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人教版2020版九年级下学期期中考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Alice, I want to be a doctor when I grow up.Thats goodAnd I hope your dream can Alook greatBfeel happyCcome trueDget angry2 . Flying to shanghai from Beijing_ about 1 hour and _1,000 yuan. Aspends, costsBtakes, spendsCcosts, costsDtakes, costs3 . My classmates _ nice to me and they _ me very much .Aall are ; like allBall are ; all likeCare all ; all likeDare all ; like all4 . - When will you have your MP4 repaired?-Pardon?-I asked you _.Awhen will you have your MP4 repairedBwhether you would have your MP4 repairedCwhen you would have your MP4 repairedDthat you would have your MP4 repaired5 . You cant borrow books from the school library _ you show your student card.AsoBifCunlessDas6 . -May I borrow your dictionary ?-_.ASureBI dont have oneCNo, thanksDNo, you cant7 . -Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon.-What a pity! Imy homework.Ahad doneBwas doingCam doingDwould do8 . Nothing and nobody can live _ air and water. I agree _ you.Awith, withBwithout, withCin, with9 . Everyone can borrow books from the _.AshopBlibraryCofficeDlab10 . Whose book is this?It _ Carters. It has his name on it.Amight notBcant beCmust beDcould be11 . -Excuse me, may I ask you a few questions?-Sure. _.APlease go aheadBYoure welcomeCNot at allDThank you12 . Mom,lets have a rest.I cant walk on.You get tired _.You need more exercise.AeasilyBslowlyCfreelyDquietly13 . _ have you known about table manners?ATo shoutBHow manyCHow oftenDHow much14 . I like talking _ my friend _ the phoneAwith; onBwith; withCto; withDto; in二、完型填空Foods quickly spoil and break down if they are not stored correctly. Heat and damp encourage increase in micro-organisms(微生物的), and sunlight can_vitamins in such food as milk. Therefore, most foods should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place.Some foods_bad quickly, such as meat, eggs and milk. They should be stored in a temperature of 5C10C. In this temperature range, the activity of micro-organisms is_. In warm climates, this temperature can be kept_in a fridge or in the underground basement(地下室) of a house.Dry goods, such as flour and rice, should be kept at a slightly higher temperature. A temperature of 15C is ideal. In Britain and northern European countries this means that the room in which dry foods are stored should_the general heating of the house. The room should also be well_nd, above all, dry. Damp very quickly causes the_of the green molds. These molds often grow on cheese if it is not stored properly.Fruits and vegetables need cool and damp_, so an underground basement usually_an excellent storage place. If the central heating unit is in the basement,_, it will not be ideal unless the unit and the pipes(管道) do not give out any heat.15 . AdestroyBcauseCharmDhurt16 . AbecomeBgetCgoDturn17 . AreducedBraisedCincreasedDshortened18 . AusuallyBseldomCforeverDonly19 . AchooseBenjoyCshareDrefuse20 . AairedBcleanedCdecoratedDemptied21 . AappearanceBgrowthCdevelopmentDincrease22 . AconditionsBsituationsCmattersDscenes23 . AgetsBbecomesCcreatesDmakes24 . AthereforeBbesidesChoweverDthen三、阅读单选There are 50 students in Class 7. Now they are doing a survey about how they spend their pocket money. Some spend it on books, and others spend it visiting. What about you? Please read the form and answer the questions.51512513Buy some CDs and computer games.Buy some snacks and drinks.Buy some books in the bookshop.Save it up and spend it traveling on holiday.Buy some gifts for friends.25 . How many students will spend money on CDs and computer games?A10.B12.C13.D5.26 . What do the most students do with their pocket money?ABuy some CDs and computer games.BBuy some snacks and drinks.CBuy some gifts for their friends.DBuy some books in the bookshop.27 . How many students spend their pocket money traveling?A10.B5.C12.D13.28 . Which students are more than the students who spend money on gifts?AThe students who buy CDs.BThe students who buy some books.CThe students who buy some snacks and drinks.DThe students who spend money traveling.29 . Which of the following is TRUE?AStudents who spend money on CDs and computer games are more than those who spend money on snacks and drinks.B10% students save up their pocket money and spend it traveling on holiday.CThere are 60 students in Class 7 and no one wants to save up their pocket money.DStudents in Class7 spend their pocket money mainly in four ways.Tourist Service CenterIt lies at the western gate, just beside the ticket center. The center provides a series of services, such as