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朗文版五年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷 (1)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AclockBhereCthere2 . Is Amy in the bed? ( )Yes, _.Ashe isBhe isCit is3 . No, _. He is my teacher. ( )Ahe isBhe isntCshe is找出下列选项中与其他两个不同类的单词4 . AeyeBearCtail5 . ApandaBduckCtall6 . AsmallBstudentCshort7 . What did you _ in your bag? ( )My ticket and passport.AtakeBdoCput8 . 选出每组中不同类的单词。(_)1. A.youB.heC.is(_)2. A.secondB.oneC.third D. first(_)3. A.subjectB.luckC.win(_)4.A.yearB.weekC.monthD.animal(_)5. A.parkB.litterC.garden9 . Peter likes _. ( )Areading storyBread storiesCreading stories10 . - you watch TV yesterday?( )- No,I didnt.AWereBDidCAre11 . You will find the Great Barrier Reef . ( )Ain ChinaBin AustraliaCin the UK选择与图片相符的句子。12 . ( )AHe is my teacher.BShe is my teacher.CHe is a pupil.13 . ( )ANice to meet you.BLets go to school.CThis is Mr. Jones.14 . ( )AWhos that man?BWhos that old woman?CWhos that girl?根据图片选择单词。15 . ( )AboyBgirl16 . ( )AheadBhand17 . ( )AtenBtwo18 . ( )ApenBpig19 . ( )AbagBleg二、填空题20 . 选词填空。1_ have two big _s. (I, eye)2I never _ dresses. (where, wear)3He has _ shirts, _.(two, too)4I want to _ an apple. (by, buy)5We need _ tickets _ my friends. (for, four)21 . 根据提示写词汇或句子。1. The hat is nice.Put _ on(they).2.I have many _(花) for you.3. Lets _(eat) some apples.4.Do you like _(跳)?22 . 根据中文,将短语补充完整1. _ice cream(一个冰激凌)2. some_(一些果汁)3. a _ of tea(一杯茶)4. a _ of coke(一瓶可乐)5. a _ of water(一杯水)6. _ candy (一些糖果)三、任务型阅读23 . 阅读短文。根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确的记T错误的记F。Im a girl.My English name is Cathy.My Chinese name is Pan Chuqing.I am a Pupil in Zhuhai.I like English very much,and I like singing and dancing ,too .I goto school from Monday to Friday every week.My school is not far from my home,and it is a nice school.I go to school on foot.It takes me about 20 minutes. Thereare 70 teachers and 1435 students in my school.There are 28 classes in my schoolMy Chinese teacher is tall,my English teacher is fat,but my maths teacher is thin.I love them very much. Welcome to my school.(1)I am a boy student in Zhuhai.(2)I like English,singing and dancing. (3)I walk to school every day. (4)My English teacher is tall and thin. (5)I dont go to school on Sunday.四、汉译英24 . 一个人一辈子干好事是不容易的。Itsnoteasy_onetodogood_.五、英汉混合25 . 英汉互译1. 暑假计划_ 2. become strong _3. 我们的梦想_ 4. a healthy diet _5. 好习惯_ 6. from then on _7. 大声地笑_ 8. be full of joy _9. 一个有趣的国家_ 10. come true _六、填内容补全对话补全小诗。26 . Old Mr _.Put the _ on the _.Old Mr _.Put the _ on his _.27 . Old Mr _.Put the _ on the _.Mr _Put his _ on his toes.28 . 根据图片信息补全对话。A: 1._ 2._ is it today? B: Its Tuesday.A: Do you play basketball on Tuesday?B: 3._, I 4._. I play 5._ on Tuesday?A: 6._ do you 7._ on Sunday?B: I do kung fu on Su


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