1、報告人:蔡佳展 先生 EBSCO Publishing Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau E-mail: ,Harvard 大學醫學院院長 Dr. Sydney Burwell:,你們在醫學院所學,有一半不出十年就會有人證明是 錯的。讓人煩惱的是,沒有一位老師知道那將是哪一半。 引用人:Pickering GW, (BMJ 1956; 2: 113-6),臨床上普遍會遭遇疑問,一般的基層醫師 每進行3次的出診,就會遇到2個疑問 每視察1個住院病人,就會遇到3個疑問 理想的狀況是:以最好的實證資訊,答覆所有 的問題。,藉由研究結果,回答臨床上的問題,MEDLINE資料庫中所
2、收錄的研究報告,在面對基層醫師所處理的臨床問題上: 43% 46% 的問題,在醫學圖書館員搜尋資料庫後可以被回答 27 分鐘 43 分鐘是平均每一次的搜尋時間 J Fam Pract. 1996;43:140-144. Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1994;82:140-146.,臨床上每天都會需要診斷、治療、預後及預防的資訊 教科書並無法提供足夠的訊息 醫療人員會發現臨床所需的知識日新月異 因為忙錄無法有足夠的時間去閱讀及搜尋資料,醫務人員所面臨(認知)的四個問題,Evidence-based medicine is the integration of best resear
3、ch evidence with clinical expertise and patient values 。(以臨床上的專業與病患的需求,整合最好的研究結果與證據) Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, Rosenberg W, Haynes RB. Evidence-Based Medicine. How to Practice and Teach EBM. 2nd ed. London: Harcourt Publishers Ltd. 2000. p. 1. 實證醫學為運用流行病學及統計學的方法,謹慎、明確、小心地評讀與分析龐大的醫學資料,以取得
4、現有最好的科學研究證據,並與醫護人員的經驗及病人的期望相結合,提供醫療決策者作為臨床診斷、治療指引、療效證據以及臨床研究的應用。,實證醫學的定義 (Evidence-based Medicine, EBM),Evidence-Based Medicine,源起,19世紀 巴黎 Pierre Louis 拒絕相信權威,40年代 流行病學與隨機控制實驗(RCT)的出現,系統性回顧研究(System Review)方法學的建立,Archibald Leman Cochrane CBE FRCP FFCM, (1909 - 1988).,B.Sc. (Toronto), MD (McMaster),
5、M.Sc. (McMaster) FRCPC,Gordon Guyatt,Evidence-Based Medicine,實 證 醫 學,1992正式定名,實證醫學五步驟,由台北醫學大學市立萬芳醫院實證醫學中心經授權作中文編譯,英國The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine及The National Library for Health, NHS所出版由Carl Heneghan及Paul Glasziou撰寫之Quesions Log: A tool for just in time learning手冊。,PICO,搜尋資料,9,形成一個可回答的臨床問題,
6、10,衛生政策數位學院 .tw/lecture.htm ,實證醫學資料庫推廣專案種子師資培訓營,PICO的好處:(1)聚焦問題,容易找到關鍵字。(2)分辨臨床問題的型態,如Thearapy治療、Harm傷害、Diagnosis診斷、Prognosis預後與Etiology病因等類別。(3)協助瞭解何者是最好且最適合之研究設計,據此而產生之研究結果才是最佳證據等級的文獻。,發掘實證醫學資料之前所面對的障礙,Ely, J. W., Osheroff, J. A., Ebell, M. H., Chambliss, M. L., Vinson,
7、 D. C., Stevermer, J. J., et al. (2002). Obstacles to answering doctors questions about patient care with evidence: qualitative study. BMJ, 324(7339), 710.,Evidence-Based Medicine,有效率的搜尋相關文獻,1.有效率的找到高品質、可信賴的文獻- - 避免耗費過多時間及評估其結果的正確性 2.選擇性使用索引摘要類資料庫(Secondary Database) 3.運用搜尋策略進行資料檢索- - 將所有相關同義字以聯集方式搜
8、尋 優先搜尋較強證據等級的文獻 嘗試找尋系統性文獻回顧或統合分析 條整檢索策略的敏感度與精確度,EBM 5S Model,ACP Journal Club UpToDate Evidence-Based Medicine Evidence-Based Nursing,DynaMed BMJ Clinical Evidence ACP PIER,BMJUpdates+ The Cochrane Library PubMed Clinical Queries,Computerized decision support systems that link individual patient cha
