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1、插入语用法归纳插入语用法很多,在句子中的位置比较灵活,在学习中应当认真去体会。大体而言,插入语可以分为以下几类: 1. 用简短的句子结构作插入语。这类短语有:I think, I hope, I guess, I believe, I suppose, I wonder, I tell you, I say, Im afraid, Im sure, you see, you know, as you know, that is, that is to say, whats more等等,它们可以置于句中或句尾。如: I suggest you choose someone who you th

2、ink is kind and friendly. This diet, I think, will do good to your health. It wont be raining long, I hope. You will have to work harder, you know, if you want to succeed. 2. 副词或副词短语用作插入语,这类插入语一般放在句首或句尾。如: Happily for him, his fathers second wife was kind to him too. Youll be able to pass the coming

3、 exam, surely. Luckily for him, he didnt hurt in the accident. Honestly, I dont need it at the moment. 3. 介词或介词短语作插入语,这类插入语一般放在句首,有时也可放在句中。如: Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor sisters-in other words, Im an only child. By the way, Bob sends his best wishes. On the other hand, I

4、 didnt know you were there. In short, things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load. 4. 分词短语作插入语。如: Judging from your accent, you must be from England. Generally speaking, he is the best student in our class. Compared with China, the USA is smaller. 5. 不定式短语作插入语。如

5、: To put it mildly, he was not up to the mark. To tell you the truth, I dont want to see her. To be sure, Jim is a faster skater, but he is not good at doing figures. To conclude, it was a great success.在日常交际用语和书面表达中,插入语频频出现。英语中的插入语(Parenthesis)是插在句子中的一个词,短语或从句,通常被逗号、破折号或句子的其他部分隔开,它与句子的其他部分之间没有语法上的关

6、系,因此,有的语法学家将其归为独立成分。 插入语在句中通常是对一句话的一些附加解释,说明或总结;有时表示说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句子与前面的语句衔接的更紧密一些。 插入语大致可分为以下10种类型: 1. 形容词或形容词短语作插入语 如:worst still, sure enough, strange, most important of all等。 Strange, there is nobody in the classroom. 很奇怪,教室里没人。 2. 副词或副词短语作插入语 如:person

7、ally, honestly, fortunately, luckily, for us, though, besides, exactly, surely, frankly, still otherwise 等。 Luckily for you, I happen to have the key. 你很运气,我正好带了钥匙。 3. 介词短语作插入语 如:of course, in short, as a matter of fact, by the way, on the other hand, in my opinion, in conclusion等。 In short, we shou

8、ld not stop halfway. 简言之,我们不能半途而废。 As a result, they suffered heavy losses. 结果,他们受到了严重损失。 On the contrary, we should strengthen our ties with them. 相反,我们还应加强和他们的联系。 4. 现在分词短语作插入语 如:generally speaking, judging from/ by , talking of, considering等。 Considering his age, he did very well. 从年龄考虑,他干得挺不错。 F

9、rankly speaking, I dont like the job. 坦率地说,我不喜欢这份工作。 Talking of singing, will you go to the concert with me tonight? 说到唱歌,你今晚愿意和我一块去音乐会吗? 5. 过去分词短语作插入语 Painted white, we like the house better. 漆成白色,我们更喜欢这房子。 注意:之所以称它为插入语,是由于这种过去分词是独立的,没有逻辑主语。 6. 动词不定式 如:to be sure, to be frank(坦率地说),to tell you the

10、truth(说实话),so to speak (可以说)等。 To be frank, I dont quite agree with you. 坦率地说,我不太同意你的意见。 Thats a wonderful idea, to be sure. 这个主意好极了,的确。 To tell you the truth, I am not very interested in going to the show. 说实在的,我不太想去看演出。 7. 代词词组 如:all the same(尽管如此),all told(总共),all in all(总的来说)等。 His crew was redu

11、ced to twenty-four all told. 他的船员减少到总共二十四人。 All in all, her condition is greatly improved. 总的来说,她的情况有很大好转。 8. 从句 如:if so / not / any, if I may say so, if you dont mind, as you know, as you say 等。 If I may say so, we know nothing about it. 正如我所说的,我们对它一无所知。 This man, as you know, is good for nothing.

