2020年高中英语 Unit1 school life Grammar Attributive clause学案(无答案)牛津译林版必修1_第1页
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Unit1 school life Grammar Attributive clause【学习目标】学会定语从句用法。定语从句考查的重点也是难点在于关系词的选择。如何选择正确的关系词呢?首先判断先行词是人还是物;然后确定关系代词或关系副词代替先行词在定语从句中充当何种句子成分;最后还原定语从句,检验先行词在定语从句中充当的成分。【课前预习】【课堂互动探究】一:定义一个句子作定语叫定语从句定语从句修饰名词或代词或者句子,相当于一个形容词的作用,因此定语从句又被称之为形容词性从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,定语从句一般紧跟在先行词的后面。引导定语从句的词被称之为关系代词或关系副词。关系代词和关系副词的作用一是在先行词与定语从句之间起到连接作用,而是在从句中充当一个成分。关系代词和关系副词的用法二:关系代词(that, which, who, whom, whose)that 指人或物(指先行词),在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。作宾语时可以省略which 指物(指先行词),在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可以省略This is the factory that/which produces such machines. 这是制造这种机器的工厂。This is the factory (that/which) we visited last week. 这是我们上周参观过的工厂。The police found the car _ ran into mine. 警察找到了撞我车的那辆车。The police found the car _ my car ran into. 警察找到了我撞的那辆车。who 指人(指先行词),再从句中作主语,有时可以作宾语whom 指人(指先行词),在从句中作宾语,作宾语时可以省略I want to see the scientists who/that gave us a talk just now. 我想见刚才给我么作报告的那位科学家。I want to see the scientists (whom/that) we invited to give us a talk. 我想见见我们邀请来给我们作报告的科学家。The girl _ spoke to me just now was my classmate at middle school. 刚才和我说话的那个女孩是我中学同学。The girl _ I spoke to just now was my classmate at middle school. 刚才我和她说话的那个女孩说是我高中同学。whose 指人或物(指先行词),在定于从句中作定语,表示所属关系Do you see the house whose wall is painted white? 你看见那个墙被漆成白色的房子了?The rich man helped those children whose parents couldnt afford their schooling. 那富人帮助那些父母付不起学费的孩子。 注:1. whose=the of whom/of which=of whom/of which theDo you notice the house whose door is broken?the door of which is broken?of which the door is broken? 你看到门破了的那幢房子了吗?She is the student _ father works as a doctor._ works as a doctor._ works as a doctor. 她就是父亲当医生的那个学生。2. 有时which 在定语从句中也可作定于,只表示限定意义,不表示所属关系。常见的有:by which time, during which time, at which time 以及in which case等。He stayed here for a week, during which time we got to know each other better. 他在这里呆了一个礼拜,在这期间我们互相有了更好的理解。Tom might fail this test again, in which case his parents will be very disappointed. 汤姆这次测试可能又会不及格,在这种情况下他父母会很失望的。三:关系副词(where, when, why)where 指地方(指先行词),在定语从句中作地点状语。有时可以根据意思把where换成in which、at which、on whichThis is the factory where/in which my father works. 这是我父亲工作的工厂。The police arrived soon at the scene where/at which the accident happened. 警察立刻到达了事故现场。I often think of the mountain village where I spent my childhood. 我时常想起我度过童年时代的那个小山村。注:当先行词是case, point, spot, scene, situation, condition, stage, position等相对抽象的名词时,通常用where或者“介词+ which”引导定语从句。I think you have got to a point where a change is needed, or you will fail. 我想你已经到了一个需要改变的地步,否则你会失败的。You mustnt look into the case, where your brother is involved. 你别参与调查这个案子了,因为你的兄弟卷进去了。Computer science, in which/where great progress has been made in recent years, is the most important of all science. 近几年信息科学取得了巨大成就,是最重要的科学。The people trembled when they thought of the scene where/in which people were eaten by the tiger. 人们想起狮子吃人的景象就不寒而栗。If you were in the situation where I am, what would you do? 如果你身处我的境地,你会怎么办?注:where在其引导定语从句中作地点状语,如不作地点状语不能用whereI work in the school where I graduated. 我在母校工作。which/that the government has just founded. 我在政府刚建的那所学校工作。when 指时间(指先行词),在定语从句中作时间作时间状语。有时根据意思可以把when换成in which、on which、during which等。We are looking forward to the day when we will reunite.on which we will reunite. 我们期待团圆的那天。