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1、高中二年级英语学案units 9-10 (b2)【知识网络 】一、重点词汇与短语1 stress( 1) stress 作 “强调 ; 着重 ”解时是及物动词, 可以构成被动语态.例如 :mum stressed that jacky should be home by ten o clock.妈妈强调 , 杰基一定要在十点钟之前回家.( 2)stress 作名词表示 : “重音 ; 重读 ”之意时 , 一般为可数名词 , 可以在前面加不定冠词 ., 其复数形式为 stresses. 后接介词 on.例如 :the stress is on the first part of the word

2、.这个词的重音在前半部( 3) stress 作名词表示“压力 ; 压迫 ”之意时既可为可数名词也可为不可数名词.例如 :his vacation freed him from the stress of his job.他的假期使他消除了工作所带来的紧张( 4)同义词 : pressure n 压力反义词 : moderate v.缓和2如何表达“不但而且 ”?英语中表达“不但而且 ”可以用以下几种方式:not only but (also); not just but (also); not merely but as well; notonly too.例如 :“他不仅是一个诗人,而且是

3、一位画家。 ”一句可以有多种翻译:he is not only a poet but (also) an artist.he is not just a poet but (also) an artist.he is not merely a poet but an artist as well.he is not only a poet but an artist, too.3 as if/though 好像 ; 似乎as if/though 是从属连词 , 引导方式状语从句或表语从句, 在使用时应注意:( 1) as if/though 引导的从句所表示的情况不是事实 , 而且如果是主观的

4、想象或夸大性的比喻时 , 谓语动词通常用虚拟语气 .例如 :the speaks english as if he were an englishman.第1页共12页他说起英语来, 好像是英国人似的the machine works as though it were operated by a man.这台机器工作起来就好像有人操作一样.( 2)常与 feel, seem, look 连用 , 等于连词 that, 其主语一般是 it, 如果表示的情况是事实或具有很大的可能性 , 谓语动词通常用陈述语气 .例如 :we have missed the bus. it looks as if

5、 we will have to walk.我们没有赶上公共汽车, 看来我们得步行了.( 3)后面可接现在分词 , 过去分词 , 不定式或形容词等短语 , 这类结构实际上是一个省略从句 .例如 :he cleared his throat as though to say something (=as though he were to say something).他清了清嗓子, 好像要说什么似的the woman set upon the thief as if mad (=as if she were mad)那妇女发疯似地扑向小偷.二、词义辨析1 subject, theme, tit

6、le和 topic( 1) subject 指 “题目 ; 课题 ”, 用途很广 . 多指讨论 ,研究的对象 .例如 :“laser processing”is the subject of the seminar.课堂讨论的题目是“激光处理 ”.( 2) theme “主题 ”, 一般指文学作品, 音乐作品等的主题.例如 :love is a major theme of his poetry.他的诗的一个重要主题是爱情.( 3) title 多指书籍等的“标题 ”, 一般用于具体印刷或发行的文学作品, 书籍 , 影片等 .例如 :the full title of the book isg

7、one with the wind.这本书的全名是飘. title 有时当“称号 ”讲 .例如 :he deserves the title poet, labour hero, etc.他配称为诗人, 劳动英雄等( 4) topic “题目 ”, 特别指谈话 , 讨论 . 演讲 , 作文等的题目 .例如 :thatsnot a fit topic on the talk.这个报告的题目欠妥.2 asleep, sleeping 和 sleepy 的区别这组词的共同意思是“睡 ”. 其区别是 :( 1) asleep 和 sleepy 主要用作表语 , asleep 的意思是“睡着的 ; 而

8、sleepy 的意思是“想第2页共12页睡的 ”.例如 :the army attacked at night when the enemy was asleep.在夜 人熟睡 起了攻 .the child was sleepy, his head was nodding. 孩子太困了, 他正在打盹 .( 2)用作定 , asleep 和 sleeping 表示“睡着的 ”; asleep 常后置 , 当其前有修 也可前置 ; sleeping 一般前置 ; sleepy 用作定 意思是“想睡的 , 昏昏欲睡的 ”.例如 :the man asleep is much ill.睡着的那个人病得

9、很重.those fast asleep people were waked up by the terrible screams.熟睡着的人 都被可怕的尖叫声吵醒了.she looked at the sleeping boy.她看着那个睡着的男孩.that sleepy fellow seems to have a lot to say.那个 睡的家伙似乎有很多 要 .三、重点句型1and if poverty is less of a problem and people are better educated, there is a good chancethat we will se