guide service, free water supply, guide books, charging mobile phones, baby carriage, first-aid medicine, and simple health care. You can also buy some souvenirs like stamps, postcards and tiger toys.Ticket Service CentreIt lies at the eastern and western gates of the Pearl Spring Scenic Area. There are all kinds of tickets, such as tickets for the scenic area and tickets for amusement park.Dining HallDingshan Pavilion Dining Hall, a large-scale dining centre, can receive 300 people for dining at the same time. It lies in the Scenic Area. Tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery while eating. Its open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day.Transportation GuideYou can take No. 168 bus from Gulou Bus Stop and get off at Pearl Spring Bus Stop. The bus stop is just outside the Scenic Area. You can also drive here.Ticket Service CentreDining HallTransportation Guide30 . According to the passage, visitors can _ at Tourist Service Centre.Atake a busBbuy a ticketCget guide booksDhave snacks31 . Dingshan Pavilion Dinning Hall _.Ais a large-scale dining centreBis next to the Ticket CentreCis open to the public 16 hours a dayDcan receive 300 people for dinner in a day32 . Visitors to the Scenic Area can _.Aonly take a bus thereBget water for free if they are thirstyChave one choice if they want to buy ticketsDsell souvenirs, such as stamps and postcardsIts Tuesday afternoon, and Im in Rheinburg, Germany, visiting the Extra Future Store. The “store of the future” is attracting a lot of attention these days but not for its prices. Instead, people are coming from all over to experience a new way to shop.The experience is less like shopping in a supermarket and more like playing some kind of hightech game. It starts as I enter the store and choose a shopping cart(购物车). First, I swipe my store ID card through a computer on the cart. The computers screen comes on, a map of the store shows, and the journey begins.As I shop, antennas(天线) around the store send information about different specials to the computer on my cart. Attracted by one of the ads, I choose a box of cheese. I hold up the box to the computer. It displays the price and also suggests that a certain type of bread would be good with it. The map on my chart shows me where to find the bread. Its like the store is helping me to shop.How does the store make this kind of shopping experience possible? The answer is radio frequency identification chip (or RFID射频识别). Each chip has a special number. Using an RFID reader on the computer, we can get information from a chip about the product(产品). RFID will help shoppers find the things in a store more quickly products that are just right for them. In addition, people wont have to wait in long lines to pay. The things in your cart will be read by the computer and the money will be paid by your store ID card automatically(自动地). So you can simply walk out of the store with your shopping bags.Sounds good, right? Maybe you will experience the new shopping soon in your city.33 . Why are so many people coming to the Extra Future Store?AThey hope to buy a new kind of computers.BThey want to play some new high tech games.CThey expect to experience a new way of shopping.DThey plan to learn how to use the FRID readers.34 . What is the right order to shop in this store?Look for the things you want to buy and find them.Swipe your store ID card through the computer. Walk out of the store without waiting in lines.The computer shows you a map and some ads.Hold up the things to the computer to be charged.ABCD35 . What are Not so necessary for this kind of new stores?ACarts with computers.BRFID readers.CMany shop assistants.DGood products.36 . Which of the following is the advantage of this new store?AThe things in the shop are much cheaper.BIt costs more time to find the things you need.CYou will buy more things than you really need.DIts more convenient to find the products and to pay.Music is an international language. The songs that are sung or played by instruments are beautiful to all people everywhere.Popular music in America is what every student likes. Students carry small radios with earphones and listen to music before class, after class and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers(扬声器) and play the music loudly as they drive on the street.Adult drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news about sports, the weather, politics, and activities of the American people. But most of the radio broadcast is music.Pop music singers make much money. They make a CD or tape which radio stations use in every state. Once the popular