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外国研版英语八年级上卷Module 2 My home town and my country模块检查名称: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _班级: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _一、单项选择题1 . What _ rules!-啊! 和你一样erestB.terribleC.importantD.relaxing2.thisnewmusiccdis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A.good; goodB.good; wellC.well; wellD.well; good3 .来解决问题A.caught up withB.thought ofC.think ofD.found4 .那么多student去学校不是breakfastA.This saidb他们说C.It is saidD.It said5.a : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lateforsschoolnexttime。b : sorry wont .a.dontb.arentc.dontbeD.Be6 .人是所有的agescangotothemuseumforfree,但mustnttouch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a .有什么事b .什么都可以C.everythingD.nothing7 .这里做bananamilkshakeA.cut them upB.cut up itC.cut it upD.cut up them8.- hasjohnever _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his promise?我说过我要上学A.kept布鲁克C.madeD.lost9.- itscloudyandcold。a.howsto weatherB.How do you get thereC.How is it going10.wellinviteourgoodfriendhanmei _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ourenglishparty。A.toB.forC.inD.at二、补充对话7选5补充对话,方框有两种选择A: Hello,Jimmy.Nice to meet you .B: Hello,Sam.11a:heholidayiscomeon.12b : igingtoingtthegiantwildagoosepagoda (刚塔)a:能告诉我些什么吗?b : of course.iiisinthesouthofxian和istaboutissixtyfourmetreshigh。一个人去吗?b:14 .我aunitwillgowithmeA: 15。b : werlealleateeightoclocktomorrow .a :战斗机b:谢谢A.I think its a good place to visit .B.How was your weekend?c .你要去哪里?D.When will you leave?E.Nice to meet you,tooF.We will go there by trainG.No,I wont .A.I think its a good place to visit .B.How was your weekend?c .你要去哪里?D.When will you leave?E.Nice to meet you,tooF.We will go there by trainG.No,I wont .三、完美填空你在做什么? some people like to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at home然而,othersliketogooutforawalkorplayfootball.Mr Smith _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hardinafactoryduring (其间) the _ _.on the weekends 22222222222222222222222222222652 by car.hisuncleandaunt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ farm there.itisnTBI gone但是, 他们总是在.16 .A.playB.stayC.beD.so17 .A.worksB.doesC.makesD.studies18 .a .日乙级联赛C.weekD.month19 .A.makeB.doesC.doD.has20 .a .星期五B.SaturdayC.Thursdayd .星期日21 .A.hasB.haveC.bringD.find22 .A.muchB.manyC.anyD.no23 .A.cakesB.riceC.foodd.fruuit24 .a.hungaryB.angryC.fullD.happy25 .A.givesB.putsC.makesD.does四、看收音机theworlowturismorganizationsahespacewillsoonbecomeapopularplacetogoholiday-possibleyby 2020.onejapanesecompanyisplanningas pacehes likeabicyclewheelandhaveveryberrymodernhotelfor 100 peopleandpark.itwilltravelroundtheearthatheig htof 300 km.thecomposthecomposthe . thecompontmanagersyhintheflingtheconterwill thenfligingfronhongetttosingapore.afterthecentre,touristscantaketripstothement 那就是更多的人想要goanamericancompanycompanintingofbuildingaveryomodernhotel,called the Lunar Hotel,on the moon.mostofthehotelwillbeundertheground,soittoo cold.theroomswillookearth.theguestwilleatnormalfoodforlunch.thecookswilljustpushabuttomixeddfood和watertobecomeameal! 那里有小尘土,那里有很多水26.spaceholidaycentrewillooklikeawheelA.bicycleB.carc .卡车27 .在tourists can之后A.buy cheaper thingsB.visit the moonC.travel under the ground28 .也许不是这样A.towelsB.bedsC.washing machines29.bothofjapaneseandamericancompanieswillbuildahotelthat。a.can hold 100仁科B.will have a parkc.willbeveryberrymodern30 . The best title for the passage is A.Holidays in SpaceB.Companies in SpaceC.Life in Space五、读书判断阅读理解a.aMrs.blackisawityityullewowoman.sheliveiabeautifulhouseinasmalltown.shehastwocats.oneisververybulisandtheotherisquitesmall.222222 他说let casarim和gout Mrs.black answers .“但是为什么? isntone enough? asks her friend“howcanthebigcatgothroughthesmallhole? Mrs.black says根据短文的内容,判断下文的正确(t )误差(f )。31.Mrs.black lives in a tall building .32.Mrs.b


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