10、e less violence and fewer wars.如果 的 有所改善, 如果人民能受到更好的教育 , 我 身 的暴力和 争就会减少.there is a chance that 是一固定句式 , 意 “有可能会 ”,此 chance 是可数名 , 作“可能;可能性”解 .如 :there is a good chance that our team will win the game.与此句式意 相同的 有:chances are that .如 :chances are that he has already arrived.less violence and fewer war

11、s 更少的暴力和更少的 争 , 其中的 less 修 不可数名 , fewer 修 复数名 .如 :id like to do the work with less money and fewer people.2 without international cooperation, developing countries cannot proper, nor will sustainable development be possible. 没有国 合作 , 展中国家就不能繁荣起来 , 可持 展也就会成 不可能 .nor 引出一个分句 , 分句的 要用部分倒装 , 分句常放在一个否定句后

12、, 意 “也不 ; 也没有 ”.如 :第3页共12页i don tknow about it, nor do i care.注 在 代英 中,nor 引出的分句也可放在一个肯定句后。3 he looked more asleep than dead.他看上去像是睡着了, 而不像是死了.more than 此 作 使用, 可以 接两个形容 , 意 “是 , 而不是 ; 与其 是, 不如 是 ”,用以比 两种 法的正确程度 , 表示前一种 法比后一种 法更正确一些 .i was more angry than frightened.注 此 , “more +形容 ”不能以“形容 加 -er 后 形

13、式 ”出 . 例如不能 :i wasangrier than frightened.四、 法复 ( 一 )倒装句倒装有两种情况: 部分倒装 (助 提前放在主 之前)和完全倒装 (主 和 完全倒置).人 使用倒装句,一是 了句子的需要; 二是 了 法 构的需要.1全部倒装( 1)here, there, now, then 等副 置于句首 , 常用 be, come, go, lie, run 等表示来去或状 的 .如 :then came the chairman.here is your letter.( 2)表示运 方向的副 (out, in, up, down, away) 开 的句子

14、, 以示 .如 :out rushed the children.away went the boy.但主 是人称代 , 主 和 的 序不 .如 :away she went.( 3)介 短 作状 提前放句首 , 采用全部倒装 .如 :around his neck was a brown snake.at the front of the hall sat the headmaster.2部分倒装( 1)句首 否定或半否定的 , 如 no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until 等 .如 :n

15、ever have i seen such a performance.not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.当 not until 引出主从复合句, 主句倒装 , 从句不倒装 .注意 :如否定 不在句首不倒装( 2) so, neither, nor 等 放句首 , 部分倒装 .第4页共12页如 :he likes volleyball very much. so do i.i have never been abroad. neither has he.( 3) only 所修 的副 , 介 短 或状 从

16、句放在句首 , 部分倒装 .如 :only by changing the way we live can we save the earth.only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed.( 4)在 there be 构中there will be a basketball match this afternoon.( 5)直接引 的一部分或全部放在句首 , 有 也用倒装 .如 :“it looks as if a typhoon is coming on, ”said the captain.( 6)在虚 气条件中 , 有 w

17、ere, had, should 等 ,可将 if 省略 , 把 were, had, should 移到主 之前 , 采用部分倒装 .如 :were i you, i would try again.( 7) as, though 引 的倒装句 , 行倒装 , 必 将表 或状 提前 , 但需注意 , 句首名 不 任何冠 .如 :young as he is, he is very brave.( 8)在 sothat 句型中的so 位于句首 , 需倒装 .如 :so frightened was he that he did not dare to move an inch.( 9)某些表示

18、祝愿的句型中.如:may you all be happy.(二)省略句1省略句的定 省略是 了避免重复, 突出新信息并使上下文 密 接的一种 法修辞手段. 省略在 言中 , 尤其在 中 , 是一种十分普遍的 象.2省略的 用( 1)在由 and 接的句子中, 避免重复常省略一些重复的 或 .1).省略共同的主 或 .如 :mr. smith picked up a coin in the road and (mr. smith) handed it to a policeman2).若主 不同而 助 , 情 相同, 省略后面的助 或情 ,第5页共12页如 :jack must have be

19、en playing football and mary (must have been) doing her homework.3).若主语与谓语动词相同, 则省略后面的主谓成分.如 :his advice made me happy, but (his advice made) jim angry.4).若主语不同 , 但主要动词及后续部分相同, 则省略主要动词及后续部分.如 :i was born in winter in 1988 and bob (was born in winter) in 1989.5)省略重复的介词, 连词及后续部分.如 :he was late because

