
7、ttance(境内汇款)Remitter(汇款人) M/T(信汇)T/T (电汇) D/D(票汇) a/c(账户) consignment(寄售)Chapter 6 . Translate the following Chinese terms into English.托收行(remitting bank) 代收行(collecting bank) 提示行(presenting bank) 托收统一规则(Uniform Rules for Collections) 出口托收(outward collection) 进口托收(inward collection) 国际商会(Internatio
8、nal Chamber of Commerce)光票托收(clean collection) 跟单托收(documentary collection) 付款交单(D/P) 出票人(drawer) 受票人(drawee). Translate the following English terms into Chinese.T/R(信托收据) D/A(承兑交单)collection order(托收指示) nostro account(往帐)vostro account(来账) accommodation(融通)negotiation(议付) principal(委托人)Bills of Exc
9、hange Act(票据法) D/P、T/R(付款交单凭信托收据借货)Chapter 7. Translate the following Chinese terms into English. 信用状况(credit state) 远期信用证(time L/C) 通知银行(advising bank) 信用证有效期(the validity of L/C) 议付行(negotiating bank) 偿付(reimbursement) 可转让信用证(transferable L/C) 背对背信用证(back to back L/C) 预支信用证(anticipatory L/C) 付款银行(
10、paying bank). Translate the following English terms into Chinese. irrevocable L/C (不可撤消信用证) stand-by L/C (备用信用证) confirmed L/C (保兑信用证) reciprocal L/C (对开信用证) middleman (中间人) transmitting bank(转让行) revolving L/C (循环信用证)beneficiary (受益人) instrument (票据) applicant(申请人)Chapter 9. Translate the following
11、 Chinese terms into EnglishTitle document/document of title carrierNotify party clean B/LLiner B/L direct B/LLong form B/L parcel postal receipt. Translate the following English terms into Chinese提单 空运单发货人 铁运单 海运单 指示提单陆运单 唛头 Chapter 10. Translate the following Chinese terms into Englishinsured G. A.Extraneous risks fortuitous accid
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