Module 9People and placesUnitThey’re waiting for buses or trains._第1页
Module 9People and placesUnitThey’re waiting for buses or trains._第2页
Module 9People and placesUnitThey’re waiting for buses or trains._第3页
Module 9People and placesUnitThey’re waiting for buses or trains._第4页
Module 9People and placesUnitThey’re waiting for buses or trains._第5页
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Module 9 peopleandplaces,unit they rewaitingforbussesortrains,heis _ _ _ _ _ _ Acar,heis _ _ _ _ _ They are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the bus,getting off,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the bus togetinfo fromethereading materialaboutwhatpeople aredoingindivifferentplaces . 2 . toretellthepassage,teaching aims :loo、aregettinon、are drinking、Lookandsay、waitcoffeedrivegetonhotdogworkrestaurantsleeptrain、They _ _ _ _ _、are working、is sleeeping、arewatchingtv、whattimisiondifferentplacesoftheworld?London,20:0,093:00,new York,at the moment,indivirentplacesoftheworldpeoplearedoingdifferentthings,ff,Peoplearewatchingafilm/peoplearesleping,peopleareworking/peoplearegetingup,peoplearegetting up/peopleare、all over the world、Peoplearedoingdifferent(1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _、momenentmostrestaurantstillthing、things、moment、restaurants、most、still、fillintheblanks、53369000.1:00 am、work、have lunch、eat.drink。see friends、呼叫总部、shop、sleep、12:0 am、work、starttheirlessons、93369000am、533600pm、1:00 am、work、have lunch、eat.drink。see friends、call home、shop、sleep、12:0 am、work、Starttheirlessons、93369000am、in、it .some are.or.some are.theyarent.lookatthetablereall,合规练习,I .使用正确的单词格式填写空格。1.tonyis _ _ _ _ _ _ _(take)photos . 2 . they are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(call)their teacher . 3 . luccsDaming is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(lie)inth ebed . 6 . lilyand tomare _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(have)a good time . 7heis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (leave) worknow、lying、having、leaving、ii。根据需要完成以下问题:他们在吃午饭。They are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ now.2.3班的学生在做作业。thestudents sofclassthre _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their home work。having lunch、are doing、3。孩子们在起床。Children _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ now.4 .现在为8336920。他们上语文课。_ _ _ _ _ _ 833690 now . they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chinese . 5 .他们正在公园里照相。they are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the park。aregetting up、it sare having、taking photos、Readjpostcardandcheck()thetrue sentences . 1 . thisistcardcheck,write Betty spostcardtergrandermafromthegreatwall . start like this : dear grandma,写意图thankyouforyourpostcardfromthegreatwall。seeyounexttweek!Love、mum、for example :dearmommanddad、greetingsfromthegreatwall!I msandingonthegreatwallochinandwritetingthispostcardtoy。we reonachooltripleandwe rehavingagoodtime . atthis moment


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