20、 he had overslept and (because he had) missed the train.( 1)省略介词1)一些常用的动词, 名词或形容词一起搭配的介词常省略, 而保留其后的动名词. 常见句型有 :spend/waste time (in) doing, have difficulty/trouble (in) doing, its no use/good (in) doing,be busy (in) doing, stop/prevent sb (from) doing,如 :he spent four hours (in) going over his lesso

21、ns.2)表示时间的介词at, on 和 in 用在 next, last, this, these, yesterday, tomorrow, one, any,every, each, some, all 等词之前 , 一般都省略 ; 表示一段时间的时间状语之前的for 也可省略 .如 :we have been here (for) three years. ( 否定句中不可省略)he did it (in) this way.3动词不定式省略, 只保留 to 的场合( 1)不定式动作某些动词的宾语时. 常见动词如 : like, love, care, hope, wish, expe

22、ct,prefer, refuse, mean, try, persuade, agree, want, afford, forget, remember, manage等 .如 :you can do it in this way if you like to.( 2)不定式在句中作某些动词后的宾语或主语补足语时. 常见动词如 :ask, tell, advise,force, persuade, wish, allow, permit, expect, order, warn等。如 :she wants to come but her parents won tallow her to.(

23、 3)不定式在句中作某些形容词的状语时 . 常见形容词如 :happy, glad, eager, anxious, willing, ready 等.如 :第6页共12页i think she should get a job, but you can tforce her of she s not ready to.( 4)不定式作某些复合谓语时 . 常见结构如 :be able to, be going to, have to, ought to, used to 等 .如 :he doesntlike fish but he used to.4动词不定式符号to 的省略( 1)主语部分

24、有to do, 系动词是is 或 was 时, 作表语的不定式常省略to.如 :the only thing you have to do is (to) press the button.( 2)作介词but, expect, besides 的宾语时 , 前面有实义动词do 时 , 常省略不定式符号to. 如 :tom had nothing to do besides answer letters this morning.( 3)当两个或多个不定式并列时, 其后的不定式符号可省略 , 但有对比关系时则不省略 . 如:it is easier to make a plan than (t

25、o) carry it out.( 4)主语部分暗含to do, 表示中的不定式符号to 可省略 .如 :all i want (to do) is (to) go to school and study hard.( 5)在 would rather (not) do, had better (not) do等结构中 , 不定式也不带to.如 :i would rather stay at home than go to the cinema.( 6)在 see, watch, notice, hear, listen to, feel, let, make, have 等词后作宾补时 ,

26、省略 .如 :did you notice her enter the room?5状语从句中的省略( 1)在 when, while, whenever, though, as if 等引导的状语从句中 , 若谓语有 be., 主语跟主句主语相同或同是 it 时 , 则从句的主语和 be 常被省略 .如 :whenever possible, he will come to help.( 2)虚拟条件句常省略if, 将 were, had, should 提前构成部分倒装.如 :should there be a flood, what should we do?6定语从句与名词性从句的省略

27、( 1)在限制性定语从句中, 作宾语用的关系代词whom, which, that常可省略 .如 :the girl (whom/that) the teacher spoke to is liu ying.( 2)在 know, think, consider, suppose, find, believe, say, decide等动词后接宾语从句时,连词 that 可省略 ; 或带有多个宾语从句, 只有第一个that 可省略 , 其于的不能 .第7页共12页如 :he said (that) the text was very important and that we should l

28、earn it by heart.( 3)由 which, when, where, how 和 why 引 的 从句 , 可全部或部分省略 .如 :he will come back, but he doesn tknow when (he) will come back).( 4)在 suggest, insist, request 等 相关的名 性从句中, 用 should+ 原形 ,s hould可省略 .如 :it is suggested that we (should) go to see the film.7复合句中的特殊省略 象( 1)主句省略多用于句首.如 :(it is

29、a pity) that i did ntgo to mary sbirthday party yesterday.(it there) anything i can do for you?( 2)省略一个从句或从句的一部分, 可用 so 或 not 代替 .如 :-it he feeling better today?-im afraid not.( 3)比 的省略 . 在含有比 的句子中 , 避免重复 , 常把表示同 比 的 as 或比 的 than 同它 后面的部分省略 , 但 as 或 than 后 有主 或 , 不能省略 .如 :how beautifully she sings!

