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Lesson One Last Week on TV1. TV / sports/ nature programme 电视/运动/自然节目 2. talk show 谈话节目3. in the vacation 在假期里 4. interesting/ boring 有趣的/无聊的5. a great actor 一个伟大的演员 6. a man named一个叫-的人7. be fantastic -了不起 8. be cute -是可爱的9. He did something really difficult. 他真的做了一些困难的事10. score in the first half 在上半场得分 11. be boring -是无聊的12. try hard 努力尝试 13. earn / make money 赚钱14. adopt deaf children 领养失聪儿童 15. be moving -是感动的16. the world of dinosaurs 恐龙世界17. Some scientists think they died because they didnt have any food after the climate changed. 一些科学家认为他们的灭绝是由于气候变化以后他们没有足够的实物18. be about关于- What was it about? 它是关于什么的?19. bored/ boring; 感到厌烦的/ 令人厌烦的interested/ interesting; 对有兴趣/ 有意思的 excited/exciting 激动地,兴奋地/令人激动的,兴奋地20. act/ play well 演得好21. Can I have the bill, please? 请给我账单好吗?Lesson Two An Interview on TV 1. Language learning characters, conversation, grammar, listening, passage, pronunciation, reading, speaking, vocabulary, writing 2. Chinese characters 汉字 3. learn to do sth. 学习做某事4. grammar rules 语法规则 5. be hard to do 做某事有困难6. read an interesting passage 读一段有趣的文章 7. have a conversation about 有一个关于-的对话8. ask sb. about sth. 询问某人某事9. Did you know any Chinese before you came to China? 在你来中国之前你了解中文吗? No, I didnt know a word of Chinese. 不,我一个字也不认识10. watch TV programmes 看电视节目11. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事12. simple conversations 简单的对话13. take a lot of practice 做大量练习14. learn sth. from. 从-学习 -/ 向某人学习15. learn Chinese at university 在大学学习汉语16. enjoy ones Chinese class 喜欢某人的汉语课17. listen to the teacher carefully 认真听老师讲课18. take notes 记笔记 Taking notes is also very important 记笔记也非常重要Lesson Three The Big Game 1. Look at the speed of Hill as he runs down the field with the ball. 看希尔在球场带球奔跑的速度2. be fit=be healthy 保持健康 3. be hurt 受伤4. be out for two months 出局两个月 5. pass to 把-传给-6. What a great kick! 多棒的进球啊! 7. be perfect 是完美的8. make a basket 投篮得分 9. Are you kidding me? 你在开玩笑吗?10. That was a bad call. 那真是糟糕的判罚 11. What a shame! 多遗憾啊!12. complain about 抱怨某事13. hit the ball to the back of the court 将球击倒后场14. be in top form 状态很好 She is really in top form today. 他今天状态真的很好。15. How exciting! 太令人激动了 16. hurt ones foot 伤到-的脚17. score a goal 进球,得分18. Can you believe that? 你能相信吗? 19. break ones leg 这段的腿20. do well in sth. 某事做得好 21. Kick the ball and make a goal 踢球射门22. lose ones car keys 丢了-的汽车钥匙23. fall and hurt ones arm 掉下摔伤胳膊 24. win the game 赢得比赛Communication Workshop 1. magic shows 魔术表演2. Out of all these, I like nature shows best. 除了这些,我最喜欢自然节目3. learn about 学习-4. Thats why I like Animal World. 那就是我喜欢动物世界的原因5. from every part of the world 来自世界各地6. run after 追逐-7. fly freely in the sky 在天空中自由飞翔8. swim in the blue ocean 在蔚蓝的大海中遨游9. get very close to 非常接近-They photographers and cameramen get very close to the animals to show how they live in the wild. 摄影师和摄像师非常接近动物以展示他们是如何在野外生存的。10. beautiful scenery 美丽的风景11. clear explanations 清晰地说明Unit 2 Teams 团队Getting ready1. do a class project 做一个班级活动2. do a science experiment 做一项科学实验4. play a musical instrument 弹奏一个乐器5. What teams are you in? 你在什么队?6. play a grandma 扮演一个奶奶Lesson 4 Class Projects1. Materials:glue, metal, paper, plastic, wood Objects: bottle, chopsticks, model, music instrument 材料: 胶水,金属,纸,塑料,木头。