Can you tell me the definite time when we will have a picnic?at which we will have a picnic?你能告诉我我们进行野餐的确切时间吗?There are occasions whenon which one has to yield. 人都有不得不屈服的时候。注: 1. When 在其引导定语从句中作时间状语,如不作时间状语不能用whenI remember the days when I worked in the country. 我记得在乡下工作的日子。thatwhich I spent in the country. 我记得在乡下度过的日子。2. 在一些习惯用法中,尽管先行词是表示时间的词,但是定语从句不用引导词,也可以理解成名词词组用作连词引导状语从句。He left the day I arrived. 他是我到的那天离开的。He was born the year his father died. 他在他爸爸去世的那年出生。Come any time you like. 你喜欢什么时候来就什么时候来。By the time he was 14, he had learned advanced mathematics all by himself. 到他14岁的时候,他已经自学了高等数学了。It is the first time I have had trouble with my boss. 这是我第一次与老板有麻烦。Why 指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语,先行词是reason. Why 有时可以换成for whichI dont know the reason why for which he failed. 我们不知道他失败的原因。Is this the reason whyfor which you have to leave here? 这是你得离开这的原因吗?注:why在其引导定语从句中作原因状语,如不作原因状语不能用whyWe dont know the reason whyfor which he failed. 我们不知道他失败的原因。We didnt believe the reason thatwhich he gave us. 我们不信他给我们的理由。限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句定语从句分两种:限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句限制性定语从句与先行词的关系十分密切,对先行词起修饰或限定的作用,是句子不可缺少的成分,限制性定语从句与先行词之间没有逗号。非限制性定语从句与先行词的关系不十分密切,只对先行词起补充或说明的作用,即使去掉非限制性定语从句,句意仍然完整。非限制性定语从句与先行词之间要有逗号。译成汉语时,可译成两句话(that不能引导非限制性定语从句)We will spend this summer in Kunming, where it is warm in winter and cool in summer.我们要在昆明度过这个夏天,那里冬天暖和,夏天凉爽。I was born in 1949, when our motherland was founded. 我1949年出生, 我们祖国成立的那年。His wife, who works in Qingdao, will be back home tomorrow. 他太太在青岛工作,明天就要回家了。注:1. 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句表达的含义不同I chose the books which have pictures in them. 我只选了有插图的书。I chose the books ,which have pictures in them. 这些书都有插图,我全都选了。His brother who is 18 is a soldier. 他十八岁的弟弟是个士兵。(不只一个弟弟)His brother, who is 18, is a soldier. 他的弟弟十八岁,是个士兵。(只有一个弟弟)2. which 引导非限制性定语从句时,which可代表主句所表达的整个内容,或者部分内容,这时which 可译“这一点”。which等于and this 或者 and that.。which在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。Which引导的定语从句只能放在句末,有时表示“不尽如人意的事情”The boy failed to pass the college entrance examination, which disappointed his parents.那男孩没考上大学,这使得他的父母很失望。Her child died in an fire, which drove her mad. 她孩子在火灾中去世,这使她疯了。3. as 也可引导非限制性定语从句,代表主句所表达的整个内容,as 可译成“正如”, as 在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。 As 引导的从句可以放在句首,句中或句末As we all know, Yantai is famous for apples,Yantai is famous for apples, as we all know.Yantai, as is well-known, is famous for apples . 众所周知,烟台苹果闻名。对比:As is well-known, Yantai is famous for apples, 众所周知,烟台苹果闻名。It is well-known that Yantai is famous for apples.对比:As is reported, the talks between the two countries are making progress, 正如报道的那样, 两国间的会谈正在取得进展。It is reported that the talk between the two countries are making progress, 据报道两国间的会谈正在取得进展。常用的as 固定短语:as is said mentioned above 正如以上所说 提到的as is often the case 像一般情况一样as it happened 碰巧as it is 就如现在的这个样子as we can see 正如我们所能看见的as the saying goes runs says 俗话说注:1.定语从句中的谓语动词的数要与先行词一致They respect me ,who am their teacher.我是他们的老师,他们很尊重我。He is only one of the students who have cell phones.他是有手机的学生中的一个。He is the only one of the students who has a cell phone.他是学生中唯一有手机的。2. 在下列情况下只能用 that, 不用which1) 先行词又两个, 一个是人,一个是物We talked about the persons and things that we remembered at school . 我们谈论了我们所能记起的在学校里的人和事。2)先行词被形容词的最高级或被序数词修饰The tallest building that they have built is 100 meters tall, 他们建的最高楼是100米。