30、i ve never heard a better voice (than that of hers).8会 中的省略会 中的省略最常 , 会 中可省略主 , 宾语 , 表 , 甚至整个主句.如 :(it) sounds reasonable, isn tit?(come) this way, please-do you like the book?-yes, (i like the book) very much.【考点透视考例精析 】考点 while, when用作 引 状 从句。考例 1dontbe afraid of asking for help _ it is needed.a u

31、nlessbsincecalthoughd when点 选 d。when “当 的 候 ”.根据句意 , 由 when 引 状 从句符合 境 .考例 2we were swimming in the lake _ suddenly the storm started.a whenbwhilecuntild before点 选 a. when和 while 都有 “当 的 候 ”的意思 , 都可以引 状 从句.有 可以互 使用 .但是 ,表示 “正在做某事 ,突然 生另一件事”, 种 境中要用 when,不用while.例如 :第8页共12页jasmine was holidaying with

32、 her family in a wildlife park _ she was bitten on the leg bya lion. (上海2004)a whenbwhilecsinced once答案 : a.考点 more than超 , 比 多;not more than不超 ;no more than仅仅 , 只不 ;asas 和 一 ;not as/ so as 和 不一 .考例 3he speaks english well indeed, but of course not _ a native speaker.a as fluent asbmore fluent than

33、c so fluently asd much fluently than点 选 c. a,b 没用副 形式.d 没用比 形式.【基础演练 】一、根据所 首字母或括号中的 意思填写句子空格中所缺的 。1the manager of the company should do something to prevent sucha thing 0 _again.2the experiment was i _ because the water supply was cut off.3jack was punished for the broken vase, t _ no fault of his

34、own.4the letter is wrongly a _so it can treach the receiver.5smoking is s _forbidden in chemical factories and gas stations.6oh, god! the old man sfallen off his bicycle. _ ( 希望 ) hesnot badly hurt.7in those days, you had to _ (摇) a handle to produce enough electricity to make yourphone call.8the we

35、dding party was delayed because of the late _ (到达 ) of the minister who wouldmarry the new couple.9 there being 100 students singing at the concert, youd better have a _ ( 指 ) to keepthem in time.10so _ (决心 ) was the disabled young man to study that a mixed university offered him anentrance prize.二、

36、 填空1she never went again, _to apologize.a or she ever wroteb nor did she writecnor she ever wroted or did she write2they have been trying to arrive at a practical solution _the problem.a inb tocond with3if there were _traffic on the streets, _deaths would be caused.a less; lessbfewer; fewercless; fe

37、werd fewer; less4he used to have a dictionary close _when he read newspapers or magazines.a by handb with handcat handd in hand5they urged that the library _open during the vacationa was keptbwould be keptcis keptd be kept6we were at _work in the workshop when, all of _sudden, the lights went out.a不

38、填 ; 不填b the; 不填c不填 ; ad the; the7she glanced about now and then _to make sure she was not being followed.a so thatbas thoughceven ifd in case8we must get to the airport in half an hour. please order a car _ready at once.第9页共12页a makebmadec to maked making9only then_ how much damage had been caused.

39、06全国卷 a she realizedb she had realizedchad she realizedd did she realize10 when you are reading fast, your eyes will be one or two word groups ahead of _yourmind is taking in.a othersbthe othersconed the one【能力拓展 】完形填空:my first job was in what they call the city center. the1was large, dark and old2t

40、he physics lecture room was on the second floor.3, it wasn ta lecture room at all, itwas an ordinary room, but it had“lecture room”on the4. the students were sixteenor seventeen years old,5several years youngerthanme.6, some of themlooked and acted7older than me sometimes.the room was directly8the s

41、treet, and had the window looking out over the streetand many houses. one day, i was9some work on the blackboard when i heard a suddenchange in the noise behind me. there was a man standing in the room with10an applein his hand. he looked11 .“who threw this? ”he asked, looking round the class.“i beg

42、yourpardon? ”i said. was thistheschool inspector( 督学 )?12threwthisapple out of the window, ”he said. “it13on my car.”“who threw an apple out of the window?”i14to the class. there was no answer.“i15the fellow who threw this.”said the man. “i16outside for you. ”andthen he left, slamming the door.17was

43、 silence and i continued with the lesson. at the end of every lesson, a bellrang, usually the class were all18before it finished ringing, leaving me saying“that sallfor today ”to an empty19.this time, when the bell went for the end of the lesson, no one20. “thatsall fortoday,”i said.“you go first, s

44、ir.”said one of the boys. it made a nice change, being first out.1 a roomb buildingcfloord city2 a andb asc sod but3 a happilybluckilyc properlyd actually4 a floorbgroundc doord window5 a overbonlyc upd almost6 a in factb in the endc after alld as a result7 a moreb lesscverydeven8 a onb abovecbelowd in9 a ge


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