江苏省扬中市外国语中学九年级英语上册《9A Unit 1 Star signs》Main Task教学案(无答案) 牛津版_第1页
江苏省扬中市外国语中学九年级英语上册《9A Unit 1 Star signs》Main Task教学案(无答案) 牛津版_第2页
江苏省扬中市外国语中学九年级英语上册《9A Unit 1 Star signs》Main Task教学案(无答案) 牛津版_第3页
江苏省扬中市外国语中学九年级英语上册《9A Unit 1 Star signs》Main Task教学案(无答案) 牛津版_第4页




9A Unit 1 Star signsMain Task教学案Class:_ Name:_【教学目标】1. 组织观点并用例子证明其合理性。2. 用正确的格式写一封正式信函。3. 写一篇关于某人性格的文章。【教学重点、难点】用正确的格式写一封正式信函。【课前准备】在书中划出下列短语并翻译: 【教学过程】Step1 导入复习学过的描述人物性格的词汇。Step 2 呈现1.鼓励学生说出David的性格特点,并在A部分中找出描写David性格的形容词。2.完成A部分的流程图,说出为什么选择这些性格作为好的性格。3.完成B部分的推荐信。4.制作一个关于班长或学习委员的流程图,并完成一封正式信函。【要点点击】1. afraid adj. 害怕的, 担心的 be afraid to do sth 由于过去的经验而不敢做某事。 My God, I _ _ _ _ now after I had that _. 天哪,那次出事后,我再也不敢游泳了。be afraid of害怕,担心,唯恐做某事(某事会发生) We are _ _ _ _. 我们害怕被抢劫。She is afraid of dogs.=She is frightened of dogs.be afraid + that从句 担心,恐怕,抱歉_ _ Ill get caught in the rain. 我担心会淋雨。You _ _ _ the exam, _ _. 很遗憾,你考试不及格在回答别人的问话时,可在Im afraid后加so或not:-Are we late? -_ _ _. 恐怕是的。 2. mind动词,介意, 在乎 多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句。 Never _him.别管他。(不要介意他) mind+ doing sth. /sth.I should not _ a glass of beer.喝杯啤酒我倒不在乎。 - Would you mind _ _ the radio?- Im sorry, but I like to listen to this piece of music very much./ _ _. 你介意我把收音机调低点吗?对不起/最好不-Do you _ _ I smoke? =Do you mind _ _ ?-Of course not./ No, not at all./ Certainly not你介意我抽烟吗?不。3. extra: 额外的。指更有超出平常或所期待的数量。 do _ work 做额外的工作。 I _ think they want any _ help. 我想他们不需要额外的帮助。He would not_ _ _ _ for the Students Union. 他不介意帮学生会做些额外的事情。4. rest (1) 休息 n. have a little (short) rest v. rest for an hour (2) the rest:其余的人、物或部分。Take what you want and throw away _ _. 把你所要的拿去,其余的丢弃Three of us will go, _ _ stay here. 我们中三人去,其余的待在这儿。The rest of the milk_ still in the bottle. 剩余的牛奶仍在瓶子里。5. would aux.& v. 助动词和情态动词,将,会构成过去将来时态,用于各种人称。He asked me _ _ _ go. 他问我是否去。表示过去的习惯动作,但不一定是规则性的。In fine weather, he _ _ _the sun for hours.天气晴朗时,他总在阳光下坐几个小时。表示礼貌的请求或建议。_ you _ _ a little _? 你能不能早一点回来?【达标检测】5*20一、根据句意用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。二选择题( )1. _will you finish your homework? In half an hour.A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How fast( )2.Can Katie draw beautifully? Yes, but she never _. A. shows in B. shows out C. shows off D. shows around.( )3.Do your characteristics match _your star sign says about you ?A. what B. that C. how D. why ( )4. Is your English teacher, Mr. Wu, very patient? Yes. He often _ a lot of time _things to us.A. pays ;explaining B. spends; explainingC. takes; explaining D. costs; explaining( )5.Do you think Paul would be a good chairperson?Im not sure. But _would be suitable?A. who else B what else C. where else D. which else( )6. We must run, we will miss the train. A. so B. Otherwise(不然的话) C. though D. but( )7.David, are you afraid of _at assembly?A. talking B. saying C. telling D. speaking( )8. Sandy is talking to her friend _the phone now. If you want to find her, you can call her_85634588 later. A. on; with B. on; on C. in; on D. in; with( )9 .What about _mum a sweater for her birthday?No, thats not _.A. buy, interesting enough B. buying, enough interesting C. buying, interesting enough D. buy, enough interesting ( )10.-Do you mind my smoking here? - Miss Zhang has a bad cough these days. A.Of course not. B. Never mind. C.Yes, please. D. Better not.( ) 11. More than one thousand students _this kind of exam in the _few years. A. have pasted; passed B. have passed; past C. passed; past D. past; past【教后感】【课后作业】一动词填空。1. The big birthday cake_ (divide) into ten parts and _ (give) to ten persons yesterday.2. Would you mind _(do) some extra work?3. Im sorry_ (keep) you _ (wait) for me for a long time.4. People always ask Suzy for advice when they do not know what_ (do).5.It seems _ (rain). Youd better_ (take) your raincoat with you.二用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Liu Xiang is a _man. He passed the finishing line _.(success)2. Tom doesnt like going fishing. He is an _(patient) boy.3. Tom is an _ man and you can find him in many school _(act)4. _, he fell off the tree and hurt his leg. He was so _.( luck).5. He is an _ person. He is always full of _.(energy)6 What a _boy he is!He always does things _.His teacher is very angrywith his _ .(careless)7. Lily often _ (argue ) with her classmates.Nobody can stop their _(argue)8.Tom has no _ in his Maths,but his teacher is _ of him.(confident)9.Its _ (fair) for you to give him so much work to do . You should treat him_(equal)三书面表达 你班要选班长,你想给班主任张老师推荐Lucy当班长,请根据下面的提示写一封信(可以适当发挥,字数100字左右)。注意信的开头和结尾。Lucy热情奔放,充满活力,积极参加文体活动(recreational and sports activities)2. 对人有礼貌,乐于助人,学习努力,成绩好;经常帮助同学解决难题;3. 为人善良,善于与人交往,朋友多;4. 聪明,富有想象力,能够很好地组织班级活动。Dear Mr. ZhangIm writing to recommend Lucy _I think Lucy has_四. 翻译下列句子1、他有足够想象力,能想出新主意。_2、妈妈为我们举行聚会是考虑周到的。_3、你不和姐姐共享这份欢乐是不对的。_4、你们举行慈善步行是有意义的。_5、埃米精力足够充沛能够做领导。_6、我不介意为班级做额外的工作。_7、那个女孩将在全校师生面前发言。_五短文首字母填空One day a lady walked into a hat shop. The shopkeeper s_ and said, “Good afternoon, madam.” “Good afternoon,” the lady answered, “there is a green hat w_ red flowers and green leaves on it in your window. Will you please take it o_ of there?”“Yes, madam,” the shopkeeper said, “I will be very p_ to do that for you.” Usually ladies looked at a lot of hats b_ they chose one. The shopkeeper hated that.“Good,” he thought, “I will s_ this hat very quickly and it ha


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