singer is heard throughout the country, young people buy his or her tapes. Some of the money from these tapes comes to the singer. Wherever the singer goes, all the young people want to meet him or her. Now the singer has become a national star.Besides pop music, there are two other kinds of music that is important to Americans. One is called folk music. It tells stories about the common life of Americans. The other is called western or country music. This was started by cowboys who would sing at night to the cows they were watching. Today, any music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl is called western or country music.37 . In America, every student likes _Afolk musicBcountry musicCpop musicDwestern music38 . According to the passage, most of the car radio broadcast is _AsportsBthe weatherCpoliticsDmusic39 . What do the cowboys do according to the passage?AThey sell cows.BThey watch cows.CThey sing and dance.DThey travel around.40 . How many kinds of music are mentioned in the passage?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.41 . Whats the best title of the passage?AMusic in AmericaBMusic ListenersCCowboys in AmericaDInternational Language四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。42 . Turn to P_ 20. Lets read new words together.43 . My hobby is to c _ stamps. I have had more than 100 ones.44 . -I dont have enough time. - Me n _ .45 . The policemen have s _ for the missing tourist in the forest for three days.46 . Lily is sitting o _ to Lucy. They are talking face to face.47 . -There is something wrong with my car. How can I get to the train station?- Dont worry. I can give you a r _ .48 . Temperature can drop to f _ at night. Youd better put on your warm coat.49 . I was waiting for the bus when it began to rain h _ . Thats why I got wet all through.50 . The Caspian Sea is the d _ of all the salt lakes.51 . Every Chinese believes that Taiwan is our land and always b _ to China.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)52 . _ shopping bags is a good way to reduce pollution. (use)53 . They had _ in finding a new shop assistant. (difficult)54 . The teacher told us that another two students would be needed to work as _. (library)55 . This quiet man thinks it is _ to work in a garden. (satisfied)56 . The president will come to Mexico for a four-day _ tour. (office)57 . The _ smell of bacon makes my mouth watering. (please)58 . Every students in our school greets teachers _. (polite)59 . Reading _ our mind with a lot of knowledge and various new ideas. (rich)词汇运用60 . I _ (do) my homework when Mike _(come) last night.61 . She _(clean) the room when I _(go) to see her.62 . They _ (read) the newspaper when I _(go) into the room.63 . The teacher _(talk) to some parents when I _(see) her.64 . The students _(revise) for their lessons when Mr. Black _(enter) the classroom.65 . Can you l_me your bike? Ill return it this afternoon.66 . I cant find him because I dont know his a_and phone number.67 . Today computers are very u_for us.68 . If something happens d_, it happens every day.69 . Spring is the best time for p_trees.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词70 . 我想和你说句话。I _ have a word with you.71 . 他上学不是乘公共汽车,而是走路去。He goes to school not by bus,_.72 . 她有一套靠近她办公室的公寓。She has a flat _ her office.73 . 我说不准该做什么。I cant say for certain _.74 . 迈克起床早,足以及时到达机场。Mike got up_ to arrive at the airport in time.七、填空The iPhone has been called a magical product because of its success over the years. However, now the iPhone seems to have lost its attraction.Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, said in a recent letter that the company expected a revenue(收入)of $84 billion for the first fiscal quarter(财政季度)of 2019. It was much lower than the earliest expectation of between $89 billion and $93 billion. That was the first time that Apple had seen its revenue expectation fall in almost twenty years.Cook explained that the fall was mainly because of the less growing need in China.However, people believe that Apple itself is mainly responsible(有责任的)for the fall. Gene Munster told CNN that “one-third of the problem” comes from the companys move to suddenly increase the price.This has made people less willing to change the latest iPhones. For example, iPhone Xs Max, one of the companys latest smartphones, costs $1450 in the US, and costs much more in other countries, including many developing countries, reported Forbes. Apple has also failed to introduce features that excite people in a forward-thinking technology market, reported CNBC.Meanwhile, Appl


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