物品: 瓶子,筷子,模型,乐器2. explain your opinion to 向-解释你的想法3. build a model of 建造一个-的模型4. next class 下节课5. make a film about 制作一个关于-的影片5. a video camera 一部摄像机6. a mobile phone 一部手机7. The film has to be in English. 影片必须用英语8. You can interview people in your group but their answers mustnt be long. 你们可以采访团队中的成员,但他们的回答一定不能长9. make sth. with. 用-制作-10. play some music with the instruments 用这些乐器演奏一些音乐11. return sth. on time 按时归还-12. You mustnt cross the road on a red light 红灯亮时禁止你穿过马路13. Babies must sit in a baby seat. 婴儿必须坐在婴儿座椅里14. eat food in class 在课上吃东西15. use mobile phones in class 在课上用手机16. get to class on time 按时到班17. listen to music in class 在课上听音乐18. talk in exams 考试中交谈19. sleep in class 上课睡觉20. bring dictionaries to school 将字典带到学校Lesson 5 Teamwork 1. work together 一起工作2. speak to each other politely 有礼貌的互相交谈3. be in a team with 和-在一个队4. have clear roles for everyone 每个人都要明确的角色5. question each other 互相提问6. finish before the other teams 在其他的队之前完成7. have a good leader 有一个好的领导8. in group discussion 小组讨论9. do research alone 单独做研究10. How are we going to share the work? 我们将怎么样分享这个工作11. mind doing sth. 介意做某事 I dont mind doing research. 我不介意做研究12. That sounds good. 那听起来不错13. think about 考虑14. I thought you like making models. 我认为你喜欢制作模型15. OK, lets not argue. 好,让我们别争论了16. What building would you like to make a model of? 你想要制作什么模型? Id love to make a model of the Pyramids. 我想制作一个金字塔的模型17. be crazy 疯狂的18. Then we can choose our favorite. 然后我们可以选择我们最喜欢的19. Which building does Luo Li suggest? 萝莉建议只做哪一个模型20. have a different role 拥有不同的角色21. Everyone in the team participated. 团队里的每个人都参加22. argue about the results 关于规则争论23. 表示“喜好” I love drawing. 我喜爱画画 I like making models. 我喜欢制作模型 I dont mind taking notes. 我不介意记笔记 I dont like doing research. 我不喜欢做研究 I hate building models. 我讨厌建筑模型 I cant stand arguing. 我不能忍受争论24. cant stand doing sth. 不能忍受做某事 He cant stand laughing. 他不能忍受大笑25. make PPTs 制作PPT26. give speeches. 做演讲27. I like making PPTs a lot, but I dont like giving speeches very much. 我非常喜欢制作PPT, 但是我非常不喜欢做演讲Lesson 6 A Special Team1. be on holiday 度假2. at a mountain resort 在山区旅游胜地3. talk a walk in the early afternoon 在午后散步4. The ground started to shake. 大地开始摇动5. In just two minutes, everything changed completely. 仅仅两分钟之后,一切都变了6. be in the middle of 在-的中间7. one by one 一个接一个的8. be dark 天黑了9. rain heavily 雨下得很大10. lose hope 失去希望11. take the lead 带头12. call for everyones attention 引起每一个人的注意13. We cant go down the mountain until tomorrow. 直到明天我们才能下山14. at the moment 此刻,现在15. go back to the ruins 回到废墟16. look for food and blankets 寻找食物和毯子17. divideinto 把-分成-18. make sure确保19. useas 把- 作为-使用20. Every 30 minutes, the group leaders flashed their mobile phones, and the light in the dark rainy night made everyone feel safe. 每隔30分钟,组长用手机闪光发出信号,这些光亮让大家在漆黑的雨夜中感到安全。21. early the next morning 第二天一早22. encourage and support each other 互相鼓励和支持23. feel lucky 感到幸运24. give sb. hope for life 给了-生还的希望25. There are not enough blankets for everyone. 没有足够的摊子分给每一个人26. work as. 作为-工作27. get wet all over 湿透了28. solve the problem 解决问题Communication Workshop1. have fun doing sth. 很愉快的做某事2. be on several teams 加入了几个队3. join teams for different reasons 加入这些对是因为不同原因4. play on a football team 在一个足球队踢球5. Everyone has to be clear about his role. 每个人都清楚他的角色6. cooperate with sb. 