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1、,海明威,LOGO,A Clean , Well-lighted Place,1,LOGO,目录,1,2,3,4,Life and experience,Lost generation,A Clean , Well-lighted Place,Writing style,2,第一章,LOGO,1/20,目录,1,2,3,4,Life and experience,Lost generation,A Clean , Well-lighted Place,Writing style,3,第一章,LOGO,2/20,4,第一章,LOGO,3/20,born and raised in Oak Par

2、k, Illinois worked for a few months as a reporter for The Kansas City Star after leaving high school,left for the Italian front to become an ambulance driver during World War I In 1918, he was seriously wounded and returned home within the year. His wartime experiences became the basis for his novel

3、 A Farewell to Arms.,During his time there, he met and was influenced by modernist writers and artists of the 1920s expatriate community known as the Lost Generation. His first novel, The Sun Also Rises, was published in 1926.,In 1922, Hemingway married Hadley Richardson, the first of his four wives

4、, and the couple moved to Paris, where he worked as a foreign correspondent.,5,第一章,LOGO,5/20,6,第一章,LOGO,5/20,海明威和 父母 兄弟姐妹的照片,7,第一章,LOGO,5/20,第一任妻子:赫德莉 1923-1928,第二任妻子:宝琳 1928-1940,第三任妻子: 玛莎1940-1945,第四任妻子: 玛丽1946-最后 .,初恋情人: 艾格妮絲,8,第一章,LOGO,5/20,柏拉图之恋,美国波士顿肯尼迪总统图书馆首次公开展出了海明威和黛德丽之间近三十封书信和电报,由此披露了一代文坛巨

5、匠与性感“银幕女神”之间那段长达三十年的柏拉图之恋。,9,第一章,LOGO,5/20,Ernest Hemingway 欧内斯特海明威 (1899-1961) - 文坛硬汉著称,是美利坚民族的精神丰碑 获奖原因是: “For his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea, and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style”。(因为他精通于叙事艺术突出地表现在其近著老人与海之中同时也因

6、为他对当代文体风格之影响),10,第一章,LOGO,5/20,1961年7月2日清晨,海明威用猎枪结束了自己的生命,为自己的一生画上了一个令人惊心动魄的句号。 然而,为什么这样一位令人羡慕的作家竟在获奖六年之后,却用猎枪结束了自己62岁的生命。而且海明威信奉基督教,而自杀在基督教中是极大的罪孽。究竟是什么原因使海明威最后还是选择了自杀呢?,11,第一章,LOGO,5/20,海明威被葬於爱达荷州克川市最北部的公墓。墓志铭为:恕我不起来啦!Hemingway was buried in the most northern Idaho Kechuan City Cemetery. Epitaph i

7、s: I am afraid I can not afford to come!,12,第二章,LOGO,6/20,目录,1,3,4,Life and experience,A Clean , Well-lighted Place,Writing style,2,Lost generation,13,第二章,LOGO,7/20,14,第二章,LOGO,10/20,In A Moveable Feast, published after Hemingways and Steins deaths, Hemingway claims that Stein heard the phrase from

8、a garage owner who serviced Steins car. When a young mechanic failed to repair the car quickly enough, the garage owner shouted at the boy, You are all a gnration perdue. Stein, in telling Hemingway the story, added, That is what you are. Thats what you all are . all of you young people who served i

9、n the war. You are a lost generation.,15,第二章,LOGO,10/20,Ernest Hemingway, perhaps the leading literary figure of the decade, would take Steins phrase, and use it as an epigraph for his first novel, The Sun Also Rises. Because of this novels popularity, the term, The Lost Generation is the enduring t

10、erm that has stayed associated with writers of the 1920s.,16,第二章,LOGO,10/20,Lost Generation is a literature school original in American in the twentieth century. Lost Generation refers to the generation after the World War I. Meanwhile, it also refers to the young writers who lived as expatriates in

11、 Western Europe for a short time,Besides Hemingway, there is Lewis Mumford, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Matthew, Sherwood Anderson, and many other novelists. The Lost Generation is also called the Sad Young Man by F. Scott Fitzgerald in his book which describes the disillusioned younger generation afte