9、racteristics to pertinent evidence,BMJUpdates+ PubMed Clinical Queries,當不確定選擇何種資源檢索,或資源未涵蓋實證問題時,另可使用Federated Search Engines進行跨資源檢索,但需留意檢索資訊之品質。 TRIP () and SUMsearch (/),13,對於原始文章或評論之 簡單描述/概要,對一項疾病摘要 基礎至完整之實證資訊,綜合評論/統合文獻,醫療決策系統 連結個別病患特徵資訊,原始文獻,EBM相關名詞解釋,國家衛生研究院 實證臨床指引平台,E
10、vidence Based Medicine Toolkit Clinical Epidemiology Glossary,http:/www.ebm.med.ualberta.ca/Glossary.html,.tw/Module/Content.aspx?catalog=94,14,Warning of EBM!,Not all that “evidence-based” is golden Evidence-based information is perishable: the date of publication should be recen
11、t Many authors and advertisers use the term “evidence-based” to sell their boo-journals and services,Prof. RB Hyanes, Dec 2005,什麼樣的實證醫學資源是值得信賴的?,符合實證基礎臨床參考資訊三要素與七大步驟,符合實證基礎臨床參考資訊三要素與七大步驟,過程透明性 (明白指出審視的內容與過程:link to reference) 過程完整性 (有無遺漏可能的資訊?出版社?) 過程持續性 (有無持續審視相關資訊?),構成三要素,真正符合實證基礎的資訊 Evidence-Base
12、d Information,Brian Alper(DynaMed創立者與總編輯) David Tovey(BMJ Knowledge Editor主編、Clinical Evidence主編) Jon Brassey(TRIP Database 編輯) Bruce Arroll(奧克蘭大學 醫療照護與業務系 系主任),實證基礎七大步驟的創設團隊,透明 Transparent,持續 Consistent,完整 Complete,1. 以系統性方法鑑別所有的實證案例並分類 Step 1: Systematic identification of evidence 2. 以系統性方法從鑑定過的實證
13、案例選擇出各類別最佳實證案例 Step 2: Systematic selection of the best available evidence from that identified 3. 以系統性方法同時以最嚴謹的態度評價所選出的最佳實證案例 Step 3: Systematic evaluation of the selected evidence (critical appraisal) 4. 對於選出的實證案例提出準確的結論與品質鑑定 Step 4: Accurate summarization of the evidence and its quality 5. 基於這些所選
14、擇的實證案例結論作出總結 Step 5: Making conclusions dependent on the evidence 6. 結合各個類別的實證總結成為一個完整的最後結論 Step 6: Synthesizing multiple bits of evidence for overall conclusions 7. 當有更好的實證案例出現時立即修正最後結論 Step 7: Changing the conclusions when new evidence alters the best available evidence,7 Steps of Evidence-Based I
15、nformation,1. 以系統性方法鑑別所有的實證案例並分類,實證基礎的臨床參考資源構成步驟一:,如果你不對所有的實證加以鑑定過後,你又怎能確保你所引用的實證,一定是 目前最好的證據,以問題導向為開始 系統性的研究 -或是- 以證據導向為開始 系統性的編排,理想的資訊來源,完整 包含了所有相關的文章與所需的資訊。 有根據的/系統性的 由現有的最好證據所選粹。 相關的 集中關注在臨床上的相關資訊. 容易使用 提供臨床上的使用者,有組織的規劃 同時進行系統性的搜尋文獻與 系統性的監看文獻。,1. 以系統性方法鑑別所有的實證案例並分類 Step 1: Systematic identificat
16、ion of evidence 2. 以系統性方法從鑑定過的實證案例選擇出各類別最佳實證案例 Step 2: Systematic selection of the best available evidence from that identified,“滿足實證基礎的臨床參考資訊”構成步驟二:,如果單憑作者的選擇,有可能造成某部分偏頗行為。,依照一定的規則選擇,現有的最好實證; 將會是因為依照嚴厲的選擇方法和以病患為主的結果進行選擇,所發生的偏頗。,1. 以系統性方法鑑別所有的實證案例並分類 Step 1: Systematic identification of evidence 2.