The second book that the writer wrote was popular with young people. 那个作家写的第二本书很受年轻人的喜欢。3) 先行词被very、last、only、all、 no、 few、 little、 much等修饰The only thing that I could do at that time was wait. 那时我所能做的是等。You can choose any jewel that you like,. 你可以挑选你喜欢的任何一件首饰。4) 先行词是不定代词 all、 anything 、something、 little、 much等Much that I have read is about anti-terrorism. 我读的很多是反恐题材的。The doctors did all that they could to save the patient . 医生尽其所能救那病人。5) that 作表语China is not the country that she used to be. 中国不是以前的中国了。对比:China is not what she used to be. 中国不是以前的中国了。6) 在who which 引导的特殊疑问句中 (以避免重复)Which is the jewel that you like best ? 哪件首饰是你最喜欢的?7)在there is here is it is 句型中Ms Wang, here are the materials that you want. 王小姐,这是你要的材料。3. which 、that 、whom 在定语从句中做宾语时可以省略The girl (whom that ) his son will marry is very pretty. 他儿子要娶的女孩很漂亮。The pinetrees (that which ) we planted last year are growing fine. 我们去年栽的松树长势很好。I want a person (whom that ) I can play with 我需要一个和我玩的人。4.)先行词是不定代词all, any, everything, anything, nothing ,something, much, little, few, none ,the one 等时Much that I have read is about anti-terrorism.我读的很多事反恐题材的。The doctor did all that they could to save the patient.医生尽其所能救那病人。5)that 作表语 China is not the country that she used to be.中国不是以前的中国了。对比:China is not what she used to be . 中国不是以前的中国了。6) 在who /which 引导的 特殊疑问句中(以避免重复)which is the jewel / that you like best?哪件首饰是你最喜欢的?7)在there is / here is /it is 句型中Ms Wang, here are the materials that you want.王小姐,这是你要的材料。3. which / that / whom 在定语从句中做宾语时可以省略The girl (whom/ that) his son will marry is very pretty.他儿子要娶的女孩很漂亮。The pinetrees(that /which) we planted last year are growing fine.我们去年载的松树长势很好。4. 当which ,whom 在定语从句中做介词宾语时,介词可以提到which 、 whom 前面。但做介词时,介词不可以提到that 前面 4.当which whom在定语从句中做介词时,介词可以提到which whom前面,但that做介词宾语时,介词不可以提到that 前面This is the house which Lao She once lived in.that Lao She once lived in.where Lao She once lived.这是老舍的故居。He is the man _ I worked with_ I worked_ I work with 他是与我共事的人。注:1.并不是所有含有介绍的动词短语中的介词都可以提到which 、whom 前边。如果将动词短语中的介词提前,短语的意思改变了,介词的意思改变了,介词就不可以提前,如:look after , look for 等固定短语中的介词就不可以提到 which, whom前面。2. 下列句子也可以使介词提到which ,whom 前的情况,多用于非限制性定语从句中he used to lived in an old house, in front of which stood a big tree.他过去住在一所老房子里,那个房子前面有一颗大树。The box ,on the top of which there is a bottle, is full of historical books. 那个箱子上有个瓶子,箱子里全是历史.We came to a hill , at the foot of which flowed a stream. 我们来到一座小山,山脚下流淌着一条小溪。5.注意下列句子中的不同句子结构:he has two daughters, both of whom are doctors., of whom both are doctors.and both of them are doctors. 他有两个女儿,都是医生。The Chinese team won 16 gold medals, 12 of which were won by women.,of which 12 were won by women.but 12 of them were won by women.中国队赢了16块金牌,但其中12块是女子得的。China has thousands of islands, the biggest of which is Taiwan., of which the biggest is Taiwan.and the biggest of them is Taiwan.中国有数以千计的岛屿,最大的是台湾岛。6. 在there be 句型中关系代词可以省略we must make full of the time (that )there is before the examination.我们必须充分利用考前所有的时间。This is the only bus (that) there is to our village . 这是开往我们村唯一的公共汽车。7.先行词前有such , the same ,as many, as much , not so many, not so much 修饰时,要as 引导定语从句。As 也是关系代词,在从句中做主语,表语,宾语I will go to the library and borrow such a book as you borrowed yesterday. 我们要到图书馆去借你昨天借的那样一本书。Dont trust such men as praise you to your face.不要信任当面吹捧你的那种人。As many people as were present at the conference were for the plan. 出席会议的人都同意那个计划。