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贵阳市2020版中考一模英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mrs. Lin is going to see his son in the UK without telling him.Really? Thatll give him a big .AsurpriseBchanceCgiftDkiss2 . In this area, _ of the land _ covered with trees and flowers.Atwo fifths; areBtwo fifth; isCtwo fifths, isDtwo fifth; are3 . What should we do to prepare for the picnic?I think we need to make a first.AmodelBplanCsentenceDwish4 . The _ is black and white.ABCD5 . - Could you tell me_ in Yangzhou?- Of course. I think its in Dongguan Street.Awhere can we have something good to eatBwhere we can have something good to eatCwhen will the Food Festival be heldDwhen the Food Festival will be held6 . Look out! There is a car coming.ALook atBPut outCBe careful7 . Could you please_, John?Certainly.Akick me to the soccerBkick the soccer to meCpass the soccer for meDpass the soccer me8 . Lily, lets make vegetable salad. How many do we need?One is enough.AorangesBpotatoCtomatoes9 . Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word in reading. Dont _ the dictionary all the time.Akeep onBgo onCdepend onDwork on10 . The girl in the classroom _ be Sarah. She has gone to the library.AmayBmustCcantDneednt11 . Imif there are UFOs.(飞碟)Asure notBnot sureCnot be sureDsure that12 . If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _ great it is.AwhatBhowChoweverDwhatever13 . Jerrys help, I couldnt pass the English exam this semester.AWithBWithoutCThanks to14 . -Would you like to go to the amusement park?- If Jim does, _.AI go, tooBso will ICneither will IDso do I15 . Do you know the teacher _ classes are interesting and exciting? Yes, she is Mrs. Zhang.AwhichBwhoseCwhoDthat二、补全短文6选5根据短文内容,从方框中的六个句子中选出五个句子还原到短文中,使短文通顺、完整。The Inuit people of North America used to be called Eskimos.16 . . Their lives have changed a lot in 30 years. The Inuit people used to live in igloos(冰屋)in winter,but today,many of them live in houses in small towns. They used to hunt seals(海豹). 17 . . Many of them still wear seal-skin clothes today because they are very warm. Remember,the weather is very cold for many months of the year. Mariano Tagalik, a 65-year-old Inuit, told us a little about her past life. Our winter igloos were very warm. We cooked inside, so sometimes it got too hot. 18 . . In the short summers, we lived in seal-skin tents,but I spent as much time as possible playing outside. ”To move over the snow,Inuit people wore special snowshoes on their feet. 19 . . These machines can travel long distances(距离)in a short time. In the past,it took them days or weeks to travel the same distance. 20 . , and they learnt everything from their parents. Now,like all North Americans,they go to school for about ten years. Life is not as hard as it used to be,but many of the older Inuits hate modern life and want to go back to the old days. AI took off most of my clothes when I was in our igloo BInuit children never went to school CThey are now named Inuits which means “the people” instead of EskimosDToday many Inuits ride snowmobiles EThey ate the meat and made clothes from the fur(皮毛)FThey used to travel with teams of dogs which pulled their baggage三、完型填空I always know that my father loves me so much. Once I think of him, many things happen-ing between us will be crowded into my _ . But there is one thing I remember very well. It was a Sunday morning, I felt terrible. Two of my friends have gone to the movies and didnt _ me. I was in my room thinking up ways to make them sorry when my father came in.Want to go for a ride today, Black? Its a beautiful day. No! Leave me alone (独自的)!Those were the _words I said to him that morning.My friends called me and asked me to go to the store with them _ hours later. I forgot to be _ with them and then went with them. When I came home, I found a note on the table. My mother put it where I would be _ to see it. Dad had an accident( 事故).Please _ us at Highland Park Hospital.When I _ the hospital, my mother came out and told me a car hit(击打)my father. Your father told the driver to leave him alone and just call 911, thank God!”My mother might have said more, but I didnt hear. I didnt hear anything_ those terrible words: Leave me alone. My dad said them to _himself. He didnt want to be hurt (伤害)more. How much had I hurt him when I shouted out those words at him?It was some days later that he was_ able to have a talk. I helped carefully. DaddyI am so sorry”Its okey, sweetheart. Ill be okey”No, I said, I mean about what I said to you that day. you know, that morning?”He looked at me and said, What? Sweetheart, I remember _ about that day. I only remember telling you goodnight the night before. He smiled.My English teacher _ told me that words have great power(力量). They can hurt or they can heal. And we all have the power to _ our words. I am going to do that very _from now on. What about you, my friend?21 . AeventBcultureCmindDholiday22 . AexpectBshakeCpromiseDinvite23 . AmainBcommonClastDnormal24 . Aa fewBfewCa littleDlittle25 . AupsetBangryCgladDserious26 . AsimilarBsureCpossibleDready27 . AswingBcatchCmeetDsolve28 . AreachedBgotCarrivedDappeared29 . AandBbutCsoDor30 . AbelieveBactCimproveDsave31 . AfinallyBcertainlyCcloselyDreally32 . AanythingBsomethingCeverythingDnothing33 . AstillBevenConceDalready34 . AkeepBchooseCshareDdiscuss35 . AtrulyBclearlyCsimplyDcarefully四、阅读单选One day, a little boy comes into a shop and says to the shop worker, “I want to buy twelve exercise books of 6 cents each and nine pencils of 10 cents each. How much is that altogether(总共)?”The shop worker writes these numbers down on a piece of paper and thinks for a minute. Then she says, “1 dollars 62 cents.” “If I give you ten dollars, how much money will I get back?” “You will get 8 dollars 38 cents for change. Here you are. These are the things you want.”