17、以系統性方法從鑑定過的實證案例選擇出各類別最佳實證案例 Step 2: Systematic selection of the best available evidence from that identified 3. 以系統性方法同時以最嚴謹的態度評價所選出的最佳實證案例 Step 3: Systematic evaluation of the selected evidence (critical appraisal),文章的索摘經常發生錯誤或是造成誤解,多數的隨機測驗都有顯著的邏輯上方法限制,“滿足實證基礎的臨床參考資訊構成步驟三:,1. 以系統性方法鑑別所有的實證案例並分類 Ste
18、p 1: Systematic identification of evidence 2. 以系統性方法從鑑定過的實證案例選擇出各類別最佳實證案例 Step 2: Systematic selection of the best available evidence from that identified 3. 以系統性方法同時以最嚴謹的態度評價所選出的最佳實證案例 Step 3: Systematic evaluation of the selected evidence (critical appraisal) 4. 對於選出的實證案例提出準確的結論與品質鑑定 Step 4: Accur
19、ate summarization of the evidence and its quality,“滿足實證基礎的臨床參考資訊”構成步驟四:,它究竟告訴了我們些什麼?基於什麼樣的基礎?,實證基礎的分級標示 它們是否正確?,多數的隨機測驗都有顯著的邏輯上方法限制,1. 以系統性方法鑑別所有的實證案例並分類 Step 1: Systematic identification of evidence 2. 以系統性方法從鑑定過的實證案例選擇出各類別最佳實證案例 Step 2: Systematic selection of the best available evidence from that
20、 identified 3. 以系統性方法同時以最嚴謹的態度評價所選出的最佳實證案例 Step 3: Systematic evaluation of the selected evidence (critical appraisal) 4. 對於選出的實證案例提出準確的結論與品質鑑定 Step 4: Accurate summarization of the evidence and its quality 5. 基於這些所選擇的實證案例結論作出總結 Step 5: Making conclusions dependent on the evidence,“滿足實證基礎的臨床參考資訊”構成步
21、驟五:,在研究報告中被證明是有效率的,1. 以系統性方法鑑別所有的實證案例並分類 Step 1: Systematic identification of evidence 2. 以系統性方法從鑑定過的實證案例選擇出各類別最佳實證案例 Step 2: Systematic selection of the best available evidence from that identified 3. 以系統性方法同時以最嚴謹的態度評價所選出的最佳實證案例 Step 3: Systematic evaluation of the selected evidence (critical appra
22、isal) 4. 對於選出的實證案例提出準確的結論與品質鑑定 Step 4: Accurate summarization of the evidence and its quality 5. 基於這些所選擇的實證案例結論作出總結 Step 5: Making conclusions dependent on the evidence 6. 結合各個類別的實證總結成為一個完整的最後結論 Step 6: Synthesizing multiple bits of evidence for overall conclusions,“滿足實證基礎的臨床參考資訊” 步驟六:,1. 以系統性方法鑑別所有
23、的實證案例並分類 Step 1: Systematic identification of evidence 2. 以系統性方法從鑑定過的實證案例選擇出各類別最佳實證案例 Step 2: Systematic selection of the best available evidence from that identified 3. 以系統性方法同時以最嚴謹的態度評價所選出的最佳實證案例 Step 3: Systematic evaluation of the selected evidence (critical appraisal) 4. 對於選出的實證案例提出準確的結論與品質鑑定 S
24、tep 4: Accurate summarization of the evidence and its quality 5. 基於這些所選擇的實證案例結論作出總結 Step 5: Making conclusions dependent on the evidence 6. 結合各個類別的實證總結成為一個完整的最後結論 Step 6: Synthesizing multiple bits of evidence for overall conclusions 7. 當有更好的實證案例出現時立即修正最後結論 Step 7: Changing the conclusions when new
25、evidence alters the best available evidence,“滿足實證基礎的臨床參考資訊”步驟七:,資料最好是及時或是每日更新的,系統性的鑑定所有可用資訊。 從鑑定過後的結果系統性的選擇最有效、最相關的實證。 系統性的評估這些經過篩選的證據 (批判性的評估)。 正確的為這些證據以及其實證品質作出結論。 以這些證據為基礎作出總結。 將各式的零碎證據結合,以得到一個完整的總結。 若有新的證據被通報為最佳的現有證據,即對最後的總結進行更正。,“滿足實證基礎的臨床參考資訊”步驟七:,資料最好是及時或是每日更新的,符合三要素與七步驟的每日更新臨床實證參考資源,Review 參
26、考資訊來源,審視逾500種的頂尖醫學期刊 、重要醫學二次文獻、 實證醫學文獻資源、藥物資訊資源、臨床診療指引,Annals of Family Medicine,American Family Physician,Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,BMC Clinical Pharmacology,DynaMed Systematic Literature Surveillance,Surveillance of more than 500 journals directly and indirectly through many journal