12、r the First World War.,17,第二章,LOGO,10/20,Group of U.S. writers who came of age during World War I and established their reputations in the 1920s; more broadly, the entire post World War I American generation. The writers considered themselves lost because their inherited values could not operate in

13、the postwar world and they felt spiritually alienated from a country they considered hopelessly provincial and emotionally barren.,20世纪初期,受狂热的军国主义驱使,美国第一批青年人走上了第一次世界大战的战场,但屠杀和死亡使他们身心受到摧残,传统文明的破产加剧了他们的精神危机,他们厌恶战争,失去了生活的方向,内心感到失落,怅惘,思想空虚。,18,第二章,LOGO,10/20,World War I seemed to have destroyed the idea

14、 that if you acted virtuously, good things would happen. Many good, young men went to war and died, or returned home either physically or mentally wounded,For most, both, and their faith in the moral guideposts that had earlier given them hope, were no longer valid.they were Lost.,19,第二章,LOGO,10/20,

15、FEATURES,A,B,C,Suffering from the war, losing beliefs, being cut off from the past, disillusioned, unable or unwilling to settle back into the routines of peacetime life, indulged in drinking and partying.,The lostness, nada and wound (Hemingway), the breaking up of the American dream (Fitzgerald),

16、the sociological zero (Dos Passos), and nothing again nothing (Eliot),First,simple language,and the tendency of spoken language.another is creative innovation in form,20,第二章,LOGO,10/20,The “Lost Generation” was never lost actually. In the bookBackgrounds of American Literature Thought , it was writt

17、en that “It (The Lost Generation) was shocked, uprooted for a time, bitter critical, rebellious, iconoclastic, experimental, often absurd, more often misdirectedbut never lost”. (Zhang Hanxi, P165, 1995) The achievement in literature can prove this point of view. A lot of great works was produced by

18、 the Lost Generation. Generally speaking, the Lost Generation was a group of people who were sobered up by the War.,21,第三章,LOGO,11/20,目录,1,2,3,4,Life and experience,Lost generation,A Clean , Well-lighted Place,Writing style,22,第三章,LOGO,1/20,“A Clean, Well-lighted Place”,23,第三章,LOGO,2/20,PLOT,This sh

19、ort story is completed in dialogue, A Clean and Well-lighted Place took place in a Spanish caf. The plot was focused on the old man, the middle aged waiter and the young waiter. Two waiters prepare to close the shop for night. At that time, the place is empty except for a regular customer, a deaf ol

20、d man drinking alone at one of the tables. Realizing that the old man is drunk, one of the waiters informs the other that the old man attempted suicide last week. After the waiters watch a young man and woman pass on the street, the young waiter serves the old customer another brandy and shows his i

21、mpatience to the old waiter, complaining that the old man is keeping him from his bed and the comfort of his wife.,24,第三章,LOGO,3/20,PLOT,They discuss that the old mans suicide attempt and his possible reasons for such a desperate act. When the old man gestures for anther brandy, the young waiter tel

22、ls him that it is closing time.After the old man pays his bill and leaves, the old waiter blames the young waiter for his lack of patience and empathy for the old man. He compares himself to him, saying he understands the old man, the old only want to find a clean and well-lighted place to be at nig

23、ht.After the cafe closes,the old waiter stops at a bar for a drink, before he goes home, dreading his return to an empty room.,25,第三章,LOGO,3/20,the old man,the old waiter,the young waiter,cafe,In fact, the young waiter, the middle aged waiter and the old man represent the youth, the middle age and t

24、he old age in the different stages of life.,In each stage, people have different attitudes towards life and they lead different ways of life. At the same time, the three typical characters also reflect the peoples spiritual state after the WWI in American society.,understand,26,第三章,LOGO,4/20,Charact

25、er Analysis,The Old Man Lonely process from possession to loss,52,第四章,LOGO,16/20,nothing/nada,what the old man wants to escape; unending emptiness without comfort or companionship of man or God,53,第四章,LOGO,16/20,从小说的几个象征中,我们可以看出人类信仰的缺失人类灵魂的危机。而这种内心的危机感在那个年代确是普遍存在的:每个人都承受着孤独、痛苦和绝望,这一切将人推入到一个黑暗的、没有安全感的境地。


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