与某人合作 7. do lots of puzzles 做大量的谜题8. We discuss ways to solve problems together. 我们一起讨论如何解决问题。9. play the drum in a band 在乐队打鼓Getting Ready1. Key Words: Sports: baseball, basketball, football, high jump, long jump, running, skating, swimming, table tennis, tennis, volleyball2. be popular 受欢迎Which sports are popular in your school? 在你的学校那一项运动很受欢迎?Lesson 7 Time to Exercise1. do push-ups 做俯卧撑2. do sit-ups 做仰卧起坐3. run a race 赛跑4. Climb a rope 攀爬绳子5. do the high jump做跳高6. Its time for after-class activities. 该课外活动的时间了。6. Last week, I was faster than any other student!上周,我跑得比其他任何学生都快7. break the record 打破记录8. feel a bit sick 感觉有点难受9. be hard for sb. 对某人来说是困难的10. I always give up half way through. 我总是中途放弃。 11. I can jump higher than that table. 我跳的比桌子更高12. joke around 开玩笑13. What does Mike mean by the last sentence? 迈克最后一句话的意思什么?14. 形容词、副词比较级的构成: fast -faster; high-higher; large-larger late-later; big-bigger; fit-fitter; easy-easier heavy-heavier15. Some students are weaker than last year. 一些学生比去年更弱了Lesson 8 Olympic Winners1. 集中识词:Sports: baseball, diving, gymnastics, horse-riding, long jump, swimming, weightlifting 2. a horse-rider from Japan 来自日本的马术选手3. compete in 参加4. The youngest athlete, however, was only twelve years old. 然而,最年轻的运动员,只有十二个年的历史。3. at the age of 在 。岁时4. a national champion 全国冠军5. 2.29m tall2.29米高6. win the gold medal in the mens high jump competition赢得金牌在男子跳高竞赛中7. with a jump of 7.04 meters 跳了7.04米8. 形容词最高级的用法(作定语) the youngest athlete最年轻的运动员 the strongest man最强壮的运动员9. Faster, Higher, Stronger 10. 构词: basketball basketball player horse-riding- horse-rider swimming- swimmer weightliftingweightlifter divingdiver11. 形容词、副词最高级的构成及用法。 规则变化: 不规则变化:12. Jack is the lightest swimmer. 杰克是最轻的游泳运动员。Lesson 9 Never Give Up!1. lose part of ones arm 失去手臂的一部分2. before the expedition 探险开始之前3. the North Pole/ the South Pole 北极/南极4. In ones life 在某人的一生中5. have an accident 发生了一次交通事故6. lose half ones left leg失去左腿的一半7. a famous Polish explorer波兰著名探险家8. ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事9. Janet gave the best answer of his life. 珍妮特给了他生命的最好的答案。10. prepare for 为。做准备11. He learned to use his artificial leg. 他学会了使用假肢。12. train hard for the expedition为探险刻苦训练13. There were animals, dangerous ice and bad weather. 有动物,危险的冰和恶劣的天气。14. It was really difficult, but things got better. 真的很困难,但是事情变得更好。15. get to.到达 arrive at16. bad, worse, worst17. This made the expedition even more difficult. 这使得探险队更加困难。18. be brave勇敢19. 多音节形容词和副词的比较级及最高级 interesting, more interesting, the most interesting quickly, more quickly, the most quickly20. 不规则变化: good, better, best; well, better, best bad, worse, worst21. The mountain trip was more popular than the forest camp and the expedition. 山之旅比森林野营和探险更受欢迎。22. The lake expedition was the most difficult of the three.在三个当中,湖泊探险是最困难的。23. Which one do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个?24. Which do you think is more difficult, English or maths? 你认为哪个更困难,英语还是数学?Communication Workshop1. School Sport Day 校运动会2. be a success 成功3. have the best team拥有最好的队4. in the push-up and pull-up events在俯卧撑、引体向上的比赛中5. Our class did better than last year. 我们班做的比去年好。6. We jumped the highest in the high jump event. 在跳高比赛中我们做得最好。7. They had the best jumper in the long jump. 他们有最好的跳高运动员跳远。