12、正如你所说的,这个人是个废物。 9. 句子 如:I say /hear, I think /hope / believe, you know / see, whats more, that is (to say), Im afraid, do you think / suppose等。 Its a great mistake, I think, not to accept their proposal. 我看,不接受他们的建议是个大错误。 The temple disappeared, no one remembers when. 谁也不记得什么时候这座庙就没有了。 The old man,

13、it is said, was an artist but people hardly know anything about this side of his life. 据说,这位老人曾是个艺术家,可是人们对他这方面的生活几乎一无所知。 10. 用标点符号引导插入语 如:He was (strange as it seems)an excellent sportsman. 他(尽管还显得令人不解)是个出色的运动员。 He was to me at least, if not to youa figure that was worth having pity on. 至少我觉得如此,即使你不

14、这样认为,他是一个值得同情的人。 插入语 2004/12/15 15:02 新浪教育英语句子中(尤其在口语中)常插入一些单词、短语或者句子,用来补充某些含义。语法上称它们为“插入语”。插入语在句中起到解释、说明等作用,有时表达说话人一种看法。很多插入语对句子本身的影响并不大,如果去掉它,我们仍然清楚句子所表达的意思。然而有些插入语是句子不可缺少的成分,如果去掉句子的意思就不完整,如for example, in other words等。1. 插入语的类型(1) 单词(多是副词)单词作插入语时位置比较随便,我们常见的多位于句末, 它们也可以位于句中或句

15、首。 常见的作插入语的单词有though, however, therefore, personally, luckily ,fortunately, obviously等。有些副词可以表示上下文的逻辑关系,起到连接的作用(虽然本身不是连词),这一类副词常用逗号把它与句子隔开。有些副词表达说话人的看法或观点,它们多位于句首。I had thought I could not pass the exam. I passed, though.我原以为我通过不了这次考试,我还是通过了。She had seen the picture. However, she never told it to an

16、yone. 她曾见过那幅画。然而,她从未向其他人提及。Luckily, his fathers second wife was kind to him. 幸运的是,他父亲的第二任妻子对他很好。(2) 短语现在分词短语、不定式短语、介词短语都可以作插入语,它们在句中起到补充说明的作用。常见的作插入语的短语有,for example, by the way, in some way, judging from, to tell you the truth, so far, on the contrary, on wonder, chances (are that),worse still, to

17、start with等。By the way, how can I find you? 顺便问一句,我如何找到你?What on earth do you want to say ? 你到底想说什么?To tell you the truth, I have found out that he stole the car.说实话,我已经弄清他偷了那辆车。(3) 句子我们常见的作插入语的句子有,do you think, I believe, do you know, whats more, lets say, that is to say,它们多位于句末,来表达客气或征询别人的看法。也可以表示

18、补充。表示疑问的插入语也可以位于句中或句末。He is an honest man, I believe. 我相信,他是个诚实人As far as I know, Jack isnt clever. 据我所知,杰克并不聪明。How soon will he be ready, do you expect ? 你想一下,他多长时间能准备好?2. 有些复杂的特殊疑问句,也可认为包含有“插入语”。这种疑问句( 也称为“混合疑问句”或“连锁疑问句”),常用来征询某一疑问点的看法、判断、认识、 猜度或请求。口语中出现的频率极高。When do you expect he will come back ?

19、 你想他会什么时候回来?Who do you guess has taken away the book ? 你猜是谁拿走了那本书?3. 防止句中的插入语干扰我们对句子结构的掌握及对句子意义的理解。由于插入语的位置比较随便,在许多情况下它可以位于句中,因此它对我们考生的干扰是比较大的。直击高考1. John plays football _ ,if not better than, David. (MET1994)A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as2. We all write _, even when theres not mu

20、ch to say. (MET1994)A. now and then B. by and by C. step by step D. more or less3. _ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger. (2004北京春)A. As long asB. As far as C. Just as D. Even if4. Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard. _ you failed

21、. NMET99A. In the end B. After all C. In other words D. At the same time5. John plays football _ ,if not better than, David. (MET1994)A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as答案与分析1. A此题我们极易错选A。分析本句的结构我们可以看出,if not better than 在这里是插入语。如果我们把它抽出(前面我们讲过有些插入语完全可以去掉而不影响句子的意思,有的仅起到补充的作用),我们就很清楚地看到

22、答案是B。2 A 从本空前后的逗号看,本题考查插入语的用法。四个选项中作插入语的是A 和D。再根据空后的even when.我们不难选出答案A。3. B as far as I can see是一个插入语,意思是“据我所看到的”。4. C四个介词短语在此都可以作插入语。我们要对它们进行意义辨析。In other words的意思是“换句话说”;In the end的意思是“终于”;After all的意思是“毕竟”;At the same time的意思是“同时”,“可是”。5. B此题我们极易错选A。分析本句的结构我们可以看出,if not better than 在这里是插入语。如果我们把

23、它抽出(前面我们讲过有些插入语完全可以去掉而不影响句子的意思,有的仅起到补充的作用),我们就很清楚地看到答案是B。专项训练1. Hold the ladder for me thats_.A. all B. it C. all right D. complete2. _, can you tell me how I can get to the zoo ?Im sorry. Im a stranger here myself. Perhaps this lady can help you.A. Im sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Why3.Would you l

24、ike a cup of tea ?Yes, please do._, Im rather thirsty.A. To tell you the truth B. Telling you the truthC. Tell you the truth D. To be told the truth4.Have you nearly finished?_, we have just begun.A. Above all B. After all C. On the contrary D. On the other hand5. The young woman has studied in Engl