27、review services Each article is assessed for clinical relevance andeach relevant article is further assessed for validity relative to existing DynaMed content The most valid articles are summarized, the summaries are integrated with DynaMed content,and overview statements and outline structure are c
28、hanged based on the overall evidence synthesis Systematic Literature Surveillance occurs daily,提供3,000個臨床的主題性標題 Offer clinically-organized summaries for nearly 3,000 topics,DynaMed Topics範例 一般與異常的疾病或是症狀(Chest Pain) 特定議題(例:Avian Influenza, SARS) 正在發展的最新研究或範疇(例: 阿斯匹靈可降低心臟病及女性癌症罹患率) 使用DynaMed的醫生或是專業人員的
29、建議,同時可查詢的正在開發中的標題(in process) 新標題可能來自於DynaMed內部討團隊討論、讀者建議或是 其他可能的優秀作者。,符合臨床實際需求的資訊架構 Content is organized in an easy-to-use, clinically-practical format.,General Information (including ICD-9 698 clinical questions Results-1 With access to DynaMed, primary care clinicians answered more clinical quest
30、ions than without access to DynaMed With DynaMed, primary care clinicians found more answers that changed clinical decisions Answers were found in DynaMed for approximately 70% of clinical questions (far exceeds any other point-of-care resource; UpToDate answers 34% of clinical questions*),* This st
31、udy is published in Annals of Family Medicine 2005 Nov/Dec; 3: 507 * Data taken from “” on May 30, 2006,Does DynaMed Answer Physicians QuestionsWith Better Evidence Than the Competition?,Results-2: Level of Evidence for answers in DynaMed met or exceeded what could be found in a combination of commo
32、nly used point-of-care references 87% of the time Conclusion: DynaMed provides the best available evidence among the most commonly used rapid references,* This study is published in Annals of Family Medicine 2005 Nov/Dec; 3: 507,最低的教育訓練成本(近乎無需操作訓練) 3分鐘內能讓一位臨床醫師找到答案並作好判斷 70%的臨床問題可由DynaMed中得到解答 真正能在臨床
33、診療上應用的醫學電子資源,透過個人電腦經由網際網路使用(院內與院外連線) 透過PDA手機,同時支援: Palm OS, Windows Mobile, Blackberry i-Phone,多元化的使用方式,Session 5,DynaMed PDA,Index,2020/11/8,45,Navigation of Sections,DynaMed DEMO,Requirements to be Evidence-Based,1. Systematicallyidentifythe evidence 2. Systematicallyselect bestevidence 3. Systema
34、ticallyevaluate evidence(critical appraisal) 4. Accuratelysummarizeevidence and quality 5. Make conclusions of individual articles basedon evidence and its quality 6. Synthesize multiple bitsof evidence for overall conclusions 7. Change conclusionswhen new evidence alters the best available evidence
35、 EVIDENCE-BASED,UpToDate,FirstConsult,CROvid,InfoPOEMs,Clinical Evidence,DynaMed,Unclear, not transparent,Unclear, not transparent,Unclear, not transparent,Partially, only for research articles with abstracts,Yes,No,No, evidence hierarchy described but not critical appraisal,No,No,Yes,Yes,YES,No, ev
36、idence hierarchy described but not critical appraisal,Not described,Yes,Yes,YES,Author-dependent,Author-dependent,Author-dependent,Yes,Yes,YES,Author-dependent,Author-dependent,Author-dependent,Yes,Yes,YES,Recommen-dations not based on evidence cited,No,Yes,YES,Recommen-dations not based on evidence cited,Author-dependent,Author-dependent,Author-dependent,No, just add new study summaries,Yes, each chapter is updated every 12 months,YES,No,No,Partially,Yes,YES,YES,Author-dependent,No,DynaMed Features Compared,Evidence-Based(based on syste
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