8. break school records 打破校纪录Getting Ready1. Healthy habits: brush ones teeth, eat healthy food, 健康的习惯: 刷某人的牙 吃健康食物Do exercise, play sports, sleep well, take a shower, 做练习 做运动 睡得好 洗澡 walk to school, wash ones face/ hands 走着去学校 洗某人的脸/手2. need to do sth. 需要干某事 3. have healthy habits . 有健康的习惯Lesson 10 Going to the Doctor.1. Healthy Problems: 健康的问题 cough, fever, headache, runny nose, sore throat, stomachache, toothache 咳嗽 发烧 头痛 流鼻涕 喉咙痛 胃痛 牙痛2. Doctors advice: drink lots of water, get plenty of rest, go to the dentist, 医生的建议 喝大量的水 得到大量的休息 去看牙医 take some medicine吃一些药3. For a sore throat, you should drink lots of water. 对于喉咙痛来说,你应该喝大量的水。4. Whats the matter? 你怎么了? Ive got headache and stomachache. 我头痛还有胃痛。5. have got/ have a cough 咳嗽6. a bit of a runny nose 有一点流鼻涕7. have a fever 发烧了8. take ones temperature 量某人的体温9. take a deep breath 做一个深呼吸10. have the flu 得了流行感冒11. Take this twice a day before meals. 饭前吃这个一天两次12. You should stay at home for the next few days.你应该这几天呆在家里13. get plenty of rest 得到大量休息14. need a note for school 学校需要病假条15. Thatll make your body strong and keep you away from flu. 那将使你的身体强壮,保持你远离流感16. at the doctors office 在医务室17. lots of =a lot of=plenty of许多=大量=大量18. My headache is a lot better. 我的头痛好多了19. We spent a lot of / lots of / plenty of money on it. 我们在它上花费了许多钱20. have a cold 感冒21. See the doctor:看医生 Whats the matter? 你怎么了? I have a cough/ a bad headache. 我咳嗽和一个头痛 You have a cold.你得了流感 Drink plenty of water.喝大量的水 You should get plenty of rest and take this medicine twice a day. 你应该得到大量的休息 吃这个药一天两次Lesson 11 Health Advice1. want to do sth. 想要干某事 2. get the flu患流感 3. feel / be sleepy感觉困倦4. stay fit/ health 保持合适/健康5. listen to loud music 听大声的音乐6. make sb. deaf 使某人聋了7. be harmful有害的 He doesnt think its harmful. 他不认为它是有害的8. for example 举例子 9. bird flu禽流感10. wash ones hands with soap用肥皂洗某人的手 11. 20 times a day 一天20次12. When people sneeze, we can get the flu from the air. 当人们打喷嚏时 我们可以在空气中得到流感13. Its very hard for people to get flu. 得流感是对人们来说很困难的14. be harmful to sb. 对某人有害 Its also harmful to you when you dad smoke around you. 当你爸爸在你周围吸烟时,它也对你有害15. Its good do sth. 干某事是好的 16. stay healthy 保持健康 Its good to wash your hands because it helps you stay healthy. 洗你的手是好的因为它帮助你保持健康17. keep sth. +形容词 保持某物怎么样 When you keep your hands clean, its harder to get the flu. 当你保持你收干净的时候 得到流感就很困难了18. It can hurt your ears when you listen to very loud music on earphones. 当你用耳机挺大声的音乐时他能伤害你的耳朵19. make sure确保 20. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕干某事21. 构词:名词形容词 harm-harmful; care-careful; help-helpful; use-useful; wonder-wonderfulLesson 12 Healthy Bones1. be weak 身体弱、差, 学习差等2. Are bones hard on the inside? 内部的骨骼坚硬吗?3. What can we do to keep our bones healthy? 我们能做些什么去保持骨骼的健康?4. hold a book 拿一本书 5. support our bodies 支撑我们的身体6. move freely 自由移动7. Although they are very light, bones are strong enough to support our weight. 虽然它们很轻,但骨骼足够结实可以支撑我们的体重。8. Bones are hard on the outside, but they are soft on the inside. 外部骨骼很坚硬,但内部骨骼却很柔软。9. make blood 制造血液10. carry sth. through sp.把某物输送到某处 Blood carries nutrients through our bodies. 血液将营养物质输送到我们的全身。11. move sth. away 把某物移走 It also help move waste materials away so our bodies can stay healthy. 它(血液)也可以把无用的物质移走,所以我们的身体就可以保持健康。12. Calcium makes our bones solid, so we need to get enough of it each day. 