He has not so much money as people think.他没有人们认为的有那么多的钱。注:1. 先行词被the same 修饰时,后面的定语从句既可以修饰时,后面的定语从句既可以用that也可以as, 但是他们的意思有所不同,比较下列句子:This is the same watch as I lost yesterday. But it is not mine.这表与我昨天丢的是同样的,但那不是我的。(as 表示“同样的”)This is the same watch that I lost yesterday. It is mine.这表与我 昨天丢的是同一块表,那是我的。(that 表示“同一个”)2.注意下列两个句子中such . as 与such . that引导的不同从句He is such a learned man as I admire.他是我敬佩的有学问的人。such a learned man that I admired him.他是那么有学问的人我敬佩他。He is so learned a man as I admire . 他是我敬佩的有学问的人。So learned a man that I admire him. 他是那么有学问的人,我敬佩他。8.way “方式,方法”,后接定语从句一般不用引导词,有时用that或in whichNone of us know the way (that/ in which)he worked out the maths problem.我们没人知道他解那道数学的方法。The blind girl could play the piano the way her teacher played.那个盲女孩能用她老师演奏钢琴的方法演奏。但在下列句子中way (方式,方法)后的定语从句仍然要用that 或 which。Would you like to show us again the way that / which you used just now?请你把刚才使用的方法给我们展示一下吗?(缺少宾语)9.定语从句一般总是用在先行词后面,但有时定语从句和先行词之间插了一个短语等,这种定语从句称为分隔性定语从句。The film brought the hours back to us when we grew up together.这个电影使我们回想起我们一起成长的时光。I was the only person in my office who was invited to the ball.我是办公室中唯一被邀请去参加舞会的人。10有些定语从句的结构是很复杂的。要从句子成分上好好分析。1)。定语从句里有插入语The scientist has made some discoveries, which I believe are of great importance.那个科学家有一些发现,我相信这些发现是很重要的。It was in the village where he was born that he invested in building an advanced school.是在他出生的村庄里他投资建立了一所高级学校。It was in 1949, when our motherland was founded, that he joined the PLA.那是1949年,我们祖国成立的那年他参军的。The villagers talked about the great trouble that the old man had in building the school.村民们谈起那个老人建立学校的困难。The use that you make of your spare time matters.你如何利用你的业余时间很重要。The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see carried out the next year.经理们讨论了他们想看到下一年实行的计划。【课后拓展练习】伴你学P15-17体验高考1. The old town has narrow streets and small houses_ are built close to each other.(2020山东)A. they B. where C. what D. that2. She has a gift for creating an atmosphere_ allows her students to communicate freely with each other.(2020福建)A. which B. where C. what D. who3. Youll find taxis waiting at the bus station_ you can hire to reach your host family. (2020上海)A. which B. where C. when D. as4. Women _ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those _ dont .(2020全国)A. who ; B. ; who C. who; who D. 5. Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _ I met in the English speech contest last year.A. who B. where C. when D. which6. Thats the new machine_ parts are two small to be seen.A. that B. which C. whose D. what7. The old temple_ roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair.A. where B. which C. its D. whose8. The prize will go to the writer_ story shows the most imagination.A. that B. which C. whose D. what9. The newly built caf, the walls of_ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.A. that B. it C. what D. which10.The man pulled out a gold watch,_ were made of small diamonds.A. the hands of whom B. whom the hands of C. which the hands of D. the hands of which11. He showed the visitors around the museum, the construction_ had taken more than 3 years.A. for which B. with which C. of which D. to which12. Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2020, _ he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students Union.A. during which time B. for which time C. during whose time D. by that time13.The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister_ she would stay for an hour.A. where B. who C. which D. what14.Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet_ life has been developed gradually.A. that B. where C. which D. whose15. A bank is the place_ they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.A. when B. that C. where D. there16. Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity_ sight matters more than hearing.A. when B. whose C. which D. where17.Its helpful to put children in a situation_ they can see themselves differently.A. that B. when C. which D. where18.Life is like a long race_ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.A. why B. what C. that D. where19.Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers _ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.A. where B. when C. who D. which20.After graduation she reached a point in her career_ she needed to decide what to do.A. that B. what C. which D. where21.Shell never forget her stay there_ she found her son who had gone missing 2 years before.A. that B. which C. where D. when22.We are living in an age_ many things are done on computer.A. which B. that C. whose D. when23.We went through a period_ communications were very difficult in the rural areas.A. which B. whose C. in which D. with which24.Is this the reason_ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work ?A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained25.As a child, Jack studied in a village school,_ is named after his grandfather.A. which B. where C. what D. that26. Leftovers may be put into the refrigerator,_ it will keep for 2 or 3 weeks.A. which B. when C. where D. while27.Between the two parts of the concert is an interval,_ the audience can buy ice-cream.A. when B. where C. that D. which28.The school shop ,_ customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays.A. which B. whose C. when D. where29.Whenever I met her,_ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile.A. who B. which C. when D. that30. Ted came for the weekend, wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt,_ is a stupid thing in such weather.A. this B. that C. when D. which31. Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others,_ of course, made all the others upset.A. who B. which C. what D. that32.The Beatles,_ many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.A. what B. that C. how C. as33. _ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.A. Which B. When C. What D. As34. I travelled to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day,_ do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin city.A. as B. which C. when D. though35. Mary is easy to recognize as shes the only one of the women who_ evening dress.A. wear B. wears C. has worn D. have worn36. He is the only one of the students who_ a winner of scholarship in 3 years.A. is B. are C. have been D. has been37.The thought of going back home was_ kept him happy while he was working abroad.A. that B. all that C. all what D. which38. I refused to accept the blame fro something_ was someone elses fault.A. who B. that C. as D. what39. Do you have anything to say for yourselves?-Yes, there s one point_ we must insist on.A. why B. where C. how D. 40.The house I grew up_ has been taken down and replaced by an office building.A. in it B. in C. in that D. in which41. Wind power is an ancient sou


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