25、and for two years and she will come back_.A. by and by B. one by one C. after a while D. long before6. Mr Li looked as I remembered, _he was very thin.A. except for B. except that C. except D. besides7. Many great men have risen from poverty, Lincoln and Edison, _.A. like that B. as though C. for ex

26、ample D. such as8. _is the best football player in your city?Jerry.A. Do you think who B. Do you think whomC. Who do you think D. Whom do you think9. _, Dick and Mary found themselves on a lonely island.A. They were surprised B. It was surprisingC. It was a surprise D. To their surprise10. _we like

27、the idea _not, well have to go with him.A. Either, or B. Neither, nor C. Whether, or D. If, or11. _is well known, Taiwan is part of China.A. As B. That C. Which D. It12. Good ways of doing things means less time and pain, and _, it is necessary for us to find time.A. otherwise B. however C. still D.

28、 therefore13. Albert did not take your book. _,he was not in the room.A. All of a sudden B. As a matter of factC. Once in a while D. To his surprise14. What_do you want?I dont know myself.A. in earth B. in the earth C. on earth D. on the earth15. Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the

29、required standard _,you failed.A. in the end B. after all C. in other words D. at the same time16. His handwriting is as good as, _, his brothers.A. if not better B. if not better than C. if it is better D. if better than17. There was a big fire in the building last night._, all the people were able

30、 to escape.A. Fortunate B. Fortunately C. To be fortunate D. Above all18. It was raining heavily ._, it was getting dark, so we lost our way and stayed in the cave for the whole night.A. Above all B. That is C. Whats more D. In other words19. I didnt go to his party last night. _, I didnt want to se

31、e him at all.A. To tell you the truth B. Telling you the truthC. Thats to say D. Lets say20. _, boys are stronger than girls.A. To speak generally B. Generally to speakC. Generally speaking D. Generally spoken答案与分析1. B 本题我们极易错选 A或C。Thats all意思是“就这些”,表示讲话或文章的结束,而Thats all right意思是“行、可以、没关系”。Thats it

32、为一固定搭配,意思是“这正是所需要的。”2. C 表示“寻求别人帮忙”时用Excuse me。3. A to tell you the truth为固定搭配,意思是“说实话”,为插入话,不与句子主语形成逻辑关系。4. C 本题上文说“你们差不多快做完了吧?”下文说“恰好相反, 我们才刚刚开始哩。”5. A by and by为固定搭配,相当于soon,意思是“不久”。one by one 意思是“一个接一个地”。after a while过去一会儿。long before很久以前,因此 B,C,D都不合题意。6. B except that后跟从句,而 except for和besides后跟

33、名词或动名词短语。7. C 在这四个选项中只有for example可以用作插入语,而且位置也比较灵活。 D有较大干扰性。但such as 后必须跟宾语。8. C 本题主要部分为who is the best football player in your city。 插入语为do you think.9. D 插入语to ones surprise的意思是“令某人吃惊的是”,其他答案句子结构错误。10. C 插入语whether.or.意思是“不管”。11. A 插入语 As is well known为定语从句,意思是“众所周知”。12. D 插入语therefore在此表达前后的因果关系

34、。13. B as a matter of fact意思是“事实上”。14. C 插入语on earth的意思是“究竟、到底”,用于疑问句或否定句中。15. C 插入语in other words意思是“换句话说”,是对前文的解释。16. B 本句话的意思是“若是他的书法不比他哥哥的好的话,起码跟他哥哥的一样好”。插入语if not better than在句中起到连词的作用。17. B fortunately是一句评述性语言,表达说话人的看法。18. C whats more意思是“更有甚者”,在本句中, 说话人强调迷路的原因是It was raining heavily和It was ge

35、tting dark。19. A 插入语to tell you the truth意思是“说实话”。20. C 插入语general speaking意思是“一般来说”,指常规。 插入语知多少作者:佚名 来源:搜集整理 录入:烟雨江南 字体: 英语句子中(尤其在口语中)常插入一些单词、短语或者句子等,用来补充含义、或作一些解释。语法上称它们为 “插入语”。插入语在英语中形式多样,内容丰富,使用灵活。1, 插入语的类形:1),少数副词 如: (un)luckily ,though,however, still,等,有时充当插入语。 例如: She is looking fit , though

36、. 她看起来倒是健康 。I can , however, discuss this when I see you .然而,我可以在见到你的时候再讨论这件事情 I have a bit of a cold . It is nothing much , though . 我有点感冒,不过并不严重。 The task is very difficult , besides , time presses . 任务艰巨,而且时间紧迫。2),介词短语或固定词组充当插入语 例如:for example例如 ; by the way顺便说一下 ; as a result结果,因此;all the same尽管如此 ; on the other hand另一方面 ; in fact事实上 ; in a word总之 ; in other words换言之 ; in general大体上 ; strange to say说来奇怪 ; to make a long story short长话短说 ;first of all首先;above all更重要的是;in ones opinion依某人看; whats more而


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