因为钙让我们的骨骼坚固,所以我们每天需要获取充足的钙。13. Although we get vitamin D from food like fish and eggs, we can also get it from the sun.虽然我们可以从象鱼和鸡蛋这样的食物中获取维生素D,但我们也可以从阳光中获取它。14. Try to get a bit of sun every day so you can have healthier bones! 试着每天晒点太阳你就会拥有健康的骨骼。15. makea habit 养成.的习惯 16. daily activities 日常活动17. climb stairs 爬楼梯18. 构词:反义词 hardsoft; insideoutside; sickhealthy; weak-strong19. because/ so 因为 所以Bones are important because they help us move freely. 骨骼很重要因为它们能帮助我们自由地移动。Bones help us move freely, so they are important. 骨骼能帮助我们自由地移动,所以它们很重要。20. Although/ but 虽让,但是 Bones are hard on the outside, but theyre soft on the inside. Although bones are hard on the outside, they are soft on the inside.21. before lunchtime 午餐前22. Although Im very busy at school, I try to exercise three times a week. 虽然在学校我非常忙,但是我努力一周锻炼3次Communication Workshop1. do a survey at school 在学校做个调查 2. good/ bad habits 好习惯、坏习惯3. Im fast so I dont waste water. 我很快所以不浪费水4. When you exercise, it makes your bones stronger. 当你锻炼时,它让你的骨骼更强壮。5. play ping-pong 打乒乓球6. I have a lot of good habits, but I need to eat less junk food and exercise more. 我有许多好习惯,但我需要少吃垃圾食品、多做锻炼。7. take fast showers. 快速地淋浴 8. in the blanks 在空格中Unit 5 HelpingGetting Ready1. protect the environment保护环境2. recycle bottles/ plastic/ paper回收瓶子,塑料纸。3. save electricity/ water节电/节水4. turn off lights / the TV关灯,关电视Lesson 13 Helping Your Community1. Make a reply to requests对要求做一个回复2. on the notice board在通知板上3. do volunteer work做志愿者的工作4. similar/different相似,不同5. It seems that it dirtier than I thought.看起来比我们想象的更脏6. Its really a shame.真的很遗憾7. There is some metal here and some old cans too.这里也有一些金属和一些旧的8. You have a rope with you, right?你有一条绳子,对吗9. pieces of wood几块木头10. Just a second.稍等11. be finished完成了的 We are finally finished.我们最终完成了12. litter on the beach在海滩上扔东西 I think we really need to let people know they shouldnt litter on the beach. 我认为我们真的需要让人们知道他们不应该在海滩上扔东西13. put up a notice张贴一个通知14. complete a form填写一个表格15. read sth. to sb.给某人读.16. beach clean-up海滩清扫(名词短语) clean up the beach17. two cans of soup两罐汤18. I have an exam tomorrow, so I cant play basketball with you.明天我有一场考试,因此我不能和你一起打篮球。19. Key expressions: Requests and repliesCan you give me one, please?请问,你能给我一个吗?Can we use it?我们可以用一下吗?Sure, Here you are. 当然可以,给你 Just a second. / Sorry, I dont have it either稍等/对不起,我也没有。Lesson 14 Helping Each OtherLesson Focus: 1. Vocabulary from the reading 2. Past continuous affirmative and negative statements 3. Talking about helping other people1.fight with sb. 和某人打架2.be polite有礼貌的 Fight with students if they are not polite. 如果学生没礼貌就和他们打架3. laugh at sb. / sth.嘲笑某人/某事 4. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事5. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 6. sharewith和.分析7. fall off ones bike从自行车上摔下来8. Actually, it was my first day at my new school.实际上,那是我去新学校的第一天9. ride on ice在冰上骑车She was riding on ice when suddenly she fell off her bike a few steps in front of me. 她在冰上骑车,突然她从自行车上摔下来,就在我面前的几步远10. Without thinking, I went over and helped her stand up. 毫不犹豫,我就过去帮助她站了起来 11. lead to把领到.12. dare to do sth.敢做某事 I dont dare to go outside at night.在晚上我不敢出去13. have a copy有一个拷贝版14. What a surprise! 多么令人吃惊呀15. from then on从


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