“No, thank you. I dont want to buy anything.” The boy looks at the piece of paper and says politely, “This is my math homework. Thank you. Can I take it away?”36 . The story happens _.A. at school B. at a stationC. in a shop D. in a supermarket37 . The little boy comes to the shop for _.A. nine pencils B. some booksC. some money D. his homework38 . The little boy is_.A. bad but strongB. difficult but friendlyC. stupid(愚蠢的) but kindD. naughty(调皮的) but clever(聪明的)39 . The underlined (划线的)word “change” in the second passage means _.A. 交换 B. 零钱 C. 改变 D. 金钱40 . At last the shop worker will feel _.A. bored B. happy C. afraid D. angry(生气的)In Britain, some people say they will do anything if a famous person they love asks them to. One in three people in Britain have a new kind of disease(病)they love a famous person too much.Some people love famous stars like Britney Spears, David Beckham or even Tony Blair. It is not just the young, grown-ups have the same problem. One in four people are so interested in their heroes that it affects their life.There are two ways of worshipping(崇拜) famous people. One way is just to follow them or talk about them with friends for fun. The other is a more serious way. People have very strong feelings for them and think they are their friends. People who do so for fun are found to be happier. But those who have strong feelings for a famous person are perhaps to feel more lonely and worried.“Worshipping famous people is not certainly a bad thing,” Dr.John, an expert said, “But like many things, overdoing it may not always be good for you.”阅读上面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。41 . From what some people say, we know.Athey are friends of the famous peopleBfamous people can pay them a lot of moneyCthey must go to the hospitalDthere is something wrong with their mind42 . How many people in Britain have got this kind of disease?AAbout one thirdBAbout a quarterCMore than halfDJust two or three43 . What does the writer think of the two ways of worshipping famous people?AThe first one is betterBThe second one is betterCBoth of them are goodDNeither of them is good44 . People who have strong feeling for a famous person often feel worried because.Athey cannot become famous themselvesBthey think the famous person may be in troubleCthey are afraid the famous person may not like themDthey cannot get anything in return from the famous person45 . Dr. John tells us.Aworshipping of famous people is a good thingBanything overdone may bring some troubleCfamous people are not always friendly to usDwe mustnt worship anybody or anythingA science fiction flying car looks like a normal car, but it is an aircraft that anybody can fly directly from any place to another without using roads or runways. Science fiction writers have written about flying cars for a long time. But now flying cars will soon fly out of the world of science fiction into our real world. And the dream of the science fiction writers will soon come true.The first-known sky car is the FSC-1. The FSC-1 looks like an expensive sports car. You can drive the FSC-1 on the road like a normal car. If you touch a button, its wings and propeller(螺旋桨)fold out and then it can take off, fly and land as an airplane. The owners of the FSC-1 can choose if they want to drive or fly.Another flying car or sky car is the Moller Skycar M400. Although you cant drive it on the roads, it is s mall and easy to fly and can take off and land like a helicopter(直升飞机). Urban Aeronautics X-Hawk is another type of sky car. It is expected to be available for about $3 million.Just like any new technology, flying cars have taken a long time to be developed. But some experts think the technology is far from what people imagine when they are sitting in traffic. It still needs to be improved.46 . kinds of flying cars are mentioned in the passage.ATwoBThreeCFourDFive47 . The writer thinks that flying cars will be no longer a dream because .Ascience fiction writers ideas are stupidBthey are too expensive to makeCthey will soon be availableDthey are only in science fiction48 . Some experts think the technology of flying cars is .AnormalBtraditionalCnot good enoughDstrange五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词49 . 这头大象比这只大熊猫重很多倍。This elephant _ than this panda.50 . 科学家们说现在有不到2,000只大熊猫生活在森林里。Scientists say there are now _ 2,000 pandas _ in the forests.51 . 那些幼崽经常死于疾病,不会活太长时间。The babies often _ and do not live very long.52 . 大熊猫越来越少的另一个原因就是人们砍伐树木。Another reason for_ pandas is that people are_ the trees.53 . 为了保护野生大熊猫,政府正在建立自然公园。In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is _ nature parks.54 . 很多野生动物处于极度危险中。Many wild animals are _.六、单词填空Leo and his father didnt talk for 10 years. 10 years ago,Leos mother d55 . . He thought it was his father who caused his mothers illness. He hated his father. Now they were sitting in a nice c56 . shop. Suddenly his father asked the waiter to put some salt in his coffee. Leo was surprised. His father smiled and s


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